Chapter 125: Ultimate Killing Machine
Nearby Musabori's Castle, Midoriya, Issei, Ruby, Akko, and all of the others of HOH had all arrived. It was dark and cold, but the air wasn't pleasant to breathe in as if it was a really hot day.
Akko: this really the place...?
Ruby: We just have to take the Dragon's word.
Everybody looked ahead at their destination. Lotus could sense an Unbelievably evil presence brewing from within.
Lotus: Be careful...I sense something incredibly dangerous in there. It could very well be Y/N...
Kasai: Ugh...oh man...
Everybody then directed their attention towards Kasai and Maquist who were just now waking up. Kara helping Maquist up as Kasai was given assistance by Ashido.
Maquist: Where are we...?
Lotus: We're in the domain of Musabori. The one who took Y/N and made him corrupted. We need to act fast. Who knows what they could be putting him through...
Just when they were about to start moving, a voice could be heard speaking in the distance. But they couldn't tell which direction.
???: Hehehe...I'm surprised you got here so quickly! I'm glad. Now the real fun can finally begin!!
Everybody jumped and prepared themselves for anything as Yakuza came into view. He stood tall in front of the massive army of students as he coated his hand with a strange energy.
Lotus: If you plan to face us alone then you're doomed to fall. Our friends have gotten much stronger since the first time we met.
Yakuza: Alone? Oh no. Even I can admit that if I tried to fight all of you at once, you'd kill me. So I did what any smart general would do...
All of a sudden a large red flash of light came down onto the ground. A large explosion went off as everybody covered their eyes and such in a defensive manner.
Yakuza: I Called Backup.
To everyone's horror, they got to witness first hand on what Musabori had turned you into. A hybrid form that consisted of Super Saiyan Devil and Akuryo energy mixing together.
Letting out an insane and manically evil laugh, Lotus could now confirm that you were what he was sensing.
The Savagery and Cunning of Devil form along with the every growing evil of the Akuryo, your mind was so twisted that you could hardly even think properly.
Just looking at you caused many of the students to start shaking in their boots. Your power kept on skyrocketing as each second passed on.
Yakuza: What's wrong? It's practically two against one hundred. Surely this should be no problem for you, right?~
Yang: Grr...I'm gonna have sure you suffer by the end of my fists, you bastard!!!
Yakuza: Hehe...if you want'll have to get through him first! Y/N, Kill them all!!
Y/N: Kill...KILL...KILL!!!!
You suddenly dashed towards everybody as Midoriya was the first to rush into action. Activating all of his power ups at once and mixing them into his God for All state.
The green haired hero went in and tried to land a punch, but his fist only broke on contact of your chest as you head butted him right in the face. Doing some critical damage.
Deku suffered from a major concussion and skull fracture upon the first hit of the fight, and went rolling into the dirt as Uraraka gasped at the sight of this.
Midoriya, one of the best current shots at beating him, had just been one shot by your ever expanding and evil power.
Uraraka: D-Deku!! Are you alright?! Say something, please!!
You slowly started walking towards everyone as Midoriya was on the brink of death. However Asia came to his rescue and started healing him.
Asia: He needs time to heal! Keep Y/N off of us, and please be gentle with him...
Issei: doesn't matter if we try to hurt him or not, it probably won't matter...
Suddenly Goku and Vegeta rushed into action. Upon seeing this you powered up with a scary mix of crimson and purple aura and lunged towards them.
Goku: Let's go, Vegeta!
Vegeta: I'm right behind you!
The Saiyan duo flashed into their respective forms. Goku transcending into UI, and Vegeta tapping into a form that you had never seen before.
Letting out another maniacal laugh, You clashed with Goku and Vegeta as they began to hold you back with everything they had.
You attempted to hit Goku who dodged upon your attempt to which you simply blew him away with a Ki blast cannon. Vegeta on the other hand rushed your head on as you grabbed him by his face and hit him in the stomach at least 100 times at light speed with one hand.
However, Vegeta didn't seem to be too effected by this. Instead his power grew. Grabbing you by the neck and kicking you away as Goku appeared right behind you and sent you flying with a fierce Ki blast.
All of a sudden Kara came flying in as she reeled her fist back and struck you with a mighty punch to your stomach. Sending you flying into the distance as you crashed into the nearest Boulder.
Maquist: Kara?!
Kara: Stand down for now. We can handle this. Now!!
Everybody then looked up to see somebody hovering above. Shooting two red lasers towards where you crashed causing a colossal explosion in the distance.
???: Looks like I arrived just in time.
It was none other than the Kryptonian that you faced during the Clash of Academies. Cameron. This time though, he wasn't fighting against HOH. But with them. He too is on the good side after all.
Issei: That's Cameron!!
Maquist: No way! He's here too?!
Kara: I saw him arrive and decided to take advantage of the situation. The two of us along side Goku and Vegeta should be able to keep him at bay for a little while. In the meantime, think of a plan.
You then started to let out a loud double voiced scream as you emitted a large pillar of crimson energy. It's light engulfing the entire area and nearly blowing everyone away.
You were covered in open wounds all over. And your arm was even broken.
However your body started to respond to these injuries quickly as your wounds started to heal instantly. Even your broken arm back in tip top shape.
You gritted your teeth in a wicked smile as everybody started to become afraid. Your power skyrocketing to even greater heights as even Cameron and Kara were surprised.
Yakuza: Y/N's Devil form has begun to mutate thanks to my Master's Magic. And soon, his mutation will be complete!!
Cameron: Not if we have anything to say about it. Let's go, team!
With that, Cameron and Kara rushed towards you at full speed as you returned for gesture by rushing them as well. Goku and Vegeta looking at each other as Goku had a serious look in his eye.
Goku: Even with their help, Y/N's growing stronger by the minute. We need to stop him now.
Vegeta: Tch...fine...
Both of them then got a slight distance from each other and got into the familiar pose. Ready to start the chant of the technique.
Both: FU...SION...
Just as they were about to finish the dance, they noticed several Ki blasts coming at them. Forcing them to leap away as Yakuza chuckled. His palm smoking indicating that he was the one who fired the blasts.
Yakuza: You really think I'm foolish enough to let you reach your maximum potential? No risks shall be implemented into our plan.
Vegeta: Tch! What a pest!
Meanwhile Cameron and Kara were currently giving you a run for your money. Cameron wasn't as powerful as he was the last time you fought, but Kara was MUCH more powerful.
However, as you were getting stronger, they could only hope that they could last long enough to come up with a solution.
Cameron attempted to land a punch on your face to which you blocked and countered by slashing him in the torso with a deadly Ki blade.
You then kicked Cameron away as Kara then flew in and tackled you into the ground. A massive crater forming in the soil as she started bashing you up with a series of punches.
However you started to growl and eventually blew her away by powering up. Rushing after her and hitting her with a powerful spin kick to her side.
You were about to continue your assault into a combo but Cameron stopped you by freezing you with his freezing breath.
Kara was able to gain a safe distance before you broke free, however just as you did, both of the Kryptonians appeared above you and bashed you down into the ground with a double punch.
Meanwhile Goku and Vegeta were having a tough time fusing. Yakuza preventing them from doing so every time they tried.
Goku: We can't waste our energy on this guy! Those two up there are going to need all the help they can get if they're gonna hold Y/N back!
Yakuza: You keep trying, and I keep stopping you. Just give up. It'll make things much easier.
Issei: How about you mind your own business, Asshole!!
Yakuza then turned to the right to be punched right in the face by Issei as Yakuza went flying into the air. Issei had been boosting up his power in hopes of being to help out, and now was his chance.
However Issei's assault wasn't done. Concentrating all of his stored power, he unleashed it in one massive attack as he fired a massive beam of red energy towards Yakuza. More powerful than anything he has unleashed before.
Issei: Do your fusion thing while I've got him distracted!!
Goku: Thanks! Vegeta!
Vegeta: I know...
Both: FU...SION...
Yakuza suddenly bursted from the debris and dashed towards the Saiyan duo as Issei went wide eyed. Not knowing what to do as he had just used up all of his current power.
Yakuza: YOU PESTS!!
Tokoyami: Dark Shadow, Stop him!
Dark Shadow: I'm way ahead of you!!
Yakuza was suddenly grabbed by the two giant hands that belonged to Dark Shadow. Yakuza struggling more than he thought he would.
Tokoyami: We weren't just sitting on our hides this whole time. We've been training too. Pushing our limits and getting stronger than we could ever imagine!
Yakuza: DAMN YOU!!
Goku/Vegeta: HAAA!!!
Thanks to Issei's and Tokoyami's efforts, Goku and Vegeta were able to successfully pull off the fusion dance and merge as Yakuza screamed and blew both Issei and Tokoyami away in an instant.
???: It's been quite sometime. It's good to be back...
In a glorious flash of light, the fusion warrior known as Gogeta made himself known with a new look. Combining both Ultra Instinct and the new form that Vegeta had used.
Ultra Gogeta
Yakuza: No!!
Gogeta: Don't worry. It's our turn, now!!
Kara: GAH!!!
Everybody looked and saw that you had managed to get behind Kara. Impaling her with a Ki blade right through her chest. Cameron going wide eyed as everybody else gasped in shock.
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