Chapter 70: Blake's Problem
Y/N: Hey! Hey Midoriya!
Midoriya who was simply trying to sit at the table and enjoy a nice cup of milk, watched as you slowly scurried towards them
Y/N: Would You—
You continued scurrying as Steven who was having a cup of tea next to Midoriya watched you in confusion
Y/N: Would you like some...*Snickering*...Would you like some...Bean Soup?!
You then brushed into a mixture of wheezing and laughter and ran off as Steven and Midoriya looked to one another in even more immense confusion
Steven: Is he always like this...? He seemed like such a serious person in the time chamber.
Midoriya: Trust me, he was going through quite a lot, I'm happy to see him like this, back when Ark was still a problem he was stressed, angry, even scared.
He looked over to you as you kept making remarks of "Bean Soup" towards everybody, the only one not quite getting it was Luffy
Luffy: I want some bean soup!!
Y/N: You came to the right place, my friend!
Ruby: Y/N there's not even any beans here...
Y/N: Then I'll FIND some...
Natsu: Hey! Somebody's outside!
Y/N: Huh?
Natsu's comment gained everybody's attention as you all took a quick peek out one of the windows, somebody was walking through the snow and trees in the distance, it was quite cold out and was even snowing on this particular day, so it must've been hard on them
Upon getting a better look at them, you saw that it was none other than Blake, who was walking aimlessly in the middle of nowhere
Soon after you noticed that it was her, she fell to her knees and collapsed into the thick sheet of snow on the ground
Y/N: It's Blake...!!
Ruby: What's she doing all the way out here?!
Y/N: I dunno but she's in clearly tired and possibly hurt!
With that you ran out the door and leaped into the distance to help her, upon landing next to her she went wide eyed and let out a small scream
Blake: Leave me alone!!
Y/N: Blake?!
Blake: Y-Y/N?! What are you doing out here...?!
Y/N: Our cottage is literally right over there...
You then pointed over to the cottage that was from this distance in plain view, she could see Ruby waving at her along side the others
Blake: D-Didn't you all go on a mission...?
Y/N: Yeah, and this is where we're staying to complete that very mission. Come inside, you must be freezing...
Upon picking her up bridal style you slowly walked towards the cottage, getting a closer look at her you noticed how she had a few open wounds on her body
Y/N: Cuts...?
Blake: I-I'll explain when we get inside...
Inside The Cottage
Blake: I'm fine now thanks to you guys...
Naruto: You're lucky that you stumbled over here and not somewhere else, who knows what could've found you...
Saitama: Lucky.
Y/N: Alright, Blake, I want answers. Who did this to you?
She was hesitant, very hesitant, but after Ruby handed her a glass of hot Coco—
Y/N: Bean Soup...
HOT COCO...she decided to finally answer your questions as everyone tuned in
Blake: Last night I was going for a simple walk in the trail, nothing more. But I was stopped by a certain someone who chased me out into the unknown...
Y/N: Do you know them?
Blake: Y-Yeah...I know that I probably could've dealt with them myself, but after everything that's happened...I can't even stand looking at them...
Y/N: Fine, I won't ask, but if you can't face them, I will.
Time Skip
A few hours had gone by, Ruby had helped Blake with her wounds by placing some bandages on her wounds, along with Akko using some magic to boost the healing
You were looking out the window as Saitama was sitting with you, the both of you were discussing some random things
Saitama: So HOH is the nee academy, huh?
Y/N: Pretty much, me and the others have been trying our best to make the Non-Saiyan students as strong as possible, not only for the sake of their worlds, but for their own sake too.
Saitama: Just out them through the training I did. It should work.
Y/N: You're a Human, right? What did you do to get so strong...?
Saitama: Hm, I guess you can know, 100 push-ups...100 sit-ups...100 squats...and a 10 kilometre run. Every. Single. Day!
Y/N: ...Ha! You're funny, man! C'mon tell me what you really did!
Saitama: Is this guy serious...? I'm telling you, that's what I did.
Y/N: But there's no way! That's just basic training! No Intense Gravity? No deathly sparring matches? Nothing?!
Saitama: Nope.
Upon his blunt answer you knew he was telling the truth, and because of the realization of this you fell right off of your chair and stared at the ceiling with a look of disbelief and disappointment
Y/N: This is gotta be some sort of twisted joke...!!!
All of a sudden a strange sound of something hitting the building could be heard from outside the window, you and Saitama looked confused but decided to check it out
Blake: What's wrong...?
Y/N: I think somebody's here...
Saitama: Yeah.
Opening the door and looking outside, you could see somebody else in the distance, but this person was a bit taller
As they got closer, Blake took a peek while hiding behind you to see that it was who she was running from in the first place
Y/N: Let me guess, that's the one, right?
Blake: Y-Yeah...that's him...
???: Why are you running, Blake...? All I wanted was to be reunited with you...but every time you gazed upon me you run the coward you are...
The person made himself known as he was wearing a large jacket, and a mask over his eyes, red hair to go with what looked like black horns on his head, he also wielded a long red sword
Adam Taurus
Y/N: Look at dis d00d, Ripped my Jacket style and even took Jaime's whole covering the eyes thing...
Saitama: I dunno I think he looks kinda cool.
Blake: "Cool" is a strong word...
Adam: So you're hiding again, behind...whoever these two are...
Blake: Just go away, Adam! I don't want anything to do with you anymore!
Saitama: ...You want me to punch him?
Y/N: Nah I got it, just head inside and make some Bean Soup.
Adam: Blake, know you want to come back, after the way people treat you back want revenge...
Blake: No!! I wanted Peace! I already told you!!
Adam: And I will tell you again...What you want is impossible!! I'll bring you back and we will leave this place, wherever it is!
Y/N: I'll tell you where you're not...
You then leaped away from the cottage and closer to the one who called himself "Adam", giving him a sinister smile as tension began to rise
Y/N: ...Safe...
Adam: And just who do you think you are...? Getting in the way between me and my love...
Y/N: I don't know what you think you're implying, Blake is MY love...and she made that choice herself.
Adam: Tch! Don't meddle where you don't belong, filthy Human!!
Adam then took a swing at you with his sword, probably the biggest and possibly the last mistake of his life
Grabbing the blade you simply widened your eyes which by itself sent Adam flying back, even in your suppressed base form you were like a god to him
Going through multiple trees and even crashing into a Boulder, you simply yawned and rubbed your eyes as Adam struggled to simply get back up
Adam: Gah...!! What did you do?! What ARE you?!
Blake: Y/N is something beyond far your understanding, Adam...
Adam: Silence! I will prove my love! We can make this work!!
Y/N: *Even More Yawning*
Blake: Adam, it's over, I've chosen Y/N to be my partner for please leave...for your own sake...Y/N...please let him least let him try to rediscover himself and find who he really is...
Y/N: Let him go...? After everything he's done to you...?
Blake: Well...Let's just say you kinda rubbed off me a little...
Hearing this remark you went wide eyed, you had influenced Blake, and she wasn't the only one, you had influenced many before her, and are still doing so now
Y/N: Fine, I'll spare you, "Adam"...You have one chance to redeem yourself...if you ever come back, it better be for an apology.
Adam: ...It's your fault...
Y/N: Huh?
Adam: Me and Blake could've ruled everything...we could've been happy...BUT YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!!!!
Y/N: Oh so now it's my fault that you can't accept rejection, that's life! Move on, man! There's more to life than just girls and stuff like that!
Adam: It's not just "Girls" couldn't understand...Blake and I had something special...I saved her...and she saved me...
Y/N: Man whatever happened to Tarble...?
Adam: ...I loved her...I still do...she's all I want...Blake isn't any girl...she's the best of the best for me...somebody like YOU doesn't deserve her!!! We will accomplish our goal and serve Justice in the name of the Faunus kind!!
Y/N: Okay this guy's had his chance...
Adam: I'll prove myself by killing you, right here and right now!!
Adam then leaped towards you, ready to do anything in order to destroy you, however, he was evidently interrupted when somebody else came flying in from above and crashing directly on top of him
???: Y/N L/N!!!
Y/N: ?!?
Kratos: YOU MUST DIE!!!
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