Chapter 79: Bodying The Entire Academy

It had been about half an hour since you had called everybody to the training grounds as practically everybody was now here as Kalasha stood by your side

You leered into the distance as hundreds of students stood before you. Some you knew, others you didn't. There were far more than what you had originally called

Y/N: for me seeing that many people against you looks pretty intimidating...

Kalasha: Indeed. I took it upon myself to call the rest that you had missed. Don't forget that everybody in Beacon and Luna Nova are also skilled in their own ways. The same goes for U.A, but not nearly as many have quirks that can get them too far.

Y/N: And then Kuoh is just a bunch of powerless Humans for the most part...

Kalasha: Indeed. So, shall we get started?

Y/N: Yeah I guess our time is limited...

That being said, you and Kalasha both raised one hand into the air before emitting a large dome capable of occupying the entire training grounds

(Keep in mind the Training Grounds at HOH are several times larger than the Tournament of Power stage.)

However instead of it's usual colour it was more of a red shade. Along with bits of lighting and energy able to be seen in the air

All of the students looked around in shock, awe, fear, or all of the above as Kirishima's eyes practically went all sparkly

Kirishima: Oh Boy! Zenkai Zone time! I can't wait to see how much I can push my Quirk this time!

Kalasha: As you've most likely guessed by now, this is going to be an important training session. If you have any questions, now is the time to ask them.

Only a few hands went up as you pointed at Kirishima to ask first (Of Course.)

Kirishima: Where are the other Saiyans? I only see Y/N.

Y/N: Lotus, Kasai, Daiko, Goku, Vegeta, and all of the others here are all gathered in their own little area where they can train at their own pace.

Kalasha: Also note that this Zenkai Zone is different from the others that you've experienced before.

Y/N: Midoriya, Issei, Ruby, Akko, the amplified Zenkai Zone you used with me was multiplied by around 500 times. This one was created by the both of us, and has been amplified by around 10,000 times.


Y/N: You heard me. 10,000 times. However it won't have as much of an effect depending on how strong you are. We're leaning towards making the others stronger. But that doesn't mean you won't be much more powerful afterwards.

Midoriya: T-This is crazy...!!


Y/N: I hadn't thought of it yet...

Bakugo: Bullshit!!

Kalasha: ANYWAY...You have all been gathered here to train not by sparring with each other, but legitimately fighting Y/N here all at once.

Kendo: What?! I can't bring myself to punch Y/N!

Yang: Why not...?

Kendo: Huh?! What do you mean "Why Not"?! He's our BOYFRIEND!

Yang: So? He can take it. No hard feelings. We gotta do what we gotta do.

Y/N: That's my Yang.

Kalasha: I assure you that Y/N will he just fine.

Neon: You're making it sound like we can't handle him!

Akko: I mean...we kinda can't if he ascends high enough...Midoriya who's the strongest of the Non-Saiyans at his full power could only keep up with Blue. And he has A LOT more power than that.

Y/N: Now then, are we gonna keep chatting? Or are you all gonna come and fight me...?

You then smashed your fist into the palm of your hand as everybody went silent. Kalasha slowly floating out of the blast zone while watching you crack your knuckles

Kalasha: Please don't kill anybody, Y/N...


The next thing you knew the massive army of students suddenly ran towards you like a stampede. Causing you to instinctively place yourself into a battle stance as Ren was the first to approach you

Y/N: So you're up first, huh? I remember punching you in the face during our first tournament!

You went in for a punch when Ren suddenly maneuvered around your arm and managed to get a swift kick in. His foot smashing into your face as he actually caught you by surprise

Ren: You're not the only one improving.

You then pushed Ren's foot back with your face as you gave him a little smile, catching him by surprise as you suddenly grabbed his leg and tossed him away

He slid across the ground while passing dozens of other students in the process. However before he could go in for another attack, Kiba went speeding past him

Kiba: You're fighting me!!

Y/N: Nah...

You then blocked his sword with your forearm alone as this caught him by surprise. None of your fellow students had ever seen you block a sharp weapon with your bare skin before

Kiba: W-What the...?!

Y/N: Surprised? This is what Ki control can do! I can make myself as durable as I need to be! Even if it's against one of your swords!

You then pushed him away and sent him flying, gaining a golden aura but not transforming into Super Saiyan as you rushed towards the rest of the crowd

Y/N: C'mon! You're all here for a reason! Attack me already!


All of the teachers of the academy were all watching from a safe distance as you started to tank massive amounts of students, rushing through them all and fighting them off

Ursula: That Y/N is quite talented, isn't he?

Aizawa: Yeah. I don't know much about what he is, but I do know that with each battle, he grows stronger. And it's not just him.

They continued to watch as you started moving at a faster pace, dodging, punching, kicking, blocking a few hits here and there, but nobody was able to land a clean hit

Ursula: Tell me. Do his abilities have anything to do with magic?

Ozpin: No. according to what he has told us, his abilities are 100% natural. His Strength and Speed come from his constant growth in training. His blast attacks are from Ki, a source of energy that even beings like you and I have deep within. And his transformations are something that comes with his race.



Ursula: I see...

With that they continued watching in silence as you whacked away one student after another. But now you were starting to throw Ki blasts around. Everyone and then you'd blow away a few students with a Ki wave or two

Amanda: Damn it! He's too fast!

However, all of a sudden your little speed rampage was put to an end when somebody grabbed you from behind. Their hands were large and furry, which confused you

Y/N: Huh?!

Turns out, it was Class 1-B's Jurota Shishida. Somebody who you haven't met before, but he had seen what you were capable of

Jurota: I got him!

Y/N: Hey Hey Hey! What're you doing?!

You tried to squirm your way out of his grasp but it was no use. You didn't expect him to be this strong.

Y/N: Damn! They must've been going through their own kind of special training!

Amanda: Good Job! We have him right where we want him!

With that all of the witches started to gather their own magic energy into one massive attack. One that looked just like a spirit Bomb

Y/N: Oh shit!!

Issei: It's ready! DRAGON SHOT!


You started to slowly push yourself out of Jurota's grasp as you gained an ominous white glow, looking up at everybody revealing your Omni God markings and white hair

Everybody felt their hearts drop into their stomachs as you suddenly let out a powerful battle cry and blew everything away with a glorious aura


Rias: H-He went all the way to Omni God...!!

Lotte: Why the sudden leap...?!

Y/N: If we're going into this event, you need to be ready for anything. Even if it means a power increase as big as THIS ONE!!!

You suddenly started ANNIHILATING students left and right as one blow was all it took to take one of them out, no matter who it was

It mattered not if they tried to run, fight back, strategize, or even give up entirely. Against your amazing power it was simply meaningless

You slowly walked toward while deflecting one of Aoyama's navel lasers as you then whacked away one of Yaomomo's Cannonballs. Rushing towards and suddenly nailing Shinso in the face, sending him flying into the distance

Y/N: Who's next?!

You then turned to see Andrew who upon eye contact started to panic

Andrew: N-Now wait a second! I don't have any magic or powers like all of you do! I don't even fight! Just leave me—

Before Andrew could even finish what he was saying you appeared by his side in the blink of an eye and smacked him away with a heavy arm swipe

Y/N: If you don't like this stuff then you should've stayed in your world!

Andrew: Holy Shit! Andrew!!

Midoriya: Diana, please fuse me and Kacchan now!

Diana who was taken back by how you attacked powerless Andrew without remorse, looked back at Midoriya and nodded as she started to cast the spell

In the flash of a shiny light you looked behind you to see none other than the Ultimate Hero make his return as he faced you with that same smile

Katsuku: Guess who's returned to bring you down?!

Y/N: Please!

You suddenly rushed towards the fused Hero as you bombarded him with a series of heavy yet insanely fast punches as Katsuku could hardly block

Katsuku: No way! Not even the fusion can keep up with Omni God! We can't defend against him!!

You suddenly shattered through his defences like in Xenoverse 2 as you suddenly grabbed him by his leg and slammed him several times before chucking him into the air


You quickly threw your arms out in front of you and launched the most powerful Kamehameha wave you could in your current state as Katsuku was immediately engulfed by the attack

And with that the Fused Hero vanished as quickly as he came as Midoriya and Bakugo could be seen falling from the ground, unconscious as you slowly turned to face a bunch of other fearful students

Jaune: T-There goes our best chance at winning...!!

Y/N: *Menacing and Scary Laugh*

The training session was now over as not a single student was spared by your onslaught. Some were on the ground, others were chucked into trees, some were somehow still standing, but just barely

You were now sitting on the ground. Now back in base form as you wiped the sweat off of your forehead

Y/N: Phew! That was fun!

Amanda: J-Jesus Christ...Y/N...Y-You could've held back just a little...

Y/N: I was holding back.


Y/N: Welp. Time to set our side of the bargain.

With that you suddenly snapped your fingers as the Zenkai Zone's dome started to turn white, just like last time. Everybody around you gaining a shiny white glow as you smiled

This white light was of course healing them and even waking up the unconscious ones. However, the real effects didn't start kicking in until a few minutes afterwards

At that point everybody started gaining little auras of their own. Mineta who was still the weakest guardian student, was now a Planet Buster. Let that sink in

However the exposure to such an increase in power got some hyperactive reactions out of everybody



Kalasha: Well it seems that the training was a success. We just need to wait a few days now until the actual event takes place. Until then, what should we do?

Y/N: We'll make the most of it. And eventually we'll get to it. But for now...

You and Kalasha watches as the majority of the guys and even a handful of the girls were flexing like crazy as a response to their new levels of power. From your perspective it looked both hilarious and ridiculous

Y/N: Let's just let these guys adjust to their new levels first...

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