Chapter 20: Act 6: Rainbow Six Siege

It was now the 6th day, Saturday, as the fifth game event was now about to be underway, Rainbow Six Siege

You, along with everyone else, waited to see what the team pairings would be

Ruby: Rainbow Six Siege...? Isn't that a game with Guns...?

Kaminari: Yeah! And It's Super Awesome!!

Intercom: Hello once again, Students, Today we will be watching you all Play Rainbow Six Siege! Here are the rules, since a normal game of R6 would be long on it's own, we shall tone it down to only 1 round each game, depending on what team you are on, your team must defend or secure the objective using the equipment of different operators! Here are the first teams

- Y/N (Ace)
- Bakugo (Fuze)
- Akeno (Jackal)
- Nora (Ash) (Defuser)
- Amanda (Iana)
- Lotus (Orix)
- Issei (Kapkan)
- Kirishima (Tachanka)
- Ren (Caveira)
- Frank (Doc)

Intercom: Now that you've chosen your operators, time to head to the battlefield, Good Luck to all of you!

Coastline: Bomb

With that everyone who's as selected for the first game was warped to the world of Siege, all being given the equipment of their operators as they were playing in coastline

You along with everyone else were now droning the building, looking for the objective as you and the others kept searching

Y/N: Man...where is this thing...?

Nora: I found Issei!

As Nora's Drone followed Issei through the building, Bakugo's drone tagged along about halfway through, Issei leading them straight to the objective as Nora smiled

Nora: We've got it!

With that the action phase began, all 5 of you running towards the building as you began to chat amongst each other

Amanda: So how do we secure this Objective exactly...?

Y/N: Pretty sure we have to deactivate the Bombs with Nora's Defuser there, but obviously it's not gonna be easy...

Akeno: They're bound to have defences up to face us, Luckily we have an Ash and a Fuze on our team, two of the most explosive operators!

Amanda: Yeah but isn't it made so they can't go through reinforced Walls...?

Y/N: That's where I come in! I'm Ace, so I can destroy parts of even reinforced walls and leave openings for people to enter from, plus I can still fly and use a little bit of my Ki!

Akeno: And I can use my operator to spot the foot prints of our opponents and expose their location!

Amanda: Gotcha, I can create a Holographic clone of myself to check for places without the risk of actually getting shot!

Y/N: So we're set! Let's rock this!!

Everyone: Yeah!!

With that you managed to get to the right side of the building, the door was barricaded with green wood as Bakugo ran right through it

Y/N: Hey you're not Orix!

Bakugo: Shut up...

With that the five of you stuck together as a group, knowing that the objective was in Kitchen as you advanced through the hallways

Y/N: Alright, we're getting closer to stay alert—

All of a sudden Nora felt a bullet graze her cheek, causing everyone to stop in their tracks to see Frank with a pistol

Frank: Dang! That didn't hit properly!!

With that he ran off as everyone looked at each other and nodded, with Akeno running after him, this brought your group down to 4 as you advanced

Y/N: Hopefully Akeno can hold off against Frank, I don't really know what he can do...

Amanda: Nah she'll be fine, Frank doesn't do anything special, like at all...

Y/N: Wait really...?

Amanda: Yep, No Magic, No Fighting skill, Nothin', honestly I don't even know why him and Andrew are here...

Y/N: Huh. Neat.

The sounds of gun shots could be heard in the distance as you and the other were now at the kitchen door, you could hear footsteps from inside as you pulled out an impact grenade

Y/N: Once I blow up this door, Amanda will use her Operator skill to check for anyone inside, it will show is just who's in there, if anyone at all, then we'll make our move!

Amanda: Got it!

You then chucked the Impact grenade at the Barricaded door as it blew up on contact, destroying the barricade as you then leaped away

Y/N: Go!

Amanda: Got it!

With that Amanda then used her Holographic clone and used it to walk into the room, she looked around for about 3-4 seconds before before being lit up by bullets from multiple directions

Y/N: Damn! They're holding angles...

You then heard the sounds of footsteps from the floor above, you then looked at the stairs as you bolted away towards them, but not before throwing two of your gadgets towards the reinforced walls to create an opening

Y/N: I'll take care of whoever's upstairs, you three take it from here!

Nora: You can count on us!

You have them a thumbs up before running up the stairs, heading to face whoever awaited you up there

As you then arrived at the next floor, no one was there, so you assumed that they went into hiding

As you wandered the halls and rooms on this floor, your mind drifted elsewhere as you began to think of your child that would be coming very soon

Y/N: Man...I still can't believe it...I'm gonna be a Father...Yang said that she was the only one who got Pregnant, guess the condom must've ripped or something...but regardless...I wonder what they'll be like...

Someone could then be seen lurking about as they were ready to shoot you at any moment as a gentle smile creeped onto your face



Y/N: ...Maybe They'll have my passion for combat and their Mother's attitude...I'll train them to be the strongest! Even Stronger than me! But...what if they don't like fighting...what is they end up like GOHAN?! OH GOD—

You were then snapped out of your through as a small beam of yellow energy then shot out of a corner, you managed to dodge at the last possible second as you went wide eyed

Y/N: Hmph...That was a Ki blast, there's only one person on the opposing team who can use Ki...Lotus, show yourself and face me!

All of a sudden Lotus busted through the wall as he used his operator skill to charge towards you, tackling you and knocking you through the wall behind you

You weren't able to get up for a couple of seconds as Lotus prepared another Ki blast, firing at you as you rolled out of the way at the last possible moment and got back onto your feet

Lotus: First Rocket League and now R6, we're really starting to pick up as Rivals again aren't we?

Y/N: Heh, I'd think so!


Amanda and Nora were currently shooting at Issei and Kirishima who both ran separate ways, both of the girls focussing on Issei was Kirishima dove towards a corner

Issei: Daw C'mon! What did I do this time?!

Amanda: Shut up and lemme Shot you, ya perv!!

Nora: Yeah Hold still!!

All of a sudden the sounds of something firing bullets were heard as both Nora and Amanda ducked to avoid a large flurry of bullets

They both them got back up to see Kirishima in his Tachanka Turret as he then smiled with cockiness

Issei: Ha! Light em up, Double R!

Kirishima: One step ahead of ya!

With that Kirishima began to light up the whole room with his turret, forcing both Nora and Amanda to make a run for it as he went all out

Both of them then split up as Issei began to fire as well, backing both of the girls into a corner as all they had for protection was a deplorable shield that had been placed down

Amanda: Dammit where is everyone?!

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Bakugo was currently walking away as he had currently blown up Ren who had been sneaking around about to make his next move

Bakugo: Tch...Only cowards try stuff like that, so of course it wouldn't work on me...

Back to you

You and Lotus were now running across the second floor, shooting finger Ki blasts at each other like in a live action movie, with explosions going off everywhere

Y/N: Damn! Akeno must've slipped up, But it seems that she traded with Frank...and Bakugo managed to take care of ren...

Lotus: Stop daydreaming and fight me!

All of a sudden Lotus began to fire two beams from both of his hands, cashing you to go wide eyed and duck as you continued to run, and eventually fly down the stairs as he quickly followed and flew as well


Amanda and Nora were now in a tough spot as Issei and Kirishima continued firing their weapons at the two of them as the shield was still standing tall

Amanda: Dammit! We can't make any progress like this, screw it, Nora, Plant the Defuser!

Nora: Now?! Are you crazy?!

Amanda: Just do it! Trust me!

With that Nora took a quick gulp as she began to plant the Defuser, with Issei noticing this and yelling

Issei: They're Planting!

Kirishima: Not on my watch!

With that Kirishima began to fire beside the shield, Nora's arm them being grazed multiple times by the turret as she gritted her teeth

Amanda: Dammit C'mon!

Nora: Okay it's done!

The Defuser has been planted, Protect the Defuser

Issei: That's it! I'm going in—

All of a sudden Issei was interrupted when You and Lotus came crashing through the one wall that the opposing team just so happened to leave un-reinforced

You then went rolling across the floor as Lotus landed on his feet, Kirishima acting quickly and firing a flurry of bullets towards you as you went wide eyed and leaped away

Amanda: Y/N!

Y/N: I'll cover you, just make sure that Nora and the Defuser aren't touched!!

You then began to fire beams of energy all over the room as Amanda ducked, Issei rolling to protect himself as Kirishima was protected by his turret, along with Lotus leaping out of the way

Y/N: Damn! I'm getting shot at by every possible angle! I don't know how much longer I can keep this up for!

All of a sudden a small hole then popped into the wall, along with a few small bits of metal being shot through the wall as they bounced off the floor

Y/N and Issei: Oh Shit!!

All of a sudden you leaped towards Amanda and Nora as you got cover, Issei running out of the room as Lotus and Kirishima were then blown up by Bakugo's Cluster Charge

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Issei then ran in to see that both Lotus and Kirishima were now both eliminated as everyone who was left slowly looked towards him

Issei: U-Uh...C-Can we just talk about this...?!

MATCH WON: All Enemies were eliminated!

Time Skip

everyone had just been warped back to the stadium as everyone was completely fine, everyone then listened up as the intercom spoke

Intercom: Good Job everyone! What a game, tomorrow's game shall be the final event, Super Smash Bros Ultimate! But as for right now, time for the next round of Rainbow Six Siege!

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