Chapter 91: The Real Fight Begins Now
As of this very second you found yourself staring down a new opponent, Majin Tammora. Her energy wasn't the strongest but it was quite strange.
Y/N: It...hurts to sense her energy...?!
As you had stated, sensing her energy even a little bit caused your head to start feeling an overwhelming amount of pressure to the point that it actually hurt.
Akko: Y/N, are you okay...?
Y/N: I'll be fine. I don't know who that is with you there, but you best get them out of here for their safety...
???: Eh, I think I'll be fine. Things like this aren't exactly new to me.
Akko: N-No, Michiru...Y/N isn't like anything we've seen back in your world...he's...Different.
???: I don't really know what's going on, but okay...
All of a sudden the individual who had brought Akko back started glowing as they quickly vanished before your eyes.
Akko: Huh?! Where's she go?!?
Y/N: If I were to guess, Kalasha or his sister must've warped her off of this planet seeing as she isn't a student of either sides. She isn't allowed on these grounds.
Akko: Well at least now I don't have to worry about leaving you behind...?
Y/N: Nah, you'd probably wanna start running anytime now. Things are about to get crazy...
Akko: No! Every time you get into something like this we just watch! We're fighting too! I refuse to leave you here to possibly die!
You were taken back by Akko's words but you didn't argue with them. Only letting out a sigh of defeat as you got into a stance and prepared yourself to continue fighting.
Akko: Y/N doesn't look so good right now...he's covered in wounds and he looks a little tired...I can help with that!
Suddenly Akko pulled out her wand and started working her magic. Coating you with a sparkly energy that started to heal you up. Just like Asia's healing powers.
You could also feel your stamina and energy coming back to you. However before you could he restored to 100% a yellow Ki blast suddenly came raining down as you and Akko quickly leaped out of the way.
???: Well Well. We finally meet face to face, Y/N. I've been waiting for so long.
Y/N: Another one...?!
You and Akko looked up and upon doing so spotted another Majin in the air. Simply levitating casually with his open hand smoking from the blast.
This Majin was Pale, his head tentacles were also positioned to look like hair just like the Majin standing before you. However this Majin was a male and had an energy that was much greater.
Majin Gomia
Tammora: It's about time you showed up, Gomia! Things are just getting fun!
Gomia: I see that. I can't help but notice that you have already fought Cameron. He's quite the powerhouse, no?
Y/N: Well compared to most others, I guess. But I've still got plenty in store for you guys!
Gomia: Good. This wouldn't be very fun if you didn't!
Akko: Y/N, what do we do...?!
Y/N: You healed me enough for me to have a good fight. Plus I'm feeling a little more energized. So I can probably take them both...
You then looked up at the sky towards where Cameron was still hiding. You could feel his power growing drastically by the second.
Y/N: Cameron's Power is growing so much...and these two probably aren't willing to let me get back up there...I've gotta take them out fast before Cameron's power gets out of hand...
You suddenly gained a golden aura that started emitting electricity that sparked through your whole body. You had transformed into Super Saiyan 2
Gomia: Oh? Your power just increased by so much! I'm getting rather excited!
Tammora: Same here!
Y/N: Heh, it's a shame. If we weren't enemies you two would've been great sparring partners...
All of a sudden you flew into the air bolted into the distance at maximum speed as both of the Majin's went rushing after you. Akko could only watch as the three of you took off.
Akko: There he goes again...
All of a sudden the ground started to shake as two pieces of the ground suddenly rose up and smashed together. Akko could barely jump out of danger and avoid getting crushed as she gasped of shock.
???: Damn. You're faster than you look.
Akko looked into the distance to be greeted by Maquist who was slowly walking towards her direction.
Akko had never even seen him before so she didn't quite know what to expect. But between your knowledge and Mori's, Akko was outclassed.
Akko herself was already scared from the look in his eyes. She tried firing a small orb of energy towards him with her wand, only for Maquist to smack it away like a fly.
Maquist: I can't find anybody that strong so I might as well take the weaker ones until the real challengers start coming out.
Akko: Y-Y/N—
Maquist: He can't help you. He's already occupied with those two up there. And once Cameron gets enough power, he's finished.
Akko: You're underestimating what Y/N can do!
Maquist: Mhm. And you're overestimating yourself. Thinking that your attack there would hurt me.
It was here that Akko noticed that Maquist was not alone. Nothing that several more students were appearing all around her to the point where she was surrounded.
Turns out, it was the four you had met back on the ship. Ichigo, Gon, Ryuko, and Megumin. All of them accompanying Maquist as they had Akko surrounded.
Akko: N-N-Not good...!!!
Gon: It feels wrong, ganging up on somebody like this, but we don't have a choice. Sorry about this...
Ichigo: We'll try to make it quick and painless.
Maquist: You guys can take her. I'm off to a more fun battle.
With that Maquist powered up and leaped into the skies towards you and the Majins. Akko being scared stiff of her current situation. She could take one, but not all four of them at once.
Akko: Somebody please help...!!
You were currently doing battle against the two Majins in the skies. Gomia was staying close and personal ding his best to hit you with melee attacks while Tammora blasted you from afar.
Whenever you tried to get one of them, the other would get you first. You weren't having the most pleasant experience in this battle.
Y/N: Damn! I can't get any good hits in!
Gomia: What's wrong?! I thought the Reincarnated King would pack a little more of a punch!!
Speaking of punches, you received one right in the face by Gomia as he started to make these comments. He was definitely stronger than Cameron as of right now. Switching to Super Saiyan 2 was a wise decision.
It wasn't long before you managed to outmaneuver the Majin as he tried to hit you several times. However using Ultra Instinct you managed to dodge his attacks and Tammora's blasts at the same time.
The Ultra Instinct technique on top of Super Saiyan 2 managed to give you a slight edge over the two of them for awhile, however that changed when Tammora decided to paralyze you again with her Magic.
Coating you with the same pink energy, you were rendered helpless as Gomia started bombarding you with a series of punches, some to your face and others to your torso.
And to end his little combo, Maquist suddenly came flying into the scene where he kicked you in the side hard enough to fracture one of your ribs. You went wide eyed and gagged from the pain as blood began to spill from your mouth.
Immediately afterwards you went crashing into a mountain Tammora and Gomia were surprised by Maquist's sudden appearance.
Gomia: Oh c'mon, Maquist. That's just unfair.
Maquist: What? Our Academy is at stake here.
Tammora: Actually that's wrong. Their academy is at stake. Not ours.
Y/N: This is all just some big game to you guys, isn't it?!
The three of them all looked with slightly widened eyes as you suddenly came flying out of the mountain. The mountain itself exploding to bits as you gritted your teeth.
But another thing was that you had transformed into Super Saiyan 3. Charging directly towards them as you even started growling like a Primal Saiyan.
Gomia: His Power just skyrocketed!
Maquist then stepped up while crossing his arms and preparing to block the attack head on. The two Majins looking at him as if he was crazy.
Maquist: Don't worry, I got it.
Gomia: Are you sure...?
Maquist: Who do you think you're talking to—
All of a sudden you shattered right through his guard and planted your elbow right into this man's stomach. Causing the entire area to erupt with shockwaves as the whole planet shook before your devastating blow.
Maquist felt a pain that he had never felt before as you suddenly started pushing him all around the world at high speeds. All while letting out a wild battlecry.
Before they knew it you and Maquist came back from the other direction as you slammed him into the ground, creating a colossal crater in the planet that could be seen from space.
Gomia: Sweet mother of Korizen...!!
Tammora: Shh! We're not supposed to say his actual name...!!
Gomia: Sorry sorry...but...HOLY CRAP!
Y/N: Learn to stay down. Somebody else will deal with you...
With that you flew back towards the two Majins as Maquist was left laying in a crater as he chuckled to himself as a little bit of blood escaped his mouth.
Maquist: Man...That guy really is amazing...
With that you appeared back at where the Majin duo was as you gave them a look that was much more viscous than anything they had seen up until this point.
Y/N: Which one of you is next...?
Gomia: Bold of you to assume that's enough to beat Maquist.
Y/N: And like I said, somebody else will deal with him...
You then powered up with a raging aura as bits of electricity began to wildly spark from your body. Your eyes turning yellow for a brief moment before returning to turquoise.
Y/N: Now let's continue this fight!!!
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