Chapter 76: Settling In

You didn't know what time it was, nor did you remember what had really happened as your vision was blurry

Simply waking up, a ray of sunlight struck your eyes as a morning greeting, causing you to squint in slight discomfort of the sun being directly in your eyes

However, it was here that you realized that you were laying on something rather...softer than a hospital pillow

Groaning and grunting, your eyes felt heavy from all of the crying you did the night before, looking up to see that you were laying on Lotte's Chest who had seemingly stayed with you the whole night

She was fast asleep, you felt rather calm despite the previous events. Being able to just let everything out, a lot of tension had been released

Lotte's arms were wrapped around you in a protective manner as she was mumbling something in her deep slumber

Lotte: I'll...I'll Protect you...

Seeing as you didn't want to wake her up and you had made yourself a rather comfy spot on Lotte's chest, you simply decided to go back to sleep for a little while longer, sleeping in a little bit couldn't hurt

Time Skip

You were now wide awake as you had slept for another hour, however Lotte was still fast asleep.

You were rather concerned for her as you decided to read her mind to see her recent memories, yes you can do that

Not going too far to respect her privacy you saw that she had cuddled you and comforted you for the entire night, and was just falling asleep about an hour before you woke up

Y/N: Lotte...You didn't have to do this...

You tried to free yourself from her arms but her grip was rather strong, guess the Zenkai Zone did more than just strengthen her Magic

Of course you could've freed yourself easily if you tried, but why would you against one of your girlfriends

Eventually you did manage to get up from the bed as comfy as it was laying in her arms, tucking her in and letting her properly sleep as you did the best you could to soften her pillow

Y/N: Ah, there we go, All snug and cozy.

It was now time to start thinking for yourself. Your body was still a bit sore from what had happened a few days prior, but at least now you were able to walk around and stretch

Y/N: Man, two days without a single training session. I don't know how the others do this...


Holding your stomach with now widened eyes you then realized just how hungry you were. You couldn't just go and grab some food or else one of your girlfriends would drag you back here if they caught you

However you were in luck seeing as there was a refrigerator across the room, and there was also a note stuck to it with a little magnet

Hey, Y/N. It's Yang. I came in last night to check on you but Lotte seemed to have everything under control. I put this note here because I thought that it would be the first place you'd go when you woke up. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for what I said yesterday. I know it was harsh and I feel bad for what I said, I just love you too much to see you always hurt. Hopefully this makes up for it. Open up the fridge. :)

Upon reading the note you opened the fridge to see that Yang had made you a bunch of servings of F/F, all somehow still heated and at the same time still fresh

You then turned the note around to see something else written on it

P.S: I had some help with Kalasha for that last part. He used one of his crazy abilities to keep your food warm and fresh. Enjoy! There should be some food for Lotte too whenever she wakes up!

- Your Burning Star~

Y/N: She remembered the nickname I gave her...

Placing as many servings as you could on the small table, you grabbed a a fork, some chopsticks, and a spoon, despite how you hardly use them when you eat

Y/N: I love breakfast so much!

You couldn't help but let out a few excited giggles as you looked over your food, placing your hands together and closing your eyes before speaking the famous words

Y/N: Thanks for the meal!

And in the blink of an eye you starting tearing into your food like a hot knife through butter, or like Hit through Goku's heart

Y/N: Mm! This is some good stuff!

Bite after bite after bite, you didn't even take a moment to catch your breath as you kept chowing down, you didn't know why, but this meal tasted much better than it usually does, which already tasted good on it's own

Eventually you had finished as you put down your last empty food box and placed it in the stack with the others

Y/N: Ah! That was wonderful! So fresh and flavourful! I haven't had a meal like that in a good while! Nothing beats Yang's cooking!

You suddenly heard a few knocks in the door as you looked back with a smile on your face and called out to them

Y/N: Come in!

The door slowly opened as none other than Velvet peeked in before coming in and closing the door behind her

The first thing she noticed other than the massive mountain of dirty dishes on the table was that Lotte was sleeping in this room

Velvet: Hi, Y/N. Are you feeling okay?

Y/N: Hi Velvet! Yeah, I'm feeling much better after eating this!

Velvet smiled gently and started to walk closer to you as you handed her a cup of tea that you made but didn't drink, she happily accepted as she slowly directed her attention to Lotte

Velvet: So was she in here the entire night...?

Y/N: Y-Yeah, she kept me company and comforted me when I needed it.

Velvet: How sweet of her! She really likes you Y'Know. I mean, I like you too but she's ALWAYS talking about you.

Y/N: Yeah. She's devoted, determined, and Loyal. Definitely a keeper.



Velvet: So have you been taking it easy since yesterday...?

Y/N: Yeah, I was just playing games and stuff since I was stuck in bed for the majority of the day.

Velvet: What kind of Games?

Y/N: Eh, I like action games but I'd play almost anything that you could hand me. Passes the time Y'know?

As you looked to Velvet you noticed how adorable she looked with her little drink. She seemed to be enjoying it, but she liked the fact that you made it even more

Suddenly there was another series of knocks on the door, however before you could say "come in", Aizawa walked into the room with the same monotone look on his face

Aizawa: Y/N, There's somebody here who would like to discuss something with you.

Y/N: Huh? Who is it?

Aizawa: One of the two adversaries you sealed away at the G.W.E. This one has made a full recovery and wants to thank you personally for freeing him of his mind control.

Y/N: Ight, let em' in.

With that Aizawa walked out as somebody else came in, and it was who you suspected it would be, the Genjutsu user you encountered while playing Ark Survival Evolved

Y/N: So you finally made a full recovery, huh?

Velvet: I remember you, I saw you at the G.W.E!

Itachi: Yes. My name is Itachi Uchiha. I don't really know where I am, but you freed me from a wicked mind spell, and for that I needed to thank you.

Y/N: "Uchiha"...Isn't that Sasuke's last name...?

Itachi: So you know my younger Brother?

Y/N: Brother?! Sasuke has a brother?!

Itachi: Indeed. However he hasn't ever taken a liking to me ever since we were children. After a certain...incident.

Y/N: Well whatever happened, it's in the past now. And incase you haven't noticed, you've also been cured of that disease you had.

Itachi: I'm well aware. Another reason to give you my thanks. I...died, because of my unhealthy state, but somehow I was revived without a reanimation Jutsu.

Y/N: Yeeeah...We do that a lot around here.

You then took a good look at his eyes, you were aware of the fact that he could use a powerful Genjutsu, but it wasn't as powerful as the last time you had encountered him

Y/N: Your Sharingan, it's weaker.

Itachi: You can tell how powerful my Sharingan is...?

Y/N: A Certain Jonin taught me how to read the Sharingan, and with my abilities I can sense it's exact power. You use Tsukuyomi, right?

Itachi: You can even tell what type. You really are quite the individual aren't you?

Y/N: Yeah, but that one isn't something I was taught, I remember you mentioned it when we fought.

Velvet: Way to blow your cool cover, Y/N...

Itachi: If it isn't too much to ask, I would like to do battle with you sometime. A friendly match that is. I'd like to see where I currently rank as an individual.

Y/N: Well unfortunately I can't really do anything like that right now. It's not that I'm unable to, it's just that I'm currently not allowed.

Itachi: I see, that's a shame. Another time then.

With that Itachi then walked off and left the room, but not before saying one last thing before leaving the scene

Itachi: I was told to stay in this area for my own safety. So whenever you'd like to spar, You'll be able to find me.

With that he closed the door behind him as Velvet was just finishing her Tea, and Lotte was still sound asleep

Velvet: he on our side...?

Y/N: Yeah, I was told he had a troubled past, but now there's nobody to tell him what to do. He can do whatever he wants.

Velvet: I see, you can stop him if he tries anything right?

Y/N: Oh Yeah, the things that make him dangerous in his world don't effect me in the slightest. We'll be fine.

Velvet: last thing...

Y/N: Ye?

Velvet: C-Can we cuddle for a little bit...? We haven't actually done anything like that since we were on the cruise ship before Ark.

Y/N: Hm...Sure, just get Cozy with Lotte over there. I'll hop in with you guys after I have a drink.


You were now cuddling with Lotte and Velvet as you lied in the middle of the bed, as they both cuddled you from both sides, Lotte of course was using you as an oversized Teddy Bear as she was of course asleep, but Velvet was simply enjoying the moment

However, three entities stood along the cliffside above the entirety of HOH, watching the school as two of the entities you knew well

Yakuza: Y/N's in a pathetic state! We can attack!

Merno: No. We wait. We want him to be as strong as that our newest member can make due...

???: Tch...Fine. But his soul better be worth absorbing...

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