Chapter 136: Facing Against Fate
Korizen: You Win.
Y/N: ...What...?
Korizen: You. Win.
You didn't believe what you were hearing. You thought that you had been hit by Korizen too many times.
Y/N: You're...You're trying to trick me! I know how this goes!!
Korizen: I assure you, what I say is 100% the honest truth. And in a moment, I shall tell you why. But first...allow me to give back what I took from you.
Korizen then lifted two fingers in a swift motion as everything around you started to glow. Thinking it was some sort of attack in disguise, you forced yourself to get into a battle stance and awaited his next move.
However you were surprised to see that the ground had been recreated. The sky was once again painted with an infinite amount of stars and planets. There was wind and oxygen. Granted, you were still in a wasteland, but The Second Reality was fully restored with the wave of a finger.
Y/N: What's going on...?!
Reality wasn't the only thing that was restored either. You sensed dozens of energies in the distance. Looking to see all of your friends and family who had tagged along in the mission to rescue you.
Y/N: E...E-Everybody...!!
Kirishima: What the hell?!
Yang: What happened?!
Amanda: I think I saw god...
Midoriya: Look, guys! Y/N!!
Everybody, overjoyed to know that you were okay, rushed over to greet you. However it took them a second to notice that Korizen was standing beside you.
Issei: W-Wait! That guy's still alive?!?
Rias: That must mean the battle isn't over yet!!
You went wide eyed open seeing everybody get their weapons and powers ready to fight off Korizen, however when they got too close you raised your arms out, almost in a protective manner.
Y/N: Wait! Stand down!
Kirishima: What for?!
Yang: What's going on?!
You didn't give them a straight answer. You couldn't give them an answer at all. You yourself didn't quite know yet either.
Slowly turning to face Korizen with a look of confusion and eagerness on your face.
Y/N: Now...explain...
Korizen: Hm...Very Well. Your Previous incarnations fought me in the same way that you did. At least they tried.
Korizen then started to walk towards you. This caused everybody to grow nervous not knowing what he was planning to do.
However, all he did was place his hand on your shoulder, and looked you in the eyes as he continued to explain.
Korizen: But all of them fought me for the same reason. They tried to fulfil a destiny they were not even sure of.
Y/N: I...Don't understand...
Korizen: Y/N, take a moment to think about what you were meant to do in life.
Y/N: I was told that The Celestial King was supposed to be powerful enough to stop you and the Anomaly...
Korizen: Yes. I presume they also told you about how I along with The Omni King of your reality poured our energy into a singular being before he was born. Your previous incarnations thought that this was the only meaning to their existence. You on the other hand, followed your heart, and let your soul guide the way. Something so simple, yet something all of them lacked. A proud and curious heart.
Y/N: But...there's so many incarnations...some of them must've had some pride...right...?
Korizen: Pride can mean multiple things, my friend. The Previous Incarnations all wanted to live up to the original's expectations. And granted, you did the same, you also acknowledged that while you are reincarnated, you are also your own unique person. Towards the end of our battle, you took the concepts of The Celestial King and The Genkai Deity and tossed them to the wind. You didn't fight me as The Reincarnated King, You Fought me as Y/N L/N.
You held your head while carrying a look of confusion on your face. It was all so much to take in, but you had managed to get a good grip on it.
Y/N: I...Think I kinda understand now...
Korizen: You, Y/N, have proven to me that this Generation is worth sparing. And thus, for the rest of your life, You, along with all of your friends and family, and future generations to come, shall be spared. And I shall bother you no longer.
Y/N: Heh...Guess you aren't such a bad guy after all...
Korizen: I'll let you be the judge of that. It is time for me to return to my eternal slumber. However, before I do so...I shall leave you with one final gift.
Korizen then placed his hand upon the top of your head, leaving you confused for a moment. Suddenly Korizen's hand was coated with an elegant golden energy. You were jolted with a strange feeling as you jerked back a little bit.
Y/N: Woah...what did you just do...? I feel really weird...
Korizen: I have broken the technique that kept you reincarnating. You have finally been freed from your everlasting loop of reincarnation. When and if you decide to pass onto the next realm, you will be able to join your friends and family in eternal peace in the afterlife. You will be the last incarnation of the Celestial King. That is if you still want that title.
Y/N: Well...I've come too far to throw away that title, right? Plus I've kinda warmed up to the benefits of being The Celestial King.
Korizen: As you wish. I best be off.
With that Korizen suddenly started levitating in the air before being engulfed in a dome of golden shiny energy.
Korizen: I bid you Farewell, Y/N L/N. May The Universe allow us to cross paths again on good terms.
With that a massive flash of light occurred as everybody covered their eyes. When you opened them, Korizen was gone.
There was a short silence after that. Nobody really knew what to say.
Midoriya: S-So...did you really do it...? Is Korizen gone...?
Y/N: I think so...if he keeps his word, we won't have to worry about him anymore!
Kirishima: That's great!!
Issei: Hell Yeah!!
You then noticed that Ark was standing in the distance, facing away from the crowd as you gained a serious look on your face.
Pushing your way through the crowd you slowly walked towards him. Everybody growing nervous once again as you stopped a few feet away from him.
Ark: So, your whole Korizen problem is solved, huh?
Y/N: Yeah. And while I never thought I'd be feeling you of all people this...we probably couldn't have done it without you. So thank you.
Ark: Heh...keep your empathy away from me, Kid.
With that he started to fade away as you gave him a small smile. Eventually he too was gone. Leaving only you and your friends.
Speaking of friends, before you could even turn around to greet them, you were tackled into a massive dog pile of hugs out of nowhere.
Everybody: Y/N!!!
Ruby: I can't believe you actually pulled it off!!
Kirishima: It's Y/N! What do you expect?
Y/N: Hehehe! Ow it hurts to laugh...I'm glad that everybody is okay...but...I have a something to say...or perhaps...ask...I had planned to ask this question before I got sick from Musabori's spell.
Yang: Oh? Go on!
Y/N: Okay...I've been thinking about this for awhile...*Deep Breath*...
All of a sudden with a loud bang, everything started to shake. Every losing their balance as the sky started to spark with bolts of red lightning.
Akko: W-What now?!
Y/N: ...Shit...I completely forgot...
Slowly a large mass of purple energy started to form in the sky. Flashes of red lightning all over the place as a pair of red growing eyes peered down to you and your friends.
Y/N: The Anomaly...
At that same moment, Kalasha suddenly flashed into the sky and appeared in above the group. Everybody being happy to see him.
Everybody: Kalasha!!
Kasai: Where have you been?!
Kalasha: My apologies. Korizen placed a barrier over the area so I wasn't able to get close...but now Korizen is gone. I could see The Anomaly from The City...We need to stop it!
Y/N: But how?! You said The Anomaly itself isn't supposed to be able to enter the physical plane of existence!
Kalasha: It's possible that the Anomaly's replica of you has gathered enough power to do so...
Y/N: You mean while me and Korizen were fighting, it was gathering energy from us the whole time?!
Kalasha: That's the most logical answer I can give...
Y/N: Shit...
Lotus: How are we supposed to deal with this thing?!
Maquist: ...Together.
Kasai: ...He's right. Y/N's fought too much on his own! We've gotta lend him a hand!
Y/N: But I used Torrent against Korizen! I can't use my powers...but regardless, I've got all of you by my side! I'm not about to give up!
Kalasha: So what do you we do...?
Y/N: ...I have a won't be easy, but if we put our minds to it, I think we can pull it off!
Bakugo: Well spill it! We're on borrowed time here!
Y/N: We need to locate and destroy the Anomaly version of me. It seems to be feeding The Anomaly itself the energy needed to enter this reality. If I can find a way to get my powers back, I'll be able to fend it off!
Yang: What are we gonna do about the actual Anomaly!
Y/N: This is where Kalasha comes in. The Anomaly is currently spreading across the entirety of this reality. Kalasha, if you can, I need you to use your abilities and hold The Anomaly in place for as long as you can!
Kalasha: Of course.
With that Kalasha soared into the air towards The Anomaly and put his hands out.
His hands then started to glow as Kalasha managed to hold The Anomaly in place. Everybody watched in shock.
Y/N: Now I just need to do something about my power...
Lotus: We'll think of something, but we don't have time! I make a portal to The Location of your replica. Use that!
Y/N: Awesome, Lotus!
With that, Lotus tapped into his Gatekeeper mode and powered up before putting his hands out and forming a portal.
Y/N: Alright...
Kasai: Alright, now we can—
Y/N: Hold on...
Kasai: Huh?
Y/N: ...Lotus...Kasai...Maquist...the three of you are the most capable of assisting with this plan, which is why I need the three of you to stay here...
Maquist: What?! You're insane!
Y/N: Kalasha can't hold The Anomaly off by himself for long. I need you guys to assist him, and everybody else, help them in anyway you can!
Midoriya: Well surely you're not gonna go in alone!
Y/N: No. Actually...
You then turned and faced Midoriya, Issei, and Ruby. The three of them looking at you in utter confusion.
Y/N: I was gonna ask you guys to lend me a hand.
Issei: What?!
Ruby: Against The Anomaly version of you?!
Y/N: I know it may seem scary...but we've faced powerful enemies before! Besides, I wouldn't have asked if I didn't think you were ready.
Goku: Wait, Y/N.
You then looked to see Goku walking over. With the look he had in his eyes, he also wanted to give you a hand.
Goku: Let me come along too. You're gonna need all the support you can get in there.
Y/N: Heh...Alright...Let's do this...
With that Midoriya activated his God for All at 100%. Issei tapped into the full power of his Balance Breaker. Ruby activated her silver eyes and created a new scythe made of white energy. And Goku tapped into the power of Ultra Instinct.
Y/N: Heh...
You then turned around and faced Akko who didn't know what to do. She didn't want to let you all head out without her help, but she also didn't want to get in the way.
Either way she couldn't look at it without feeling useless.
Y/N: Hey, Akko!
Akko: Huh...?
Y/N: You're coming too, right?
Akko: You...want me to come along...?
Y/N: Of course! With your enhanced magic spells and such, you'll provide great support both offensively and defensively!
Akko: But you guys are all in enhanced modes. I'll just get in the way...
Diana: Actually...
Akko then turned around to see Diana, Lotte, Sucy, and all of her other fellow witch classmates. All with their wands.
Akko: Diana...?
Diana: It might not be much compared to them, but we can use that spell we used again that giant missile from years ago.
Akko: You guys would really do that for me...?
Lotte: Of course! We're always here for you Akko!
Sucy: Even if you usually can't handle yourself.
Diana: Nevertheless, we think you would be the best one to go with them. Ready?
Lotte: Yes!
With that all of the witches raised their wands and started to emit different colours of magic. Each one bouncing off of their wands and coating Akko with a large colourful aura.
Akko: So warm...
With that her witch outfit changed from purple to white, and The Shiny rod formed in her hands. She was granted more power than any other witch in history.
Shiny Akko
Akko: Thank you, everyone!
Diana: Do your best!
Lotte: And stay safe!
Sucy: And remember...
Witches: Believing in yourself, if your magic!
Akko: Right!
With that Akko walked over and joined You and the others. She smiled before you all looked at the portal with serious looks on your faces.
Issei and Midoriya would be able to travel via flight, the same went for Goku. Ruby would end up hitching a ride with Akko on her broom. And you would be travelling by holding onto Goku's shoulder as he flew.
Y/N: Alright everybody. Let's settle this once and for all!!
Everybody: Right!!
With that, You, Midoriya, Issei, Ruby, Akko, and Goku all flew into the portal just as it closed up. Everybody watching with concerned looks on their faces as none of you showed any signs of fear.
Yang: Knock em' dead, Y/N...
Uraraka: Good luck out there, Deku...
Rias: I know you can do this, Issei...
Weiss: You've got this, Ruby...
Diana: Just believe in yourself, Akko...
Vegeta:'d better not die out there...
Meanwhile: ???
You and the others now found yourselves roaming in some sort of alternate dimension. This wasn't The first or second reality. You weren't certain if this a Reality at all.
Goku: Y/N, do you know this place...?
Y/N: No, I haven't seen it before. But Lotus said the Anomaly Clone would be here...and he's right because I sense it up ahead.
Akko: I can't lie to you all...I'm a little scared...
Ruby: Don't be. We've got your back!
Goku: There!
Goku then fired a Ki blast as The Anomaly version of you then revealed itself. Everybody going on the defensive as you gave it a glare.
Y/N: This is it, everybody! It's time for the grand finale!!
With that The Anomaly flew into the distance as an effort to avoid you, but of course you weren't having any of that as you pointed towards it's direction.
Y/N: After it!!
Quickly speeding up, all of you began to chase the Anomaly through this strange dimension. It was fast, but not as fast as it could be.
Y/N: Remember, This Clone's lost a lot of power from giving it to the Actual Anomaly, we can use this to our advantage!
Goku: I'm gonna charge him, I need somebody else to take Y/N!
Midoriya: I got him!
With that Midoriya flew next to Goku as you moved over and hung onto his shoulder, allowing Goku to take off and fight against The Clone.
Goku: I'll be your opponent, big guy!
With those words, Goku began to Clash with the Anomaly. Goku throwing several punches and kicks, all of which The Anomaly blocked and defended from.
The Anomaly then attempted to hit Goku to which Goku dodged thanks to Ultra Instinct, countering with a fierce spin kick to the chin.
The Anomaly went flying back as Goku chased after him, You and the others following the two of them as you tried to think of what to do.
Y/N: Damn...Goku's not gonna be able to hold him off forever, we have to do something!
Issei: Yeah, but what?!
Y/N: Tch! Midoriya, throw me at em!
Midoriya: What?! Are you crazy?!
Y/N: Trust me!
Midoriya: ...Alright...Here!!
Midoriya then took your hand and started to spin you around, eventually letting go as he launched you towards Goku and The Anomaly.
Goku was already being worn down by the clone, but he was still holding his own. Suddenly you came flying in out of nowhere with your arm reeled back.
Y/N: HA!!
You then smashed your fist into the symbol on The Anomaly's chest. The Anomaly recoiled as The red glowing symbol suddenly started to crack, and eventually shattered from your punch.
Y/N: What...?!
All of a sudden The Anomaly started to shake and twitch violently as it suddenly emitted an aura that blew both of you away. Goku was able to recover, but you couldn't since you weren't able to fly.
Goku: Y/N!!
Akko: I've got you!!
Akko then came swooping down on her broom as she called out to you. You quickly noticed this and grabbed into her broom when the time was right.
Y/N: Nice Catch! But where's Ruby?
Akko: Midoriya's carrying her now...wait...Look!
Everybody then tuned in as The Anomaly was changing. First it's figure shifted into Cameron's shape, then back to your shape, but then it took a form that you had never seen before.
Issei: What...?!
Midoriya: A Scythe?!
Y/N: This is strange...I've never seen The Anomaly take this form before...!
The Anomaly then took a sudden swing as you all went wide eyed, The Anomaly's scythe generated a crescent shaped beam that pierced through the fabric of reality and created a black hole. A powerful one at that.
Goku: Tch...! GRAAAAH!!!
Goku was then pulled into said Black Hole as everybody gasped at the sight of this. The Black hole closing as soon as he was sucked inside.
Issei: Shit!! He was the only one able to fight this thing head to head! We're in big trouble...!!
Midoriya: Y-Yeah...!!
Kalasha, Lotus, Kasai, and Maquist were currently doing the best they could to keep the actual Anomaly at bay.
Kasai: Tch!! This thing is really strong, even for the four of us together...!!
Lotus: You don't need to tell me twice! Keep pushing! We just need to keep it still long enough for Y/N and the others to deal with the clone!
However they all suddenly noticed a strange looking rift open up in the distance to which Goku came flying out of.
Vegeta: Kakarot!!
Goku was able to recover for the most part, but now he was back in the second reality, unable to assist you in battle.
Goku: Shit!! Those Kids are all alone in there!
Vegeta: Kakarot, Let them go.
Goku. What?! Have you lost your mind?!
Vegeta: Y/N and his friends aren't children anymore. We have a bigger problem. Rather then staying by his side, we need to help him get his power back!
Goku: ...You're right! But how?!
Grand Priest: Perhaps we can help.
Kirishima: Wait, that voice...!!
Yang: Mr. Grand Priest!!
As Yang had stated, it was The Grand Priest. He was talking with everybody telepathically from the first reality.
Grand Priest: Greetings again, everybody. We've been watching, and we have realized the situation at hand. We have gathered The Super Dragon Balls and are ready to grand any wish you have ready for us.
Goku: This is perfect!! Grand Priest, ask The Dragon to restore Y/N's power, please!!
Grand Priest: Of course.
Goku: Help is on the way, Y/N. Just hold on a little longer!
Back to You
Everybody was currently struggling heavily against The Anomaly's physical fighter, Ruby attempted to take a slash at it with crescent rose, but The Anomaly simply counter with it's own scythe.
Akko: Take this!!
Akko then took her wand and fired a massive beam of magic energy towards The Anomaly. However it simply raised a hand and nullified the energy completely.
Akko: No way...!!
Issei: Take this!! DRAGON SHOT!!
Midoriya: DETROIT SMASH!!!
The Anomaly was about to act quickly and counter all of these attacks at once, but you appeared out of nowhere and grabbed it, holding it in place with your arms.
Y/N: You're staying right here!!
With that all of the attacks hit directly as a massive explosion occurred. Akko watched with wide eyes as Midoriya, Issei, and Ruby all gasped upon seeing what you had just done.
The entire dimension then started to shake as several roars could be heard. You suddenly came flying out of the smoke as Issei was quick to catch you.
Ruby: Please tell me those roars were from you...!!
Y/N: I wish...
All of a sudden The Anomaly quickly emerged from the smoke, it had changed form once again, but this time it was a lot more massive.
Taking the form of a hydra with a total of five heads, The Anomaly suddenly started to rampage out of control.
Y/N: Holy shit...!!
Upon you saying those words, The beast of an Anomaly suddenly started aimlessly firing beams of red energy from it's five mouths all over the place.
This caught all of you by surprise as Midoriya and Akko were quick to attack it.
Midoriya: It may have became larger, but by doing that, it's become a bigger target!
Y/N: Guys wait!!
Two of the five heads responded to their attack by opening their mouths and firing two giant beams of energy towards them.
Issei: Shit!!
Midoriya and Akko were instantly engulfed by the beams as a large explosion followed. Two more beams were then launched towards You, Issei, and Ruby as Issei and Ruby were engulfed by the beams as well, leaving you to fall into the abyss.
With Akko's broom broken along with Midoriya and Issei losing the strength to fly, all five of you were now falling, but all of you were still conscious.
Midoriya: D-Damn it...!!
Y/N: Guys...I have one last crazy idea...but we're all gonna have to cooperate for this...
Issei: At this point I'm willing to try anything...
Y/N: First...We'll join hands...
With that, all five of you joined hands. With you taking the hands of Midoriya and Issei, and they took the hands of Ruby and Akko. The five of you holding hands in a circle as you kept falling.
Grand Priest: N/L N/Y fo rewop eht eroster esaelp!
Super Shenron's eyes then started to glow as he did his thing. Flying into the air and granting this wish as The Grand Priest could only hope that it wasn't too late.
Back to You
Y/N: Okay...please let this work...!!
Lotus: Y/N!! Can you hear me?!
Y/N: L-Lotus?!
Lotus: The Grand Priest used The Super Dragon Balls to restore your power back to normal! Can you feel it yet?!
Y/N: Heh...Yeah...Yeah!! I feel it alright!! Thank you, Super Dragon Balls!!
With that you suddenly started flowing with energy once again, but that wasn't all. You started sharing your energy with Midoriya, Issei, Ruby, and Akko as they too were started to feel themselves overflowing with an incredible power.
Suddenly The Omni Symbol appeared on your forehead as your hair flashed to white.
Midoriya: So this was your plan...
Issei: You're in for it now, Anomaly...
Ruby: This is our power...
Akko: Get ready...
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
With that, a large beacon of white energy formed and pierced the sky. All five heads of The Anomaly all looking at this beacon as the five of you rose from the light.
Everybody was out of their most powerful forms, Midoriya's God for all was deactivated, Issei's Balance Breaker Armor was gone, Akko's clothes had gone back to their original color, and Ruby's silver eyes were deactivated.
However, they were now all gifted with a much greater power. All five of you carrying The Omni Symbol on your foreheads, and all of them had no limiters.
Y/N: Prepare yourself, Anomaly! This is the end of the road!!
With that, You, Midoriya, Issei, Ruby, and Akko all rushed towards The Anomaly at full speed, The Anomaly Hyrda was unable to keep up with the five of you rushing it from different directions all at the same time.
One of the heads were about to fire a beam of energy at Issei, but Ruby then stopped it by slashing it's head clean off.
However the very head that Ruby cut off almost instantly grew back. But none of you were bothered by this.
Y/N: So it can regenerate...and my Omni Power won't last much longer with all of you...that means we'll have to destroy you entirely, right here and right now!! Are you ready?!
Midoriya: Let's do it!
Issei: Hell Yeah!
Ruby: Of course!
Akko: Let's show it our power!!
With that, the five of you then gathered up, with The others lining up behind you with their attacks ready. At the same time, you gained a massive white aura that completely overtook the Anomaly.
Midoriya: DETROIT...
Akko: SHINY...
Your first was then coated with an incredible energy as everybody's attacks were just about charged up. Gritting your teeth, you prepared yourself to attack.
Charging forward and letting out a war cry, everybody saw this as a heads up as they all launched their attacks as you rushed The Anomaly.
Midoriya: SMASH!!!
Ruby: SPIRAL!!!
Akko: ARC!!!
With that, all of their attacks slowly started to catch up to you. Midoriya's Detroit smash turning into a beam like projectile. Issei firing a powerful beam of red energy. Ruby hurled a crescent shaped beam, this one being much more powerful than the last. And Akko turned the Shiny Rod into a bow and arrow as she fired an Omni Powered arrow.
At the same time, all five heads of the Anomaly all gathered around and opened their maws. Charging up and firing one combined beam of crimson energy.
With that you suddenly turned into a Giant white Dragon as everybody's attacks combined with yours. Letting out a Celestial Hearted roar as you clashed with The Anomaly's beam of energy.
While this was happening, The Omni Power in Midoriya, Issei, Ruby, and Akko all ran out at the same rime as their Omni Symbols disappeared.
Midoriya: It's all up to Y/N now!!
Ruby: Finish it!!
You were struggling with pushing the beam back, but you started to think about all of your friends and family as you pushed it. All of them reaching out for you in your heart, and calling out for your victory.
Y/N: Everybody...Goku, Vegeta, Yang, Kirishima, Amanda, Midoriya, Issei, Ruby, Akko, Lotus, Kasai, Maquist, Blake, Koneko, Tsuyu, Asia, Weiss, Velvet, Kendo, Jiro, Sucy, Lotte, Kalasha, THIS IS FOR YOU!!!
Everybody: DO IT, Y/N!!
With that you let out one final battle cry before overpowering The Anomaly's beam as you soared towards it at hyper speeds.
All The Anomaly could do was let out one last roar as it was overtaken by your Dragon Fist. Everybody watched as you penetrated right through the hydra.
There was a long silence after that. All that could be heard were the sounds of the Dimension moving around as you gritted your teeth.
You slowly reverted back into your base form, with a singular tear in your eye. Everybody looked with wide eyes as a massive gaping hole was in the Center of the hydra, and it wasn't regenerating.
All of a sudden the Anomaly Hydra let out a painful roar as it started to glow from the inside out, everyone in the distance gasping as a colossal explosion went off.
Everybody was blinded at first, and couldn't see what was happening, but when they opened their eyes, they saw you, standing there.
Red, Pink, Green, and Purple sparkles slowly came down around you as a beacon of light went right onto you from the sky. There want any trace of the Anomaly clone left, at last, it had been destroyed.
Y/N: Hey, Guys!!
They all went wide eyed as you slowly turned around towards them. At first you had a serious look on your face, but then, you smiled and laughed. Giving them a thumbs up.
Y/N: We did it!!
They didn't quite know how to respond at first, but eventually they started to quietly laugh. Quietly turned into uncontrollable laughter as you all laughed with joy.
All of a sudden everything started to crumble as the laughing stopped. The Dimension slowly turning into nothing as You rushed to your friends at the sight of this.
Issei: What's going on?!
Y/N: This Place is falling apart! Quick, grab onto me!
With that Midoriya, Issei, Ruby, and Akko all grabbed onto you one way or another as you started to glow, ready to use your teleporting technique.
Y/N: We're out of here!!
With that all of you warped away and just as you did, the entire dimension returned to being nothing.
Kalasha and the other students were still trying their best to fend off The Actual Anomaly, however it suddenly started to glow as it started to retreat back to wherever it came from.
Kasai: What's happening?!
Kalasha: Y/N and The others must've pulled it off!
Kirishima: YES!!
Yang: I told you!!
Everybody then spotted something glowing in the sky, everybody keeping their guards up, but it was no foe. It was You and the others.
Lotus: And there they are!!
And with that, all of you were there to witness The Anomaly's Defeat. With it being sucked back into wherever it came from, the sky went back to normal, and everybody could finally rest assured knowing that this battle was over at last.
Diana: They stopped the Anomaly! Victory is ours!
With that the five of you got back onto the ground and remained silent. All of you took a sigh of relief knowing that everybody was okay.
Speaking of everybody, they all cheered with joy as they ran towards the five of you. Kirishima and Yang practically throwing themselves onto you in a group hug.
Kirishima: Y/N, You Godly bastard! You did it, you actually did it!
Y/N: Yeah...but I had a little bit of help with that last part...
Yang: So is The Anomaly gone for good?! Is it finally over...?
Y/N: Hm...I can't say for sure...all we did was stop it from entering this reality. But rest assured, we've stopped it for now! And if it comes back, we'll be ready for it!
Midoriya: However we did destroy that Anomaly replica of Y/N that was running around! So we won't have to worry about it anymore!
Y/N: Yeah...and before we get interrupted by anything else...I still have to ask that question...specifically for my girls...
You then walked up to Yang as everybody else cleared the way. All of your girlfriends all gathered up in one stop as Yang was ready to hear your question.
Yang: So what's on your mind, Y/N?
Y/N: Well...I've been thinking about this a lot, and it took a long time for me to get an answer...but...
You suddenly took a hold of Yang's hand with both of your hands and got on one knee. Everybody gasping at the sight of this as you spoke.
Y/N: Yang...Blake...Koneko...Tsuyu...Asia...Weiss...Velvet...Kendo...Jiro...Sucy...Lotte...Will you marry me...?
Yang: W-What?! M-Marry you...?!
Y/N: Mhm! We've been dating for over 3 years now and...I couldn't get it off of my mind...and my love for all of you grows stronger every single what do you say...?
Yang for what seemed like the first time in a long time was in a flustered shy state. And the same went for the other girls. All of them having their faces tinted with a pink or even red blush.
Yang: I can't speak for the others...but I can speak for myself...and my answer is Yes!!
Blake: That goes for me too, I will marry you, Y/N!!
Koneko: Of course I'll marry you!
Tsuyu: Yes, I will marry you! Ribbit! Ribbit!
Asia: Y-Yes! My answer is yes, Y/N!!
Weiss: I think you already know my answer, but in case you don't, Yes!
Velvet: Yes, Y/N! I will!
Kendo: Of course I'm gonna marry you, Silly!
Jiro: Marriage with you seems like the biggest adventure of a lifetime, Yes!!
Sucy: I never thought I would be given this opportunity...but my answer still stands, which is yes!
Lotte: Y-Yes!! Of course!!
Y/N: Hehehehe! That settles it!
It took a lot of guts to get the courage to ask this question. And everyone thought that it would be the girls asking you, not the other way around.
With you making peace with Korizen, stopping the Anomaly, and now being engaged with your girlfriends, you were filled with levels happiness you've never felt before. You could barely hold back the tears, and by barely I mean not at all.
Y/N: Words Can't describe how happy I am right now!!
Yang: Aww! Come on, bring it in!
Kirishima: Group hug!!
Amanda: Hell Yeah! Let's hear it for Y/N and his girlfriends!!
With that everybody mashed up into one massive group hug with you in the middle. The warmth of your friends and family after witnessing them disappear and come back before your very eyes was almost overwhelming.
The war between The Celestial King and Korizen was over, The Anomaly has been stopped, and Musabori and his gang have been defeated. Peace was finally restored in The Second Reality.
Y/N: Thank You...Thank You so much...
I love you all...
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