Chapter 26: Bringing More Teachers

It has been a few days ever since what happened with you and the Akuryo Phantom, you were back to your old self, but all that you felt was guilt from all the damage you had caused

Y/N: Damn...I hate this...I killed so many people for the amount of time I was like that...I even killed my best friend...!!

You then held your head as you struggled to calm yourself down, you were sitting in the library which was at the moment surprisingly empty considering how much time the Witches spend in there

Super Shenron: Y/N...

You were then snapped out of your trance as a familiar voice called to you from your mind, clearing your thoughts before speaking to him

Y/N: Super Shenron...? Is that you...?

Super Shenron: Affirmative.

Y/N: I actually had a question...when I was freed from the Phantom's corruption and freed, I transformed into something unlike any of my other forms, are you behind this...?

Super Shenron: Yes, The Phantom had been lurking within your subconscious, and it happened to reawaken me, so I got rid of it before anything else happened.

Y/N: So what does this mean about that glowing form...?

Super Shenron: You see, as you may know, your soul is extraordinarily powerful for your age, and no ordinary methods would be cleansing you, so in order to restore you back to your normal self, I had to physically become one with you, you could say that we fused.

Y/N: Fusion...?

Super Shenron: Yes, for that very moment, you were given all of my limitless energy, along with my ability to grant wishes, but that was only temporary, You can still use the form, but it's in a downgraded state.

Y/N: So what can I expect...?

Super Shenron: Seeing as your body turns into pure energy, you can manipulate it in ways that shouldn't be possible, your power level does not change, but you can do anything with your physical body, Grow, Shrink, Extend your limbs, clone yourself as many times as you wish, instantly regenerate, and much more, all of it is possible with a body of nothing but pure energy.

Y/N: Just like Zeno's True form...!

Super Shenron: Indeed, you are also able to use energy in various ways but not nearly as much as your physical body, you are also not capable of granting wishes, that requires an infinite amount of energy which your body even when converted into energy, cannot handle, you would simple disappear from existence.

You suddenly felt a tap on your shoulder, looking behind you to see Blake and Velvet who both seemed worried for you

Blake: Y/N? Are you alright...?

Velvet: We saw you just sitting in here by yourself...

Y/N: We'll continue this later...Hey Blake, Hi Velvet, did you need something?

Blake: We want to know if you are really okay, I know that what happened a few days ago took a bit of an emotional toll on you, but you can likely recover faster if you talk it out with people.

Y/N: Honestly...I'd rather not talk about it...

Velvet: You know that you can always talk to us, right? We won't judge you for anything.

Defeated, You let out a sigh and pulled the seats beside you, allowing them to sit down, they both took a seat as you stared into the table that you were sitting at

Y/N: I'm Sad...and Angry...and Confused too...I know what I did...I made the choice of killing everyone...and I loved every second of it...and I hate that...

Blake then frowned as she felt bad for you, then noticing that your fists were clenching to the point where they shook, with you gritting your teeth and gaining a large aura that startled the both of them

Y/N: I hate that I enjoyed it! I hate that I let myself fall into such a cheap trick! I HATE IT TO THE POINT WHERE THE BLOOD COURSING THROUGH MY VEINS FUCKING BOILS!!!

Velvet: Y/N...

Blake suddenly rested her hand on your back, Velvet hesitating for a moment but quickly following her act, she knew that all you needed right now was comfort and support

As the warmth of their touch managed to get a hold of you, you thankfully began to calm down, taking multiple deep breaths as your aura slowly retreated back into your body

With one more deep breath, you had managed to calm down completely, with Blake and Velvet smiling at each other as you hung your head low

Y/N: S-Sorry...

Blake: It's okay, I think someone wants to see you.

Y/N: Huh...?

You then heard a set of foot steps behind you, turning around to see Midoriya walking towards you with S/N in his arms

Y/N: S/N...

Midoriya: Well, go on, show him what we taught you!

S/N: Dada!

You then went wide eyed as S/N playfully reached out to you, wanting you to hold him as he called out his first words over and over

S/N: Dada! Dada! Dada!

With a gentle smile slowly spreading across your face, you got up from your seat and walked over to Midoriya, S/N practically jumping into your arms as he smiled

S/N: Dada!

Y/N: Were you having fun with Uncle Midoriya? That's good! Let's go and—

Midoriya: Actually, there's a reason I'm here, Kalasha ordered a meeting to take place here, and Yang left me to look after him while she went to use the restroom so here we are.

Y/N: Oh? I wonder what it's for...Alrighty then, let's sit back down, S/N!

With that you sat back down next to Blake and Velvet, you played with your son until everyone eventually arrived at the library

At this point, S/N was somewhat tired after playtime with Yang and Midoriya, so he was sound asleep as Kalasha appeared at the front of the room

Kalasha: Greetings Students of HOH, I hope you have been having a pleasant afternoon, I bring you all here today because I wish to introduce you to some teachers that I have brought to assist me in teaching, some you may know, others not so much.

Kiba; Alright then, let's see em!

With that Kalasha nodded and smiled as he looked to the door

Kalasha: They shall be introduced in groups of two, these first two hailing from U.A High!

The doors suddenly slid open as two men walked into the room, everyone who wasn't from U.A raising a brow or tilting their head as they recognized one of them, but not the other



Aizawa: Hello again, everyone...

???: It's great to see you all again.

Y/N: It's nice to see that Mr.Aizawa's here but uh...who's that...?

Midoriya: Shoot...I forgot to let them know...

Midoriya then spoke out loud as everyone's attention directed towards him

Midoriya: That's All Might...

Everyone remained silent for a short moment before everyone said the exact same thing in union

Everyone: WHAT?!

Issei: What happened to him?!

Jaune: He looked like Captain Falcon, now he looks more thin than Mr. Game and Watch...

Kalasha: Anyway, these two shall be assisting with both teaching and combat training, thank you for your time gentlemen, time for the next two who hail from Beacon.

With that Aizawa and All Might or Toshinori, walked off as two different people walked in and made an appearance

Yang: Professor Ozpin!


Y/N: Oh thank god Glynda's not here this year...

Ozpin: Greetings, everyone, it is a pleasure to meet once again.

Qrow: What that guy said...

Y/N: That guy sounds like he's more lost than Zoro...

Kalasha: These two will also be assisting, Ozpin will occupy as both a teacher and a trainer, while Qrow is simply a trainer.

Qrow: What? You think I'm not suitable to teach...?

Yang: Uncle Qrow, I'm sorry to be the one to say this, but you would make us lose brain cells with your lessons...

Kalasha: Thank you for your time Gentlemen, next up are two gentlemen from Kuoh, well, one of them are from Kuoh anyway...

With that Ozpin and Qrow walked off as two more teachers walked in, you recognized one of them but not the other

Rias: Big Brother?!

Issei: Hell Yeah! Azazel's here!

Y/N: ...Sirzechs...

Sirzechs: Y/N...?

Upon sight of the red haired devil you couldn't help but think of them the fake version of him caused you a world's worth of trouble as the atmosphere got really intense

Y/N: It's Nothing...

With that everyone took a sigh of relief as Kalasha then spoke up

Kalasha: I'm sure most of you are familiar with Sirzechs, but none of you outside of Issei's world have met Azazel have you?

Midoriya: Not from what I remember...

Azazel: Well then allow me to introduce myself, My name is Azazel, I am what you would see as the general of the Fallen Angels, well, at least I used to be, I look forward to getting to meet you all, and some of you I've heard quite a lot of...

Y/N: I wonder who...

Kalasha: Anyway, thank you from your time, Gentlemen, The next two are a duo of ladies hailing from Luna Nova

Akko: Please don't be—

All of a sudden everyone watched as two women were next to walk into the room, both of them wearing the same outfit as Akko then lost all hope with her education life

Akko: NOO!! I'M DOOMED...!!!

Lotte: Professor Ursula!

Ursula: Hi!

Kalasha: These two are Professor Uraraka and Professor Finnelan, these two will be educational assistants, and will continue to help the witches among us improve with their Magic.

Bakugo: I can't tell if the brown haired one is a man or a woman...

Finnelan: EXCUSE ME?!?

Kaminari: PFFFFT!!!!

Y/N: So help me god I will blow up this entire continent if any of you wake up my Son...

Ruby: So how are these teachers of yours, Akko...?

Akko: Professor Ursula's nice but Professor Finnelan hates my guts...

Y/N: Well, That's everyone, right?

Kalasha: Actually, there are two more people who volunteered as trainers here, and they just so happen to hail from the 7th Universe, Y/N.

Y/N: Wait what...? Why would you bring people from my world? Goku and Vegeta are here.

???: Why Indeed.

Everyone's attention was then directed towards the door once as two entities walked in shortly after, Ursula and Finnelan walking off to the side as everyone from your world went wide eyed and gasped

Y/N: Wait what?!

To your surprise, it was Beerus and Whis, both of them looking at everyone in the room as Goku and Vegeta began to seat nervously

Goku and Vegeta: LORD BEERUS?!?

Lotus: What are they doing here?!

Y/N: Whis I can kinda understand, but Beerus?! Okay what food was it that made you come here...?

Beerus: Cooked I am interested to see what levels of power your friends can reach.

Y/N: Should've known...

Akko: Woah! Look at that Giant Purple Talking Cat!



Y/N: AKKO YOU IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!

Beerus: ...On any other day, I would have destroyed you on the spot...but that Salmon's helped me feel generous...

Everyone from your world then sighed in relief as Whis simply chuckled

Kalasha: Now that everyone has been introduced, why didn't we show them what you can all do with a training session?

Y/N: I'm Game!


Y/N: I'm Game, Zarbon, Not I'm Gay...

Super Shenron: Y/N, this is a great opportunity to test out the abilities of your new form.

Y/N: Hey! You're right! Let's give it a whirl!

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