Chapter 67: Special Training: Part 3

During the aftermath of your little power up, the many students around you were still holding their ground, for the most part at least, weaker ones like Mineta were blown away from that power up alone

Bakugo, Todoroki, and the others who were fighting you beforehand already had you surrounded as it was, and now pretty much every other student was headed right for you

Y/N: Hmph, well, might as well take advantage of this and have some fun!!

Leaping into action and dodging a magic projectile from Diana with even noticing, you bolted towards the massive stampede of students practically hurling themselves at you

Avoiding a blow from Jaune and smacking him away, Akeno making herself known while striking you with a large bolt of lightning

It was much more powerful than her initial ones, and it was likely because of the Zenkai Zone, nevertheless being in Super Saiyan 3 it hardly effected you

Akeno: There's more where that came from, Dear~

Being stuck by three more large bolts of lightning that were just as powerful, your entire body started to vibrate due to all of the electricity, it didn't hurt but it felt uncomfortable

Because of this you blew away each and every bit of lightning with by swinging your arms and spreading them out, pretty much blowing Akeno away as well in the process

The large crowd of students had surrounded you entirely as a you would be attacked from a few at a time, why they haven't all just jumped you yet, you didn't know

Y/N: C'mon! I wanna see how much stronger you've all gotten!!

Upon saying these words you gave all of your opponents a sinister glare as you intently flashed into Super Saiyan God, catching them all by surprise as your aura shone most brilliantly

Uraraka: He's already going into his God form...?

Tokoyami: I'll try to keep him at bay for as long as I can, we don't need to beat him, just keep him from taking every Dragon Ball.

Koneko: I'll lend a hand, there's no way you can even last a minute against him alone...Y/N, no hard feelings.

Y/N: Likewise.

Jaune: I'll help too! We can do this, Team!

Akko: Yeah! Let's do it!

You found yourself facing Tokoyami, Koneko, Jaune, and Akko all at once as you smiled with excitement, out of all four of them, Jaune and Akko were the biggest threats to you seeing as you trained them yourself

Y/N: You did well against me before, Jaune, but can you handle Super Saiyan God?

Jaune: We'll just have to wait and see!

Tokoyami: Dark Shadow!

Dark Shadow: I got it!

Tokoyami's Quirk, Aka Dark Shadow quickly emerged from his user's body as he began to swing his claws at you with no remorse, dodging each attack you could see from the force of his swings alone that he had gotten much stronger

Jaune then slipped behind you and took a swing at you with his sword, of course with you having some experience with speed fighters due to people like Kiba and Trunks, you were able to hold yourself just fine

However that's when you felt yourself get picked up by some strange force that coated your entire body in bright green magic energy, slamming you onto the ground and through the ice as Akko had her wand pointed towards your direction

Akko: Got him!

Jaune: Good job!

All of a sudden a large amount of red energy bursted from the ice below as you came flying out from the water and back into the ice, facing everybody was bits of water slowly dripped from your hair

Y/N: Man, these guys are just full of surprises...

Mori: Surprise!!

Looking behind you with widened eyes, Mori had suddenly bursted out from below the ice as well with his Monkey King mode activated and his Limiter Removal amped to max, he immediately grabbed his staff and took a swing as you gritted your teeth

Instinctively grabbing your power pole and swinging as well as both weapons clashed and created ripples in the air

Tokoyami: Jin!

Mori: What's up! I was waiting for the perfect time to strike!!

Y/N: Well you sure did catch me off guard there...

You and Mori then started swinging your staffs as each clash created more destructive shockwaves in the air, the entire flat ice area was no longer flat as massive boulders and craters bursted from the ground with each clash.

Mori: Since when did you get your own staff?

Y/N: Long story, but I have one now!!

Mori: Alright! Let's see what it can do! GROW, NYOIBO!


With those chantings both of your staffs extended to drastic lengths as you and Mori both hit each other in the same way, being hit in the stomach by the ends of the growing staffs and sending you both into several boulders of the opposite directions

Sucy: Those two are always finding ways to clash heads, aren't they?

Ren: Well what do you expect? Both do them have a burning passion for combat, they have similar techniques, and now both do them even have similar weapons...

Iida: Speaking of weapons, I never thought I'd ever see Y/N use one in battle.

Mori was then sent flying by a heavy kick to the stomach as he crashed into a Boulder, that last hit was enough to put him out of commission for now as somebody else was already aiming for your head

It was Bakugo, again. Not even taking the fact that you kicked his ass hard enough in Super Saiyan 3 into play, now you were in Super Saiyan God, facing you alone at his current level was just dumb

Midoriya: Kacchan!! We can't beat him like that! We need a plan!

Bakugo: Don't tell me what to do!!

Y/N: You finna get tossed...

Bakugo then received a series of swift punches to his torso which caught him off guard, followed by a quick Ki wave that sent him flying back

Luckily for him, Midoriya was able to catch him at the last second and stop him from crashing into anything


Hearing Issei's iconic sound, you turned to the right to see him charging up for one big attack, however he went wide eyed upon seeing that you had noticed him

Issei: B-BUSTED...!! Ddraig couldn't you have been a little more quiet?!?

Ddraig: Sorry, Partner, That's just how it is...

You were about to blast him in order to stop him from charging up when suddenly Crescent Rose came flying in out of nowhere like a boomerang, you were able to weave under it at the last second but it still caught you off guard

You were about to turn around to see what was going on with Ruby when you were then picked up again by Akko's Magic, however this time you were able to break free by simply screaming which caught her off guard

Y/N: That won't work a second time!!

You then blew her away with a powerful shockwave which sent her flying into the air, Lotte calling out her name in disarray as Akko hadn't even processed what had happened yet

Luckily for her, just before she could hit the ground, Ruby came swooping in and snatched her up by using her semblance, allowing Lotte to take a sigh of relief

As they both then returned back to their Humanoid state, Ruby gave Akko a pat on the back as she sighed in relief as well

Akko: Phew...Thanks for the save, Ruby...I owe you one...

Ruby: You're welcome! You're doing really well at this protagonist thing so far!

Akko: Thanks!

Y/N: So the big dogs have decided to come out, hm? Good! Things were starting to get boring after Mori.

Midoriya: Kacchan, if we want to have a chance we need to work together!

Bakugo; Like I'd ever work with you again, Deku!!

Midoriya: Kacchan, listen! We don't have a choice! We can't beat him alone, we have to!

Bakugo: Grrrr...

Midoriya: Kacchan!


They both stood up and faced you as Ruby and Akko did their best to keep you at bay, but they weren't having much luck as you were smacking away anything they threw at you


Issei: We're gonna need a whole lot more than this if we're gonna take him down, Ddraig!

Ddraig: I'm aware.



Midoriya: Issei's charging up a massive attack, if we can buy enough time for him to charge up, we might be able to win!

Bakugo: Let's charge at him! He can't block and dodge forever!!

Midoriya: Right!

With that both Midoriya and Bakugo rushed you at the same, stopping you from attacking Ruby and Akko as they both watched in shock

You avoided Bakugo's explosions and blocked Midoriya's Punches and Kicks while maintaining a good amount of your stamina



Midoriya then force fed you a force punch to the face as you gritted your teeth, while at the same time having to take a powerful attack from Bakugo

Despite how little they get along, their teamwork wasn't half bad, you went skidding across the ice as Akko suddenly wrapped you up in some sort of rope made of green energy

Akko: He's all yours, guys!!

Midoriya: This is it!! ONE FOR ALL: 1,000,000%!!



Struggling to break free, Both Midoriya and Bakugo rushed you at the same time as Akko's rope was slowly draining you of your power

Y/N: Dammit!!




Just when it seemed to be their shining moment, you suddenly transformed into Super Saiyan Blue, allowing you to easily break free from Akko's rope as both Midoriya and Bakugo were instantly blown away

Rolling across the ground, Midoriya and Bakugo crashed into a Boulder as Akko went crashing through the ice, Issei struggling to stand his ground as Ruby made sure to keep him standing

Standing tall over all of them, you slowly walked towards Midoriya and Bakugo with a serious look in your face

Y/N: Your teamwork is pretty good, there's no doubt about that, you almost had me, but I don't plan on losing here...

Ruby: Darn it! We were so close...!!

Midoriya: Kacchan...There's only one thing left that we can do...

Bakugo: If we have to share quirks help me god...

Midoriya: Well...Sorta...but not exactly...We need to try fusion, like Y/N, Kacchan...

Bakugo: WHAT?! Working with you alone is bad enough! There's no way I'm gonna share a body with YOU of all people!!

Midoriya: But it's the only way!!

???: If you plan on merging, I can assist you.

Both Midoriya and Bakugo looked behind them to see Diana towering over the both of them with her usual nonchalant look

Diana: Mr. Kalasha taught me a way to create a Fusion Spell, it's risky, but I have been saving it for an occasion like this.

Midoriya: Kacchan this is our chance! Let's do it!

Bakugo: NO!! I'D RATHER DIE!!

Diana: I'm certain Y/N can easily arrange that. So how about you put aside your ego for once and listen to reason, Bakugo...

Bakugo was surprised, nobody had stood up to him in such a way before, he closed his eyes and growled for about five seconds before shouting

Bakugo: Dammit! Once this shit wears off, you're both DEAD!!

Midoriya: S-So you'll do it?!

Bakugo: If it'll get you both to shut up then fine!

Diana: Good, the spell will only last 15 minutes at the very most, so you cannot mess around. Now, allow me...

With that Diana's wand started to glow, everybidu watching in awe as she literally worked her Magic and chanted

Diana: Merge these two gifted warriors and grant them even greater power!

With that Midoriya and Bakugo were then surrounded by a large dome of magic energy that Shone thought the battlefield, this caught your attention

Y/N: They're up to something...Oh no you don't!!

You were about to stop them when all of a sudden Mori appeared behind you and held you back by holding his arms under your arms, locking his hands together by your neck and keeping you in place

Mori: Where are you going?! This party's only just begun!

Y/N: Tch!!

Midoriya: Let's do this, Kacchan!

Bakugo: Just 15 minutes and it's all over...

In one massive flash of light, the entire area shook violently as debris everywhere began to fly, everybody looking in shock as you gritted your teeth in both frustration and annoyance

The light eventually dispersed entirely revealing one warrior standing before Diana, even she was impressed that the spell had actually worked

Y/N: What in the name of Otherworld...?! Who are you?!

???: Me? I am they. We are one. We are the Ultimate Hero!!


Meanwhile: Unknown Location

In a small little tavern far from where HOH is located, things were going quite well for business, plenty of customers that payed what they were supposed to, not many bar fights, today was a good day for work

However, just when things seemed to be at their best, something else decides to come along and spoil it

This is the case of the workers of this tavern who were simply doing their job and such, selling products and cleaning tables when suddenly the doors slammed wide open, revealing a man

Everybody in the tavern went wide eyed seeing as how intimidating he looked, and judging by his outfit and such, he wasn't from around here

Worker: H-Hello, Sir! C-Can I help you...?

???: Where can I find Y/N L/N, I demand an answer.

Worker: W-Who...?!

???: I was told somebody who worked at this tavern holds knowledge about him, so which one of you is it...

Worker 2: I-I've heard of him, Sir, he a-attends an academy known as HOH...why do you wish to find him...?

???: I witnessed a battle he had around 7 months ago, the destruction that battle caused brought ruin upon my home, and even took the life of my only son. I must find him and avenge him...

Worker: I-I see, I'm afraid I don't actually know where HOH is located, B-But if you ask around I'm sure you'll find somebody who does know!

???: ...Fine. Very well...

With that the man walked out and left them be, while he left, the thick tension in the air did not

???: Y/N L/N, The Reincarnated King...I WILL hunt you down, and I will kill you for what you've done, wether if it was intentional or not...


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