Chapter 19: Act 5: Ark Survival Evolved

It was now the fifth day, Friday, as the fifth game event was about to be underway, being Ark Survival Evolved

You were now standing with a large crowd of students as your team was about to be selected

Intercom: Alright! Today's game will be Ark Survival Evolved! Here you will he placed in teams of 6, and you must survive for only one in game day this time, but I must warn you, this world is full of viscous creatures both in the water and on land! Now, here is the first team.

- Y/N
- Yang
- Diana
- Todoroki
- Kirishima
- Lotte

Y/N: First again, that's what YouTube commenters be like...

Intercom: And we're set! Off you go, and good luck!

With that the 6 selected players were then warped to the world of Ark Survival Evolved, ready to take on whatever was there to face them

Ark Survival Evolved: Island

You were just starting to wake up from what seemed to be after blacking out once again, picking yourself up from the ground as you groaned groggily

Y/N: Ugh...Déjà Vu...

You then looked around and noticed that you were on an island, the sky was partly cloudy as the area was bursting with life

Lotte: EEEEEK!!

You were then fully awakened by Lotte's shriek as you noticed that everyone's clothes had been taken away and replaced with very few pieces of clothing made of hide

The boys only had underwear covering their private area's, and the girls had both Underwear and a Hide Cloth to cover their chest area

You being you, it didn't bother you much, but everyone else thought otherwise

Kirishima: Hey! Don't tell me that everyone watching can see us like this!!

Diana: Unpredictable...

Yang: Well we can't just stay here! We've gotta make some clothes! Y/N! Go and find us some clothes!

Everyone then looked to see you back in your regular Gi, just like that, surprising everyone as you raised a brow

Y/N: What?

Yang: Where did you get your clothes?!?!

Y/N: Clothes Beam, Gotta love it!

You then aimed two of your fingers at Yang and fired a clothes beam at her as well, returning her into her normal outfit as you did the same to everything else

Diana: You can't tell me that this "Clothes Beam" of yours isn't Magic...

Y/N: But it's not, My friend Piccolo taught me how to materialize normal objects out of nothing, in times like these it comes in handy.

Kirishima: It sounds like you just took Yaomomo's Quirk...

Y/N: Yeah, but I can't materialize food, nor can I make weapons, only normal objects from what I know.

Todoroki: But at least yours is instant, no matter the size.

Lotte: U-Um, shouldn't we be focusing on staying here for the night? We have to get some supplies.

Yang: And something to snack on for the day.

Y/N: Well, I don't know what we need exactly, but...

All of a sudden you held up a Dodo bird that you found walking around, thinking of cooking the creature and eating it

Y/N: I found this thing, I'm sure we'd be able to cook it!

Lotte: Y/N No!

Y/N: Y/N Yes!

Yang: Aw but it's just so cute! We can't kill it! In fact...

All of a sudden Yang snatched it from your hands as you went wide eyed before hanging your head low

Yang: Imma keep it as a pet!

Diana: That isn't a good idea, taking an animal out of it's natural habitat can have a negative impact on it...

Kirishima: Welp, Imma go and grab some supplies, Y/N, you wanna come with?

Y/N: Sure! But what do we need exactly...?

Kirishima: I'll fill you in on the way, but there seems to be a lot of trees over across this body of water!

With that the two of you leaped over the water as Yang waved and called to the two of you

Yang: Good Luck, Guys! We'll be waiting here!

Diana: I suggest trying to make a suitable shelter for the night.

With that the two of you landed on the other side, looking around to see what trees would be the best to harvest from

Y/N: So I'm assuming that we'll need Wood for a shelter and other stuff, like a campfire?

Kirishima: Yep, once we get enough we should be good, I'm gonna go over there, look around and see what you can find!

With that Kirishima walked off as you nodded, looking towards the tallest tree in the area as you walked towards it, readying a blade of Ki as you took a swing

With one Slash, you cut right through the bottom of the tree, with it slowly falling over as you caught it with one hand

Y/N: This is a decent amount, but we'll need more than this if we want to occupy six people...

With that you and Kirishima got to work, all while Yang and the others planned on how to build the shelter, you and Kirishima gathered the supplies

Time Skip

You were now walking back to where everyone else was, while getting wood and such you somewhat drifted away from the others, so now you were on your way back, casually carrying 8 trees with both of your hands

Y/N: Hm, This should be good enough, I wonder what the others are up to right now...

Eventually you were almost there, everyone else was now in your sights as you smiled, however, you then felt two strange energies approaching the area, causing you to look behind you

Placing the supply wood down to the ground, you then turned around completely and sharpened your guard incase of a serious threat

Y/N: Whoever's out there, show yourselves! I l know you're here!

???: So you managed to detect us, I must commend you for that.

???: Y'know that we're here...? Good, this makes things much easier...

You then witnessed two entities walk out from the forest area that lied ahead, clenching one of your fists as they entities showed themselves

Crocodile and Itachi Uchiha

Eye Catch


Y/N: Who are you guys...? And what do you want with us...?

Both of them remained silent for a short moment, you gritted your teeth as you had realized something about them

Y/N: Wait...this feels familiar...No doubt about it, these two are Brainwashed!

Crocodile: I don't know why you have such a massive bounty on your head..."Reincarnated King"...

Itachi: He is said to be one of the most powerful beings to ever exist...let's see if that is true...

Y/N: So you've heard of my Title...well then...

All of a sudden you charged at the two of them as you reeled your fist back and yelled to them

Y/N: Let's see if you can handle my Power!!

With that you went for Crocodile first, shooting your first forward as you attempted to punch him, but he your fist simple went though him as the area you punched was replaced with...

Y/N: Sand...?

Crocodile: You are no match for me, I obtained this power from eating the Sand-Sand can't land a single attack on me...

Y/N: Well if I can't punch you, I'll simply blow you away!!

All of a sudden you placed your palm out in front of you as you blew him away with a Ki blast cannon, the wind pressure from it was enough to completely send him flying

Crocodile: GAH!

Crocodile then went right though a boulder and crashed into a tree as you faced Itachi, staring him deep into the eyes as you then went wide eyed

Itachi: What...?

Y/N: So you tried using some sort of Hypnosis trick on me...? That's definitely a Genjutsu! Naruto told me about those!

Itachi: But how are you able to resist my Tsukuyomi?!

Y/N: My energy isn't like what you've dealt with before, I possess God Ki, whatever Genjutsu try on me, my Divine Energy will protect me from it!

With that you then went in and landed a heavy punch to Itachi's gut, causing him to gag out some saliva as he was sent flying back

Meanwhile Crocodile suddenly bursted from the Beach's sand behind you with his Hook ready to impale you

Crocodile: DIE!

You were about to counter his sneak attack when all of a sudden Yang appeared in front of him and blocked his Hook with her gauntlet

Yang: And who do you think you are? Attacking my Y/N like that...?

Itachi: Amaterasu!

All of a sudden you went wide eyed and quickly grabbed Yang, throwing her away as you were engulfed in black flames

Crocodile then leaping away as Itachi began to walk towards you

Itachi: It's Futile, The flames of Amaterasu is as hot as the Sun, you're done for.

Y/N: Nah, This ain't nothing, I've tanked worse.

Itachi then went wide eyed as you then powered up with a white base aura, blowing away the black flames as you smiled

Y/N: Your Abilities are pretty good, if you used them on anyone else here then you'd probably win instantly, But I am in a whole new league from what you know.

Crocodile: Tch! Stop spouting Bullshit!

You then noticed Crocodile attempt to hit you again, but this time it was Kirishima to appear, knocking him down with a Kick, he then looked to Itachi

Kirishima: Red Riot Enters the scene!

Y/N: Kirishima watch out!

All of a sudden Itachi looked into Kirishima's eyes and placed him under a Genjutsu, causing him to suddenly stop in his tracks as he stood completely still

Yang: What happened?!

Y/N: Tch!

All of a sudden you materialized a small Jar from nothing, placing it onto the ground as you prepared yourself

Y/N: Yang, Cover me!

Yang: Got it!

All of a sudden you faced Itachi and launched a technique that you hadn't used in ages


All of a sudden the area around Itachi went bright green, Yang then tossing Crocodile towards Itachi before your technique could take it's effect

All of a sudden Itachi and Crocodile felt themselves be swept away by your technique, being carried into the air as they went in circles, both of them screaming as you gritted your teeth

Crocodile: GAAH!! WHAT IS THIS?!?

Y/N: This is a Turtle Hermit Classic! MAFUBA!!

Y/N: Yang! Get the jar ready!!

Yang: On it!!

With that Yang made sure that the Jar was ready to be used, opening the top as you then directed your hands towards the jar itself

Y/N: Ha!!

Crocodile: DAMN YOU!!!!

With that they were both sucked into the jar, eventually containing them completely as the area went back to normal, with you placing a clog on the top of the jar to finish the seal

You caught a Crocodile and an Itachi!

Y/N: And that's how it's done!

Yang: What was that?! I've never seen you use that technique before!

Y/N: It's called the Evil Containment Wave, Aka: The Mafuba!

Kirishima: H-Huh?! What happened?!

You and Yang then looked over to see Kirishima who had been under a Genjutsu until you sealed Itachi and Crocodile away, leaving him confused

Y/N: It's alright, we won!

Kirishima: Uh...If you say so...imma go take the wood and stuff back at our staying place, see you guys there!

Y/N: Kay!

You were about to follow him when Yang suddenly fell to her knees, panting in exhaustion as you went wide eyed

Y/N: Yang! Are you okay?!

Yang then held her hand out towards you as she managed to sit down properly and taking a sigh of relief

Yang: Don't's not what you think...

Y/N: So...what's the matter...?

Yang then looked away for a short moment with a blush as she then looked back to you while covering her mouth

Yang: Just look for yourself...

Yang then lifted up her shirt, exposing her midriff as you went wide eyed to see that her stomach was larger than usual

Y/N: Wait what?!?

Yang: I'm pretty good at hiding it, huh? I probably should've told you sooner...if you haven't guessed yet, I'm Pregnant, Y/N...

Y/N: Pregnant...?! S-SO THAT MEANS...

Yang: Mhm! You're gonna he a Father, Y/N!

A tint of a Pink blush then spread onto your face, along with a smile slipping in as you began to laugh happily in the realization of what you had been told


As you then helped Yang up from the ground, she then placed her finger onto your mouth with a smile

Yang: Shh...Let's keep it a secret until the G.W.E is over, then we'll tell everyone.

You then nodded quietly while looking happier than usual, of course you did, you were now expecting a Baby

Y/N: Alright! Let's head back! I've gotta take good care of you!

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