Chapter 40: Shining Dragon

Y/N: Tch...Things just got a lot more difficult for me...

As you now faced your Opponent with his new power, you gritted your teeth anxiously considering the current situation

Y/N: He went Omni God?!

Super Shenron: Y/N, This is serious, do NOT go Omni God, do you hear me?

Y/N: What else am I supposed to do?!

Super Shenron: Use your True Power if you must, but the energy of two Omni Powered beings clashing will definitely call "Him" fact...He has already awoken...

You then went wide eyed upon hearing Super Shenron's news, you gritted your teeth even more afterwards as a bit of sweat ran down your forehead

You then closed your eyes and took a deep breath to calm yourself down, gaining a straight face again while looking to Mizuna

Y/N: Alright...this situation just got desperate...I'll make this work!

With that Mizuna gave you a shit eating grin as he raised one arm into the air and formed a large ball of white Ki in the air

Mizuna: HA! How's this, Y/N?! I'll show you what a REAL God can do!!

With that Mizuna tossed the energy attack directly towards you as you clenched your fists, taking another deep breath as everyone who was watching grew anxious

Weiss: Y/N!!

In a large explosion, everyone witnessed the entire ring get lit up by Mizuna's next attack, followed by a powerful gust of wind which caused Tornadoes to form outside of the stadium

Mizuna: Incredible...!! With this, kicking your ass will be no problem!!

Mizuna's eyes then slightly widened upon noticing that you were now behind him, causing to turn around and look up to see you coated in a brilliant silver glow

Mizuna: Stepping up your game, huh? Fine, if you want your ass-whopping to be longer, it's in you!!

Ready? FIGHT!!

With that Mizuna dashed towards you at Midnight boggling speeds while chuckling to himself, throwing a punch to which you hardly managed to dodge

As you continued to dodge more attacks, you were eventually struck with a powerful kick to the face that caused you to stumble back a little

The Impact was enough to knock the glow off of your body as you were fully revealed to be in the Full Form of Ultra Instinct

Kirishima: Wait, he's still gonna use Ultra Instinct?

Rias: It looks like it.

Jaune: I always wondered which was stronger between Ultra Instinct and Omni God...

Amanda: You mean that power he used at the G.W.E?

Lotus: Yeah...It's an incredible power, but the Omni God form is significantly more powerful...I don't know why he isn't going into the same form...

Meanwhile, Kalasha, along with all of the other teachers watched as you continued to avoid attacks that even Ultra Instinct Struggled to keep up with

Kalasha: You know it too, don't you, Y/N...

Mizuna: Hey Hey Hey! Stop running already and face me! You weren't so scared of me a minute ago!!

Y/N: Tch!

You then took a large blast by Mizuna which sent you flying forward, you were quick to recover and leaped back into the air

After what seemed like a few minutes of flying around, you finally started to fight back, throwing a few punches here and there as to which Mizuna defended against

You then crossed your arms to block a heavy punch from Mizuna, sending you bolting to the floor as you grunted in pain

At the same time, Mizuna touched down and ram after you as you prepared for another attack

Mizuna: HAA!!

Mizuna then cocked his arm back and threw yet another punch, however, the outcome was different, you blocked the punch without trouble

Mizuna: What...?!

Y/N: It started taking effect sooner than I expected, I'm surprised that you haven't even realized it yet...

Mizuna: Realized what?!

Y/N: Your Power, it's dropping drastically by the second, you don't know how to handle this kind of power just yet...

Mizuna: What are you talking about?!

Y/N: The Omni God form itself doesn't drain much of your stamina or energy if at all...but it has a much deadlier risk to it...

Mizuna looked at you in confusion as you looked him dead in the eyes and spoke with a deep and serious tone in your voice

Y/N: The Omni God Form drains your very life essence, in other words, if you don't handle properly, your shortening your life span...this potentially making your body weaker...

Mizuna: Tch! Then I'll stop playing these games and finish you off right now!!

With that Mizuna attempted to pull his fist out of your palm, but to no avail, he tried again but go the same result

Mizuna: W-WHAT...?!?

Y/N: It's worse than I thought...You were better off fighting me in blue at this rate...

With that you suddenly delivered a devastating kick to Mizuna's stomach, he screamed in pain as you sent him flying back, crashing into the nearby wall

Y/N: Power isn't the only key to winning a fight, that is something you must know if you wish to become a decent warrior.

Mizuna: Shut up! I don't care about any of that!! I've reached a completely different level! I am number one!!

Y/N: Pff...Look at this D00d...

Having enough of your mockery, Mizuna bursted into a fit of mindless rage and leaped into the air, appearing around 50 feet directly above you and launching a full scale Ki Blast Volley down at you

You only stood there and took it as the many explosions began to rain down upon the spot where you stood

Everyone watched in fear of what they were witnessing as the many explosions of Mizuna's assault lit up the whole stadium and more

Eventually, he began to calm himself as he hovered above a massive cloud of smoke, after not hearing anything for a good minute, a smirk began to slowly spread across his face

Mizuna: I'VE WON!!!

Kirishima, Yang, Koneko, Amanda, and many others looked with surprised expressions on their faces upon thinking that he had actually won, however, you had other plans

All of a sudden you rose up from the smoke at such high speeds nobody else could process besides the Saiyans, letting out a thunderous roar as you delivered a planet shaking blow to Mizuna's stomach


Everyone was now beyond shocked of what they were seeing, massive amounts of colossal shockwaves were filling the entire area as you kept a straight face

Mizuna then went flying up into the air at high speeds as you began to descend to the floor of the arena, taking a moment to stretch a few limbs and such before Mizuna came crashing back down and created a massive crater on impact



Mizuna was now lying on the floor, broken and shocked as to what was happening as you stepped up and stood tall, looking down at the Saiyan

Y/N: Have you had enough yet?

Mizuna: How...How are you so much stronger than me...?!?

Y/N: *Sigh*...You really don't get it, do you...? Power. Isn't. A. Factor.


All of a sudden a massive beacon of white energy bursted from Mizuna's Body, this caught you by surprise as you were quickly blown away by his power


You managed to recover against the wall as Mizuna began to power up once more while you gritted your teeth with frustration

Y/N: He's using all the power he has left...!! Even so, I wasn't expecting this much!!

All of a sudden Mizuna prepared a massive orb of yellow energy in his palms, aiming it directly towards you as you yourself grew nervous

Mizuna: DISAPPEAR!!!

All of a sudden a Beam of yellow energy of colossal scale was sent hurling your way, it was too big for you to dodge in time as you sighed

In one moment, your hair then went back to normal as a massive explosion then occurred, everyone at the edges of their seats waiting to see what had happened

Akko: W-What happened...?!

Kasai: Just wait...

Mizuna then began to take heavy breaths to catch some air, not letting his guard down as he was ready for anything now

Everyone tuned in as footsteps could be heard in the distance, Mizuna's eyes slowly widening to the point where his pupils began to shake in fear

Mizuna: Just...What the hell are you...?!

Everyone then spotted you slowly emerging from the smoke by walking out, staring Mizuna dead in the eyes as you remained completely silent

After several more steps, you finally came to a halt as you remained staring at Mizuna with a serious and intimidating expression on your face

Not a single sound was heard from anybody, not even the crowd, multiple breezes of wind blowing by when all of a sudden you widened your eyes

Mizuna then gasped in fear as you began to emit a massive amount of raw energy, resulting in wind to chaotically blow everywhere

Everyone on the sidelines, wether normal spectator or student all did the same action in covering their faces from the amount of wind pressure your energy was stirring up

Amanda: H-Holy Crap!!


Kasai: There it is!

Lotus: This is Y/N's True Power! The same incredible power so strong that he prefers to keep it locked away!

Mizuna: Tch...Grr...I...

Mizuna was about to be swept away by your energy when you then stopped, everything going back to normal as most people were now terrified of your little performance

Y/N: This is it, Mizuna...This fight is over.

Mizuna: were hiding this kind of power all along...?!

Y/N: Yes I was...

Mizuna: So that means...during our first LET ME WIN!!

Y/N: Bingo Bongo.

Mizuna then began to growl as he had now been humiliated more than he had ever been before, and this made him furious


Suddenly Mizuna tossed another powerful blast towards you as you yourself simply grabbed the blast and tossed it away behind you, Mizuna then looked at you with another surprised look on his face as the explosion went off behind you

Y/N: You think I held back just to make a fool of you, but you're wrong, I locked away my true power so I could still have a good fight, as a Saiyan, all I crave is the satisfying rush of facing against a strong opponent...but because of this power...there's a chance that I will never truly experience that ever again...

Y/N: I made that sacrifice to protect the ones I care for and more, you can't understand the frustration that I'm feeling right now, knowing that I could've done this from the beginning...

Mizuna: Tch! I don't give a shit about you or your sacrifices!! I won't stand for such humiliation!!

All of a sudden Mizuna let out a loud roar and emitted a powerful white aura, you simply stood there as Super Shenron spoke to you

Super Shenron: Finish him now.

Y/N: Fine...

You suddenly leaped into the air and began to fly straight up as Mizuna looked up at you and followed, with you gaining a powerful golden aura as you then took a godly transformation

True Y/N (Super Saiyan 3)

Y/N: I'll give this next attack everything!!


With that you then coated your fist in a scary golden energy as Mizuna then fired a massive amount of purple energy towards you with full force


Y/N: Tch! I'll strike you down with an awesome power!!

You then sped down towards Mizuna at full speed and prepared one last final attack that would settle the entire battle for good


Everyone watched in awe as your entire body was then transformed into a large golden dragon made out of pure Ki, your attack piercing through Mizuna's Blazer with ease as the light filled the sky

You then appeared in front of Mizuna as you let out a massively loud and powerful roar before ramming Mizuna down to the floor full force and causing a massive explosion to occur that even engulfed the stadium


After a massive explosion from your Dragon Fist, you then touched down onto what was left of the arena and reverted back to base form

You then looked down to the floor to see an unconscious Mizuna who was also reverted back to base form as you took a deep sigh

Announcer: U-Um...Mizuna is out cold! That means...Y/N IS OUR CHAMPION!!!

With that the crowd began to go wild as confetti began to fly everywhere, but you didn't look as excited as everyone thought you'd be

Yang: I knew that he'd win!

Kirishima: Duh!

Chimamire and Cumber then touched down next to their knocked out teammate as they both gave you a look before carrying him off

Y/N: Hm...Well, guess that's 1-1–

All of a sudden you felt a familiar dangerous energy nearby, this caused you to go completely wide eyed as sweat began to run down your face more than ever

Y/N: SHIT!!!!!!

Everyone else then looked up to see a figure in the sky, covering their body in shadow to prevent themselves from being revealed


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