Chapter 122: Exploring With The Boys
About a month has passed since the G.W.E 2 took place. You've warmed up to the whole HOH City atmosphere since then and you've gotten comfortable with your new house.
Axol's situation was a bit complicated. At first, he tried to live in his own little house that you built for him. But after people discovered his presence, a certain group of civilians would always vandalize his house and such.
One thing led to another and now he has to live with you for the sake of protection. It wasn't just Axol having these problems either. All HOH students were disliked by this handful of people.
You didn't know if it was jealousy or straight up hate. All you knew was that they were nuisances.
You were currently sitting at home. Slouching on the sofa and watching T.V lazily. Yang was assigned for patrol today and all of your other girlfriends had other business to attend to.
You talked to yourself as you surfed Netflix in search of something to watch.
Y/N: Nope. That ones bad. Man definitely not that one. What about...wait...where is it?! Did they seriously remove it?! They always remove my favourite shows and movies!!
Kirishima: I know right—
Kirishima: What?
Y/N: I forgot you lived here...
Kirishima: Oh. Well I don't have anything going on today. What do you wanna do?
Y/N: I dunno. I can't find anything good on Netflix, and when I do find something good they remove it like a week after...
Kirishima: I know! You haven't really explored the city, have you?
Y/N: Nope. Either too lazy or too busy.
Kirishima: Then c'mon! I'll show you around! We can even grab a bite while we're out there!
Y/N: I am convinced.
Kirishima: Good! Let's go—
Y/N: Wait.
Kirishima just barely stopped himself from jumping out the door when you grabbed your phone and called Mori. Surprisingly enough he answered.
Mori: Hello?
Y/N: Yo, Mori! What are you doing?
Mori: Just chillin'. What's up?
Y/N: You wanna come and hang out with me and Kirishima?
Mori: Do I?!
The phone suddenly hung up as you went wide eyed by this.
Y/N: He hung up. Wow what an ass—
Before you could even finish that sentence Mori was at the door which keep in mind was already open from when Kirishima tried to force his way out.
Mori: I'm always down to hang!!
Y/N: ...Nevermind then.
Mori: Huh?
Y/N: Nothing. One more thing.
You then looked up at the stairs as you walked up and left both Kirishima and Mori confused. Both of them looked at each other before Kirishima called out to you.
Kirishima: Where are you going?
Y/N: I'm gonna ask Axol if he wants to tag along.
Mori; The lizard guy?
You now found yourself standing at his door. A lot has happened for him in the past two months so he was probably still taking everything in.
Slowly knocking on the door, you backed up as the door opened up. Revealing Axol who peeked out only by a little bit. Once he saw it was you he opened the door completely.
Axol: Hey.
Y/N: Hi, Axol. You doing alright?
Axol: ...One of those days.
Y/N: I know it's hard and I know that you miss them. But I promise that you'll get to see them again really soon. But I actually came up here to ask you something.
Axol: What is it?
Y/N: Me, Kirishima, and Mori were all gonna go and walk around the city. Do you wanna tag along? We'll be grabbing lunch while we're out so if not we can bring something back for you. It'll get your mind off of things for a while.
He thought to himself for a moment, but eventually came out of his room and tried to smile, but it was clear as day that it was forced.
Axol: Alright!
With that both of you walked down the stairs as Kirishima and Mori both greeted Axol with open arms as you had filled them in on what he was going through.
Kirishima: Hey there, Axol! You're gonna hang with us today?
Axol: Mhm. I need to get out of the house.
With that all of you left the house and ventured into the city as Kirishima was the most excited to show you around. After all, he did help build it.
Mori: Why don't you invite the other Saiyan guys too? I'm sure they'd wanna chill!
Y/N: Yeah...about that...
Lotus: Sorry, I promised Ibara a date today. Maybe another time.
Kasai: I can't, dude. I gotta watch Baby Nate and Ruby's not home.
Y/N: I didn't even bother to enter Maquist's driveway since I could hear him and his sister arguing about something from the road.
Kirishima: Yeah...his sister's weird...
Y/N: More like horny. After a certain incident I can't let her anywhere near the house anymore.
Axol: Sounds my friend, Bob.
Y/N: Dude, I don't even know what Bob is...
Kirishima: Oh! Guys! Here's the Mall! It was Yaoyorozu's idea to build this!
Upon hearing him point it out, You, Mori, and Axol all looked over and saw a GIGANTIC mall in the distance. It was even bigger than the last Academy, which consisted of several structures.
Y/N: Holy crap...that place must have it all...!
Kirishima: Indeed it does! There's something for everybody in there!
Mori: Well then what are we waiting for! C'mon let's see what this place is packing!!
With that all four of you started running towards the mall. Despite his current mood, Axol was actually quite excited for this.
Time Skip
The mall was a lot bigger than you could've imagined. Stores for Clothes, Games, Toys, Comics, Weapons, Furniture, you name it.
Axol: Wow! This place is even bigger than it looks on the outside!
Y/N: Are you sure we're gonna be able to cover this place in a single day...?
Kirishima: Nobody's gonna stop us from trying!
Y/N: Where should we go first?
Mori: Let's head to the sports store!! I love that place!!
Axol: I wanna check out that comic store over there!
Kirishima: The Clothes store has some of the coolest clothes I've ever seen!
Y/N: Alright let's do one at a time and make our way through them. I've got plenty of cash on me so if you see anything, just tell me and it's yours!
With that You all headed for the Sports store first. Living with Bulma for so long had it's benefits. Seeing as you had an INSANE monthly allowance of 350,000 Zeni a month.
However since your whole journey began, you've never actually used it as much as others probably would. Therefore it kept building up for the past few years and now you've got nearly 50 million Zeni available by yourself.
Upon checking out the Sports store, Kirishima ended up getting a head band. Mori got some new shoes, and you got yourself a pair of fingerless gloves. Axol wasn't really interested in anything in there though.
For the Comic store, Kirishima got a new figurine of his favourite hero. Crimson Riot. Axol bought every new issue of his favourite manga series that he didn't get to read, Mori got some currency cards for his console, and you were surprised to find a 4 ft model of yourself. Needless to say you couldn't not get it.
In the clothing store, Kirishima got himself a new jacket. Mori got a new hat, Axol found a new sweater that looked just like his current one, but wasn't as torn up.
Now the four of you were all hanging out at a food stop. Chowing down on mountains of food mainly because of how much you ate.
Kirishima: I'm surprised that you're not shocked by how much Y/N eats, Axol.
Axol: Let's just say I've seen Saiyans eat before.
Mori: What kind of cooks did you guys hire for this place?! This stuff is amazing!
Kirishima: Even I don't know that. Kalasha as in charge of hiring people to work here.
???: Well Well Well.
The four of you redirected your attention towards a group of people who were all standing about 15 feet away from your table.
It was the same group of people that had been harassing Axol and your fellow students. And you recognized a few of them from when you saved Oscar.
Y/N: Oh great...
Thug 1: Heh. I didn't think we'd find you wannabe heroes here.
Kirishima: "Wannabe"?! I'm the real thing!!
Thug 1: Yeah guys think you're so probably think you're better than the rest of us.
Thug 2: Hey, you enjoying your meal, Fatty?
Y/N: What did you just call me...?
Kirishima: Stand down, Y/N. I'll take care of these punks.
Y/N: Fine.
Mori: Just make sure nobody dies this time, okay?
Kirishima: No promises.
With that Kirishima jumped into action. Not even needing to use his quirk since his base strength was more than enough to take these guys on.
No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't even make Kirishima flinch. However once they started pulling out knives and guns things got serious.
For them at least.
Even with those weapons, Kirishima could dodge the knives and tank the bullets with his bare skin. One by one he started knocking them out.
Slowly but surely he managed to take all of them out with ease. The red haired hero stood over a massive pile of knocked out thugs as he chuckled in victory.
Mori: Yo, let's take a victory photo!!
Kirishima: Bet!
Y/N: I got this!
You suddenly made a clone and had that clone hold the camera that Kirishima just to happened to being alone.
Y/N: Say Zenkai!
Everyone: Zenkai!!
Time Skip
After your little trip to the mall, you were now back at the house and playing with S/N as Yang was cooking dinner.
Yang: So you guys went to the mall? Damn. Wish I could've came along.
Y/N: Yang that mall is MASSIVE! That place had everything!!
Yang: Hehe. I know. I've been there. Did you have fun?
You then looked at the picture frame on the dresser as you smiled upon looking at it. For the first time since you met him, Axol seemed genuinely happy.
Y/N: Yeah...Yeah I had a great time...
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