Chapter 8: Clash of Beasts

The air was now overflowing with Tension more than Broly as you faced this unknown figure in your Super Saiyan Devil Form

Y/N: I'll only give you one can either run away while you still can... or you can face me and Die!!

???: I will fight you, but the one dying in this forest will be none other than you!!

With that your smile spread to twice the length as you began to cackle, your mind at the peak of insanity as you suddenly jumped towards your next victim

Y/N: Hm...What shall I do with your corpse when I'm done with you...?

???: Hmph...I'm glad you decided to face me...Now I can have your soul all to myself!!

Y/N: Big Talk coming from some Ghost Rider wannabe!!

With that the two of you clashed, tackling one another as you and this entity began to push one another, both of you gritting your teeth as a massive gust of air began to blow

Barbara watched in fear and awe as you suddenly grabbed their arm and began to swing them around, eventually slamming them into the wall as a web of cracks formed on the cliff side

Y/N: I shall feast on your flesh!!

With that the entity leaped out of the wall and up into the pitch black abyss from above, moving at high speeds as a blade of black and purple Ki formed over your hand

Cackling once more, even louder this time, you then flew into the air as you chased after the entity like an apex predator hunting down their prey

Y/N: You really are a fool! The Darkness is my Domain!!

With that the entity began to look around, not knowing where you were as you began to move around him in an attempt to confuse him

???: Coward! Come out and face me!!

Y/N: I am the one hiding under your bed...teeth ground sharp...AND EYES GLOWING RED!!!

All of a sudden the entity head a strange sound from the wind, turning around to see you right behind them with your jaw hanging wide open

The entity acted quickly as he moved to the side, however he wasn't able to completely avoid you as your jaw slammed shut, chomping his arm clean off as blood splashed everywhere

This caused the entity to scream in pain as the two of you landed back into the ground, Barbara watching as your teeth were now coated in the crimson liquid, quickly devouring the severed arm as you smiled most wickedly

???: YOU FIEND!!

Y/N: Even the best of us get hungry at times...and I'm no different, but when I'm in this form...ALL I CRAVE IS LIVING FLESH!!!

With that you practically dove at the entity with your jaw hanging wide open once again, this time he managed to completely avoid the bite as your jaws slammed shut once again


Barbara watched in utter horror as you chased after the entity some more, thinking to herself as you then sliced off the entity's other arm with a blade of dark Ki, causing them to scream in pain once more

Barbara: H-He's like a completely different person...! It doesn't even feel like it's Y/N...he's just some monster...!!


With that the both of you landed back on the ground yet again, the entity missing both of his arms as well as a dangerous amount of blood

Y/N: C'mon C'mon! I wanna go another round! This time I'll bite off your head!!

???: Tch!

All of a sudden a random voice could be heard lightly laughing, everyone looking over as a large circular portal opened up in mid air

Y/N: I wonder...who would be foolish interrupt my precious Dinner Time?!?

With that another figure emerged from the portal, walking to the other side as it closed behind them, they looked a lot like an Angel like Whis

Y/N: And who do you think you are?!

??? 2: No need to be so aggressive, you're hungry are you not...? Yakuza...When I sent you to do your task I was under the impression that you could get it done...

All of a sudden the entity who you had been fighting this whole time responded to the Angel's comment

Yakuza: Says the one who does nothing but stand around and does nothing to get things done...!!

???: Ah...Now you're getting testy...need I remind you that I could easily eradicate you with a mere thought.

Yakuza: apologies...Sir Merno...

As the two went on, you began to grow more and more impatient, blood dripping from your mouth as you began to slowly lose control of your Devil Form


Barbara: EEK!! "You All"?! That means me too...!!!

With that all of your dark energy began to erupt, a massive aura of black and purple energy bursting from your body as you let out a horrifying scream

Merno: An Impatient one I see...well...I will have to knock some sense into this one.

Y/N: Oh...? I'd like to see you try!!

With that Merno stood perfectly still as you charged the Angel at full speed, you then forced your palm out in front of you as an attempt to grab him when he suddenly formed a portal next to him and thrusted his fist right into it

all of a sudden you received a heavy punch to the stomach, knocking you out of balance as you crashed onto the ground


All of a sudden Merno raised his hand as he then snapped his fingers, causing both of Yakuza's shoulders to glow as his arms were quickly regenerated by his powers

Yakuza: My Arms...!

Merno: Next time I won't be so don't get so careless...

With that Merno then redirected his attention to you, suddenly kicking you in the head as you went flying back while letting out a painful yelp

Yakuza: My Turn!

All of a sudden Yakuza reeled his fist back as you prepared to block, this is when another portal appeared beside you as you received another powerful punch, this time to the side

Your body then bent towards your left as your guard was now broken, allowing Yakuza to land a bit of his own and send you flying back towards Merno as he bolted after you

Both Merno and Yakuza prepared to punch you at the same time as Barbara covered her eyes and looked away, she heard the sound of two punches hitting something as she peeked through her fingers

What she saw was you standing up with your back hunched up towards the sky and your arms spread out in the directions opposite of each other, you had caught both punches with both of your hands as you began to change

Merno: It would seem like the rumours are true...

All of a sudden a two limiter sign formed in your forehead, along with your hair flashing to white as you opened your eyes and gritted your teeth and looked straight ahead

Eye Catch


Yakuza and Barbara looked at you in surprise as Merno didn't look too concerned, a large white aura bursting from your body that was much larger and more powerful than your last power up, forcing Merno and Yakuza to leap away as Barbara could hardly stay in her spot without being blown away

Merno: Omni Energy...

Y/N: Playtime ends here...

Yakuza: Yeah Right...Let's get him, Sir Merno!

With that both of them charged you at full speed, you then looked at Yakuza and glared as you suddenly disappeared

Time then seemed to slow down as you appeared behind Yakuza and began to unleash a combo attack of punches and kicks


You then finished your combo attack with a heavy punch that sent Yakuza flying past Merno, you suddenly warped into the sky as you forced your palm out towards him

Y/N: Starlight Bomber!

All of a sudden you unleashed a one-handed Starlight Bomber towards Yakuza as he was hit by the first blast, followed by the next and so on until he hit the ground, resulting in a series of explosions

Massive gusts of wind began to blow as Barbara once again struggled to stay in her spot without behind blown away as Merno watched in interest

Barbara: Amazing...he finished him off just like that! He was hiding this kind of power all along...?!

You then turned around you faced Merno, staring him down as he stared right back

Merno: Interesting, so this is the power of the "Reincarnated King" finished off my comrade with ease...but of course to adversaries of our level it would be incredibly easy.

Y/N: You're Next..."Merno"...

Merno: Really now...? I guess I can play with you a little...

With that you bolted from your spot and flew towards Merno at full speed, Barbara unable to keep up as you let out a loud scream while reeling your fist back

Merno placed his arms into an X position as he blocked a powerful punch from you, sending him skidding back and crashing through multiple boulders in seconds

Barbara: I'm not even impressed by his looks or anything like that right now...I'm just intrigued by that power of his...!!

Y/N: Is that all...? After all of that Talk...what a disappointment...I was actually excited too...

Things went silent for a few moments, cashing your to sharpen your guard, however to your surprise, a portal opened up right next to Barbara as a hand with a Ki blast ready to fire came right out, about to obliterate the unsuspecting witch


Barbara gasped as the blast was then launched, zooming towards her as a large explosion occurred, lighting up the battlefield as she screamed

About 10 seconds passed by as Barbara was now on the ground with her arms covering her face in a defensive manner, she then looked up in confusion as she saw you right in front of you with your arms crossed out

Y/N: Damn...That one actually hurt...

???: Y/N!!

You suddenly looked over to see Kalasha flying directly towards you as you went wide eyed

Y/N: Kalasha?!

Kalasha: Y/N!! Don't ascend any further!!

Merno then smiled as he then scoffed and turned around

Merno: Well as much as I'd like to stick around and play some more, I have things to do, so this will be farewell...For Now.

With that a Portal Opened up in front of Merno as he walked into it, the portal closing at the exact same time Kalasha touched down while you reverted back to base form

Kalasha: I just missed him!

Y/N: Kalasha, where is everyone?!

Kalasha: I've gathered them out of the forest, they are all safe, speaking of safe, we not so long as we stay here, we need to leave!

Y/N: Fine, Barbara! C'mon!

Barbara: R-Right!

With that you carried Barbara in your arms as the three of you flew off, you followed Kalasha as Merno watched from a distance

Merno: Just you wait...once the boss finds out about will pay dearly...I promise you..."He" will he awakened!

With that Merno disappeared into a portal, heading off to who knows where to do who knows what

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