Chapter 13: Danger Calls
Y/N: I'd like to see if you can endure the next round!
You were now facing your opponent, another Saiyan with 3 fourths of a mask covering his face, facing you in Super Saiyan Blue as you had transformed into Super Saiyan 3
Kaito: GRAAAH!!!
All of a sudden the Saiyan rushed you at high speeds, looking forward as you blocked a heavy punch with one arm
Y/N: Let the fight begin!
With that the two of you immediately went airborne as you leaped into the air, Kaito chasing after you as he began to throw a barrage of Dark Ki blasts towards you
Having your speed multiplied 400 fold, you were easily capable of dodging the volley of Ki blasts as Kaito suddenly appeared in front of you
Kaito: GRAAAH!!!
You then took a powerful punch to the face as you went flying back, Tokoyami and Lotte watching as Kaito chased after you
As Kaito got closer you managed to flip yourself over and face Kaito as you reeled your fist back, resulting in a fist clash that shook the whole room
As the room continued to Crumble, the orbs of energy containing Tokoyami and Lotte suddenly cracked and quickly shattered, freeing them as they fell to the floor
Tokoyami: He did it, we're free!
Lotte: We have to get out of here!
Tokoyami: There's three battles going on right now in this room, each one blocking the exit every few seconds or so, so I wouldn't exactly recommend it now...
Lotte: So I guess I we can do is watch and hope for the best...
With that they both looked up to see you and Kaito exchanging blows as the battle so far looked evenly matched
Lotte: So that's what Super Saiyan 3 can do, Huh?
Tokoyami: Yes, it's impressive to see him holding off against someone else who's in Super Saiyan Blue.
Lotte: I remember that form, he used it against Mizuna, right?
Tokoyami: Indeed, Super Saiyan Blue as a form is far above 3, from what I know it goes 1, 2, 3, 4, god, then blue.
Lotte: I see, so that proves that Y/N is more powerful as a fighter, if they were fighting in the same form then Y/N would win?
Tokoyami: Exactly.
Lotte: Then...why doesn't he do it...?
They both watched and kept talking as you suddenly smacked away a Ki blast from Kaito, sliding across the floor as you managed to stop yourself
Y/N: Hey Guys! How's it looking for you?!
Lotus: Uh...
Lotus who was in Super Saiyan 2 was wiping the floor with Yakuza as he went flying into a wall
Lotus: My opponent is kinda weak...
Kasai: I can't say the same for me!!
You then looked further to the side as you spotted Kasai and Merno fighting as well, Merno gaining the upper hand against Kasai who was still in Super Saiyan 4
Kasai: That first attack was the only clean hit I've landed!
Lotus: Kasai, Swap with me!
Kasai: Roger that!
With that Lotus and Kasai swapped opponents as Kasai rushed Yakuza, landing a clean blow to his face that connected perfectly
Meanwhile Lotus and Merno faced each other as the room began to shake
Lotus: You're against me now!
With that Lotus suddenly transformed into Super Saiyan Blue as he rushed Merno at full speed, the two of them disappeared before the blink of an eye as shockwaves began to burst all over the room
Lotte and Tokoyami watched as Kaito was now bolting towards you, reeling his left fist back as he has an orb of Ki in his right hand
Y/N: Let's see how you handle this!!
You then flew towards Kaito at full speed as well as the two of you got closer to each other, Kaito going in for a punch as you vanished before his eyes
He then received a kick to the back, followed by another kick to the back of his neck, and ending the combo with a fierce elbow to his stomach
Kaito then send sliding across the floor as you landed on your feet, watching him crash into the wall as you remained in your fighting stance
Y/N: You may have power but your moves are too predictable, I know what you're going to do almost before you know yourself!
All of a sudden Kaito began to scream in a fit of mindless rage, the entire room going dark red as his aura grew much larger
Y/N: Wait, That's...!
You knew what he was doing, Kaito had also learned how to use the Kaioken Technique, and it wasn't just normal Kaioken, it was Kaioken 10x
Y/N: Tch! This is bad, even with his reckless fighting style he's too dangerous to fight at this level...I'll have to go further!
You then reverted back to base form as the entire building began to shake, everyone watching as you gained a red aura of your own
Y/N: Good, I've been waiting for a chance to test this out!
All of a sudden a massive burst of energy exploded from your body, blowing away the other fighters along with Tokoyami and Lotte falling over
The entire room was now more of a scarlet shade, everyone recovering or getting back up as you were now in Super Saiyan 4, but it was different, your hair has gained a taint of scarlet and your aura had completely changed, your the colour of your fur had also slightly changed to a scarlet shade
Super Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker
Tokoyami: What...?!
Lotte: Wow...What's That...?!
Y/N: What do you think? I've just learned this recently...This is the Power of Super Saiyan 4: Limits Broken!
Lotte: No Way...! That's what Super Saiyan 4 looks like?!
Tokoyami: Sort of...this is a new variant, I haven't seen this before either...
Kaito: GRAAAAAAH!!!!
Kaito then rushed you at full speed as you simply scoffed, Kaito reeling his fist back and throwing a punch as you caught his fist with your tail, surprising everyone including Kaito himself
Y/N: Hm...This feels cool...It feels like God Ki...But I know that this is 100% Pure Saiyan Power...
All of a sudden the doors went wide open as Midoriya bursted right through them, along with the company of Issei, Ruby, Akko, Yang, and Kirishima
Ruby: Help has arrived!
Everyone who had just entered the room then noticed you holding Kaito's fist in place with your tail alone as they all went wide eyed
Midoriya: Woah!
Kirishima: Is that Super Saiyan 4?! And is he BLOCKING AN ATTACK WITH HIS TAIL ALONE?! SO MANLY!!
Akko: Wait, THAT'S Super Saiyan 4?!
Y/N: Hm...I didn't think that this would place me this far above you...well...might as well wrap this up, we have a long day tomorrow...
With that you suddenly nailed Kaito in the chin with an incredibly quick yet powerful knee from below, causing him to stagger back as he went flying upwards
You then slipped behind him at high speeds as you finished him off with a double axe sledgehammer that sent him bolting to the floor, making a large crater in the floor as Kaito reverted back to base form
Y/N: I don't sense any dark energy from him anymore, whatever was controlling him I seemed to have knocked it out of him.
Merno: Impossible! When we first fought you were weren't near this powerful!
Y/N: Did you not hear my friend earlier...? I'm going all out, back when we fought in that forest I wasn't even using a quarter of my true power...
Merno: Tch!!
Yakuza: Sir.Merno?! What do we do?!
Merno: We retreat for now and regroup! We can't hope to defeat him like this!
With that they were about to make a break for it when all of a sudden a voice spoke from above, catching everyone's attention
???: "Retreat"...? You disappoint me, Merno...
Merno and Yakuza then looked up with wide eyes as you looked up as well, but not nearly as concerned
You saw what looked like the Silhouette of a person flying in through a hole in the ceiling made during the battle, their eyes glowing bright red as you clenched your fists
Yakuza: B-Boss!!
Merno: Sir...My apologies...but one of these Saiyans are simply too powerful for Yakuza and I to face alone...
???: Tch! Then move aside! I shall destroy this insect!
Y/N: Oh? You wanna test that little theory of yours...?
All of a sudden you began to power up, gaining a massive scarlet aura as everyone was blown away
However, somewhere very VERY far away, another entity was lurking in the shadows, looking towards the direction that your energy was coming from as his eyes glowed bright red
As you continued to power up, you suddenly felt an indescribable kind of energy as you went wide eyed and gasped and reverted back t base form, whatever it was it was coming this way, and everyone else felt it as well
Yakuza: W-WHAT IS THAT?!
Merno: I-I've never felt this kind of power before...!!
???: Dammit! Not now! It's "Him"!
Yakuza: "HIM"?!
Merno: But I was under the impression that he wasn't going to awaken for a little while longer!!
???: We must have made a miscalculation, for now we must leave, not even I have what it takes to deal with "Him"!!
With that all three of them rushed out of the building through the hole in the ceiling in a panic, leaving Kaito behind as you remained perfectly still, completely unable to move from shock and fear
Lotus and Kasai were also paralyzed with a rush of Fear and Shock as everyone else had no idea what was going on
None of you could even say anything, all that escaped your mouths were little mutters of your attempting for speak
This is when Kalasha suddenly entered the room through a portal, he too was also in a high state of panic as he yelled
Kalasha: ALL OF YOU, BASE FORM, NOW!!!!!!!
With that the three of you snapped out of it and reverted back to normal, along with you locking away your true power once again as Kalasha opened the door and rushed everyone out into the hall, with you quickly grabbing Kaito
Kalasha: WE MUST HURRY!!
With that you met up with the rest of the students as Kalasha had guided you to a trapdoor in the floor, everyone looking in either confusion or shock as he spoke
Asia: Mr.Kalasha?! What's Going on?!
With that everyone began to panic as the all ran down into the trapdoor, once everyone was inside he entered as well, closing the trapdoor above him and wielding it shut with his powers
The timing couldn't be closer as the second the door was wielded shut, the sound of someone touching down could be heard from the other side, causing Kalasha to go wide eyed as sweat ran down his face
Kalasha: Don't...make...a sound...
Everyone proceeded to cover their mouths shut as whatever was out there began to walk around
A loud and terrifying scream could be heard as most struggled to keep themselves from screaming in fear as well, even you were terrified as a massive explosion then went off
A few moments felt like hours as things began to quiet down, Kalasha felt that the whatever was out there was now gone as he then took a huge sigh of relief
Kalasha: Okay...I believe that we're in the clear...
Y/N: Kalasha...What was that?!
Kalasha: It's about time I've started explaining some of it to see...who just arrived on the scene can currently only be addressed as "Him" or "He" or "His"...
Midoriya: Well just who is "He"...?!
Kalasha: "He" is what you'd think as an Omni King, but he's beyond that...far beyond who you know as Grand Zeno...
Y/N: If he's an Omni King then why does he sound like such a bad person...?!
Kalasha: He is not "Good" or "Evil", but he does keep the balance of this reality...if one side begins to rein over the other, he will find out and destroy every single life form in the second reality in a heartbeat, having everything begin anew...
Y/N: Now I understand, that's why you were so strict of how much power we used in battle!
Kalasha: Yes, so from now on, when you use your true power, you are allowed to go up to Super Saiyan 3, no higher than that, if you are certain that your life is at 100% risk, then you shall go higher but ONLY for a short moment to end the fight! Do I make myself clear?
Everyone: Yessir!
Kalasha: Alright...I'm going to repair what "He" destroyed of the Academy, all of you stay here until everything is fixed...
With that Kalasha opened the Trapdoor and flew out, everyone around you still trying to process what had just happened
Y/N: Things have just become a lot more Dangerous...!!
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