Chapter 47: Opening Ceremony
It had been a few hours since everyone had arrived back to the second reality, the new academy was the largest one in size yet
New faces from all 4 academies could be seen all around the area, U.A, Beacon, Kuoh, and Luna Nova, the only ones that were missing were you and your group
Currently the original teachers of HOH along with many new ones were standing in a stage as hundreds of students watched them
Kalasha: Hello everybody! And welcome to The Harmony of Heroes!
Ozpin: We thank you for deciding to join us in this new journey. So far it has been quite a ride, and having all of you here with us, Students and Teachers alike is somewhat of a relief if I'm being completely honest.
Aizawa: Today marks the beginning of our next step in this journey. And for the many newbies all around, please behave yourself. This is special property.
Sirzechs: It is quite an honor to have all of you here with us. We hope to give you all an opportunity to have a good time, and simply have fun.
Ursula: With all of this out of the way, let us begin the ceremony!
Whis: Excuse me, everyone. But we're missing a small part of our group.
Sirzechs: Are we?
???: Yup.
All of the teachers and students looked up into the air and spotted a large group of individuals floating in the sky, You, Lotus, Kasai, Daiko, Goku, Vegeta, Broly, Son, S/N in your arms, Goten, and Trunks
Whis: Right on cue, Y/N.
As all of you descended to the ground, the handful of students that were familiar with you were now relieved as they were concerned about wether if you'd make it or not
Y/N: Hey! Howzit going?
Aizawa: You're Late, Y/N...
Y/N: Oh well I'm sorry that the two realities have different timezones!
Goten: Woah...!! Look at all of those people...!!
Whis: So you brought more from our world this time around?
Y/N: Yeah, they wanted to tag along.
Ozpin: Well, our ceremony is about to begin, if you could all please exit the stage and stand with everyone else. Except for you, Y/N.
Y/N: Huh?
You didn't get an answer as everyone else on your group split and got off of the stage, you scratched your head as Ozpin began to continue speaking
Ozpin: Now that everyone has arrived, we can get down to business. Starting with the rules.
Sirzechs: First thing is first. To all of the students who attended at the previous academy, please raise your hand now.
You then saw many hands raise into the air as you raised yours as well, however that changed when Beerus slapped your back which caused you to immediately put your hand down
Y/N: Ow!
Beerus: Not you! Just be quite and stand still!
Aizawa: Good, now Mr.Whis, if you would.
Whis: Of course.
Whis then raised his staff into the air as parts of certain people's clothing began to glow, on different parts of their clothes, depending on the person, a small symbol appeared on their tops, including yours
(Another Great Piece of Art by Son_kurrah thanks for the design!)
Midoriya: What's this?
Ruby: A Symbol...?
Issei: It looks badass!
Akko: But why do we have these on us...?
Whis: The Students who have attended in the previous academy have been trained enough to be capable of protecting the campus along side teachers, students with this emblem on them will be equipped with the title of "Guardian".
Ozpin: These Guardians are allowed to launch serious attacks on campus if need be. And they are also able to leave school grounds only if necessary.
Ursula: If a normal student wishes to leave school grounds for any reason, for they're own safety must be accompanied by at least one teacher or guardian student
Y/N: I we're basically the protectors around here.
Sirzechs: Now, All of you students, new and old will be assigned to normal classes. All which will be placed depending on their skills in school. Students may only enter a training class if chosen by a teacher, or recommended by a Guardian student, depending on who it is.
Aizawa: Now all of you are old enough to be responsible for your actions, so the time you go to bed and such will be up to you. There is scheduled curfew either. We honestly don't care.
Whis: Last thing, Y/N. I'm sure you're wondering why you're up here with us rather than down there with all of your fellow students. We have decided to upgrade you to a Training Sensei.
Kalasha: I saw how you trained Midoriya, Issei, Ruby, and Akko. And I must say that for your age, your teaching skills in combat are quite impressive!
Y/N: Wait so I'm a Teacher now...?!
Aizawa: Well yes, but actually no.
Kalasha: This concludes our Ceremony! Thank You once again for joining us!
Ozpin: You will all be handed specific sheets stating your Dorm Room numbers and schedules. Classes will begin in one hour. So please get ready if you're not already.
With that all of the students began to leave the scene, one way or another, you noticed how some of them, mainly from Kuoh, were normal Humans
Y/N: sure it was a good idea to let common Humans attend here...?
Ozpin: It will be alright. Now run along, you have your own class to get to, don't you?
Y/N: Oh Yeah! Let's see...on my schedule here it says I have...
Time Skip
Y/N: Math...
You currently found yourself sitting in a class with around 30 other students, most of which you didn't even know, you saw Todoroki sitting at the other side of the class with Pyrrha, but that was about it
What was worse, the teacher who was teaching your class was professor Oobleck of Beacon, not only was his pace faster than Dyspo drinking nesquik chocolate milk, but his speaking was even faster
Oobleck: Youseestudentswhatwehavehereisaproperexampleofoneofthedeadliestcreaturesknowntoman, Grimm!
As he kept rambling on about what you assume was still Grimm, you could do nothing but daydream as you played with one of the two pencils that you had accidentally broken
???: So are you really Y/N from 8 months ago?
Hearing someone speak to you, naturally you turned your head to their direction, and to your surprise it was a familiar face sitting right next to you this whole time, it was none other than Sona Sitri
Y/N: Wait...Sona...? Is that you...?
Sona: So you do remember me.
Y/N: Of course! We only stayed with each other nearly the whole time at the previous academies in our own reality!
Sona smiled as she was somewhat relieved to be talking to a familiar face in her first class
Sona: So how have you been since Ark?
Y/N: Well, before recently things were really boring, so we decided to make this big academy with most of our old students, but then something happened, apparently the old academy got blown up or something, I honestly don't remember.
Sona: I see, well it's good to see you again, Y/N.
Y/N: It's good to see you too!
Sona: It's also good to see that you haven't changed a bit.
Time Skip
It was now lunch period as you were walking down a hallway with most of your stuff, the stuff that you didn't accidentally break
Y/N: Man...Math Sucks...I'm glad Sona was able to help me during most of that...I still dunno what "Pie"is...but I do know that it made me kinda hungry...
You kept walking as some people couldn't help but he intimidated by you, considering your outfit and muscles
???: Ey! Y/N! I wasn't expectin' to run into you this early!
Y/N: Huh? Someone call my name?
???: Yeah, Me!
As you turned around you saw yet another familiar face in the distance, this person wasn't exactly a student from any academy, but they helped out quite a bit in the fight against Ark
Jaime Bloodghual
Y/N: Wait a sec...Jaime?! As in J?
Jaime: The one and only! Glad that you remembered my nickname!
Y/N: Well it's been a good while, I'm off to grab some lunch, wanna tag along?
Jaime: Sure, I was headin' there anyway.
With that you and Jaime were now heading to the cafeteria, you knew where it was as you could smell the food from a mile away
Jaime: So how have things been since you kicked Ark's ass? Anything new?
Y/N: Let's see, New Academy, New Threats, Witches, "Him"...
Jaime: Who's "Him"...?
Y/N: Someone very dangerous...but we'll get into the details later.
As you and Jaime eventually made it to the cafeteria, she had gotten a single tray of food along with the alcohol that she always had, where as you had about 20-30 trays stacked on top of each other like pancakes
The two of you sat at a round table where you placed all of your food down, normally someone would be surprised, but after living with you for 5 months in the hyperbolic time chamber, she was used to it
Jaime: So this "Him" character...are they stronger than Ark?
Y/N: I've sensed their energy in multiple occasions, I can confirm from that's not even a contest...
Jaime: That's...Scary to think about...
Y/N: Yeah...
???: Hey! I finally found you!! He's over here, guys!!
Y/N: Huh?
Yang: Y/N!!!!!
Y/N: Oh Crap...
You were suddenly yoinked out of your chair and into a soul crushing bear hug by none other than Yang, and with her was Kirishima and Amanda
Amanda: We've been looking all over for ya!
Kirishima: How have you been since the festival incident?
Y/N: I'm doing good.
Amanda: Also who's this with you?
Kirishima: Wait I know you! It's...Amie right?
Y/N: Pff!!
Jaime: Jaime...
Kirishima: Yeah that!
Amanda: someone gonna introduce me...?
Yang: Jaime helped us out against that Ark guy we told you about, she's actually really strong!
All of a sudden the sound of many female voices swooning over something could be heard in the distance, all of you turned and looked to see a crowd of female students all over Cardin and his gang
Yang: Ugh...Cardin...
Student 1: So are you really as great as I've heard!
Student 2: He has to be! Just look at those muscles! And that weapon!!
Cardin: Yup! I'm an elite around here, nobody can defeat me! Totally!
All of a sudden a voice called out all the way from the opposite side of the cafeteria as this gained everyone's attention
Koneko: I can smell the salt from here!
Blake: Y/N is the best.
Cardin: U-Uh...
Y/N: Hippity Hoppity your Glory is now my Property.
All of a sudden the intercom located on the south side of the cafeteria started to gently beep before Aizawa could be heard speaking through it
Aizawa: All Guardian Students prepare for your first training session after lunch, any other students may come and watch as they please.
Y/N: Oh boy! Time to steal even more of the spotlight!
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