Chapter 27: Show Them What You Can Do

After introducing all of the new teachers to the many students of HOH, everyone was now in the training fields as a Zenkai Zone had been placed around the entire crowd and field

Kalasha: So, before our training exercises begin, let me ask you, what are your predictions on these students?

Finnelan: I cannot say much about these other students, but I can say that Diana is the most capable of our group, although witches are not specifically meant for combat, she could likely handle herself in a fight.

Ursula: I'm with Professor Finnelan on this one, but I have to say that I'm curious to see what these other students can do.

Ozpin: I'm well aware of what most of them are capable of, but they have been training quite well, who knows.

Kalasha: I see, let's take two of our most strongest students and see what they are like when they train, Y/N, Mori.

Both: Yes Sir!

Kalasha: Please show your new teachers some of your skills with a quick sparring match.

Mori: Another Fight? You've got it!

Y/N: I can't say no to a fight, let's do this!

With that everyone backed away as you and Mori leaped away from each other and gained a safe distance, getting into your fighting stances as you smiled

Y/N: I must warn you, Mori, now that I'm prepared for a fight, Sparring or not, things will get intense!

Mori: Heh, I never back down from a challenge!

Y/N: I was hoping you'd say that!

With that the two of you disappeared in the blink of an eye as everyone gasped in surprise, then a group of craters formed in the ground causing the ground to shake

Everyone watched as you and Mori began to attack each other, with the both of you blocking or dodging every attack that was sent your way

Y/N: Well, Let's Skip the warmup!

Mori: Eh?

You suddenly emitted a Sparkly Golden energy which created a large gust of wind, this blew Mori away as he skidded across the ground to watch you undergo a transformation

Midoriya: Wait a second, I've seen this before, Y/N turned into this when he was restored from his corruption!

Mori: You're really flashy now! Neat! But let's see if it can keep up with me!

With that Mori dashed towards you as you yourself looked down at your hand and closed your hand into a fist, intrigued by the fact that you were now made of pure energy

As you looked back up, you noticed that Mori's fist was now right in front of your face as he had thrown a punch, however, instead of blocking or dodging, you avoided the attack by splitting into two Y/N's

Mori: Eh?!

You remained silent as you aimed your palm towards Mori, both Y/N's mirroring each other's moves as Mori went wide eyed

Mori then found himself ready to defend himself as he crossed his arms as an attempt to block the blast

However, he was surprised to find that a third Y/N had appeared behind him and blasted him from there, causing him to scream and leaving himself wide open

Y/N: Hm...

All of a sudden Mori was blasted as he was engulfed in a large golden light, causing the entire field to shine as everyone struggled to stand their ground

Aizawa: This is new...

Ozpin: Indeed, I wonder what else he can do while in that form?

The light from your blast eventually faded as Mori managed to regain his composure, he then looked around as what he saw next shocked him

Mori looked around with wide eyes and his jaw hanging low to see that an army of at least 50 Clones of yourself had him completely surrounded, each and every one of them equal to the original

Mori: Shoot! Gotta Jump!

Mori was about to leap away like he had stated when two hands suddenly bursted from the ground below his feet, grabbing his ankles as another clone had somehow gotten underground, keeping him from jumping

Mori: Dang! He's good!

Y/N's: KA...

Hearing your voice speak about 50 times, Mori looked up to see that every single clone of you was in the same stance, ready to unleash an attack

Y/N's: ME...HA...

Mori: Damn! I've gotta get serious!

Y/N's: ME...

Mori then placed two of his fingers on the side of his head as he smiled


Mori's energy suddenly skyrocketed as all of your clones were blown away, all of them disappearing as you reverted back to normal

Y/N: Shoot!

Mori: What's Wrong? Don't back out on me now! Things are just starting to get fun!

Y/N: Oh Trust me, I'm not...SUPER KAIOKEN!!!

All of a sudden you went Super Saiyan while a red aura suddenly bursted from your body, creating a massive gust of wind as you let out a loud scream

Mori: That's more like it!

With that the two of you rushed towards each other, Mori leaping into the air as you zoomed down towards him with your hands together, prepared for a sledgehammer attack

Mori then went in for a kick as you swung your sledgehammer, the two attacks clashing causing a massive shockwave to shake the entire area

Trees were falling down, Birds were flying off in a hurry, and a few teachers were now panicking as You and Mori smiled

Kalasha: Those two are perfect sparring partners, Y/N still has his True Power up his sleeve, and I sense hidden power within Mori...they are perfectly even!



Ursula: W-What kind of Magic is that...?!

Akko: It isn't Magic at all, Professor Ursula, they said that they used natural abilities!

Amanda: I still don't believe that it's not Magic...

Finnelan: Doesn't sparring mean that you are supposed to take it easy?!

Y/N and Mori: We are taking it easy.

Finnelan: ...I think I need to lay down...

Bakugo: So Y/N can use his Kaioken thingy with Regular Super Saiyan too...?

Midoriya: Actually, Kacchan, Kaioken can be added with any transformation, and I can even use it with my Quirk!

Bakugo: ...Shut up, Deku.

You and Mori then continued to push each other back, the both of you struggling as you then maneuvered around him and landed a heavy kick to his back

Issei: Jeez...Imagine his strong this Mori guy would be if he started training in the Zenkai Zone daily like us...!!

Koneko: Issei, Please, they're both Broken enough.

With that another shockwave occurred as Mori has smashed his fist into your face, causing you to grunt in pain as you went flying back

Mori: Jin Mori Original: Blue Dragon Kick!

All of a sudden Mori's leg began to emit some sort of blue energy, shaping itself into a dragon as this surprised you

Y/N: You kidding me?! He has a Dragon Attack too?! And his is blue! My Dragon Fist is golden! Their like opposites but similar at the same time!

Your aura then grew to a larger size as you let out a loud scream, charging straight into Mori's blue dragon as you dashed towards him with your fist reeled back


Mori, acting quickly, spun around and leaped towards you as he launched another attack, a swift yet powerful kick as your punch collided with his kick, with the two of you once again pushing each other back as you gritted your teeth

Y/N: You use a lot of Taekwondo don't you...?

Mori: You guessed it!

Y/N: Well, I think it's about time we've taken things to the next level!

All of a sudden the both of you began to yell, a large amount of energy and lighting storming out of the both of you as the entire area began to take a beating from the battle

You then looked up to see something fall from the sky, and it was massive, eventually you managed to figure out that it was a large pillar as it whacked the two of you down towards the ground and into a massive crater that sent dust and dirt flying everywhere

Everyone covered their faces as debris flew everywhere, a massive gust of wind following as Mineta went flying away

Kiba: Just was that thing?!

Rias: We'll just have to wait and find out!

With that the wind began to calm down, everyone looking into the distance to see a giant cloud of smoke, the sound of an aura could be heard as you and Mori's silhouettes were then spotted, and you looked noticeably different

The smoke then began to clear up as everyone went wide eyed upon the sight of the two of you

Mori: It's been a good while since I've used this...not many threats come around that often, but now I'm on a whole other level...

Y/N: I see...let's see if you can back it up, there are very few who can Match this form, Super Saiyan 4!

Akko: Woah...! So that's what the normal Super Saiyan 4 looks like...?!

Lotte: He looks kinda scary like that...

Midoriya: Looks like they finally got serious...

With Midoriya's comment, the two of you then began to slowly walk towards each other, the tension in the air becoming more and more intense by the second as the both of you together emitted a massive gust of wind that made the crater grow even more

Y/N: Now then...let's kick this battle up a notch...

Mori: Your call...

Both; Shall we begin...?

Kalasha: That's Enough, You two!

Hearing the call of Kalasha, you then turned to him with wide eyes as you whined to him about interrupting the fight


Mori: YEAH C'MON!!

Kalasha: If you keep going, the battle could go on for quite a while, maybe save it for another time.

You then turned away from Kalasha with an annoyed expression on your face as the both of you reverted back to your base forms, with you walking away now in a bad mood

Lotus: Y/N, Where are you going...?

Y/N: I'm going to eat for lunch...hopefully Kalasha doesn't interfere with that either...

Ursula: Why is he so upset...?

Sucy: Y/N loves a good fight, it gets him excited and he finds it fun...

Akeno: Yeah, but that's typical Y/N.

Kalasha: Hm...I guess I'll have to tell him about the upcoming Sports Festival, that'll cheer him up.

Kirishima: Wait...What?! Sports Festival?!

Yang: Seriously?! We just got finished the G.W.E like two weeks ago!

Kalasha: Indeed, but there's always something going on around here, and with us being the main center of attention, the company holding the event would like all of you to participate.

Midoriya: So will this be like the sports festival that U.A Held...?

Kalasha: Hm...Yes and No, It was said to carry elements from both The U.A Sports Festival, and the Vytal Festival from Remnant.

Kirishima: Aw Yeah! Let's do this!

Kalasha: Settle down, Kirishima, we still have a few days until it actually starts, so feel free to use this time to train.

Everyone: Alright!


In the distance from the training grounds, two individuals watched the group of students and teachers from afar

???: A Sports Festival...? Well now, this is actually interesting!

???: Don't get carried away...we still have to see what we're dealing with...

???: Alright then, Emerald, Mercury, The Boss said that we need to gather information, so let's do it.

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