Chapter 16: Act 2: COD Zombies

It was now the next day, Tuesday as You along with your team, Kasai, Kaminari, and Sucy were all now sitting in the Center of the stadium

Y/N: So from what we know...the four of us will take on an endless amount waves of Zombies until we are eventually overwhelmed and eliminated...?

Kasai: Kinda like a "How long can you survive" kind of thing.

Y/N: Hm...the guy on the speaker also said that our powers would be nerfed until the game is over, but I wonder just by how much?

Kaminari: Well you guys are Super Strong so you'll probably be nerfed to an extreme, but won't be effected as much.

Sucy remained silent as the intercom spoke, grabbing everyone's attention as you looked up

Intercom: Alright! Let's get this underway! The four of you shall be warped to the Tranzit Map!

Kaminari: "Tranzit"...? What's that?

Sucy: He means Bus Station...

Kaminari: Oooooh!

With that the four of you were then warped to a different location as everyone awaited for the game to start

COD BO2 Zombies: Tranzit

All of a sudden you found yourself in a small building, along with your teammates as you looked around, the room was quite dark, and it was a big mess

Sucy: Doesn't anyone clean around here...?

Y/N: I is a Zombie power shrunk by a long shot!

You then hopped into the air and tried to fly, you managed to stay in the air for around 10 seconds before falling to the ground

Y/N: We can only fly for 10 seconds?!

Kaminari: I think we should be more concerned about THE ZOMBIES AT THE WINDOWS!!!

With that the three of you looked around to see that there was indeed Zombies trying to get in though the windows, causing Kaminari to panic

Sucy then walked off as you tried to blast them, but as expected, it wasn't nearly as powerful as it would normally be, all you could fire was a small beam of yellow Ki that could make a small hole in the wall at most

Y/N: Damn...

Kasai: This is gonna be tricky...

Kaminari: Man! Will you guys stop messing around and help me out?! We've gotta get out of this building—

Sucy: The door's opened.

Kasai: Wait What?!

Turns out that Sucy had managed to build a Turbine out of some random things that she found lying around

Sucy: Contanze Taught me a thing or two when it comes to building and stuff...

Kaminari then ran right past Sucy, not even acknowledging her as she sighed

Kaminari: FREE AT LAST!

Kaminari was then met with an even bigger group of zombies as he screamed like a girl and ran back to the building doors


Kasai: Kaminari you've gotta chill out, it's only the first wave so there's hardly any zombies...

Y/N: Well then, let's get to it!

Kasai then stood next to you as Sucy also walked to your side as she now had a pistol that she spawned in with

With that the four of you got down to business, You and Kasai shooting zombies with small beams of Ki as you smiled like it was nothing

One shot was enough to kill a single zombie at the moment, so it was an easy round, not much had happened besides the four of you gaining a small amount of points

As time went on you eventually made it to the third round as you were still ripping and tearing through the zombies with your finger gun

Y/N: Watch my aiming skills! HA!

You then swiftly turned around as you shot without even trying to aim, hitting a zombie right in the head, killing it

Kaminari: Damn!!

With that Kaminari began to shoot Zombies as well, also using his fingers to shoot lighting at them as one bolt of lighting connected to multiple, killing them

Kaminari: Oh Yeah!!


Y/N: Yeah...almost as Broken as Vegeta's Pride against Cell...

The three of you continued to light up the horde as Sucy was the only one showing visible signs of trouble, not having any potions or even a wand on her, all she had was a pistol that she didn't know how to use

Luckily she was with three of the most Broken Players that could be placed in a team, so she was fine

It was now round 4 as everyone suddenly heard the sounds of a honking horn, catching the attention of everyone

Y/N: What's that...?

The four of you looked into the fog as two headlights could be seen, a bus suddenly driving up and stopping in front of the building

Kaminari: Woah! I wasn't expecting a working bus around here!

Sucy: So are we gonna stay here or hop on...?

Y/N: ...Imma hop on.

With that you walked in as Kasai shrugged and followed Kaminari thinking to himself as he placed his hand on his chin

Kaminari: Hm...if we go, then there might be something even more dangerous out there...I think I'll stay here, I've got things under control—

Y/N: Yo Kaminari, you coming?

Kaminari then looked over as You, Kasai, and Sucy were all on the bus about to ditch him as he panicked

Kaminari: Bah! Wait for me guys!!

With that he hopped on the bus at the last possible second as the doors shut right behind him, the bus slowly driving off as you noticed that the Bus driver was a robot

Sucy: Is that a robot...?

Y/N: Eh, I've seen crazier.

Kasai: might wanna see this...

You then looked to Kasai who was leering over the back window, spending by his side and looking out as well as you saw a group of zombies chasing after the bus

Y/N: Holy Shit! Kaminari, Sucy, watch the windows, we'll take care of the ones back here!

With that you then fired another beam of energy out of your fingers as it exploded on contact with the ground, blowing away all of the zombies in it's radius as you went wide eyed

Y/N: Wait, they explode now?

Kaminari: And you said I was broken...

Sucy: It looks like the higher we go into rounds, the stronger our abilities become...

Kasai: Sweet!

All of a sudden the bus came to a stop as you had arrived at your destination, everyone stepping out of the doors as they found themselves at what looked like a diner, with bits of molten lava on the ground

Kaminari: Oh! A restaurant! Do you think there are Zombies that serve food?

Kasai: Probably not...

Sucy: "Now die"...that's kinda creepy...


Eye Catch


Y/N: What was that?!

All of a sudden you heard the sounds of rapid foot steps, looking into the distance to see a large group of dog like creatures that seemed to be in fire, running towards you at high speeds

Kaminari: What the hell are those things?!

Sucy: Hellhounds, Don't touch them, they blow up on contact.

Y/N: Ah Shit...

With that you and Kasai split up as Sucy walked off to take shelter, leaving Kaminari by himself as he ran away


The Hellhounds began to chase Kaminari around as you tried your best to aim at them

Y/N: Kaminari you've gotta keep them in one place!


You then gritted your teeth and fired a beam of energy, hitting the space in between Kaminari and the hellhounds as Kaminari went flying forward

Y/N: Now!!

All of a sudden Kasai entered the scene with a small orb of Ki in his hand as he tossed it at the Hellhounds, blowing up and destroying them as Kaminari had practically pissed his pants

Kaminari: You guys are jerks...

Time Skip

The four of you had now reached around round 26 as things weren't looking so good, now all of you were at a different location, an abandoned Farm that was completely void of any people, animals, and crops

Kaminari: *Pant*...*Pant*...guys...I don't know how much longer we can last...they almost got us back there...and Sucy got downed back there so she had to restart

Sucy: I had a ray gun...

Kasai: Well they'll be here at any moment, we've gotta prepare ourselves!

Y/N: You're right, let's get this done!!

All of a sudden the sounds of zombies screaming could be heard in the distance, everyone getting their game faces on as you spoke

Y/N: Split up, if they catch us together then we're done for, ready?

Everyone: Right!

With that You and Kasai flew off, your time period now 15 seconds instead of 10 as the two of you landed on the tops of separate structures as Kaminari stood in the middle, with Sucy providing back up as she stayed in the roof on the largest building

Kaminari: Alright you brain gobblers! Come and get me!

With that the Zombies began to approach the area, a massive hoard of them running towards Kaminari as you and Kasai began to aim

Now firing normal Ki blasts at the zombies as Kaminari got himself ready for a super attack

Kaminari: Thanks to our training, My Quirk has been SuperCharged to a new level! let's see how you like this! 12.5 MILLION VOLTS!!!

Everyone watched as Kaminari unleashed a massive storm of yellow lightning that lit up the entire farm, every zombie that was on the ground was caught in the attack as you and the others covered your eyes

A large explosion could then be seen and heard as Kaminari's attack had completely obliterated the entire horde of zombies

The smoke eventually cleared as everyone looked around, not a single Zombie in sight as you smiled

Y/N: Alright!!

Kasai: Wow...he didn't leave anything behind...!!

Sucy: It was powerful I'll give him that...

Everyone then looked closer to see that Kaminari had reached his limit, everyone noticing that his brain had been fried from that last attack

Sucy: happening right now...?

Y/N: Dammit...It's the side effect of his Quirk, if he uses it too much then it fries his brain to the point where all he can do is...well...that.

Kasai: Judging by how much power that last attack had, he's probably gonna be like this for a good chunk of the day...

Sucy: So what you're saying is that he's useless now...

Both: Yeah Pretty much...

All of a sudden a hand slammed onto the roof behind Sucy as a zombie began to climb, a few more climbing up as well as they began to approach her from behind

Sucy: Uh-oh...

Y/N: Get Down!!

On instinct, Sucy ducked as you flew over and stood in front of her, putting your hands out forward as you unleashed a large beam of energy that engulfed every last Zombie on the roof


As you began to put your arms back down the Beam began to slowly shrunk and eventually vanished, Sucy looking with wide eyes as you had obliterated every remaining zombie of that round

Sucy: Good Job...

Y/N: suddenly feel...really tired...

All of a sudden you then lost your balance and fell off of the roof, causing both Sucy and Kasai to go wide eyed as you hit the ground, the fall damage rendering you downed as Kaminari was also quickly downed by the next wave of zombies

Kasai: Guys!! Don't worry I'm coming!!

Kasai was about to swoop in and save the two of you when he was suddenly grabbed from behind from a Zombie, slowly being overwhelmed as he couldn't fight back

Kasai: CRAP!!

With that Kasai was rendered down as well, meaning that Sucy was the only one left, but at this point she couldn't do much on her own

Sucy: Oh Come on...


Y/N: Kills: 389
Kasai: Kills: 371
Kaminari: Kills: 164
Sucy: Kills: 51

All of a sudden you found yourself back in the stadium as the four of you went wide eyed in surprise

Kaminari: Hey! We're not dead!

Y/N: Yeah...I kinda forgot that it was just a game...

Sucy: That took longer than it should have...but I had fun, thanks for playing with me.

Y/N: I had fun too!

Kasai: Agreed, I don't think the same could be said about Kaminari though...

The three of you then looked over to see Kaminari slowly walking over to the restrooms to change for a reason that had completely slipped through your mind

Y/N: Oh Yeah! I forgot that he pissed himself!

Intercom: What a spectacular performance! Great Teamwork everyone! Tomorrow's game shall be Rocket League! But for now, the next team!

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