Chapter 46: The New Harmony Of Heroes
You were just starting to wake up in your bed, slowly sitting upwards and letting out a slow and lazy yawn as you stretched your arms out
Next to you were two other beds, Lotus and Kasai had spent the night in your bedroom as the three of you had spent most of the night discussing what would happen at the new academy
Y/N: *Yawn*...Good Morning, Guys...
Lotus: G'Morning, Y/N...
Kasai: Morning...
Y/N: I'm gonna go make us breakfast.
Lotus: Huh?
Y/N: What?
Kasai: We have to get ready, we're going to that new academy, Remember?
Y/N: What?! That's Today?! I thought it was Saturday!
Lotus: Y/N, it's Thursday...
Y/N: ...Oh.
As the three of you forced yourselves out of bed, you all heard a loud boom come from outside as Kasai commented
Kasai: Dude, There's Thunder out!
Y/N: Really? We hardly ever get natural storms around here. Most of em are caused by us when we fight.
Lotus: Anyway, we should probably get ready now.
Time Skip
After taking individual showers, getting your clothes on, brushing your teeth, and getting S/N ready, the three of you were now making your way down to the main lobby of the Capsule Corp building, with S/N laying in your arms as Usual, on the way there you ran into Daiko
Daiko: Good Morning, Guys!
Y/N: Mornin'
Daiko: So are we ready to head out?
Y/N: We are, but I think Goku and Vegeta are still getting ready.
Daiko: Oh! That Reminds me! Broly, Goten, Trunks, and Son wanted to Tag along too.
???: Guyyys!!
Right on cue, all of you then turned around as a response to hearing a voice call out to you, and it was Goten, Trunks, Son, and Broly
Lotus: Hey Guys, what's up?
Goten: We gotta ask you something!
Y/N: Yes, you can come with us.
Goten: Can we come'd you...?
Kasai: Daiko filled us in.
Trunks: So we can come...? No Signing anything...?
Y/N: Nope, just pack your stuff, we'll be waiting here.
Son: Great! Thanks, Big Bro!
With that they all ran off, with the exception of Broly, he stayed as he didn't have much stuff to pack in the first place
???: Mr. L/N.
Upon hearing another voice, you then turned around to see one of Bulma's Attendants standing there looking at you
Y/N: Oh Hey, need something?
Attendant: Mr.Goku and Mr.Vegeta would like to see you.
Y/N: Okay, C'mon Guys.
Attendant: Only your presence is necessary, Sir.
Y/N: O-Oh. Alrighty then. I'll be back, guys. Lotus, could you watch S/N for me?
Lotus: Yup, just bring him here.
With that you left S/N with Lotus and walked off with Bulma's Attendant, leaving a bunch of confused Saiyans to see your Mentors
Time Skip
You were now arriving at the top balcony of the building. Goku and Vegeta could be seen standing there waiting for your arrival
Bulma's Attendant left the scene as you walked out and closed the door behind you, grabbing their attention
Y/N: Hey Guys, Did you guys need something?
Goku: Hey, Y/N. it's nothing that's Super important, but, we'd like to give you something, two gifts from both of us.
Vegeta: Today marks the first full day where we are seen as Equals, even though you were much stronger, we were still your masters. So from here and onward, you will no longer be known as our Student, you will be known as our sworn comrade, and Friend.
Goku: And for all of your hard work, I'd like to give you this.
Goku then pulled out a weapon that you knew all too well, the thin red magical stick known as the PowerPole, this surprised you greatly as your eyes widened with shock
Y/N: The PowerPole! You're giving it to me...?
Goku: Yeah, I used this when I was your age, and I think that it's your turn to carry it's legacy. Besides, I haven't used this thing in years!
Vegeta: As for my gift...
Vegeta then pulled out a hat, but it wasn't like most hats you've seen before, it was more like one of those hats that you'd see a samurai wear in movies
Vegeta: This hat was worn by my Great Grandfather, Vegeta the first. It has been passed down for generations, and I believe you are the most suitable to wear it next.
You then took both Vegeta's Royal Hat, and the PowerPole, placing the hat onto your head and holding the PowerPole with great Honor
(Huge Thanks to Son_kurrah for this great piece of art! If you can, Please pay his profile a visit, he makes great art and he even started writing his own stories)
Y/N: Guys, I love them! Thank you!
Goku: No Thanks Needed, Y/N! Now let's head back to the Second Reality and show everyone that we can be just as good as them!
Y/N: Right!
Time Skip
After taking the next major step of your journey with Goku and Vegeta, you were now arriving back with the others, Son, Goten, and Trunks were all ready to go
Y/N: We're back!
Lotus: Hey Y/N, Nice Hat!
Y/N: Thanks! Vegeta gave it to me! Also I'll take S/N back now.
At this point, you were all ready to go, holding S/N in your arms once again as you smiled, everyone then left the building as you all flew off towards the portal that led to the Second Reality
As you all flew in the sky, you heard the sound of a plane of some sort flying nearby, you and the others looked to the left to see Bulma flying in her plane, along with most of the other Z-Fighters accompanying her
Y/N: Ha! Hey everyone!!
Bulma; Good Luck, Guys! Stay Safe!
Krillin: Show them what the Warriors of Universe 7 can do!
Tien: We'll be rooting for you!
Yamcha: Make Sure to write us a letter every now and then!
Goku: See ya, Guys! We'll see you soon!
With that everyone parted ways as your group flew off at higher speeds, quickly leaving their sight as Bulma smiled with a thumbs up
Bulma: Knock em' dead!
Goku: Man, I'm getting excited all over again!
Lotus: This New Academy surely sounds Promising, I can't wait to see where this goes!
Y/N: Hm...I remember when I was the only Saiyan in the Academy, now I've got a whole squad of my own!
It didn't take long before you had all arrived at Ark's Battlefield, the place was thriving with even more plant life, and even a few butterflies here and there
You then landed upon seeing the portal, Broly and the others growing quite curious of what lied on the other side
Goten: So this is the Portal you guys took...?
Trunks: It's Kinda small if you ask me.
Y/N: Yeah, we went in as groups of three, but be prepared because it's quite a—
Before you could even finish, Lotus and Kasai dove head first into the portal as you went wide eyed and gasped
Kasai: WOOHOO!!
Y/N: YOU GUYS WHAT THE...Oh what the hell, c'mon.
With that you along with everyone else went into the portal, one or two at a time as you threw your arms up and let out an excited scream yourself
Everyone once again had a series of mixed reactions, most of them were having a blast, but Vegeta was just floating with his arms crossed, and Broly was simply confused
Time Skip
After about 2 minutes of endless traveling in a Portal, you had finally reached the other side as you went flying out of the rift, as you had S/N in your arms, you had to land on your feet to prevent anything from hurting him
Y/N: Here we are...back at the Second Reality...
Everyone else on the other hand was incredibly dizzy from the sudden pace, however, that didn't matter when you noticed just what was in front of you
It was the Academy, the old HOH, and it was completely in ruins, it was still on One Piece, but the paint had mostly washed off, and most of the windows and doors were either Broken or Missing, and to put you off even more, it was raining
Y/N: Geez...You guys weren't kidding...
Daiko: Yeah, "He" destroyed this entire area, you should've seen it...
Kasai: It was Crazy, everything was just going everywhere, it was Chaos, I'm surprised that the Academy is still on one piece...
Goku: Well, I sense a lot of energies coming from the east. That's Probably where everyone is.
Y/N: Hm...I have an idea, let's try to get there without touching a single raindrop!
Lotus: Oh...? A competition...?
Y/N: Mhm, first one there wins!
Kasai: Alright! Challenge Accepted!!
With that everyone vanished in the blink of an eye, moving towards where the energies could be sensed while moving at speeds that the naked eye couldn't see
Flashing over and over again, you avoided each and every raindrop in your path, S/N seemed to be having quite a lot of fun as well
You began to leap over logs, spin around trees, bounce off of large rocks, and you even sped across an entire lake all while dodging hundreds upon thousands of raindrops
After moving past many trees, boulders, and even a few buildings, you knew you were about to reach your destination, and you were just now noticing that the sky was a lot more clear than it was 5 minutes ago
Y/N: Hm...Guess everyone else was just too slow.
A few moments pass by and you finally reached your destination, you sensed that everyone wasn't even a mile away as you stopped moving at such high speeds
Y/N: Here we are, S/N, this is gonna be our home for a while!
You began to walk towards the many energies slowly, not sure if it was actually where you were supposed to be or not
As you got closer you could hear many different voices speaking with one another, almost as if they were in a large crowd
Finally, you stopped walking to leer over a cliff, and what you saw next left when you surprised
It wasn't simply one structure, it was many, one large one and a bunch of smaller buildings in front of it, and the landscape wasn't half bad either
Y/N: Woah...!!
All of a sudden Lotus, Kasai, and the others all appeared and stood next to you, looking at you in confusion
Lotus: Hey Y/N, what's the big...Woah...!!
Kasai: No Way...!!
Daiko: This is the new academy...?!
Y/N: This is the largest one yet!!
Goku: Well what are we waiting for?! Let's go!
Everyone: Right!
With that you all began to make your way form by leaping off of the cliff and into the air, falling towards the Academy as you were ready for anything at this point
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