Chapter 58: Another Free Day

It had been a couple of days since the whole tango with Metallix as you had made a full recovery from
that battle

You were informed the day before that there would be no classes today due to a simple inservice day, nothing special, just something that happens every once and a while

Of course no school was a solid win and a half for you, mostly because you didn't want to deal with the majority of the teachers

It was currently around 7:30 am as this was early for you to wake up on a free day, usually you sleep in, but always make sure to get up before 10:00 am, wether if you want to or not

Everyone else in your dorm was sleeping so you had no choice but to crash at one of the open rooms on campus, but you couldn't say it was all bad

The room itself simply consisted of a bunch of seats paired with desks and tables, you hadn't actually been in this room before, but judging on how much food and garbage there was on the tables and floors, this was definitely one of the main spots to hang out

Y/N: Man...why am I even awake anyway...? I could be sleeping in like always...maybe I should do that...

You were about to head back to your dorm room when you heard the sounds of multiple pairs of foot steps headed your way, you assumed that it would've your friends to you simply took a seat at one of the chairs

???: Hey! You're up! You're usually sleeping at this time!

Y/N: Yeah, couldn't get back to sleep. Wait, who's there?

As you turned from your seat and looked into the hallway in the distance, you spotted several students, four in total, you assumed that they were all from different worlds because their energies were so different from one another

Irina: I met some friends I'd like you to meet!

Y/N: Oh, Irina it's just you, and you brought others?

Irina: Mhm! Guys, meet Y/N, he's basically the top dog around here.

???: Sup, I'm Shinso.

???: Hiya! My name's Neon!

???: I'm Avery, it's a pleasure to meet you.

Y/N: Likewise, like Irina said, I'm Y/N L/N.

Irina: You don't look too busy, mind if we chill and chat with you?

Y/N: Knock yourself out.

With that they all took their seats around you, you were always willing to make new friends, you were a world jumper, these things are bound to happen

As time went on, it began to get brighter outside as more and more people began to come into the open area, a lot of faces you didn't know since they weren't Guardian Students such as yourself

Shinso: Class 2-A is always talking about you, I didn't really know why at first, but then I saw you blow up a giant Zero Pointer all by yourself.

Irina: Yeah he's quite the powerhouse!

Avery: I heard that you managed to get with Sucy, she's the most anti-social person I know, and you're dating her, that's a feat on it's own.

Neon: So like, I've been meaning to ask you, are you a Faunus? Because I noticed that you have a tail!

You then gently picked up your tail and showed it to everyone which surprised Shinso and Avery, but not Irina and Neon

Y/N: Oh this? Nah, I'm not a Faunus, I'm something different, I'm what most people would call a Saiyan. We grow even stronger with each battle...Oh Yeah, I'm a God now too.

Irina: Wait what?! A God?!

Y/N: Yeah, You know my Super Saiyan God and Blue forms? Those forms use Godly Energy, and my body manifested to where it always flows with god energy, no matter what form I'm in, therefore technically making me a God.

Shinso: I'm suspicious...You talk about all of this God stuff like it's no big deal...

Y/N: Well at this point it really isn't, I have powers that transcend beyond the meaning of "God".

Avery: No wonder Akko looks up to you, you trained her didn't you...?

Y/N: Yeah, her along with three others.

Avery: Well you did her a favour, before all of this HOH stuff, she was completely hopeless, she couldn't even ride a broom properly...

Y/N: Well she can ride one just fine now, so it doesn't matter.

???: Ayo Y/N! I see you over there!

Y/N: What?

You then looked over as you spotted the red wall of manliness himself, Kirishima, making his way towards you



Kirishima: It's been a few chapters since we've talked, what's going on, man?

Y/N: Shhh, I'm sitting with newly introduced characters...! If they find out how to break the fourth wall then Lavender will have my head...!!!

Irina: What are you guys talking about...?

Both: Official Manly Business!

Avery: Right...anyway, we're gonna go grab breakfast, it was nice talking to you, Y/N!

Neon: Totally! We should hang out again sometime!

Shinso: If possible I'd like to speak with you again.

Irina: See you later, Guys!

Y/N: See Ya!

With that the four of them walked away satisfied as you and Kirishima were now left by yourselves

Kirishima: Yang and Amanda are waiting for us at the table over there, come and chill with us!

Y/N: Aight!

Time Skip

It was now around 9:45 am as you were now hanging out with your main squad, Kirishima, Yang with S/N in her arms, and Amanda who had been officially accepted into the group

Kirishima: So you had this awesome space mission a few days back, right? What was it like? Are there planets up there?

Y/N: Yes actually, I know because I accidentally broke one during a fight.

Yang: With Power like yours, we're lucky that only a single planet was destroyed...

Amanda: Okay so it's not Magic...what is it...?!

Y/N: Natural Energy, Amanda, everyone has it, even you.

Amanda: E-Eh?!

Y/N: You heard me, one day, you might be a planet buster too, honestly that ain't much of a feat anymore...Hey Yang, Can I see S/N?

Yang: Of course, he's your Son, silly.

With that Yang passed S/N over as she carefully placed him in your arms, even for as long as he's been here, you still couldn't believe that you had your very own child, he was precious

Y/N: Y'know, Gohan's daughter, Pan, flew at the age around 1 year old or so, you think we could set a new record?

S/N: Papa!

Yang: If he inherited your energy then I'd say so.

Y/N: One day, You'll be a strong warrior just like papa! And even if you don't enjoy fighting, so long as it's your decision, I'll support you no matter what, my Son.

With that S/N began to happily giggle and wiggle around in your arms as you began to tickle him gently, seeing you play so happily with him made Yang's heart flutter with joy and pride

Yang: We've come a long way haven't we...?

Y/N: Oh Yeah...You guys are my family, I don't know where I'd be without any of you guys...

Yang: Hehe...I love you, Y/N~

Y/N: Love you too, Yang.

Yang then pecked your cheek as you gave her the softest smile she had ever seen, Kirishima eating the whole thing like a romance movie as Amanda could hardly keep herself from barfing

Amanda: Ugh...get a room, you two, heh...

Meanwhile, on the other side of the room, Sucy, Lotte, Uraraka, Koneko, and strangely enough Aoyama were all sitting at a round table as Lotte couldn't keep her eyes off of you

She watched as you made sly interactions with Yang as she watched in envy, she didn't want to feel jealous, but deep down she knew that she was

Aoyama: You like him, don't you~

Lotte: E-Eh?!

Koneko: You've been eyeballing him with that look on your face ever since we got here, you can't deny it.

Lotte then hung her head low as she began to sulk to herself in acceptance

Lotte: You're right...I-I think I do...

Sucy: Then ask him out.

Lotte: You make it sound easy!

Sucy: Because the truth is, it really is easy. Y/N doesn't look for much in a girl, he doesn't really look for anything at all for that matter, the fact that you had enough courage to confront your nervous feelings and confess to him, gives him a reason to love you.

Koneko: That's Pretty much it, Y/N's a Saiyan, and Saiyans love different, I know that now, it might seem that he loves Yang more than all of us combined, but he really cares about all of us equally, Yang is just really bold and confident.

Lotte: You guys...

Koneko: Ever since I met him, Y/N's always had a Heart that contains more love and kindness than he has Forms, we accept each other, and I think that's why we all love him so much...when you're with Y/N, insecurities go right out the window.

Lotte: Y-Yeah, you're right, Y/N is a really wonderful person!

Lotte then looked over to see what you were doing once again

Y/N: Oh these are pretty cool Bananas.

Kirishima, Yang, and Amanda then pushed over one of the tallest book shelves, with you letting out a loud screech as it feel on top of you


All of a sudden Kalasha appeared in the middle of the room, gaining the attention of every student in the room almost instantly

Kalasha: Hello, Students of HOH! I hope you're feeling well, because later on today, our teachers will be arranging a field trip! Of course you don't have to come along,

Kasai: Can I use my Jet-Pacc?

Kalasha: Yes Kasai you can use your Jetpack when we get there.

Kasai: Sign me up.

Ruby: Kasai you're starting to scare me...

Kasai: But he said JET-PACC.

Y/N (Still under the bookshelf): A Field Trip Huh? Let's go, something actually fun!

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