Holiday Special: The Perfect Egg
Oh Boy, Easter. One of the most well known holidays across the entire world, it was that time of the year for our heroes at HOH
Everybody had been gathered outside to paint their own eggs as an Easter activity, there were a few who didn't want to because it was "For Kids". But hey, you're a Celestial God, nobody can judge you for what you wanna do
Midoriya: Oh Man, I love Easter! My mom used to always make the best dinner during Easter nights!
Ruby: And our dad always hid the Eggs places that actually made an Easter Egg hunt challenging and fun!
Issei: My parents usually weren't around for Easter. I would spend it at home alone doing...things...
Mineta: He was yeeting it.
Akko: I love Easter, and painting the eggs like this has always been my favourite part!
Kirishima: Heh, I think we can guess what Y/N loves about Easter...he likes eating!
Y/N: Duh! Lots of sweets and good food to eat! It's awesome!
As you looked around at everyone else's designs in their eggs, you noticed how a few of them had some really cool patterns and colour schemes, meanwhile yours was only painted completely with F/C paint so far as the base
You didn't quite know what to use for your design yet.
Y/N: Hmm...what should I choose...this one...? No...maybe this one...nah...aha! This one...Actually no...
Kirishima: Having Trouble choosing, Y/N?
Y/N: Yeah...I don't know what to use for my design...
Kirishima: Well a lot of us are using colours that fit us! Look at Midoriya's, his is Green, Black, and a little bit of white or grey. Sums up his looks! Ruby's is Red, Black, and Silver, it suits her too!
Y/N: So...Maybe White and Red for Omni God! Or maybe Black, Blue, and Silver for Ultra Instinct!
Kirishima: Now you're catching on!
With that you decided to go with the UI colours since there was simply more to use, taking your little brush and starting to paint
Seeing as you were kinda bad at drawing complex designs you decided to keep it simple and traditional, nothing too flashy, in the end, it didn't look the coolest, but you were satisfied
Y/N: All Done!
Kirishima: Not bad!
Y/N: Thanks, Man!
You then felt a sudden tap on your shoulder as you tuned in to see Kalasha, alongside Lotus and Kasai as they had finished with their egg paintings a while ago
Y/N: Kalasha?
Kalasha: Hello, Y/N. By the looks of it, you seem to be having fun.
Y/N: Yeah, my Egg isn't the best out of the batch, but I like it anyway!
Kalasha: Anyway, we need your assistance with a certain task if you don't mind.
Y/N: I'm just finishing up so I'm free. What is it?
Kalasha: You see, somewhere in a nearby forest lies a Golden Egg, this Egg is very special, once it hatches a bunny will emerge and bless the entire second reality with good luck as an Easter Gift.
Y/N: And you need us to find it?
Kalasha: Affirmative.
Y/N: Alright! Bring it on! Let's find this egg!
Lotus and Kasai: Yeah!!
Kirishima: Good Luck, Y/N!
Y/N: Thanks man, we might need it. Forests can be massive!
With that You, Lotus, and Kasai all leaped into the air and blasted into the sky, eventually leaving everybody's sight as Kirishima continued to work on his egg
Time Skip
You and the others were just now arriving at the forest that Kalasha had informed you about, it was filled with life of all kinds, Animals you've seen before, and other creatures that nobody else from the first reality had ever seen
The entire forest itself was very bright and colourful, the scenery was great for this type of day, and with spring just truly blooming a few days ago, it couldn't be more fitting
The air was a lot more fresh than usual as simply breathing in felt so pleasurable, it instantly put you all in a better mood
Y/N: *Deep Breath* that's's like drinking a cold soda on a hot summer day!
Lotus: You said it! I feel really good now!
Kasai: I feel so warm and fuzzy!
Y/N: Well we better not get too distracted, let's find that egg!
With that you began your search, there weren't many small spaces to look, but there were a lot of trees to search
You were beneath the water of a pond in the distance looking underwater for the Egg, you assumed that if it was down there, it would be easier to find as it is made of Gold
However, as large as the pond was, you found no egg under there, so you simply bursted out of the water and flew to a different place to look
Lotus was searching the trees in all sorts birds' nests and such in hopes of finishing it, he found dozens of normal eggs, but none of them were Golden, he was about to move onto the pond when you waved your arms out and stopped him
Y/N: Hold on, it's not down there. I looked.
Lotus: Damn...
Kasai was looking in any place he could gaze upon, looking in the trees, in logs, and even rocks of all sorts of shapes and sizes. Eventually he lifted a really large Boulder and looked underneath, but all he found was a couple of worms and other insects in a puddle of mud
Lotus: You really think it's under a rock...?
Kasai: Hey, it's a Golden Egg! It could be anywhere!
The three of you kept looking for what seemed like hours, and even with all of that looking you found no egg, the only thing keeping all of you from losing your shit was the extra Fresh and Intoxicating atmosphere
Y/N: Man...we looked EVERYWHERE...
Lotus: Is this even the right forest...?
Kasai: I'm starting to think that there is no egg...
Y/N: C'mon, let's go and tell Kalasha the bad news...
The three of you were just about to leave when suddenly could hear a strange sound in the distance, but you didn't know where it was coming from
You started to look everywhere in a rushed state of mind as Lotus and Kasai watched you in confusion
Kasai: Y/N are you—
Y/N: Shh!
Kasai: ...He shushed me!!
Lotus: Y/N, what are you—
Lotus: Boy I KNOW you didn't just—
Y/N; SHH! You didn't hear that...? Listen...
Lotus and Kasai then started to listen closely as they too heard the sound, but they couldn't tell where it was coming from either
Kasai: Now I hear it...but what direction is it coming from...?
Lotus: It seems to be coming from every direction...
All of a sudden you heard a loud screech come from above as you looked directly up with widened eyes before instinctively yelling out to the others
The three of you then leaped away in different directions as a massive creature pounced onto the ground, creating a powerful gust of wind
Y/N: Is that...?
It was a Gigantic Bird, one of it's wings alone was bigger than the three of you combined, much bigger for that matter
Kasai: Holy Crap, It's Big Bird!!
Y/N: What?! Isn't Big Bird Yellow...?
Lotus: FOCUS!!
With that all of you flew directly up and readied yourselves for a battle. A single flap of the birds wings was more than enough to generate enough wind to blow away planets
Lotus: You feel those heavy winds?! We better watch it!
Y/N: I got it!
You then dove straight towards the colossal creature as you reeled your fist back, activating your true power and slugging the bird right in the face
Y/N: We gotta take care of him fast, we only get one Easter per year!
Both; Got it!
As you continued to fly higher the massive creature followed, implying that the forest was now out of harms way, and you could fight this thing seriously
Y/N: Ha!!
You suddenly dove in once again and spun kicked the beast right in the top of it's head, the entire sky area shook violently upon contact as the bird started to screech once more
It then turned it's head up directly towards you as it's beak hung wide open, you were ready for a blast which is why you were surprised when it started sucking you in
The pressure of this Bird's inhaling ability was enough to take you by surprise as Lotus and Kasai both went wide eyed and called out to you
Kasai: Y/N! Get out of there or else YOU'LL be the one on the menu!!
Y/N: It's pull is too strong...!! I can't Transform!!
You were then swept in by the amount of pulling wind as the moment you were in range, the bird closed it's jaws with you inside, gobbling you down in one gulp
Lotus: Damn it!! We gotta get him out of there!
That being said Lotus and Kasai flew into action as they both prepared their own beams of energy and firing at a fast rate
With it's wings flapping with powerful force the Ki blasts were simply blown right back at them as they were forced to move out of the way
Kasai: Man! We can't risk being sucked in too!
The Giant Bird was about to make it's next move when suddenly it slightly hunched forward as it's stomach area made a strange cracking sound
Lotus: Uh...what just happened...?
Turns out you were beating up the bird from the inside, and it wasn't just punches. Lotus could've sworn that he heard you fire a few blasts in there as well
Once it was weakened it's mouth slowly started to open as you could be seen holding the upper part of it's beak up with one hand, now transformed into Super Saiyan 2
Kasai: Y/N!
Y/N: Kasai, Think Fast!
All of a sudden you tossed something towards Kasai as he caught it immediately, of course there was strange liquids all over it, which he almost barfed in response
Kasai: Eww!! Gross!!
Lotus: that...?
Indeed it was, it happened to be The Golden Egg that you had been looking for for several hours, of course it didn't look as pretty with Kasai holding it while in the verge of throwing up
Lotus: The Egg!!
Y/N: I found it in this thing's guts...SHEESH YOU'RE BREATH STINKS!!
You then leaped out of it's beak as it's jaws shut and locked down, luckily with you able to make your escape as you wiped your forehead in disgust
Y/N: Ugh...Gross...Sadly that isn't the first time I've been in that kind of situation...
Kasai: Well we found what we were looking for! Let's hurry up and go already before it tries to eat us again!
With that the three of you flew off at speeds the giant bird couldn't keep up with, leaving it to simply let out some more angry screeches
Y/N: Once we get back, I'm gonna take a LONG shower...
Time Skip
Kalasha: So, you three actually managed to retrieve the Egg. I'm impressed.
Lotus: Well, it was Y/N who found it...
Kirishima: But where did he find it...?
Kasai: In a Giant Bird's Stomach.
Kirishima: ...Ew...
Kalasha: Well, it seemed to have been very well worth it for Y/N over there.
Everybody then looked over to see you in the middle of a large pile of all sorts of delicacies, from Meat, to fruit, to vegetables, it was all there
Y/N: Hehehehehe! Worth every bit!!
All of a sudden the Egg could be seen cracking as everybody gasped at the sight of this, everybody looked closer as it cracked again
Akko: Is it...?!
Kalasha: Yes, It's Hatching!
Upon more and more cracks forming in the Egg Shell, eventually a small little bunny came bursting out through the top, the egg slowly tipping over allowing the bunny to crawl out
And just like it's Egg Shell, this Bunny's fur was just as shiny. Glimmering brightly as everybody gasped in awe
Ruby: Oh My God!! He's so adorable!! Can we keep him?!? PLEASE?!?!
Kalasha: Sadly we cannot. It technically is still a wild animal after all.
Ruby: *Puppy Eyes*
Kalasha: Ruby no.
Akko: *Also Puppy Eyes*
Kalasha: Not you too! Grr......Fine...seeing as Y/N found the egg in a Giant Bird's Stomach, I suppose we could "Protect" it for a few days...
Ruby and Akko: YES!!
And with another year comes another Easter. Hopefully you've spent it in a way that makes you happy, wether it's by getting a gift, enjoying the food, or simply enjoying the day itself.
Happy Easter, Everybody.
- LavenderBlitz
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