Chapter 17: Act 3: Rocket League
It was now the third day of the G.W.E Aka The Gaming Week event as everyone was now up to play the third assigned game, Rocket League
Yang: Aw Yeah! Now we're talking!
Y/N: Rocket League...? Isn't that Vehicle stuff?
Yang: Yup! I've driven both a Car and a Motorcycle before, so this should be a piece of cake for me! We both have Vehicle experience so we should be able to fly right through this!
Y/N: Uh...right...
Yang: Wait, You can drive, right...?
Y/N: Nope.
Yang: What?! But you're technically an adult now!!
Y/N: Y-Yeah but I never worried about driving when I could fly across the universe in about half an hour in my base form...
Yang then sighed as she smiled and pulled you into a side hug as she then spoke with confidence
Yang: Well, we still have some time until the games begin, so let me at least teach you the basics!
Y/N: Oh Boy...
Time Skip
After a lot of yelling and instructing from Yang, you were getting the hang of driving as Yang had let you use her Rocket League car that she had built for practice purposes
However it wasn't until after the practice sessions until you managed to get a good look at her car
Y/N: Y'Know, your car doesn't look half bad.
Yang: Yep, I call her the Burning Sunrise!
Y/N: You named it after your favourite Drink?
Yang: Duh! Now C'mon! We've gotta get your car! I wanna see what it looks like!
With that Yang took you to grab your car as you then stopped her from taking you anywhere
Y/N: Hold on a sec, I've already got my car!
Yang: Wait what?! I don't see it!
You then dug into your pocket and pulled out a small capsule, pressing the button on the top and chucking it a safe distance away from the two of you as another car came out
Yang: Wow! It actually suits you!
Y/N: Yeah, I wanted to give Shenron a little credit since he often gets slept on these days, I think I'll name her DragonBurst!
Yang: Well what are we waiting for! Let's fire these babies up and win this game!
With that Yang took you by the hand and began to pull you towards the stadium as you raised a brow in confusion
Y/N: Aren't our cars the other way...?
Time Skip
You and Yang were now back at the stadium as the entire structure had temporarily changed to a more fitting scenery for Rocket League
Intercom: Hello again Ladies and Gentlemen of G.W.E.!! Today we bring you a series of competitive Games of Rocket League!!
With that the crowd began to cheer as the other students on the sidelines were now watching the event
Ashido: Good Luck Everyone!
Jaune: Remember to play fair!!
Intercom: Now before our first match begins, let's take a look at our contestants!
Team 1
- Y/N
- Yang
- Kiba
- Bakugo
Team 2
- Lotus
- Cardin
- Constanze
- Tokoyami
Intercom: And now let's get this match underway! Let's start it off with an Extreme Game of Rumble!! Gain a power up every 10 seconds to pulverize your opponents!
With that all 8 cars began to pull into the stadium as everyone began to cheer, it turns out that everyone was able to hear each other through microphones built into each car
Y/N: Ey! What's Good, Gang?!
Lotus: Not much man! Let's have a fun game!
Yang: Heck Yeah!
Cardin: I hope you losers are ready to eat my dust!!
Bakugo: You'll be the one eating OUR dust!!
With that everyone began to drive towards the ball, Yang jumping with her car and hitting the ball first as it went flying to the left
Kiba: After it!!
Tokoyami: I've got it!
With that Tokoyami began to approach the ball, ready to hit it when you suddenly drove in from the wall and hit it before he could
Y/N: Nope!
Tokoyami then went up the wall as you chased after the ball which was now headed for your net due to Lotus hitting it
You then noticed that your power ups were ready as things began to get Chaotic with the press of a button
A giant Boot suddenly shot out of Constanze's car as she hit Yang, sending her flying away, however not even a second later she was sent Speeding around uncontrollably due to Bakugo using his Disruptor on her
You then used your power up which was a Power Hitter, confusing you as you didn't know what it was supposed to do
Y/N: Yang what does this do?!
Yang: You can send the ball flying a lot further than normal and demolish opponents on contact!
Y/N: I see, so a literal Power Up!!
With that you used your boost which was at 47% at the moment, speeding towards Cardin who was about to swipe the ball from Yang
Y/N: I got your back, Yang, WATCH MY SPEED!!
With that you slammed your car right through Cardin's as his car exploded into smithereens, allowing Yang to hit the ball and get the first score in as the crowd went wild
Intercom: Team 1: One Point!
Yang: Yes!! Sunrise and DragonBurst for the win!!
Y/N: Hell Yeah!!
Intercom: Yang making the first Goal as Y/N lends a powerful assistance by demolishing the target!!
Eye Catch
With that everyone was brought back to their starting places, the sounds of roaring engines filling the stadium as everyone cheered
And with that you along with everyone else were off, Yang trying to pull the same jump trick to hit the ball first, but it didn't work a second time as she was rammed by Tokoyami, leaving Lotus to hit the ball first
Everyone watched as The Ball went flying across the stadium, everyone in the audience including the students looking in excitement as the Ball hit right above the net, it couldn't of been any closer
You then received your Power up which was a Boxing Glove, you saw Bakugo use it earlier so you knew what it did, therefore you waited until the time was right
As Kiba and Contanze began to battle for the ball, Tokoyami then snatched it away as he whacked it towards your team's net
Bakugo: Out of my way!!
With that Bakugo hopped with his car towards the ball as he hit it out of the way, the large ball bouncing off of the wall as you raced after it
Y/N: I've got it!!
With that you activated your power up as a large boxing glove shot out of your car and hit the ball towards the opposing team's net
Kiba: Nice!!
The ball was about to go into the net when all of a sudden it fully froze into ice, catching your whole team by surprise as Constanze flew across the stadium and whacked it away from her team's net
Y/N: Shit!
With that you activated your power up which was again a Power Hitter as you raced towards Lotus, not even targeting the ball anymore as you demolished his car
Y/N: Take that!!
All of a sudden your Power Up wore off as Cardin sped into your car, Blowing you up as well as he laughed
Cardin: Later, Loser!!
In the smoke left from the two cars blowing up, you and Lotus then leaped out from the smoke and faced each other in mid air
Lotus: Test your Might!!
With that the two of you then began to engage in an actual hand to hand battle as the two of you clashed, exchanging blows as everyone went wide eyed
Tokoyami: What are they doing?!
Yang: Guys this is Rocket League! not Mortal Kombat!!
Kiba: We'll just have to get the next goal without them, you guys ready?!
Yang: Ready when you are!!
Bakugo: GO!!
With that the three cars on your team raced off as the other three did the same, engaging in an intense round as you and Lotus continued fighting
Constanze was about to get a score in when Bakugo blocked her off and sent the ball hurling away
Before the ball could hit the ground, Yang then came flying in and hit the ball with the back of her car, sending it towards the opposing team's net as Cardin came in with a save by hitting it away with his grappling hook
Yang: Damn!!
As the 6 players continued playing intensely, the fight between You and Lotus only began to become more heated
Y/N: It's been a while since the two of us fought 1 on 1!
Lotus: Yeah, Let's see who will come out on top now!!
With that you delivered a heavy sledgehammer to Lotus' face as he went bolting towards the ground, landing in the corner on his knees as you sped towards him
Ren: Even in a real life game of Rocket League they find a way to fight each other...Saiyans are interesting.
Weiss: *Sigh*...Those guys will never change...
You were about to nail Lotus with a beam attack when suddenly an explosion went off behind you, you looked to see that Cardin had gotten a goal in, now the score was 1-1
Cardin: Take that! You guys are bad!
All of a sudden everyone respawned in their starting positions, Cardin laughing with Confidence and Cockiness as you let out a sigh, now back in your car
All of a sudden your eyes went silver as you glared at Cardin's car
Y/N: Alright...Prepare to have your Bloodline Destroyed...
With that everyone sped after the ball, however you hopped with your car and flew towards it using the boost, this allowed you to hit the ball first as it went directly towards The Opponent's net
Kasai: He's Using Ultra Instinct While Driving?!
Midoriya: No Way...!!
The ball was about to enter the net when Tokoyami managed to whack it away, everyone watching as you looked to the right and sped after the ball
Intercom: 30 seconds of the game remain!!
You then looked to the left to see that Lotus and Cardin were headed straight for you from both the left and right
Your car then hopped into the air as it began to spin, the front of your car hitting the ball as Yang came zooming in
Yang: I'll help too!!
Kiba and Bakugo then went racing towards the ball as well it began to slowly roll towards the other net, however, this is where Constanze came in and hit the ball, sending it flying into the air making it certain that it wouldn't get in
Bakugo: Shit!!
Yang: Up there!!
Y/N: I'm about to pull what's called a Pro Gamer Move...
Everyone then watched with wide eyes and gasped as you were soaring into the air with your car, spinning as you hit the ball towards the net and then hit it a second time into the net
A large explosion then went off as the timer also went off, declaring your team the winner by one point
The crowd began to go wild as everyone sat there dumbfounded from what just happened, you then deactivating Ultra Instinct Omen as you took a sigh of relief
Y/N: Whew! That was fun!
Everyone: WHAAAAAAAAT?!?!
Y/N: What...?
Yang: Y/N, how did you do that?!?
Y/N: Lots of concentration...
Kiba: W-Well I guess that we shouldn't question it and just appreciate the win...
Intercom: Alright! That concludes the first match of Rocket League, tomorrow's game shall be Subnautica, which will work differently than how the normal game does, instead of playing alone, you shall enter with 3 others and survive for 3 in game days!
Y/N: Hm...Sounds like fun!
Intercom: Indeed it will be! But now, time for the next round of rocket league!
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