Chapter 64: Post-Battle Exhaustion

After your incredible battle with Lotus who had now been officially titled as "The Gatekeeper", the both of you were immediately retrieved by Kalasha and sent to the infirmary

Both you and Lotus found yourselves in separate healing tanks, just like the ones used by Frieza and his empire

Ibara was standing in front of Lotus' healing tank as she watched him rest with a smile, gently placing her hand upon the glass and speaking up

Ibara: You made me really proud today, my Love. Maybe next time.

As for you, Midoriya, Issei, Ruby, and Yang all watched as you were slowly healing in your healing tank, with each loud breath you took, they became more calm and quiet

Ruby: I don't get it, why doesn't he just eat a Senzu Bean...?

Midoriya: He can't. The toll of Omni God 4 left him completely paralyzed all over. His Bones and Muscles exploded as soon as the form wore off, it's a lot like my Quirk, but on a more extreme level.

Yang: He can't eat one because he can't move as of right now, I hate seeing him like this, I hate seeing him get injured in general, but it makes him happy, and I can't hold him back from that.

All of a sudden the door practically came flying off as Kasai could be seen desperately trying to calm down a crying S/N


Kasai: He won't. Stop. CRYING...!!!

Upon hearing the cries from your son, the others noticed how according to the machine, your heart rate started to skyrocket, loud beeps could be heard as your face started to clench up at the sound of it

Y/N: S-S/N...

Yang: Quick, lemme see him!

Kasai, no questions asked, handed over S/N to Yang to where she gently placed him in her arms, rocking him back and forth as he quickly calmed down

Yang: Shhh...It's Okay, It's Okay, Mommy's here.

Kasai: H-How...?!

Yang: A Mother's Warmth will always make a baby feel safe.

S/N then slowly drifted off to sleep, Yang smiling at the sight as your heart rate slowly went back to normal

Yang: I've gotta take S/N to bed, make sure Y/N is okay, please.

Issei: Oh Yeah, He's Tough, he'll be in tip top shape in no time!

Yang then walked out as Kasai and Ruby followed her lead, leaving Issei and Midoriya to watch you, but that didn't last long

Issei: Anyway, Rias invited me over to do some "Stuff", so I'll be heading out now, tell Y/N that I said good job!

With that Issei walked out of the room as Midoriya waved him off, he looked at you in relief as he thought yang you would've died from the backlash, but thankfully that wasn't the case

Ibara: How does he do it...?

Midoriya: Huh?

Midoriya then turned his head and looked over to Ibara who still had her hand placed on Lotus' healing tank, she had an expression of sadness on her face as Midoriya didn't quite know how to respond

Ibara: No matter how hard he tries, Y/N is always one step ahead of him...what drives him to do what he does...?

Midoriya: I wish I truly knew myself, Shiozaki. He has a lot going for him, they both do. Y/N is a Celestial Omni King and Lotus is a Reincarnated Guardian entity. But Y/N's always been able to do whatever he puts his mind to and he does it with a burning passion, it's what makes him Y/N L/N.

Ibara: I see...

*Tap* *Tap* *Tap*

Upon hearing the taps against the glass, Midoriya looked back to your healing tank to see you with your eyes at most half open, he quickly responded by giving you a quick smile as he started to work the machine

Time Skip

Midoriya was now helping you stand as you had your arm wrapped around the back of his neck and shoulder, you looked absolutely exhausted, but you were fully healed

Y/N: Thanks, Midoriya. I can always count on you.

Midoriya: Anything for a friend. C'mon, let's get you back to your dorm room.

Y/N: Alright...

With that you and Midoriya both walked out of the room, but not before Midoriya looked back to Ibara one last time with a look of guilt on his face

As the two of you progressed through the hallways, there were several times that you almost fell over, but you would manage thanks to Midoriya's help

However, on the way there, both of you could hear the sound of somebody softly crying, concerned for whoever it was, you both followed the sound and eventually reached the lockers

Upon taking one last turn, Akko was in the corner facing the wall, crying, she probably didn't know how loud she actually was

Midoriya: Akko...?

Hearing her name called, she slightly turned her head and spotted the two of you, you didn't say anything but you were just as concerned

Akko: *Sniff*...I-I'll be fine, j-just leave me alone, please...



Midoriya: Akko, we're your friends, and we're here to support you no matter what, you can talk to us, we won't judge, I promise.

She was hesitant, like really hesitant, but eventually turned around and faced the both of you, and what you saw made you both go wide eyed in shock

Her eyes were all red from all of the crying, but she also had a black eye, along with a few bruises on her face, and a large wound on her forehead, and her hair was slightly more messy than usual, she was clearly in bad shape

Y/N: Akko...What happened...?!

Akko: I-I fell just down the's no big deal...

Y/N: Yeah...I'm not falling...for that me, I've tried it...there's no judgement here like Midoriya said, just tell us.

She then sighed in defeat and hung her head low as she fell to her knees and started crying again, you had never seen her like this before, she was usually the most cheerful out of the main protagonist squad

Akko: I-It's Hannah and Barbara...they've always been jerks to me ever since I met them...they make fun of me for what I dream of becoming one day...

Midoriya: Y-You wanted to be like that Witch, Shiny Chariot, right...?

Akko: Y-Yeah...I saw one of her shows as a little kid...she changed my life, and I want to be an amazing witch just like her, but Hannah, Barbara, and even Diana don't think the thought we were finally making some progress...but I guess not...

Midoriya: So what happened here...?

Akko: They tried bully me again and I tried to fight the end they ended up using a bunch of spells and hurt me really bad...I-I know that my Magic is a lot stronger, but I still hardly know how to use it...and that's why they still make fun of me...

Midoriya: That's Horrible!

Y/N: The Nerve...

Akko: P-Please don't confront them about it! It'll only make things worse!

Midoriya: Akko, I know exactly what you're doing through. And I completely understand, I used to have no powers, no special traits, nothing, I was just some basic human, but then I started training with All Might, and eventually met Y/N, he made me into the hero that I am today.

Akko: B-But you probably didn't have anybody bullying you for it...

Midoriya: But I did, Akko. The entire school bullied me for being the quirkless kid, but out of them all, Kacchan was the worst...he even once told me to kill myself...

Y/N: Wait, what?!

Akko: That's Awful!

Midoriya: Yeah, but we've grown past that, for the most part at least, today, I can crush him like nothing, and it's all thanks to All Might and Y/N...

Akko was surprised by this, somebody who could FULLY understand what she was doing through, almost the exact same, almost strangely similar

Y/N: Yeah, and I've had my fair share of bully figures too, Issei used to be the biggest douche somebody could meet. He was a perv, an asshole, and overall just immature, but I knocked some sense into him and even more after a certain...Incident...

Midoriya and Akko noticed how hard you were clenching your fist, almost to the point where it bled, you thought of what Issei did to Tsuyu and Blake at the second tournament, you put it behind you...

But you could never truly forgive him for what he did.

Akko: What did he do...?

Y/N: It's best not to say...but I understand, now c'mon, let's head back, I bet you're really tired, I know I am...

Midoriya: And always remember, we're here for you, Akko, always.

Akko then wiped away whatever tears she had left on her face as she gave you both one of her signature big smiles, and it was contagious

Akko: Thanks, guys, really, nobody has ever had my back as much as you, so Thank You!

Y/N: No Problem, Akko...Now can we go to bed...? I'm about to just flop over and sleep in one of these lockers if we don't head back...

Midoriya: Yeah, it's almost Midnight, and Kalasha said that he had a really important training session planned for tomorrow! We best get some rest!

Y/N: Right.

Akko: Okay!

With that the three of you then began to make your way back to the Dorm Rooms, with you still leaning against Midoriya as support

Akko: Y/N L/N...Izuku Midoriya...I don't know if I'll ever be able to show how much I actually appreciate you both...

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