Chapter 15: Act 1: Among Us

You were currently sitting in a waiting room with the other 9 selected players, awaiting for the doors to open so that the game could begin

Jaune: This is gonna be tricky...

Amanda: We've gotta pay close attention to who does what this time around...

Y/N: I'm not very good when it comes to using my smarts, there's hardly anything there.

All of a sudden everything went dark for a short moment, revealing a trail of words only you could see as it revealed what you were


Y/N: Oh Wow, wasn't expecting to be the Imposter right off the bat!

With that the lights went back on as the doors were now open, everyone being warped to a cafeteria to see a large table with a big red button in the middle

Akko: This is the map, huh?

Ren: There is a lot of things to do here.

Midoriya: Well then, I guess we better do our tasks...

With that everyone split up as you and Lotus walked down a hallway together, talking to each other

Lotus: So what do you have to do, Y/N?

Y/N: Apparently I've gotta do something in electrical.

Lotus: Oh, I've gotta go and do something at reactor, I guess I'll see you soon, don't get killed by the imposter!

Y/N: You too! Trust me I won't...

With that Lotus walked into a room which you assumed was Reactor as you continued walking down the hallway, you didn't have any actual tasks to do, but you headed into Electrical anyway to make it look like you were doing something

However, when you got there you saw that Jaune was already doing Electrical's tasks, so you tried to act smooth

Y/N: Hey Jaune!

Jaune: BAH! Oh, Y/N you scared me...

Y/N: Sorry, I was just coming down to do my Task.

Jaune: Ob, Alrighty then!

With that Jaune continued doing his task like nothing happened as you didn't know what to do, looking at Jaune and thinking to yourself for a moment

Y/N: ...Fuck it...

With that you began to slowly approach Jaune from behind, forming a F/C blade of Ki as you readied it to slice him in half

Y/N: These guys better not be lying about us not actually dying...


Ruby currently was walking through the hallway when she then heard a strange sound come from electrical, deciding to trust her gut, she walked in to see you standing over what was left of Jaune, which was his lower torso and legs

You then went wide eyed and stopped in your tracks like a deer in front of a car's head lights as Ruby then screamed

Ruby: OOOH!!

You remained silent as Ruby continued to scream with wide eyes while holding her head

Ruby: OOOOOH!!!!

Y/N: Shit I'm busted—

Ruby: Who killed Jaune?!?

Y/N: .........You did.


With that you managed to Kill both Jaune and Ruby and eliminate them from the game as they were both sent back to the sidelines outside of the stadium, safe and sound as their "dead bodies" were merely fakes

You hardly had enough time to exit the scene unnoticed as you managed to make it to the cafeteria before the bodies were found

Dead Body Reported

You along with all of the remaining players were now at the round table, discussing what had happened

Rias: I found not one but two dead bodies in electrical, both Ruby and Jaune were both murdered on the spot, now where was everyone before the report?

Bakugo: I was in weapons, clearing asteroids...

Akko: I was in medbay, collecting samples...

Y/N: I was in the cafeteria, *Pulls out favourite drink* Buying a beverage!

Akeno: I was in the streets, selling ass...

Rias: Okay so that's...*Looks at Akeno* You were where...?

Ren: Well, it seems that everyone was doing they're tasks...except Y/N...

All the eyes in the room then locked onto you as you began to grow nervous

Rias: Everyone was doing their thing, except for this man right here, mind telling us exactly why, Y/N?

You stood silent for a short moment before cleaning your throat and looking into Rias's eyes

Y/N: ...Rias kinda sus...

Rias then went wide eyed as everyone then looked to her

Bakugo: Rias, man, Sus right now...

Rias: Huh?!

Amanda: It's her, it's gotta be her!

Akko: You are beings kinda suspicious right now though...

Rias: But that doesn't make any sense! I was the one who reported the body, if anything, Lotus is the most suspicious since he was the closest one around when I found the body!

Y/N: Rias sus.

Lotus: Yep.

Rias: But has absolutely NO logical reasoning! You're just saying I did it because I said you did it!

Lotus: And that's all the logic I need.

Rias was ejected, Rias was not the imposter

With that everyone went back to their tasks, 7 players out of 10 remained, with you roaming the entire place looking for a place to look as if you were doing a task


You then noticed that Midoriya was doing his thing at the lower engine, close to where your first two kills were

Midoriya: Jeez...Rias was kinda making sense though...why wouldn't Y/N be doing his task...but buying a beverage is something he would do...even in this kind of situation...

You saw that nobody else was around the area so you began to approach him

Midoriya: But wait! Earlier I heard Y/N say that he needed to do something in electrical, but Jaune told me that he needed to get to electrical, then Rias found his body along with Ruby's! That means he IS The Imposter!! I've Got to get to the emergency button—

All of a sudden Midoriya felt an incredibly sharp pain in his chest, looking down to see that a blade of Ki was going through his chest, you then pulled the blade of Ki out his his chest as you sliced him in half like the others

Y/N: Sorry, Buddy...

With that you walked off as you had to act quickly, over half of the tasks were done and you still had 6 other players to kill or have ejected

Y/N: Geez...I've gotta act fast...

With that you began to look for your next target, hearing the sounds of high pitched beeping from another room, you walked into the upper engine room to see Akko trying to do her task, but she was having trouble

Akko: does this thing work?!

Y/N: Sorry about this, Akko, but I've gotta do what I've gotta do.

With one quick swipe, Akko was rendered out of the game, poor thing didn't even know what had hit her

After a little while longer, there was 5 targets remaining, Akeno, Ren, Amanda, Bakugo, and Lotus

Y/N: Welp, let's get to it—

Dead Body Reported

Eye Catch

Eye Catch

All of a sudden you along with the four other players were back at the round table as this time it was Akeno who had found the body, luckily it wasn't Akko's but Midoriya's body that you had left behind

Akeno: Okay, I found Midoriya's body in the Lower Engine Room, and seeing as Akko isn't here, she must've been killed as well...where was everyone before the report?

Ren: I was in storage, heading to do my next task.

Amanda: Same thing as Ren but I was in Navigation...

Bakugo: I was in security, checking the cameras when I saw Mr.Pretty boy over here...

Lotus: I was in admin, because I was curious what was in there.

Y/N: I was in Cafeteria again, buying another beverage.

Akeno: And I was in Lower Engine when found the body, so...out of the information we have...I think it was Y/N...

Bakugo: Yeah he's said the same thing twice in a row, I don't think he has tasks...

Amanda: Yep, I'm convinced.

Y/N: But Bakugo, What is that in your boot?!

You then pointed to his boot as everyone looked down to see a certain red liquid spilled all over his foot, causing them to gasp

Amanda: Wait What?!

Lotus: Holy Crap!!

Y/N: You fool! When you go to the cafeteria as much as I do, I know where EVERYTHING is! So I found a packet of hot sauce and placed it on the floor for someone to step on it, and you fell right into my trap, Bakugo...

Akeno: Well then, it must be Bakugo!

Amanda: Duh! He's got blood on his shoe!


Lotus: I don't believe you...

Bakugo was ejected, Bakugo was not the imposter

Meanwhile everyone else was watching the whole thing go down as Bakugo suddenly fell from the bottom of the structure levitating over the field


With Bakugo being ejected, now four people remained as you and everyone else went to do your things

Amanda: was he not the imposter, he had actual blood on his shoe!!

Akeno: Whoever did this must be a trickster, a true mastermind...

As Amanda and Akeno stuck together, Akeno was doing her task in communication as Amanda stood by her side

Amanda: Y' do we know that you're not the imposter...?

Akeno: What...?!

Amanda: You were going on about some dirty minded crap during the first meeting, but now you're behavior's completely turned must be you!!

Akeno: How?! I'm just trying to get more serious, now that the game's getting more intense!!

Amanda: Suuure, I'm heading to the emergency button right now!

Y/N: Hello Ladies!


With that two more kills were added to your list, only leaving Ren and Lotus left, but there was only one more task that was left to be done

Y/N: Shit I've gotta move!!

With that you rushed off to find the remaining two as you heard the sounds of sparking in electrical

Turns out that Jaune's original Task still hadn't been done, so he was filling in for him as you peeked in

Y/N: Hehehe...perfect...

You then began to slowly walk into the room, preparing your blade of Ki once again as you grinned

Raising the blade, you were about to land the killing blow on Ren as you silently chuckled to yourself

Y/N: So long, Ren!

With that you practically threw your blade to the floor as it got closer to the back of Ren's head, but just before you could land it, a voice called from behind you

Lotus: AH-HA!!

Y/N: Tch!

You suddenly went wide eyed and began to sweat nervously as Ren then turned around to see that you were about to eliminate him

Y/N: Uh...this isn't what it looks like...?

Lotus: You made a good imposter, Y/N, I'll give you that, but you didn't bother to look behind you when you went in!

With that Lotus ran off to the emergency meeting button, if he could hit it, then he would be able to eject you out of the game

Lotus then heard the sound of you slicing Ren in half as he ran faster, eventually getting back to the cafeteria as the lights in the whole building began to slowly flash on and off as what sounded like an alarm could be heard

Lotus could hardly see anything now, nor could he hear much over the alarm, but ran into the cafeteria to see something that made him stop dead in his tracks

It was you, standing completely still while facing Lotus with a smile on your face as you still had a blade of Ki in your hand

The entire room went dead silent with the exception of the alarm as it the lights flashed on and off

Lotus: U-Uh...Y/N...let's talk about this...

Y/N: You utter had me, you honestly had me...if I killed either you or Ren, the remaining survivor could've reported the body then and there and would've ejected me...but you ran me the perfect opportunity to take both of you out...and all I have to say is this...

With that the lights flashed off for a short moment as Lotus couldn't see a thing, but when they went back on he saw that you were right in his face

Y/N: GG no re...


With that everything went pitch black as it said the result of the game on a large screen above the stadium


With that the crowd began to cheer as the students in the sidelines sat there wide eyed in surprise

Weiss: Wait...What just happened...?

All of a sudden you and Lotus appeared on the sidelines as well as Lotus spoke

Lotus: We got Y/N of all people...!

Intercom: And with that Y/N wins the first round! Congratulations!! Tomorrow's game shall be COD Zombies!

Kasai: Zombies...?

Intercom: Yes! The way this shall work is that you shall be sent to an area infested with Zombies and other monsters, starting at round 1, you shall face a very little amount of them, but as you get into higher rounds, the game will be much more challenging, your powers will be incredible downgraded for the sake of fairness, and some of you might even have to resort to normal weaponry!

All of a sudden a list appeared on your lap as you began to read it, saying who was in your team

- Y/N
- Kasai
- Sucy
- Kaminari

Y/N: Alright! Welp, Kasai, Sucy, Kaminari, you guys are in my team for zombies Tomorrow!

Kaminari: Yes! Jackpot!

Kasai: Let's get this done!

Sucy: I look forward to it...

Intercom: Now, for the next round of Among Us!

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