Chapter 129: The Shining Emperor

Silent gusts of wind could be heard as Lotus and Kasai faced Korizen alone. Granted, Midoriya and the others were on the battlefield. But none of them were near ready to take on a foe such as Korizen. And it's likely they never will be.

Just his essence alone was enough to add pressure to both Lotus and Kasai as they started to sweat in nervousness. An opponent even more powerful than Ark. a being who they could only imagine in their Nightmares.

Lotus: So...It's finally come down to this...

Kasai: It appears so...his energy is greater than anything I've ever sensed's almost as if his energy is getting in my lungs and is giving me trouble breathing...

Korizen: I am not here for you two. Step aside. I have business with The Celestial King.

Lotus: Sorry, but we can't let you do that.

Kasai: If you want to get to Y/N, you gotta get past us first.

Korizen: Hm. An easy task.

Lotus: Don't underestimate us!!

With that The two Saiyans powered up to their respective modes. Lotus tapping into Gatekeeper Mode, and Kasai tapping into Shin Dragon Mode.

Ruby: They really did get their powers back!!

Kasai: Everyone, you need to leave this place, now.

Kirishima: Are you crazy?! This guy is stronger than Ark! You'll need all the help you can get!!

Lotus: He's right. You'd only be throwing your lives away. Get Y/N to safety. We'll hold him off for as long as we possibly can.

Ruby: We can't just leave you here—

Both: GO NOW.

Both of the Saiyans' auras flashed greatly as they formed a combined crater around them. It wasn't long before Korizen's eyes started to glisten crimson.

They didn't know if it was fear, understanding, or both. But everybody besides Lotus and Kasai then started to take their leave.

The other students in the distance knew the situation, and followed their lead. All of them running away...but they didn't get very far.

Korizen: No.

One glare was all it took before a large chain of explosions went off in front of the large crowd of students. Stopping them in their tracks as Korizen spoke.

Korizen: I have made my decision. I've let you get away enough times. You have all been disturbing the balance of this world from the moment you stepped into this reality. Therefore ALL of you shall pay the price.

Lotus and Kasai gritted their teeth as everybody in the distance started to quiver with fear. Yang carrying you in her arms as she then looked down to you.

Lotus: There's only one way to go. Are you ready?

Kasai: I'm as ready as I'll ever be...

With that both Lotus and Kasai leaped into the sky as Korizen chased after them. Everybody watching as Yang looked at you with concern.

Yang: Y-Y/N...please wake up...we need you...

Little to Yang's knowledge, you were currently fighting a battle of your own in your subconscious. While your hideous God of Darkness form had faded away, the Devil replica within your mind still remained.

Several tears in the dimension were created with Lotus and Kasai's clashes with Korizen. Lotus was able to avoid his attacks thanks to his portals, and Kasai had received a massive boost in power from eating some of Lotus' Ki.

Korizen: I will show you why everyone from all around this reality fears me...

Kasai then received a heavy punch to his stomach which had enough power in it to destroy a timeline. Luckily Kasai's boost in power was able to play it's part in helping him survive that punch.

However there's nothing saying that it didn't still hurt. In fact, Kasai was certain a few of his ribs were broken, and said broken ribs had punctures some organs in his body.

This pain was enough to paralyze Kasai. Korizen slowly winding his arm back and balling his hand into a fist. However before Korizen's punch could hit Kasai, Lotus created a portal in between the two of them. Lotus then made another portal beside Korizen's face which caused him to take his own punch.

This sent him flying into the distance as Lotus was quick to come to Kasai's aid.

Lotus: Kasai! Are you okay?!

Kasai: A few broken ribs...and I'm bleeding on the inside...but I'm still alive...

Lotus: Holy punch was all it took and you're hardly in any condition to keep fighting...Go to Asia to heal. I'll cover you.

Kasai: N-No! You can't face him alone! He'll kill you!

Lotus: We'll all die either way if this keeps up. I got you. Asia will be able to heal you in a snap.

Kasai: careful...please...Y/N's already down, losing you would give us no other hope...

Lotus: I'll be fine! Now go!

With a little grain of hesitation, Kasai flew away from the battlefield as Korizen could be seen flying directly at Lotus at speeds he hadn't ever seen before.

Lotus prepared himself for the worst as Korizen only drew closer. However just before he could reach him, an orb which consisted of both Ki and Chakra hit Korizen. Exploding on contact as Lotus went wide eyed at the sight of this.

Looking to his left, Lotus saw Maquist floating in the distance with his hand out. Once the smoke from his attack cleared up, Korizen was seen to be unfazed by his attack.

Korizen: A futile effort.

Maquist: Great. As soon as one problem is solved another one comes running right back. Well I guess we're just gonna have to beat you, right here and right now!

Lotus: Maquist! I thought you'd be down by now!

Maquist: Not down yet...just a little tired. Let me lend you a hand. You look like you could use it.

Lotus: I'll take any help I can get at this point!

With that both of them powered up as Kasai had finally reached Asia and the others. Kasai could hear Lotus and Maquist clashing with Korizen behind him as Asia immediately ran to him to work her magic.

Asia: Don't worry! I'll have you healed in a heartbeat!

With that Asia put her hands out and started to use her enhanced healing magic to fix up Kasai's broken ribs and bleeding organs. Kasai gave her a gentle smile to which Asia returned the gesture.

Kasai then looked over to You and Yang. Yang doing her best to take care of you, but she was too worried about how you were doing.

Lying unconscious on the ground, Yang, Kirishima, Amanda, Koneko, Goku, and Vegeta all surrounded you.

Amanda: Jeez...he doesn't look like he'll be getting up anytime soon...

Kirishima: What are we supposed to do?! He won't wake up and Lotus and the others are currently fighting for their lives out there!



Goku: He's struggling. On the inside.

Yang: What...?

Vegeta: His mind feels could be likely that something is happening in his subconscious.

Koneko: But none of us have anyway to deal with this kind of thing...

Diana: There might be a way.

All eyes were then on Diana who had just cut her way into the conversation. She looked at you while grabbing her little wand and looking around.

Diana: But I'll need the help of every other witch here.

Meanwhile: Your Subconscious

You were currently on one knee. Covered in wounds and burns. You were heavily exhausted and weak, and had no way to defend yourself against your Devil counterpart.

However he did end up taking a little bit of damage when the God of Darkness form was lifted. But that applied to both of you. Meaning that you also took damage.

Devil Y/N: *Pant*...Look at you. What do you hope to gain from this?! We have all of this power and you waste it's potential! And for what?! To protect these weak mortals?! What value do they hold to you?!

Y/N: ...Y'know...With us being the same being, I thought you'd know at least a little about me...

You then got go and stood tall. Facing Devil Y/N as he gritted his teeth in annoyance.

Y/N: My friends always have my back, just like they know I'll always have their back. We look out for each other. Even the highest of gods could use even a single friend, you know...

You didn't get a response from Devil Y/N. Instead he let out a loud roar and threw a blast that consisted of both Ki and Fire. You decided to remain still and take the blast head on.

However, just before it could hit you, another blast collided with it and caused it to explode. You went wide eyed at this as you looked behind you to see Goku and Vegeta.

Vegeta: Y/N!

Goku: We're here!

Devil Y/N: How is this possible...?! You shouldn't be able to access this place! This is Y/N's mind!!

Goku: Well...we had a little help.

Meanwhile on the outside, Diana along with every other witch there, was currently focusing all of their magic energy into one point as they were connecting Goku and Vegeta's minds to your own.

Devil Y/N: This is absurd! You're not really here! I'll destroy all of you!!

Y/N: I think you've got it backwards...

You then placed both of your arms out and started charging up a large orb of Ki in your hands. Goku and Vegeta were quick to step by your side and join in on the combined attack.

Devil Y/N: This isn't happening!! IT'S NOT!!


All of you then fired the blast all together and unleashed a massive beam of several colours. Devil Y/N was going to do something but something was keeping him from moving.

Devil Y/N: What's is this?! I-I can't move!!

Y/N: That's because I won't let you take advantage of me any longer!!

Devil Y/N was then consumed by the blast as he let out a loud and painful scream. The beam of energy only getting larger as Devil Y/N was completely obliterated.

Devil Y/N: STOOOOOOOP!!!!!!

Y/N: Farewell...Super Saiyan Devil...

Eventually a massive explosion of light occurred as Diana's spell had been broken. Goku and Vegeta slowly fading away as you stood tall once again.

All that was left was you. Standing strong once again as you smiled with pride. As you kept smiling, Super Shenron slowly came into view as you looked up at him.

Y/N: Super Shenron? You're back...?

Super Shenron: Yes. I was put into a deep sleep when you became corrupted. Meaning I couldn't help you. But it seems that my help wasn't needed.

Y/N: Hey, I'm still glad to see that you're okay. So what do we do now...?

Super Shenron: You still have a battle waiting for you. Korizen has arrived and is currently fighting with Lotus, Kasai, and Maquist. Your friends need you, Y/N.

Y/N: Yeah...I know...

Super Shenron: But before you head back to the battlefield, allow me to do this for you. Consider it as a thank you gift. You're going to need it.

Super Shenron's eyes then started to glow as you were suddenly overwhelmed with power. The Genkai Deity aura bursting from your body as you went wide eyed and gritted your teeth while grunting.

Super Shenron: Good luck, Y/N.

Meanwhile: On The Outside

Yang and the others were still surrounding your unconscious body. Yang growing worried as Diana and the other witches all fell down from the loss of energy and stamina.

At the same time Goku and Vegeta woke up as they rose up like rockets and checked on you.

Diana: D-Did it work...?

Goku: We'll have to wait and see...

As Goku said those words, the entire area started to shake violently. Your energy starting to rise exponentially as everybody slowly backed up.

Your fingers slowly started to curl, little noises escaping your mouth as your eyes shot wide open and regained their lively shine.

You suddenly Flashed into Genkai Deity which was boosted to new heights thanks to the help of Super Shenron. All the way to 70% to be exact.

Y/N: HAAA!!!

Upon letting out a wrathful battle cry, your screams echoed into the sky as this quickly grabbed the attention of Lotus, Maquist, and even Korizen.

They could all see you emitting a large pillar of an aura as the crowd of students around you smiled. Slowly looking up at Korizen, they all went wide eyed from what they were witnessing.

Y/N: KORIZEN...Prepare for a rematch...and this time...You'll see the wrath...of a Genkai Omni God...

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