Chapter 87: The Niece of Kalasha
It had been a few hours. You were hungry, and tired, and sore all at the same time. But mostly hungry because that was the most important to you.
Mori and Steven had built a little camp made of sticks and a blanket that you had materialized, meanwhile you were sent to hunt for food. You knew that there were animals here, so you decided to go fishing.
Ah Fishing, one of your favourite pass times other than fighting. Goku's fishing habits must've grown into you because you found yourself doing it more and more as you grew older.
You didn't have anything to fish with so you had also materialized a fishing rod. Although you could just dive in and grab the fish yourself, you preferred to do it this way.
Using worms that you found on the ground as bait, you cast the line into the water and simply waited. This was your least favourite part. Sometimes you'll get a bite instantly, other times you won't at all.
Super Shenron: Are you certain that taking a nap is a good idea? You could be attacked at any moment.
Y/N: How did you know that I was planning on doing that...?
Super Shenron: At this point we share the same soul. I know what you're thinking at all times.
Y/N: Well that's kind of an invasion of privacy...but with the amount of times you've helped me I can't complain. I'm gonna take a nap anyway. If something does attack me you can wake me up.
With that you lied down and dozed off as your rod remained completely still. Snoring away as Super Shenron gave off an internal growl.
Super Shenron: Sometimes I want to just bite your neck...
Time Skip
Several hours had past, the sun at this point was down and you were still sleeping. Mori and Steven had finished the tent long ago and we're now simply waiting on you.
Steven decided to go find you whereas Mori would stay and protect the tent from anyone who would want to try and steal something from it. Even though there was hardly anything to steal in the first place.
Steven thinks that he just stayed so he could sleep more.
Steven: Y/N!! Are you there? Hello?
Of course when he was close enough your loud snoring could be heard in the distance. He went wide eyed for a moment and hung his head low with a slightly annoyed sigh.
Of course when he arrived you were fast asleep. Your rod planted into the ground as you were "Waiting" for a fish to bite the line.
Steven: You've gotta be kidding me...
Steven then decided walk up to you and stomp on the ground, shaking the entire area as he screamed...
Steven: WAKE UP!
You then rocketed 10 feet into the air and let out a panicky scream thinking that you were in trouble, and in a way, you were.
Y/N: Stay back! I'll blast you!
Steven: *Sigh*...Y/N it's just me...
Y/N: .........Oh.
Steven: Are you even TRYING to get food for us?!
Y/N: Hey! I tried!
Super Shenron: For about a minute and 30 seconds.
Y/N: You shush!
You kept arguing with both Steven and Super Shenron over two different things for about 5 minutes when Steven then noticed your line moving.
Steven: Wait, Y/N! I think you got a bite!
Y/N: Oh crap! I got it!
You quickly grabbed your rod and pulled it out of the ground as you then started to feel in the fish. From the shape you saw in the water it was a big one.
Steven stood there desperately hoping for you to catch this fish for it was the only thing that could be eaten for dinner tonight as you then pulled it out of the water, and as you predicted it was massive.
Now for the best part of fishing, actually catching the fish. You leaped into the air and prepared to kick it down to land when suddenly something else swooped in and grabbed it before you could touch it.
Y/N: What the—
You were then hit by something to which you were crashing into the ground as Steven looked as if his dreams had been crushed right in his face.
You then got up from the ground with your hand on your face as you let out an angry growl and gritted your teeth.
Y/N: So what the hell was that?!
A figure could the be seen in the distance as you and Steven looked at whoever this was with the exact same expression on your faces, angry and ready to destroy a planet to get that fish back.
Steven: Hey! Whoever you are, we've been waiting hours for that thing! Give it back!!
They then started to run away as you looked at Steven with your brows lowered as you weren't very impressed
Y/N: Did you really think that would work?
Steven: No, but it was worth a shot.
Y/N: Well we can't just stand here! AFTER THEM!
With that both you and Steven ran after this person who randomly showed up and stole your fish. This person seemed to be the ninja type as they were jumping all over the place like one.
Eventually the figure had lead you to a more colourful area, there were flowers of all colours here and you could now see that the entity that had taken your fish was a decoy made of energy.
Steven: That's not a real person...right?
Y/N: No, they must be trying to deliver it to somebody! NOT ON MY WATCH!
You then disappeared from Steven's sight and appeared right in front of the decoy made of energy before delivering a gut twisting elbow to it's abdomen.
The power of that elbow was more than enough to destroy the decoy as it instantly released it's physical form and vanished into thin air. Dropping the fish as you smiled upon seeing this.
Y/N: Ha! Finally! Let's—
All of a sudden the ground started to shake as you felt something approaching from below. You leaped out of the way just in time as you watched a massive pillar of Ki burst from the ground.
But that wasn't the worst part. This Ki attack just so happened to disintegrate the one fish that you had waited to long to catch, and seeing it burn to ashes left you wanting to cry.
Steven was also upset at this but become riddled with fear when he saw the look in your eyes. You looked as if you were ready to start a purge.
Y/N: ...Who...Whoever is responsible for this...IS GOING TO FEEL PAIN.
You then looked up as somebody had touched down nearby and arrived on the scene. You looked at them with full intents on killing them.
Not many have managed to destroy your food. But those who have done such a thing have not lived to tell the tale. This was one of those rare cases.
???: W-Who goes there...?! I-I'll fight if I have to!
Steven upon seeing who it was went wide eyed as a blush spread across his face. This was the same reaction of almost every male that had ever seen this person.
It was a girl. Her hair bring bright pink, she had a second pair of ears just like Kalasha's Sister, along with the tail, one of her eyes were blue whereas another was pink. She was mostly pink to be honest.
Steven had to look away for he was already dating somebody, as were you, but you were having absolutely NONE of it right now.
You turned and stomped on the ground as you created a web of cracks on the ground around you, pointing at her with a vicious look in your eyes.
Y/N: Are YOU the one responsible for this?!
She then said something to herself which confirmed it. It was faint, but loud enough for you to hear it.
???: W-Where is my decoy...? I sent them a while ago to get some food...
The unsuspecting girl flinched and took a step back as you powered up to Super Saiyan Blue with Kaioken stacked on top of it.
Steven: Y-Y/N calm down—
All of a sudden you bolted into action as the girl was rather frightened of not only the scary look in your eye but of how fast you were to approach her.
Appearing right in front of her, you reeled your fist back and went in to punch her in the face to which she yelped in fear and disappeared into smoke. Causing you to spin around and lose your balance.
You then got back on your feet and looked around, she was nowhere to be found. But you couldn't help but notice a source of energy approaching you from behind. You responded by turning around and deflecting a giant Ki blast that exploded in the distance.
Looking into the distance, there she was. Still standing and willing to fight. She was shaking and very scared but she was still fighting you anyway.
She then fired another blast to which you responded by letting out an aggressive roar while firing a large beam of yellow Ki at her to which her blast was instantly overtaken.
The girl screamed in fear once more and became smoke once again. Your blast going right through her as you started to grow annoyed by this.
You remained still for a moment. Waiting for the next time she would appear. Pulling a small little jar out of your pocket as she then appeared behind you once again.
Upon hearing this you turned around in an instant and forced your hands out in front of you.
The unsuspecting girl then went wide eyed upon seeing that everything around her turned green. She tried to escape by turning into smoke once again but it was no use.
???: EEEK!!
Gritting your teeth as you had finally caught her, you grabbed the little jar and placed it on the ground before placing your hands towards that very jar. At the same time the girl started to travel towards it to which she was sucked inside.
You then placed a lid on top and sealed it for you had captured this student and stopped them.
Y/N: That's what you get! Now to finish you off...
Steven witnessed you seal this strange student away and he was taken back by it. However he didn't expect for you to start tightening your grip as the jar started cracking.
Y/N: I'm gonna crush you like a bug!!
Steven: Y/N Wait!!
All of a sudden you received a quick kick to the face as you went wide eyed. The kick itself wasn't very strong and didn't hurt you but it was enough to sent you flying.
You instantly recovered from this and gritted your teeth even harder than before as Steven was sure you were gonna break a blood vessel at this point.
Y/N: Grrr...WHAT NOW?!?!
Steven: You again...
It was none other than Maquist. This was the third time that he had shown up in your presence, and you were now fed up with this whole situation.
Maquist: What is wrong with you?!
Y/N: Tch! HAAAAAAAA!!!!!
You suddenly threw your hands into the air and started to emit energy similar to Vegeta's final explosion attack. Everyone in the area had very little time to evacuate as you created an attack with enough energy to destroy a galaxy. However with how much you contained it, it didn't even destroy the planet.
Maquist: OH FU—
Time Skip
Upon blowing up the entire area, Steven looked upon a massive hole in the ground that lead to the other end of the planet. Instead of destroying the whole planet the explosion expanded straight up and straight down. Now the entire planet had a hole in it.
Maquist had seemingly managed to escape the scene with the jar that girl sealed that girl in. You didn't even care, you had managed to let out a good amount of your anger with that last attack.
Y/N: *Pant*...Pant*...*Pant*...
Steven: How am I not dead...?
Mori: Hey guys!
Both you and Steven looked into the distance to see none other than Mori walking over to you guys as you went wide eyed upon seeing what he was dragging.
Steven: M-Mori! You...
Mori: I caught this massive fish! By the way why are you guys all tired and stuff? Is fishing that difficult...?
Y/N and Steven: *Looks at one another*...It's a long story...
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