Chapter 132: The Most Unexpected Teamup
You currently found yourself in a situation that you had never even dreamed of. Fighting on the same side as Ark. The same being who threatened to destroy the entirety of the first reality.
Ark: I was so tired of sitting in hell...
Korizen: Ark...I was under the assumption that Y/N had destroyed you.
Ark: My Death was...greatly exaggerated.
Korizen: So now both you and Y/N stand to challenge me...You should know that it's all futile.
Y/N: Oh you have no idea what we're capable of...
Korizen: That's Incorrect.
Y/N: What...?
Ark: Korizen and I have had a rather troubled past. What a great opportunity to kick your ass...
Y/N: So that's why you agreed to it...
Flashback: 5 Months Prior
You stood still and motionless as you stared into the cold eyes of one of your greatest enemies. The fact that you had to even consider asking him for help made you sick to your stomach.
Y/N: I'm guessing you know why I'm here.
Ark: As if it wasn't obvious. I knew you would encounter him eventually.
Y/N: And you didn't even bother to warn us.
Ark: in a sense of fairness, you completely obliterated me into nothing.
Y/N: In a sense of fairness, you were threatening all of reality.
Ark: Cut the small talk and get the point, Y/N.
Y/N: Fine. The thing is...I have a gut feeling that we'll be facing against Korizen in the near future. And I know for a fact no matter how strong I am, I can't beat him alone. Will you...Tch...
Ark: C'mon. Say it.
Y/N: Will you...
Ark: Go on...
Y/N: Will you help us?! Ugh!
Ark: Heh...I accept your request.
Flashback End
Y/N: It still makes me sick to my stomach...
You then powered up with a fierce aura. Your energy flowing through the air as Ark followed this gesture with a large aura of his own. Korizen finishing this pattern by powering up with an aura twice as large as both yours and Ark's.
You gritted your teeth and Ark let out a little chuckle. Korizen remaining like his usual self as the three of you disappeared and clashed.
The shockwaves were powerful enough to break through the fabric of reality like glass. Sending all three of you back to the second reality.
Meanwhile: The Second Reality
Your friends had a battle of their own going on. Over the course of the past 2 and a half years, the anomaly had somehow made more clones. Dozens of them. Each one taking the shape of a different student.
The Anomaly clone of you was simply levitating above the whole thing. Watching as everybody raged on with their battle.
Bakugo: Dammit! How are these clones stronger than us?!
Lotus: Each and every spawn of the anomaly has gathered the energy of countless entities over the past few years. Even the copy of me surpasses my own abilities...
Lotus had managed to warp his clone to an alternate dimension. It was only a matter of time before it figured out how to return, but until then, Lotus was doing the best he could to help his fellow warriors.
Kasai was currently clashing with his clone. Whatever move he would make, The Anomaly would get around him and nail him with a near perfect counter attack.
Maquist was experiencing the same issue. Whatever he would try against it, The Anomaly would simply counter it in any way, shape, or form.
It's safe to say that The Anomaly's version of Midoriya would be able to keep up with the last version of you in a 100% serious battle. That's how massive the gap between the clones and the originals were.
Needless to say, The Anomaly was dominating nearly everybody on the battlefield. Lotus being the only one who was able to get around his clone, and he was on borrowed time.
Lotus: Our clones are enough of a problem on their own, but the main one...the one that looks like Y/N...he's on a whole other level from these other ones...What are we going to do...?!
Suddenly Lotus felt the pressure in the air get colder and heavier around him. You and Korizen were on your way back, and he realized that the two of you weren't alone.
Lotus: Wait a second...this energy...!! Are you kidding me?!
Everybody including the Anomaly clones all tuned in to see You, Ark, and Korizen all come flying into the scene through a rift. And everybody with the exception of the witches all went wide eyed upon seeing that Ark was with you.
Midoriya: I-Is that...?!
Ruby: NO WAY...!!!
Issei: For fuck sake!!
Korizen appeared right in front of you and delivered a heavy punch to your right cheek. Sending you hurling towards the ground with the others as Ark tackled him into the distance.
It was Kirishima who was able to catch you before you could hit the ground as he looked up at the raging battle ahead.
Kirishima: Are you okay...?!
Y/N: Ugh...more Okay then I will be later on...nice catch by the way...
Yang: What's happening?! Why is Ark here?!
Akko: Wait...THAT'S Ark?!
Y/N: Yeah...I pulled some strings...don't worry. He's on our side. For now at least.
Yang: How'd you manage to do that?!
Y/N: Apparently Ark has his own beef with Korizen...that's really it...Midoriya...
Midoriya: Already on it!
With that Midoriya tossed you a Senzu bean to which you wolfed down in an instant. Your wounds had fully healed and your stamina had returned to you.
Y/N: Alright! I'm back in the game!!
You were about to take off and face Ark as well, but you felt someone's hand rest against your shoulder. Looking behind you, it was Yang, and behind her was Kirishima, Amanda, and any of your other girlfriends that weren't occupied with the current battle.
Yang: Please be careful, Y/N...I won't be able to handle seeing you die again...
Y/N: I make no promises, Yang. Korizen is without a doubt the mightiest foe I've ever had to face. Even with Ark right in front of me, it's clear that Korizen is superior.
There was a slight silence after that, but shortly after, you raised your arm and held Yang's hand. Your fingers intertwining as you gave her a warm smile.
Y/N: But you of all people know that I won't let myself die in a situation like this!!
With slight hesitation, Yang slowly yet go. She watched as you walked away and towards Ark and Korizen.
Y/N: Man...It's been a long time since somebody's pushed me this far. Regardless of the Saiyan blood must be kicking in...Because I'm getting excited!!
With both your Family and your craving for Battle acting as strong motivation, you jumped back into battle without even thinking.
You rushed towards Korizen with your arm reeled back as he was quick to notice this. Korizen responding by reeling his fist back as well as the two of you clashed fists.
You gave the shining emperor a smirk as this made him lower his guard. This was Ark's chance to appear above him and smash his head in with a heavy sledgehammer attack.
Korizen went soaring into the ground as Ark followed, while you fired a volley of Ki beams towards him to follow Ark.
Korizen had just emerged from a 30 ft crater when Ark suddenly got behind him again and kicked him back into the sky.
Because of this, Korizen went right into your Ki beams and started taking damage. However this didn't last long as he let out a silent growl and blew the blasts away with a single shockwave.
Both you and Ark were both blown away by this, but quickly recovered as you both eyed each other for a moment before disappearing.
Korizen went slightly wide eyed at this when You and Ark both appeared right in his face and started attacking him in union. A sight that none of your friends would've ever dared to dream of.
Lotus: Y/N and Ark teaming up...somebody pinch me...
Midoriya: I thought I'd see Kacchan being nice before I'd see this...!
However this battle was far from over. The main Anomaly Spawn, the one that looked like you, suddenly zoomed towards You, Korizen, and Ark as the three of you battled.
Kasai: Y/N, Watch out!!
Y/N: What?!
All of a sudden you were kneed right in the back. The sounds of your spine cracking and snapping could be heard as your eyes rolled to the back of your head.
Y/N: GAH...!!
You were then launched by the impact as Korizen appeared in front of you and smashed his fist into your chest. Doing some dangerous internal damage as your breaths were shortened by this.
The Anomaly then came back and spun kicked you into the ground. Everybody going wide eyed at this as Korizen and the Anonaly then clashed, blowing Ark away.
With just a few serious hits from these guys, you were down. It wasn't even a fair fight. Your whole body covered in wounds and scratches as you grunted in pain.
Diana: Y/N! You need to get up!!
Upon hearing this the Anomaly peered over and fired a Ki blast towards Diana who gasped with widened eyes to go with it. Everybody was sure she was finished.
A massive explosion then occurred where she stood as Hannah and Barbara both shrieked in utter horror at the sight.
However when the smoke cleared, it was apparent that Diana was fine. She just got a little dirt on her from the explosion.
However it was you who took all the damage. You had rushed to protect her at the very last second, acting as a shield.
Diana: Y/N...!!
You didn't respond to her, all you did was collapse onto the ground. Now you were truly down. With dirt, blood, and open wounds all over your body.
Of course you knew the consequences of death in the second reality, and you didn't want anybody to die here. So this was the only option.
Slowly reverting to your base form, Diana looked down in guilt as there was little she could do to help you. She had used up most of her magic fighting against her own Anomaly Clone.
Diana: Y/N...
Diana: I-I'll heal you!
Asia: Let me! I can get it done faster!
Lotus: I suggest you both start using your healing abilities while Korizen and The Anomaly are distracting each other!
Diana: He's right! We need Y/N if we want to get out of here!
Bakugo: Yeah, no shit!
Suddenly Ark touched down and looked down at you for a short moment. Tension started to build up as he then turned around and got into a fighting stance.
Ark: Heal him already. I'll cover you...
Lotus. ...WHAT?
Ark: There's no way I'm letting such a formidable warrior fall in such a pitiful way. So hurry up and do it!
Asia: Y-Yes, sir!!
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