Chapter 14: The G.W.E
1 Week Later: Monday
It has been about a week since the incident with Yakuza and Merno, along with the appearance of a new threat
Things have been settled ever since, the whole academy had been rebuilt and now upgraded with a tougher structure to make it safer for students
You were now sitting in the Ballroom with Midoriya and Akko as they were still questioning you about what happened that night
Akko: I wonder who that person was, he had Mr.Kalasha really worried...
Midoriya: Yeah, and that was the first time Y/N had been completely paralyzed with fear, not even Ark scared him that much...
Akko: "Ark"...? Who's that?
Y/N: Ark was a powerful Celestial Saiyan, just like me, but he had a lot more power, along with a larger arsenal of abilities that could've ended the fight instantly...
Akko: But you beat him, right?
Y/N: Well Yeah, Of course we did, if I didn't then none of us would be sitting here right now.
Midoriya: So you're saying that this guy is Stronger than Ark?!
Y/N: Without a doubt...when I sensed his power it was so massive, I couldn't tell where it began or where it ended...he will likely be our biggest threat yet...our safest option is to simply avoid him...
Midoriya went wide eyed as you tightened the grip on your pants, gritting your teeth as you hated the idea of having to hide from someone
Midoriya: Y/N...I can tell that your frustrated...but I know that you're only doing what's best for all of us.
As time continued to pass by, Akko had went off to hang out with Lotte and Sucy as Midoriya stayed with you
Midoriya: So Y/N...were you serious when you said that he could be stronger than Ark...?
Y/N: Not just "Could", he Is Stronger, I know that for a fact...there's no way that he isn't...
Midoriya began to sweat as fear began to fill him entirely, that was until you placed your hand in his shoulder and gave him a smile
Y/N: Hey, don't worry about it too much, we'll figure something out, we always do.
Midoriya: Y-Yeah...
Time Skip
You were now laying your head on Weiss' lap sideways as you were taking a quick rest, it was just one of those days that you didn't feel like doing much and for someone like you, that happened once in a blue moon
Weiss began to stroke your hair as you began to doze off, She then smiled as you nuzzled closer to her midriff to prevent rolling off and hitting your head
Weiss: Are you Comfortable?
Y/N: Yeah...Thanks Weiss, nobody can do this like you can...
Weiss: Not even Tsu...? She's quite calm.
Y/N: Yeah, her lap is nice too, but I have to admit that yours is better, I don't know why, it's like I'm laying on a soft blanket of snow, except the snow isn't freezing me to death.
Weiss then giggled at your comment as you continued to doze off
???: Hey! Back off, man!
Your eyes then went wide open as you looked in the distance to see Issei and Mineta arguing about something
Mineta: But I'm only borrowing it! Besides, you already have enough!!
Issei: No way! Give me back my Hentai Magazine, before anyone sees it...!!!
Mineta: C'mon! I just wanna peak a little bit!
Issei: No way!!
Weiss was looking at the two boys with an annoyed and disgusted look on her face as you began to growl in annoyance
Weiss: Unbelievable...
Issei: Last Chance, Give it back of you WILL regret it!!
Mineta: Back off, Man!!
Y/N: Grrrr...SHUT THE HELL UP!!!
All of a sudden you slammed your fist to the floor as the entire room shook, everyone in the room being sent around 6 feet into the air as Issei and Mineta were now in the verge of pissing themselves
Y/N: Some of us are trying to rest! So if you're gonna keep on arguing about pointless shit like that then do it somewhere else!
Mineta: You don't understand, Y/N, you could never understand! Every single person in here is yet to lose their virginity, even you! So just back off and let me be me!!
Y/N: I'm a Virgin Huh...I think Weiss says otherwise...
Weiss: Hey!!
Yang: Me too.
Jiro: Same here...
Asia: *Nods*
Issei: WHA...?!
Issei and Mineta then looked around as all of your girlfriends nodded in agreement as Issei and Mineta fell to the floor in shock
Mineta: I-Impossible...!!!
Weiss: Please don't use our private business to scare of perverts...
Y/N: What? We Saiyans gotta repopulate somehow, right?
Mineta: No...NO...
Y/N: Ye.
Mineta: NOOOOOO!!!!
All of a sudden the doors opened up as Kalasha came walking into the room with a smile on his face
Blake: Mr.Kalasha...?
Kalasha: Hello Students, I'm glad to see that you're all doing well, today I bring you exciting news!
Koneko: Please let this be a normal field trip...
Ruby: With the Frizz?
Everyone: No Way!
Koneko: *Sigh*...
*Magic School Bus Intensifies*
Xenovia: Oh? Is there something going on today?
Kalasha: Yes as a matter of fact, something that I know a lot of you boys will certainly like!
Kirishima: Another exciting field trip?!
Issei and Mineta: Hot Babes?!
Y/N: Good Food?!
Kalasha: Yes, Most certainly not, and yes.
Kirishima: YES!
Issei and Mineta: NO!
Kalasha: Today we will be heading to the annual G.W.E!
Pyrrha: And what does that stand for?
Kalasha: It stands for "Gaming Week Event", where a group of people gather to do a series of video game related activities in multiple competitions!
Koneko: So what...we're just gonna be playing Video Games...? Pass...
Ruby: What?! Video Games are awesome!
Sucy: Video Games are kinda fun though.
Constanze: *Nods*
Kalasha: Well Yes, but actually no. You will be doing these activities in real life and real time, meaning if they have a racing game, you will be racing in vehicles just as you could in that very game.
Y/N: Hm...kinda like the Events we did on the cruise ship a while back.
Eye Catch
Eye Catch
Kalasha: Indeed, but this will he viewed by thousands of other people as a form of entertainment, a win-win situation for everyone, yes?
Sero: Oh Yeah!
Yang: I can't wait to kick some butt during this! When does it start?
Kalasha: We head out in around 2 hours, so get yourselves ready, grab something to eat, take a shower, anything, I will see you all then.
With that Kalasha turned around and walked out of the room with his hands behind his back, everyone getting up and preparing themselves for the upcoming event
Y/N: I wonder what kind of games they'll have us play over there...
Ruby: I hope they have Kung Fu Ninja Slayer Ultimate Death Battle 2!
Goku: Did someone say "Death Battle"...?
Y/N: Don't—
Yang: Oh! I remember those guys! I won the fight they put me in!
Todoroki: Me too.
Vegeta: Of course I won mine.
Goku: I can't say the same about me...
Weiss: Me Neither...
Midoriya: Yeah...All Might Lost as well...
Blake: I was in DBX.
Y/N: These guys have been trying to get me to fight someone but I don't wanna...
Kirishima: Why not? You'd probably be up against someone Super Awesome!
Y/N: Too many numbers!!
Time Skip
Everyone was now currently outside of the Academy with Kalasha leading the entire group of Kaminari scratched his head
Kaminari: Where's Y/N...? I thought he's be at the front of the line...
???: Wait!!
Everyone then looked over to see you land on the ground as you faced the group, rocking a new Black Gi along with black wrist bands and white boots
Yang: Damn Y/N, Rocking another outfit I see, lookin' hotter than Usual~
Y/N: I'm actually really cold it's like minus 10 out here...
Kalasha: Anyway, we are about to head out to the event, is everyone ready, have you brought everything you need?
Everyone: Yessir!
Kalasha: Good, then let us be on our way!
With that Kalasha began to slowly fly towards the direction of where the event was, everyone shrugging and following him one way or another
As everyone either walked, ran, or flew to follow Kalasha, you were chatting with Kirishima, Kiba, and surprisingly Sucy
Y/N: So I once went to this one world where everyone was super weak, their earth wasn't nearly advanced as ours, nobody even has powers, plus everyone there was locked in their houses because of some sickness called "Covid-19" or something like that...
Kirishima: Man...that must've been boring...
Y/N: Yeah, I showed a few people that I could fly like no big deal and they all rubbed their eyes and screamed, You should've seem the looks on their faces! I guess things like Powers and monsters are nothing more than fairy tails there.
Kalasha: Everyone stop, we have arrived!
With that everyone came to a halt, looking into the distance to see a large structure, you didn't even notice how the sun had went down as lights were flashing everywhere from the building
Weiss: Why are these always set up at night...?
Kaminari: It's a Gamer thing, you wouldn't understand...
Ashido: Oh Man! Look at that! I'm already getting excited here!
Ruby: Me too! I wanna see just what kind of things that they'll have in store for us!
Y/N: Man, sometimes it's hard to forget that this is a completely different reality of our own...
Jaune: Well What are we waiting for?! Let's go!
With that everyone ran towards the large structure as Kalasha smiled, following them as he chuckled to himself
Time Skip
Everyone was now arriving inside the building as they ran through a large tunnel that lead to multiple doors on each side, the doors in the left side being for females, and the doors on the right side being for males
Y/N: Hm...Locker rooms? Heh, why not?
Midoriya: Do you think that we're allowed inside?
Y/N: Meh, ain't gonna stop me.
With that you pushed the door open as Lotus and Kasai followed, eventually all the other guys walked in as well as Rias facepalmed and sighed
Rias: Those boys never consider the consequences...
Uraraka: Hey Rias! You coming?
Rias then turned around to see Uraraka and all of the other girls already walking into the girls locker rooms as she gasped and followed
Rias: O-Oh! Wait for me!
As everyone got themselves prepared for a good competition, a massive crowd of spectators watched in the stadium's empty field as they began to cheer
Intercom: Welcome everybody to the annual G.W.E! This year we bring you some special guests, hailing from different worlds, we bring you, the Students of The Harmony of Heroes Academy!!
With that a large door opened on the right side of the stadium, a large crowd that consisted of you and all of your classmates walking out and facing the crowd as Kalasha already had his seat and was watching
Midoriya: T-This is just like the sports festival...!
Kirishima: Oh Yeah!
Intercom: Now then! Before we begin, we must address the line up of games that you will compete in to see who will reach for top! And here they are!!
With that a screen that resembled a picture frame appeared in the Center of the field, everyone looking as it showed 7 games in total
Seeing the line-up, the crowd began to cheer as everyone in your group smiled in excitement
Y/N: Oh Yeah! Let's get this party started!
Intercom: This Event shall go on for seven days, Aka 1 week, with each day occupying one game each, today's game shall be...
All of a sudden the screen began to shuffle all of the game titles as everyone watched it closely, awaiting for the result as it eventually stopped with only "Among Us" on the screen
Intercom: And today's game shall be Among Us! Here is the first line up of players!
- Y/N
- Lotus
- Bakugo
- Akko
- Ren
- Midoriya
- Rias
- Akeno
- Jaune
- Amanda
Intercom: The way the game works is that there are 10 of you on a ship, 1 person is marked as an "Imposter" and must eliminate everyone else without being caught, while the rest of the players are marked as "Crewmates" and must finish every task before they are all eliminated, if a dead body is found then report it and everyone will be warped back to spawn to discuss, given the option to eject anyone if voted enough, if you're lucky or smart enough, you'll eject the imposter. And don't worry, you won't actually die, you'll just be sent back here, Sound like a plan?
Y/N: Let's do this!
Akko: Alright! I'm ready to play!
Ruby: I'm gonna win!
Midoriya: Good Luck everyone!
Intercom: Then off you go!
With that the 10 selected players were then warped onto a small platform in the sky as it formed a space ship, everyone in the outside could see right though it where as everyone on the inside could not
Weiss: So they've got to find the Imposter...? It shouldn't be that hard...right?
Todoroki: We'll Just have to wait and see.
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