Chapter 21: Act 7: Super Smash Bros Ultimate
It was now the 7th and final day of the G.W.E. Sunday as everyone else was ready for this final game to be underway
Y/N: Welp, this is it! Let's play hard!
Intercom: Welcome back everyone, to the final game of the G.W.E! Today we're kicking things off with a bang as we have one last event for all of you to see! Now, all of our guest students will be participating in a no holding back fight to the finish! Last ones standing win!
Ruby: Wait...What?! But we all know who's gonna win!!
Intercom: You'll all just have to try your hardest! Now good luck!!
With that the intercom went silent as every student was then warped out of the stadium and to a different location
Random Battlefield
You along with everyone else, were now standing in the middle of a massive wasteland that you assumed was where the battle would take place as you got into a fighting stance
Y/N: Well then, these people are expecting a show!
Lotus: Let's do this!!
Amanda: Yeah...We're gonna die...
With that you were about to charge forward when all of a sudden a large and bright light appeared in the left side of the sky
Akko: What's that?!
Ruby: Whatever it is, it isn't good!!
Then Issei turned to see that a large web of dark cracks began to form on the left side of the sky, eventually shattering, revealing one eye in an abyss of darkness
Issei: Oh...Shit...!!
As a few more moments pass by, two entities showed themselves in the middle of the sky, both of them being orbs surrounded by either dark tentacles or bright plates of light
Galeem and Dharkon
Kirishima: What the heck are those things?!
Y/N: I don't know but they're both pouring out massive amounts of energy...!!
Rias: Stay Alert, we don't know what they are capable of!
All of a sudden a few managed to notice a few floating hands in the sky with the two entities, a few turned into a massive amount as an army of Master Hands and Crazy Hands then spread across the land
Kiba: We'll each need to take down about 10!
Bakugo: Kiba, You coward! Man up!
Kasai: We'll win this! I know we will!
Midoriya: Enough Talk! We've gotta move!!
All of a sudden the brighter one began to charge up an attack, and a massive one at that, everyone got themselves ready for anything as Pyrrha then went wide eyed moments before it finished charging up
Pyrrha: Everyone!! RUN!!
Pyrrha's cry was the last thing everyone heard before a massive amount of golden beams of energy began to shoot out from the entity, catching everyone by surprise
With that Cardin's team was the first to try to fight these entities, but their efforts were meaningless as the entire team was engulfed in light
This is where everyone else made their moves, Rias firing a large amount of her destructive energy towards a beam, but it completely overtook her own power as Rias was the next one to be engulfed in pure light
Everyone either tried to run or fight back, those who attempted to fight back were easily overtaken
Iida could be seen running with Constanze beside him on her broom, both of them being blasted within seconds as before you knew it, the amount of students had gone down by less than half
You then flew into the air and faced the two entities before a large beam of light them shot straight towards you, acting quickly, you transformed into Super Saiyan God and dodged the beam before bolting towards Galeem and Dharkon
With your fist clenched and your arm cocked back, once you were close enough you threw the first punch of the fight as your fist made contact with Galeem
However it had little effect on the entity as both Galeem and Dharkon then emitted a combined shockwave that blew you away with ease
Heavy damage had been done to you with a single attack as you began to fall towards the ground
Blake: Y/N!!!
Your fall was then broken as someone had grabbed you by your hand, you looked up to see Diana on her broom holding you by your wrist
Y/N: Hey, Thanks for the help!
The calm but serous witch didn't respond as she then tossed you back towards Galeem and Dharkon, flying past a few beams of light as you let out a quick war cry
You then cupped your hands together as you began to charge up an attack of your own, gritting your teeth as you chanted
Y/N: KA...ME...HA...ME...HAAAA!!!
You then threw your hands out in front of you as a massive beam of blue energy shot from your palms, zooming towards the two entities as it made contact and exploded
Uraraka: Alright! A clean hit!
As the smoke from your attack began to clear, you noticed how both of them were gone, not from your attack, but they had moved out of the way somehow despite the fact that it exploded
Y/N: What...?!
Yang: GAAAH!!
You then turned around and looked down with wide eyes to see Yang attempting to run away from a barrage of light beams as you gasped
You were the only one who knew that she was pregnant, and because of this it was harder for her to avoid any attacks
Yang then fell down as she threw her arms in front of her, landing flat in her face a beam of energy
Ruby: YANG!!
Yang then felt her life flash before her eyes, but she wasn't concerned for her own life, but almost shed a tear at the thought that she couldn't protect the child she was bearing
Ruby witnessed the beam then explode as Yang was engulfed by a massive beam of light, Ruby feeling her soul leave her body as she could hardly even gasp
However, Yang then opened her eyes to see that she was perfectly fine, looking up to see none other than you standing before her in a protective manner
Only now your hair and eyes had changed to silver, along with a blue aura flowing through your body like a river's stream, it was Ultra Instinct
Y/N: ...
You remained silent for a short moment as you then turned around and kneeled down to Yang while inspecting her wounds
Y/N: You okay...? Anything Broken...? Are they alright...?
Yang couldn't help but giggle from your protectiveness over her and your baby, allowing you to smile for a moment as you then faced Galeem and Dharkon
Yang: Yes, no, and yes, now go and kick some butt for us!
Y/N: Alright, Stay here.
With that you then began to run towards Galeem and Dharkon, now both of them firing beams of both light and darkness towards you as you dodged each attack without thinking
Akko: Woah...! What's that Form...?!
Midoriya: It's Called Ultra Instinct, do you remember when Y/N got all shiny before passing out against Mizuna...?
Akko: Oh Yeah, I remember now, is that it...? I remember his hair being black...
Midoriya: You remember it correctly, but this is the full form of that, he's even faster and more powerful than most of his other forms.
Akko then watched in awe as you continued to dodge every attack with ease, one beam was about to hit you when you suddenly disappeared into thin air
Appearing behind Galeem, everyone looked to see that you had another Kamehameha charged you in your hands, firing directly towards the lord of light as you screamed
Before everyone's eyes, Galeem was engulfed by your attack as Dharkon warped away, every single master hand then exploding into bits of light as your Kamehameha had completely obliterated Galeem
Akko: So Awesome...!!
Jaune: You shouldn't be too surprised by this.
Sucy: Hm...?
Midoriya: Most techniques that Y/N uses are learnable to even normal Humans, Flight, Ki, Kaioken, I've learned all of these things, even Ultra Instinct can be taught to anyone, regardless of their race, but it's so difficult to shove that even most gods struggle to obtain it...
Midoriya: Well...Probably not Ultra Instinct, but you could learn how to use Ki and stuff like that, it's easy.
As everyone continued to talk, your beam of blue light was now completely gone as you panted for air
Y/N: *Pant*...*Pant*...That's one...
Yang: Y/N LOOK OUT!!
All of a sudden Dharkon appeared behind you and emitted another powerful shockwave, this one being even more powerful as you were knocked out of Ultra Instinct and back into base form
All of a sudden Kasai appeared and punched Dharkon directly in it's eye as he was then blown away, quickly recovering as you continued to fall
Lotus could then be seen running towards you as he called your name, gaining your attention
Lotus: Y/N!! Let's do it!!
The both of you then smiled as Kasai continued to fight Dharkon alone, only having the energy to maintain Super Saiyan God as he flew around, avoiding multiple beams of darkness
Kasai: Dammit! Hurry up, Lotus!!
Kasai's leg was then hit by a beam of darkness as he was knocked off balance, being engulfed by another beam as he was then rendered helpless
However, at the same time, a massive beacon of white energy suddenly shot up from the ground, a figure leaping out as they called
???: YOSHAAA!!!
Everyone then looked to see a familiar face, someone who they hadn't seen for quite a while
???: Prepare yourself, Dharkon! For I, F/N have returned from the grave to destroy you!!
Weiss: F/N!
Sucy: Who...?
Akeno: Y/N and Lotus have performed a Fusion to create a warrior much more powerful than the both of them!
Amanda: Just how many tricks do these guys have...?!
F/N: You're in for it now, Dharkon! With the special Potara we used, Our Powers aren't simply added together, but Y/N's power level is multiplied by Lotus' power level!
All of a sudden F/N gained a large aura as he then screamed, Transforming into Super Saiyan Blue
F/N: And F/N BLUE!!!
Jaune: That's some extraordinary power!!
Akeno: Indeed!
F/N: This is great! I feel like I could destroy an entire Universe with the swing of my hand!!
F/N then gained a large smile in his face as he bolted towards Dharkon who fired a barrage of beams of Darkness towards him
F/N was unamused as he dodged each and every blast and got all close and personal to Dharkon who's pupil seemed to shrink
At that very moment, F/N simply widened his eyes as Dharkon revived a critical blow at all vital points, sending the entity floating back as F/N Smirked
Kiba: So Strong...!!
F/N: We don't have much time, so let's wrap this up!!
All of a sudden F/N flew higher into the sky as he then charged up a full power attack to send hurling at Dharkon
F/N: HAA!!
With that a massive barrage of blue beams of energy then went raining down upon Dharkon, taking everyone by surprise as each blast hit perfectly
After about 5,000 hits, a massive explosion then went off, finishing the job as the attack finally stopped, there wasn't a single atom left of Dharkon as F/N touched down to the ground and smiled
F/N: Heh, Hope you enjoyed the show!
With that F/N then began to glow white as he then split back into you and Lotus, who were both smiling with your eyes closed
However, it didn't take long before you then snapped out of it and ran towards Yang as she was still in the ground resting
Y/N: Yang! Are you okay?!
Yang: Hehe, I said I'm fine, Y/ the way...should we tell them now...?
Ruby: Yang...? What's wrong? You're usually not the type to rest on the battlefield...
You then helped Yang up as the two of you nodded at one another, looking towards the crowd as you spoke up
Y/N: Everyone, we have some special news to share with all of you!
Everyone then began to listen closely as Yang then spoke up with a pink blush tinting her cheeks
Yang: Y/N and I...are having a baby!
Everyone on the battlefield remained silent for a short moment before everyone shouted the exact same thing as you chuckled nervously
Everyone: EEEEEEEEEEEH?!?!
Koneko: W-When did this happen...?!
Ruby: I'M AN AUNTIE!!!
Midoriya: I'm so happy to hear that, you guys!!
Akko: Congratulations!!
Lotte: Can I sing them lullabies? I'm really good at that!
Ruby: Imagine how Dad's gonna react!
Kirishima: Imagine how strong they'll be!!
Ashido: Well what are we waiting for?! This calls for a celebration!!
With that the sounds of laughter filled the area as nothing but joy, the G.W.E had come to a close, and a new member to the family was now on their way, and will he arriving very soon
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