Chapter 89: Will of The Burning Dragon

While Kirishima's battle had been resolved with him claiming the victory and at last getting something into his system, he was able to go on and continue traversing the planet with Lotte and whoever else they may find.

However Yang's situation was a little different. Not only was she having a harder time because she was all alone, but she was rather stressed of the whole situation as a whole.

Currently she was walking through a jungle like area. The cries of several different animals could be heard all over as she swept away countless vines and jumped over lots of logs.

However unlike Kirishima, Yang actually had a small supply of food on her. Only eating what she needed when she needed to.

Yang: I know that one way or another you'll come through, Y/N...but just to be safe...please don't die...we've got our whole lives to move forward into...

She then started to feel the ground shaking below her feet. She expected something to come from above, but was instead greeted by a series of loud sounds in the distance.

She was ready for anything and readied her Gauntlets, prepared to punch whatever the heck was headed towards her, wether they be friend or foe.

And just to her luck it was a foe, or should I say dozens of them. A massive pack of Grimm, Ursas to be exact, were running directly towards Yang.

She was a bit surprised that there were Grimm on this planet, but once she realized that they weren't much of a threat she simply clenched her fist and punched the ground.

This created a massive explosion with the power Equivalent to that of 100 nuclear bombs. Needless to say that those Grimm were obliterated almost immediately. All of that power from a single causal punch.

In the midst of the explosion Yang stood tall in the Center of a massive crater as she wiped her hands together and let out a little sigh of relief.

Yang: Wow. Looks like all of that Zenkai Zone training really paid off!

With that she advanced further into the jungle area. Or at least whatever was left of it.

Time Skip

The sun had just started going down and Yang had found a spot where she could stay for the night. She didn't have much but it was enough to keep her alive for at least a week.

She had made due in an underground tunnel that seemed to have been dug years ago. There wasn't much down there, and that's why she thought it was safe to stay there for the night. No Grimm, no opposing students, as of this very second, she was safe.

Yang: Phew! I'm just about ready for a nap! I can't wait until this is over...I just wanna sleep in my own bed again...

Unlike Kirishima who wasn't able to fall asleep due to hunger and being uncomfortable, Yang had packed an air mattes that Weiss had provided her with. With it, she was able to get comfy in no time.

Having a small torch that she made from a stick outside, she placed it close to the bed but not too close. Getting comfy and eventually dozing off to sleep.

Several Hours Later

Yang had been fast asleep for hours now as she was having a rather...pleasant dream to say the least. One would be able to tell from what she was saying in her sleep.

Yang: Hehehe...Oh Y/'re such a naughty boy~

She kept giggling to herself as a crimson red blush slowly spread across her face. However because of how much noise she was making while sleep talking, she had managed to gain the attention of somebody outside.

???: Hm? Oh? Looks like somebody's enjoying themselves in there. It could be an enemy. I should use this as a chance to attack while their guard's down!

With that the person then started to make their way into the underground pathway. It wasn't too deep of course since Yang still needed a good amount of oxygen to breathe.

Yang suddenly started sweating and even a little bit of soft moans escaped her mouth as all of a sudden the sound of a Ki blast firing could be heard.

This woke Yang up in a matter of seconds as she instantly leaped out of the way to watch her bed become vaporized by the blast.

Yang: Huh?! What?! Who?!

???: Damn...Almost...

Yang: Who the hell is rude enough to attack someone when their SLEEPING?!

Yang's eyes went red for a split second before going back to their original colour as the person who had attacked her stepped out of the shadows and into the light.

Yang: Wait a second...Y-You're a...

Yang, eyes widened and jaw somewhat dropped, started to sweat a little bit as she saw a girl who was around her age. Her black hair tied into a pony tail with purple baggy pants. But what made Yang to shocked was that she had a tail, meaning one thing and one thing only.


Yang: Y-You're a Saiyan...?!

Tomitori: You bet I am! And now that I'm getting a good look at're Yang Xiao Long aren't you?!

Yang: So what if I am...?

Tomitori: You're dating Y/N! The Y/N! Probably the most awesome and strongest Saiyan ever!! I'm so jealous!!

Yang: ...Excuse me...?

Tomitori: I watched him at the G.W.E and even saw you guys at the festival...!! He's Super Strong and I find that Super Attractive!!

Yang: We'll I'm sorry to burst your bubble but he's mine...

Tomitori: Ugh! I know! And that's what sucks! Why you?! You're Strong but not as Strong as me!!

Yang: *Cracks her knuckles*...You wanna come over here and confirm that...? Talking down to me while having eyes on MY boyfriend has given me a good enough reason to kick your teeth in...

Yang's eyes then turned red again as she was now angry, and you wouldn't like Yang when she's...upset.

Tomitori: Bring it on! I'll prove to you that I'm a more suitable mate for him!!

Yang: He's already got like 10 included...

Tomitori wasted no time in leaping directly towards Yang and going in for a punch to which Yang dodged and kicked her away, Tomitori slid across the ground and crashed into the nearby wall and clenched her teeth in pain.

Tomitori: Damn...I let my instincts take over...

The Saiyan then picked herself up from the ground and threw multiple blasts at Yang to which she responded by jumping and rolling out of danger, avoiding each individual blast as she started firing a flurry of fireballs from her gauntlets to counter the blasts.



Every projectile clashed and bursted on contact as Tomitori suddenly rushed in at speeds that surpassed Yang's. Punching her in the face as Yang was dazed by the blow, but she didn't move at all.

Tomitori: ...What...?!

Yang then started pushing Tomitori's fist back with her cheek as she smirked and punched the Saiyan directly in the gut to which she went wide eyed and jumped back a little from the pain.

Tomitori: Ugh...!!

Yang: Bye Bye~

Not even giving her a chance to take a breathe Yang then smashed her fist into Tomitori's chin to which a few cracks were heard. Sending her flying not even moments after.

Tomitori: GAH!!

Tomitori then crashed into the exact same spot on the wall as last time as she struggled to pick herself up from the ground. Yang running her fingers through her hair and looking down at her with a smug look on her face.

Yang: Y'know, for a Saiyan, I expected you to be a little bit stronger.

Tomitori: You want Stronger...? I'll give you stronger!!

All of a sudden Yang was blown away as Tomitori gained a bright golden aura. Sending her crashing out of the pathway and back outside onto the surface.

Yang bounced and skidded across the ground before managing to recover as she watched Tomitori emerge from the underground as a Super Saiyan.

Yang: I should've known...

Tomitori: I'm sure you already know what this is.

Yang: Yeah Yeah Basic Super Saiyan. Just hurry up and face me...

Tomitori: Oh...? Careful what you wish for!!

Yang then went wide eyed as Tomitori was suddenly right behind her. Taking a swing and kicking Yang right in the back as she went flying.

Yang hardly had any time to recover as Tomitori appeared right above her and bashed her face into the ground with a heavy punch.

Yang could hardly keep up with what was happening as she was suddenly launched into orbit by a large Ki blast that Tomitori had tired from her hands.

Yang: Shit...I'm not used to these kinds of beatings...but I won't back down...I handled Y/N as a Super Saiyan 4...I won't lose to this chick...!!

Tomitori suddenly appeared above her once again as she had a massive ball of energy in her hands, ready to blast her at any moment.

Tomitori: From one Female Warrior to another, I'll give you some advice. Just give up. It hurts less for you. And it's easier for me!

The Female Saiyan then forced her blast right into Yang as it started going back towards the surface. From the atmosphere all the way to the ground, Yang was slammed into the ground with tremendous force as a massive red explosion occurred soon after.

As the explosion started to fade off into smoke. Tomitori touched down onto the ground and watched from a distance with a smirk on her face there wasn't a trace to be seen from Yang anywhere.

Tomitori: Hm. I can't believe you talked all that trash just to be this pathetic. Well you know what they say. The Weakest dogs bark the loudest.

Yang was unconscious in the Center of the massive crater in the ground, her clothes torn up and her body covered in open wounds as she could hardly catch her breath.

Yang: Y-Y/N...Ruby...I'm sorry...I wasn't strong enough...

Don't back down yet! Yang!

Yang: H-Huh...? Is that...Ruby...?

Yang, you can do it. I know you can. Show them that you're strong. Strong in the REAL WAY!

Yang: Y/N...I will! For YOU!!

With that Tomitori started to walk off into the distance, still having a smug look on her face when suddenly a massive explosion occurred from behind her.

Going wide eyed she quickly turned and looked into the distance to see somebody standing in the Center of the crater. Of course it was none other than Yang Xiao Long herself.

Tomitori was about to learn an important lesson, wether you're an earthling, a Saiyan, a God, whatever you are...

Don't fuck with Y/N's Goddess.

Tomitori: W-What?! You were already beaten!! How are you doing that?!

Yang: I'm able to do this because I have something that you don't. The Strength of my Family that fuels me no matter how far we are from each other!!

Tomitori: Tch! Yeah right! Grow up and face reality! You're outmatched and you know it!

Yang didn't listen to the Saiyan, instead she started running right at her at speeds she had never travelled at before.

Tomitori was of course taken back by this as she started firing a barrage of Ki blasts in a panic, but Yang simply tanked all of them and continued running towards Tomitori herself.

Yang: This is over!!

Tomitori: N-NO!!


In the blink of an eye Yang flashed into a raging inferno of golden flames before emerging in the shape of a Dragon. Letting out a fearsome roar and traveling towards Tomitori at even higher speeds now.

Eventually she had reached her, penetrating her abdomen and flying right through it before wrapping around her victim who struggled to break free.


And with one final explosion, the battle was decided. The gathering of energy that had just bursted completely obliterating Tomitori and not leaving a single trace of her behind.

Time Skip

About five minutes had passed by and Yang was now down. Laying flat on her back as she panted for air after her intense battle.

Yang: Y/N...Ruby...everyone...I did it!

Yang then put her hand up and gave a thumbs up. Smiling and laughing to herself as the sun had finally set.

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