Chapter 63: Omni Y/N Returns
Lotus currently found himself standing his ground as massively powerful gusts of wind began to go wild all over the place from your transformation
Watching as a white light filled the entire Outerverse, he could feel your overwhelming power, endlessly increasing
Lotus: Tch...
Y/N: Give yourself a pat on the back, as you've seen, only Ark has pushed me this far...
Lotus then gazed upon you as the white energy coating your entire body began to slowly crack and float away into nothingness, revealing your wildly messy white and hair, along with the Omni Symbol on your forehead now having no Limiters to place boundaries on you
(Credit for this art piece goes to Son_kurrah )
As everyone back at the academy gazed upon your most powerful form, everyone who had seen it before was now trembling in their boots
Kirishima: Geez, I never thought I'd see Y/N like this again...
Yang: I remember when he was tearing apart Ark with that power...Lotus is really in for it now...!!
Akko: Uh...can somebody explain...?
Todoroki: That's Omni God 4...or as we call it...Omni Y/N...
Lotte: Wait, That's Omni Y/N...?!
Vegeta: A level of power that grows eternally and energy that never runs out, this is the same level that saved reality as we know it...
Kalasha: Being in the Center of a Universal Explosion must have acted as a catalyst for the form to awaken...
They all then remained silent and watched as you faced Lotus who kept that same look on his face, calm and collected but at the same time serious
Lotus: Hm...Interesting, I guess you still have some fight left in you...
Y/N: Oh there's a lot more than that...
You then slowly brought your hands out and got in a power up stance as you began to grit your teeth, the red markings all over your body all glowing together as you then gained a colossal white aura
Your energy constantly pouring out of your body caused the entire Outerverse to shake once more, and this time even starting to cause strange things to happen between the dimensions
Y/N: Behind all of this is a legacy, The legacy carried out from Generation to Generation since the dawn of time itself...
Lotus: Tch, Enough talking, come and face me!!
Y/N: Your call...
You then began to slowly walk towards Lotus, despite the fact that there was no footing to walk on in the first place, Lotus then glared towards you which sent another shockwave towards you, in response you simply tilted your head to the side and avoided it entirely while still walking towards him
The Shockwave kept on going until it eventually let out an explosion which would've destroyed a Galaxy at least, this made Lotus grow slightly irritated as he then fired a barrage of blasts towards you
All to which you simply tanked, each individual blast simply crashing into your chest and eventually fading away as you got closer and closer to him by the second
With the wave of a single hand, you suddenly caused the entire Outerverse to start shaking for the third time in the span of around a minute or so, but there was a reason this time, with the wave of that hand you had completely restored all of the damage done to the surrounding area
Y/N: This Realm is Sacred, let us respect it.
Lotus: Very well...
You then raised your hand and snapped your fingers together, warping the two of you somewhere elsewhere
Unknown Location
You and Lotus were now flying around in an unknown world, it looked like it was a variant of earth, but you would've recognized it if it were your world
Clearly it wasn't, you hadn't had the slightest clue as to where you were, nor did you care, all you were focused on was your battle with Lotus that was about to come to an arousing finale
Y/N: Let's finish this...
Lotus: As you wish...
With that the two of you then bolted towards one another as your clash began to wreak havoc upon that entire world, not simply the planet, but that entire known universe as well
Lotus was almost immediately blown away as you remained calm, disappearing in a flash and reappearing directly above him
Lotus: As I suspected, his speed increases too...there's gotta be a way that I can take him down...
Y/N: I'm afraid not...
Lotus then went wide eyed as you hit him right in the stomach with a devastating sledgehammer attack which sent him bolting towards the ground
Before he could collide with the earth you grabbed him and blasted him back up into the air, at this point you were simply knocking him around like a rag-doll
However, Lotus wasn't finished yet as he then began to power up even more, gaining a large aura that even caused you to raise your guard up
Lotus: Let's see how you handle my full power!!
As the two of you then clashed fists, Lotus let out a loud roar which shook the entire planet, however, what the two of you failed to realize was that two entities were approaching you
???: What the hell's Goin' on here...?!
???: It appears that those two over there appeared from another dimension, now their battle here is causing a considerable amount of damage to the entire earth...
There was two people, one being a boy with black hair and hazel eyes, and the other being a girl with mostly pink hair and bright green eyes
Boy: Well we can't let them keep going! They're gonna hurt somebody!! You gotta try and stop them, Ikaros!
Ikaros: Very well, I shall try, Master.
As your battle raged on, Lotus began to recognize the energies of this world, he knew them, he felt them within his own as well
Lotus: Hm, looks like we have company...
The two of you then temporarily stopped your battle and looked over to see the girl out of the duo spread angel like wings as a halo appeared above her head, her eyes were now bright red as you simply scoffed
Y/N: I don't know who they are, and frankly I don't care. Those who interrupt this battle will pay a steep price...
The Angelic Girl who was previously stated as "Ikaros" began to approach the two of you as you raised your hand towards her
Your hand shining a familiar light as you were prepared to erase both of them from the very plane of existence
Y/N: Disappear.
You were about to finish them when Lotus suddenly got in your way, that same serious expression remaining on his face as you scoffed once more
Lotus: That's a bit harsh, don't you think? They don't deserve our attention...
Y/N: Hmph...Fine...
You then snapped your fingers as you begin the warping process, however not even seconds before you could warp elsewhere, you felt somebody grab you by the leg
Boy: Oh no you don't!!
Y/N: Tch! What are you doing?!
With that You and Lotus warped somewhere else as the duo that had approached you now came along for the ride
Back To The Outerverse
You and Lotus then appeared back at the Outerverse as the boy and Ikaros were now floating around aimlessly, with the boy being completely horrified as to where he was
Boy: Where are we?! Are we in space?! Why can I still breathe?!?
Y/N: We will have a "Chat" later...
With that you suddenly warped the duo back to HOH for you wanted to give that boy a piece of your mind, but right now, you had more important things to attend to
Without even giving you a warning, Lotus suddenly appeared in front of you and punched you directly in the face, the blow connected perfectly, but it did very little damage
Although it was still able to knock you towards multiple planets, of course this hardly meant much as you simply got back up as Lotus could be seen headed right for you
Not saying a word, you followed his action and charged directly towards him, Lotus gaining a large aura as the two of you began to run wild all over the area, bouncing and clashing everywhere
Lotus was beginning to struggle big time with the whole situation, with each moment that your battle continued you slowly grew stronger, faster, and more hyperactive, making it even more difficult for him to put up a fight
Clenching your fist and smashing it into Lotus' lower jaw, he could feel parts of his skull breaking as you tossed him through a moon and chased after him
By far this was your most destructive battle to date, you then zoomed towards Lotus at hyper speeds and began to attack him from multiple spots at the same time, with him doing his best to defend himself
Lotus gritted his teeth in pain as you then finished your combo with a sledgehammer to his spine, doing some devastating damage as he went flying down
You quickly followed as Lotus was quick to recover as he then started to attack, seining multiple times as you followed his lead, the two of you swinging and blocking at a rapid pace as Lotus was starting to lose his breath
Y/N: What's the matter, Lotus? I thought you wanted a "Better Finale"...
Lotus: Dammit...H-He's too much...!!
You quickly kicked Lotus in his torso sending him flying back while you soared after him, not even giving him time to recover as all he could do was summon a massive barrage of portals to which they all fired a large volley of beams directly towards you
Y/N: That won't work again...
Then began to dodge each and every blast as you headed towards Lotus at full speed, your acceleration increasing by the second as the beams that he had fired began to chase you
Slowly but surely they surrounded you as you began to grow annoyed by this, this time you didn't dodge, but instead let out a godly roar that shook the entire dimension as a whole
Your large aura completely obliterated each and every blast as a massive chain of explosions then went off all around you, in the middle of the smoke Lotus appeared in front of you as he had all of his remaining energy balled up into his fist
Lotus: I'm Ending this now!!
Upon finding that his fist was now headed right for you, you simply squinted at the Saiyan as your aura coated your entire body
In this case your aura acted as a solid barrier that Lotus couldn't break through, it was over, checkmate, the battle had been decided
Lotus: There's no way...!!
Y/N: You should have finished me at the start...
All of a sudden you quickly went in and grabbed Lotus by his forearm, quickly pulling him in and forcing your palm out in front of his face
Your palm then began to emit a massive amount of glowing energy that instantly overtook Lotus, coating him in a light energy and lighting up the entire Outerverse as Lotus was knocked back into his base form
You slowly floated backwards to gain a safe distance as the fight was then finished with a large explosion that even blew you away
And the timing couldn't be better because as soon as you had done so, your body suddenly began to take the toll of Omni God 4
Your entire body started trembling and making loud cracking sounds as you gritted your teeth in immense pain
Now paralyzed, you started to fall into the endless abyss as Lotus began to fall from the smoke, you managed to hang on to consciousness by a thread as you smiled
Y/N: Looks like we've finally settled things...Lotus...Thanks for this fight...I'll never forget this...
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