Chapter 42: The Final Bout
You were Flying through the skies of your home planet, Earth, for what seemed like the first time in forever, you were still a little confused of what was going on
Y/N: Is this really happening...? Or am I dreaming...?
Eventually after the little time you spent traveling went by, you had arrived at your destination, the mountains far from any city, and the same place where Goku and Vegeta fought their first ever duel
Upon your arrival you looked around, not sensing Goku nor Vegeta for a moment before Vegeta's energy suddenly came storming into your mental radar
Y/N: There they are...
That being said, you flew off at high speeds towards the direction where you had sensed your mentors, taking off in a heartbeat as you prepared yourself for anything
Time Skip
As you had sensed them, Goku and Vegeta were both waiting for you on separate mountains in the distance, you were confused but didn't question
Vegeta: So, you've finally arrived...
Y/N: I can't deny my Masters, Can't I...?
Goku: It's a good thing you came, I was beginning to think you wouldn't make it.
Y/N: Alright, what is it that you guys needed to do...?
Vegeta: We said that we have nothing left to teach you, so this will be your last test from us as Mentors...after this...we shall all be seen with an Equal status.
Goku: So consider this your Final Lesson before you take the road of independence for yourself, Y/N.
Both Goku and Vegeta then got into their iconic battle stances and prepared for a battle that they would never forget
Both: Fight us, Y/N. And don't hold a single thing back!
All of a sudden the both of them began to emit massive energies that even left you surprised
Y/N: What the hell...?! Their power is incredible! Either of them could take on Jiren or Broly at Super Saiyan 2...alone...!!
Vegeta: That's right, you had no idea, did you...?
Goku: We have your Zenkai Zone to thank for this.
Vegeta: While it gave those other earthlings a chance to get a boost at all, our Zenkai Boosting power was amplified greatly by it!
Goku: It's really amazing! You've introduced us to a whole new world of possibilities Y/N!!
You stood there dumbfounded, still surprised by just how much stronger Goku and Vegeta had become since the beginning
Y/N: Goku...Vegeta...of this is what you want...then fine! Let's make this a fine battle!!
With that you got into a fighting stance of your own as Goku and Vegeta faced you, this was the final bout
Both: ...Go!
With one single word the battle began, Goku and Vegeta both gaining their one individual auras and flying off their mountains and towards you
You got into a defensive stance as an attempt to block, however, a Dual Punch from the two Saiyans was more than enough to break through your defence and send you hurling through a Boulder
Vegeta: Hm...Is that all you can do?! Surely that's not it...
Goku and Vegeta both hovered in the air while looking down at the place where you crashed, before them was a large pile of rubble that you had been buried under
Y/N: They've gotten so much stronger...!!
You then clenched your fists and powered up, immediately ascending to multiple levels to confront the Saiyan Duo
Both of them were surprised to see a massive shining light blow all of the rubble away, you were quick to ride into the air as you were now in Super Saiyan 3
Goku: Going straight to 3 already, huh?
Y/N: What can I say, I know power when I see it...
Vegeta: Fine! Let's see this form does against us!
And just like that the action was back on, with Vegeta being quick to rush you with a series of swift blasts that were all sent your way
You responded to the attack by leaping into the air and flying into the barrage of blasts, not even given a moment to think as you began to swat away blasts left and right
You then quickly appeared in front of Vegeta before gritting your teeth and cocking your arm back and throwing a powered up punch as Vegeta easily caught your fist with no trouble
Y/N: No Way...!!!
Vegeta: Hm, You're wide open.
Y/N: Huh...?
Goku's foot then smashed into your face hard, catching you off guard as your eyes widened in response to the intense rush of pain coursing through your head
Goku could've sworn that he saw a little bit of blood leak out form your mouth before you went crashing into another Boulder
Goku: You'll have to try harder than that!
Vegeta: Hmph...
Goku and Vegeta didn't drop their guard for a second as a familiar red energy filled the battlefield and spread across the land, with you emerging out of the rubble as a Super Saiyan God as you smiled
Y/N: Pushing me to god in base guys really are amazing!
With that you silently chuckled to yourself with a smile before taking a quick hop, the first one being a warm up while the second one sent you hurling towards Goku and Vegeta in the blink of an eye
Goku: Get ready!!
You then rushed at Goku with your fist reeled back as that same smile remained on your face, Goku crossing his arms together as you seemed to phase right through him
Goku: What the...?! An Afterimage?!
Vegeta: Kakarot, Look out!
Vegeta then shoved Goku out of the way to receive a powerful spin kick by you, he didn't even get a chance to block it as the impact alone launched him into the air
Goku watched as Vegeta went crashing into a mountain as you quickly looked to him, surprising him as you disappeared and reappeared above him
Y/N: HA!
Goku looked up only to he sledgehammered in the face by you, sending him bolting straight down and crashing in a large crater as you looked down at him
Y/N: The Power Gap between 3 and God is too large, you can't defend against it...
Goku: might be right, at least like this we can't...
Y/N: Hm, so you're finally gonna transform...
With that two large bodies of golden light spread across the wasteland, catching you by surprise as they both appeared in front of you
Goku: Let's kick things up a notch!
Y/N: Very well...
You then clenched your fists and gained a large blue aura, ascending to Blue Evolution and Adding Kaioken on top of it as a bonus
Y/N: You guys are more than familiar with this combination, I used it quite often before everything that happened last year...
Vegeta: We are fully aware of that combination and we are more than ready to face you like this.
Goku: That's right! You better not take us lightly!!
With that the battle began to rage on, with you rushing towards the duo as they did the same to you, quickly clashing and causing a massive explosion to occur
Meanwhile, Lotus and Kasai were watching your battle with Goku and Vegeta from a distance as they began to chat amongst themselves
Lotus: So what do you think? Do you think Goku and Vegeta can beat him?
Kasai: The only way I can see it happening is if Y/N botches things up, you know his clear flaw of letting his guard down...
Lotus: Yeah...We've seen it more than once in the past...
They both then tuned in and watched closely as you traded blows with Goku and Vegeta at fast rates, you didn't even notice Lotus and Kasai's energies, you were simply too focused on your own battle
After a little while, you noticed how they were beginning to overwhelm you, this caused you to think to yourself as you began to block everything with your arms crossed
Y/N: Damn...!! They're better than I thought they'd be...!! I've gotta split them up!
With that you suddenly grabbed Goku by arm and swung him aroundc whacking Vegeta in the process and sending him flying back as you tossed Goku into the sky
You then chased after Vegeta who was still soaring through the air from your attack, you quickly appeared above him and delivered a powerful leg drop kick to his stomach
As Vegeta crashed into the ground, tons of debris began to fly everywhere as Lotus and Kasai had to cover their faces
Meanwhile Goku suddenly came flying back down as he had his signature move charged up in his hands
Goku: KA...ME...HA...ME...
You then turned around and disappeared before Vegeta's eyes as Goku's Kamehameha wave went directly towards Vegeta who was back in base form, he went wide eyed as Goku's attack completely over took him
Goku: What?! NO! DAMMIT!!
With that, Vegeta was seemingly out commission as you appeared in front of Goku who was now understandably frustrated from your little move
Goku: Dammit...You predicted that I'd do that...
Y/N: shall we continue...?
Goku: Fine...but I'm skipping the rest of the warm up...
Goku's hair then flashed to a familiar shade of blue as he gained a large blue aura along with it, quickly blowing you away as he transformed into Super Saiyan Blue
Y/N: All the way to Blue, Huh?
Goku: I suggest that you start getting serious too...if not then you'll regret it...
Y/N: Oh, Trust me...
You suddenly reverted back to base form as Goku grew confused, however he realized what you were up to as you then unlocked your true power
Gaining a large base aura and small sparks of lighting, you have Goku a confident Grin as you began to chuckle
Y/N: It's time that I started taking this seriously!!
With that the battle continued as you and Goku appeared right in each other's faces in the blink of an eye, clashing fists as multiple shockwaves began to rampage through the land, breaking everything in a 10 mile radius
Lotus and Kasai watched in awe as You and Goku began to fight at a pace that they hadn't seen in quite a while
Goku was then quick to attack you as he dug his fist deep into your gut, even going as far as to twist his fist as you gritted your teeth in pain before kicking him away
As things began to heat up, you let out a powerful roar as you smashed your leg into Goku's side, this caused him to stagger back and stutter in pain as you prepared for another attack
However, just as you were about to do it, Goku fully opened his eyes and forced his hands out by his face, catching you off guard
Your attack was then intervened by Goku's Solar Flare as you screamed in pain and discomfort while covering your eyes
You then went fully wide eyed despite the pain you were feeling in your eyes, Goku had punched you once again in the gut as he could see that tears were beginning to form in your eyes due to the exposure to the Solar Flare
Getting quite fed up with Goku's tricks, you then recovered and raised your hands into the air with one eye closed painfully, forming dozens of blue Ki based orbs around you
Y/N: Here's an Original! STARLIGHT BOMBER!!!
You then tossed the attack towards Goku with full force, Goku going wide eyed upon seeing this as he screamed and began to dodge each and every blast
However, what the two of you didn't realize until it was too late was that you had unintentionally thrown your attack directly towards where Vegeta was remaining, this caused the both of you to gasp in shock at the realization
Neither of you were fast enough to stop the many blasts from exploding on contact as you went wide eyed, for a moment you thought that you had killed him, but you quickly sensed that his energy was still radiating from him
Goku: Whew...I thought that he was a goner!
Goku then turned around and faced you once again as he prepared himself for another round, Lotus and Kasai both looking at where Vegeta was
Lotus: Man...He really must've messed up Vegeta...
Kasai: Wait a second...look!
You and Goku were about to clash heads once again when all of a sudden a massive beacon of white light bursted from the ground
This caused the both of you to stop dead in your tracks as the light lit up the whole wasteland
Y/N: Woah!! I-Is that...
Goku: Vegeta...!!
Everyone looked upon this sudden turn of events as the beacon of light slowly but surely faded away, revealing none other than Vegeta in the middle of the smoke, and he was different
Vegeta: This is...breathtaking...I never thought that this is what to truly felt like...this is...Ultra Instinct...
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