Chapter 135: Remember My Name

There was a lot of things running through Korizen's mind. You were once again backed into a corner as you chanted your last resort technique.


In the blink of an eye your energy soared to new heights that you had never felt before. Korizen looking curiously as your energy only expanded more and more.

Korizen: The Technique of the North Kai...simple yet effective if handled properly.

Y/N: No more games Korizen...THIS. IS. MY. EVERYTHING!!

Korizen: Then stop talking and start showing me what you can do!!

Those words were all you needed to hear as you bolted towards Korizen's direction, smashing your balled up fist into his stomach as he recoiled from the impact.

Korizen then tried to hit you with a heavy punch, but you swiped his arm away and delivered a swift elbow to his chin.

This time he didn't just recoil from the blow, it actually launched him, with you following him at full speed.

The Shining Emperor flipped himself over and faced you, now sounding annoyed as his powerful aura flashed out of his body.

It tried to push you back but you resisted, reaching him and landing a powerful kick to his head. Your foot smashing into his face as you let out a scream and launched him once more.

Korizen: Tch...

Korizen then recovered from your attack and rushed towards you at unexpected speeds. Slipping behind you.

He was about to grab you when a clone of you suddenly came flying in, kicking him away and saving you.

Korizen: What...?

Three more clones then joined in as they started batting Korizen around like a ball. While they did this you took the opportunity and began to power up.

As Korizen continued to take a beating from your clones, he noticed this and blew away all of your clones with a singular shockwave.

Immediately rushing your direction as you started to let out a powerful scream.


Korizen was quickly blown away by your immense power. It didn't take very long before your energy increased by ten fold.

You were reaching dangerous levels of power, even for you. However you didn't plan on stopping anytime soon.

At this point you were shaking the eternal void of darkness with your sheer power. Korizen struggled to get close to you.

All of a sudden you started to split into countless copies as Korizen started looking around. For the first time ever he looked the slightest bit surprised.

Korizen: What is happening...? I was under the assumption he could only make up to 10 copies!

With that one of the copies stuck Korizen with a fierce knee to the neck. Followed by another copy apparently above him and hitting him at point blank range with a massive Kamehameha wave.

Before he knew it, Korizen found himself being attacked from over 100 places at once. Not even being able to predict where the next attack would be, because he was rapidly taking blows from countless replicas.

Y/N: KA...ME...HA...ME...HAAAA!!!



You then launched hundreds of separate Ki based attacks all at once, with Korizen getting caught in every single one to them. A chain reaction if explosions occurred as a blinding light filled the area.


The Two Zeno's, The Grand Priest, Zeno's Guards' The Supreme Kais, The Gods of Destruction with the exception of Beerus, and The Angels with the exception of Whis, were all standing together at Zeno's palace.

They all looked up at the sky as they could not only feel, but SEE your power from the first reality. Sparks of White and Red energy were flowing everywhere as your battle raged on.

Grand Priest: So they are finally fighting. I should've known it would happen sooner or later.

Vados: Don't you think we should do something, father?

Grand Priest: Normally we would have to, yes. But these two are on a level even beyond our own Omni King. All we would do is get in the way.

Belmod: That kid really is somethin' else...

Both of the Zeno's simply watched in silence as even they knew they couldn't interfere. All they could do was watch as the two of you fought.

Back to You

In the midst of all the smoke and plasma still in the air, you huffed and puffed in exhaustion as everything went silent. Your body was starting to ache from Kaioken's side effects.

However you didn't care. All you cared about was defeating Korizen once and for all. After all of the trouble he had caused for not only you but your friends and family, it was only fitting.

At least it seemed that way in your eyes.

All of a sudden Korizen came flying out of nowhere as he delivered a bone breaking kick to your stomach which caused you to gag up a dangerous amount of blood.

Y/N: GAAAH...!!!

Korizen: It doesn't matter how powerful you are. I will always triumph.

With that Korizen then took his hand and started to drill it right into your chest. His hand didn't come out of your back, but he kept it wedged in your chest.

You went wide eyed as the pain quickly started to rush through your body. Blood oozing from where Korizen had stabbed you as blood started to leak from your mouth.

Small and quiet sounds were all that could escape form you, but Korizen wasn't finished just yet.

You then started to feel Korizen fill your whole body with his Ki. Overwhelming you quite quickly as the pain slowly became unbearable even for you.

Despite this torture he STILL wasn't finished. With you stuck on his hand, Korizen then placed his arm out, staring you dead in the eyes as you tried to get off of his hand.

However you were completely wedged onto it, Korizen's grip wouldn't budge even a little.

Korizen: You've surprised me again and again. But in the end, you're no different from the others.

All of a sudden Korizen started to travel at speeds you had never traveled at before. Quickly warping out of the second reality as the pain only got worse.

You now found yourself being dragged through several timelines and dimensions as Korizen's Ki which was constantly hurting you from the inside out slowly killed you.

Slowly but surely you reverted back to your base form as you let out one last scream, but this time is was of divine levels of pain.


By the time Korizen had stopped, you were now back in the empty void that was The Second Reality. Burns and Cuts all over your body as there was your bones could even be seen through some of those wounds.

Korizen then threw you into the distance as whatever Ki was implanted into your body started to burst from the gaping hole in your chest.

You were still alive through this whole process, and the pain was like nothing you had ever felt in your entire life. It was beyond painful. You had wished that you were already dead.

Slowly but surely your eyes lost their shine of life. And your vision went dark, even though you were already trapped in everlasting darkness, you had now lost consciousness, and perhaps your life along with it.

Korizen: Farewell, Creature.


It was bright, yet cold. Welcoming yet unnerving. This wasn't Otherworld, this wasn't anywhere.

You knew what happened to those who perished in the second reality. Yet you still managed to exist intact.

Loads of pain filled your whole body, but you remained calm, and your mind was at peace.

???: Y/N...

Y/N: What...? Who's...Who's there...?

Somewhere in the light, a figure emerged. You tried to get up to investigate, but you were completely paralyzed from the pain.

Said figure then revealed themselves to be a tall woman. Her eyes were as red as the fluid that fuelled your body, her body was slim, but at the same time strong. But the most noticeable thing was that she had a tail, a Saiyan Tail.


Y/N: W-Who...?

???: It is a pleasure to finally meet you. I have been watching you since you were a little new born, and I must say, you truly have grown.

Y/N: That...doesn't question...

???: Ah. Very well. My name is Galora. I am the deceased wife of the one you know as Shailo. The same Woman who gave birth to you. To cut it short, I am your Mother, my dear Y/N...your REAL Mother.

Y/N: But...I thought that...Teigri was my mother...?

???: I know. Teigri is a very straight forward individual. She said that she was your mother, and nothing else, correct?

Teigri: I'm Teigri, Your mother.

Y/N: Y-Yeah...Now that I'm looking back...My father showed me what had happened...Ark killed my mother, and Teigri was alive at the time that I killed Ark himself...

Galora: Yes. I understand that Shailo had to move on, his heart was wavering as it was before I was killed. He eventually fell in love with Teigri, and they ended up being together.

Y/N: So...Teigri's my...adoptive do I know what you say is true...?

Galora didn't say anything, she only gently placed her hand upon the top of your head as placed the visions in your mind.

You saw everything. How Shailo and Galora met, to how they ended up having a baby. You. Shailo had also used this technique to show you how you got to earth in the first place as a newborn.

Y/N: Wow...I...I don't know what to say...nice to meet you...?



Galora: It's a pleasure to meet you too, my son. Come. I've always wanted the chance to hold you in my arms.

You were hesitant, very hesitant. In your eyes she was still a stranger. But your instincts lead you into her arms and you didn't even realize it.

Her embrace was warm and comforting. Something you never had the pleasure of experiencing until now. The warmth of a Mother's hug.

Y/N: I...I couldn't do it...I couldn't beat him...

Galora: There is always a way, Y/N.

Y/N: But how?! I've tried everything! I tried Genkai Deity! I tried Omni God! I mixed Kaioken with both of them! Nothing worked! He's too strong...he's beyond the meaning of strong...

Galora: Let your heart guide you, Y/N. I know that you will be okay. And who might be seeing me in the near future.

Y/N: You...You really think I can pull it off...?

Galora: I don't think. I know so, Y/N. You are my son after all. Just know that I love you with all of my heart.

Y/N: Heh...Thanks, Mother.

With that you looked up at Galora once last time before your vision went completely white.

Back on The Outside

You were back. Back in the outside world. Whatever was left of the world that is. Your wounds were completely healed, and you were more motivated than ever.

You then noticed Korizen slowly flying away as you decided to catch his attention by powering up. First activating Omni God, and then transcending to Omni God 4, breaking both of your limiters at the same time and stacking Kaioken on top of that.

This managed to grab Korizen's attention as he turned around with a look of genuine surprise on his face.

Korizen: That's Impossible! After all of that, how could you still be alive?!

Y/N: Because, Korizen. I'm fighting for something you can't understand. I WILL DEFEAT YOU.

Korizen: You're either delusional or stupid if you still think you can defeat me at this point. Genkai Deity could work, no incarnation of the Celestial King can defeat me!

Y/N: Well You know what...Fuck Genkai Deity...FUCK THE CELESTIAL KING...AND FUCK YOU!!!

(Insert Music of your choice Here)

You suddenly gained a massive red aura as your power was growing at an even faster rate than before.

Korizen went wide eyed at this as you gritted your teeth and unleashed a multi-voiced battle cry.

Korizen: His energy is rising even more's extraordinary!!


The Trinity of Power
(Omni God 4 + KK100X + Ultra Instinct)

You then began your final stretch against Korizen as you and him dashed towards each other at incalculable speeds. Clashing as a massive explosion occurred upon contact.

The two of you then began to trade blows at an incredibly fast rate. Fist afterimages and shockwaves could be seen everywhere as you and Korizen both let out roars of effort.

Y/N: HA!

You then kicked Korizen right in the face as he went flying into the distance. You fired several beams of Ki from one hand as Korizen recovered only to be bombarded by Ki waves.

Korizen then responded to this by bulldozing his way through all of the blasts and smashing his fist into your face which sent you flying.

You quickly recovered and looked to see Korizen charging up an attack. You powered up and dashed towards him as he fired a massive ball of Golden energy towards you.

You didn't even try to dodge, you simply bashed right through it like a champ and met Korizen on the other side.

The both of you cocked your arms back and met in a godly fist clash that shook the void around you. You gritted your teeth as Korizen could be heard growling.

Korizen: Every time I take you down, you simply get back up, what's your secret?

Y/N: I'm a simply a guy who lives for battle!!

Meanwhile The gods where still watching from Zeno's Palace. You left each and every one of them blown away once again by your excellent display of skills and power.

Vados: Y/N has shattered his limits once again.

Grand Priest: In all my years of living I have never seen someone push Korizen this far...Y/N...I can't imagine how things would have gone if you hadn't shown up at the first Academy that fateful day...

Korizen: DISAPPEAR!!!


Your battle was only getting more intense as each moment passed. The two of you kept trading blows like there was no tomorrow, and for this reality I suppose that's technically correct.

Y/N: Keep Trying!!

Korizen then clenched his fist and attempted to punch you when you unexpectedly dodged an attack of his speeds and countered with an awesome uppercut.

You then grabbed him by his leg and started spinning him around, hurling him miles into the void as you warped and appeared behind him.

Korizen then received a kick to his back which sent him rocketing upwards, you then appeared above him and nailed him in the stomach with a powerful sledgehammer attack.

Korizen could barely keep up with your current pace as you spread your arms out and formed two orbs of yellow energy in your palms.

Aiming them towards Korizen you then gritted your teeth and fired a powerful beam of yellow energy.


With that Korizen was engulfed in a massive beam of energy as it then let off an explosion which he got caught in the middle of.

You then took a moment to catch your breath as Korizen quickly emerged from the smoke, shooting straight up like a rocket to where he eventually looked down at you.

Korizen: I must say, your efforts have truly made this battle something I will has truly been fun...but I think it's time to put an end to this, once and for all!!

Y/N: Yeah...You're right...let's settle this the old fashioned way!!

You then cupped your hands together and started charging up the one and only Kamehameha. Korizen preparing an attack of his own at this rate.





Korizen then fired a beam of energy 10 times bigger than what you were about to fire, but when it came to beams, size hardly mattered.


With that your beams clashed and the entire void was shaking before your power. It wasn't as one sided as you thought it would be, for you were actually holding his attack back, at least by a certain extent.

Y/N: Grrr...


Y/N: D-Dammit! C'mon! More! More power...!!



Kirishima: We've always got your back, Y/N!

Yang: We love you so much!!

Midoriya: You're so amazing, Y/N!

Issei: You've got this, Bro!

Ruby: I've got your back!!

Akko: I'm here for you, Y/N!

Lotus: Take em' down, Y/N!

Kasai: You always do!!

Goku/Vegeta: DO IT, Y/N!!

Y/N: I've come so far...I WON'T LOSE!!

All of a sudden your beam grew much larger than before, pushing back Korizen's attack and even shattering through it.

Korizen: WHAT?!


Korizen found himself holding back your beam as you rushed through your own attack, quickly moving towards Korizen as his hands were currently occupied.

All of a sudden you emerged from the other end of your beam and approached Korizen with your hand coated in a brilliant energy,

Korizen: Y/N!!


With no time to spare, you forced your palm into Korizen's chest, causing him to recoil back a bit as he was quickly coated by a bright blue energy.

He tried, but failed to get this energy off of him, he was slowly being overwhelmed as you gritted your teeth and reverted back to base form, falling out of the way as your Kamehameha then overtook Korizen in the blink of an eye.

Korizen: What is this technique?!?

And with your Torrent keeping him in place, he had no way to defend himself, thus he was engulfed by the beam.

Korizen: GAAAAAAAAH!!!!

You could hear his screams echoing into the abyss as you simply kept falling, a colossal explosion capable of destroying who knows what occurred.

The battle between you and Korizen, the Shining Emperor...was finally over...

Time Skip

You were now sitting on a little platform you had materialized for footing, you were completely out of juice.

By using Torrent, you were left helpless as you weren't able to use your powers anymore for who knows how long.

You tried your best to catch your breath. You were absolutely exhausted, not even able to properly stand.

Y/N: *Pant*...*Pant*...*Pant*...*Pant*...*Pant*...Everyone...

Your friends, Kirishima, Yang, Amanda, Midoriya, Issei, Ruby, Akko, Lotus, Kasai, Goku, Vegeta, all of them flashed into your thoughts as you simply looked down with a frown.

Y/N: I'm...sorry...

Korizen could then be seen standing in front of you. No wounds, no signs of exhaustion, nothing. He was perfectly fine.

Korizen: A commendable effort. Very Commendable indeed. You have my praise, and you shall live on in my memories.

You then made yourself stand up as you faced Korizen while holding one arm. You were barely in any condition to stand let alone fight to the bitter end.

Korizen then raised once of his hands as all bits of hope drained from your body, your eyes slowly widening as you faced death as a whole. Game over.

You awaited for all of this to be over, but Korizen's blast slowly faded off as he simply faced you with a look you've never seen from him before.

Korizen: You Win.

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