Chapter 119: Act 5: Subnautica Below Zero But Not Really
(This Chapter is gonna need some serious context.)
You were currently soaring through a vortex area in order to reach the first reality after being sent by Kalasha to hunt down the Anomaly. It's been so long since you've even thought of this reality.
Something about the Second Reality felt more like home to you than the first. Regardless of the fact that you were born and raised in the first reality.
Y/N: Dokkan was really intense...that's a Mobile Game, man...
You were now just arriving at this new world as you had arrived in a little more than a minute. You were still yet to master this warping technique, but the ones who did master it were able to jump between realities instantaneously.
Take your Father for example. Before the battle against Ark he used this technique to get to your world.
But that's in the past. This is now. And now you found yourself in one of the brightest worlds you've seen to date.
But aside from the bright colours, something about this place. In front of you was a large castle. A glass picture of a woman on the front of the castle.
Y/N: Sheesh I can't get away from these video game vibes can't I...?
It was strange, but this place seemed oddly familiar. Almost too familiar. Even though you were certain that you haven't ever been here in your life.
Y/N: So this is where The Anomaly was last seen...?
You looked around. The sky was a clear blue, birds were chirping their songs, the grass was more green than most you've seen, this place seemed perfectly peaceful.
Y/N: ...I find that hard to believe...
???: Hey, Guys! There's someone outside!
Y/N: Huh?
All of a sudden the door practically exploded somehow as someone came running through and right towards you. The sudden action put you in instant defence mode as you prepared yourself for a fight.
However, the person you were ready to face didn't seem intimidating at all. At least by your standards.
???: Mario's very scary.
Y/N: Mario...? What are you doing here?
You didn't get a response. He was just standing there...MENACINGLY.
Y/N: Uh...are this some sort of battle style or something...?
Mario: KABOOM!
The Fat Italian suddenly shot his shotgun right at your face as you weaved under the bullets at speeds that the guy probably couldn't comprehend.
At this point you didn't even know if this was real or not. Did you pass out on the way here? Were you even here at all? Or is this a dream or something?
??? Mario! We don't attack random strangers!!
Right after gunshots were fired, another person came running out. A similar shaped man, only known as Luigi. But was this the Luigi you knew?
Y/N: Luigi? Well I shouldn't be surprised.
Perhaps you readers deserve an explanation on how you know the Mario Bros. You see, as you know, you have crossed paths with the likes of Pit and Palutena before on several occasions. Turns out that they hail from the Smash Bros world. And where there's smash bros, there's the Mario Bros.
Let's just say that after the battle with Ark, your time away from all of that was rather Smashing.
However, it was clear now that these were not the same Mario Bros that you had met in the past.
Luigi: I don't know how you know us but I don't think we've met before, mister. Sorry about him, he's been...paranoid for the past month or so.
Y/N: It's cool I guess...even though I have no clue as to what's going on...
???: Guys? What's going on out there?!
Y/N: God who's next? Princess Peach?
Thankfully it wasn't. But who did come out the door next left you shocked. It seemed to be an exact replica of Mario. Except his undershirt and hat were blue, and his trousers were white.
SMG4: I hope you have a good reason for dragging us out here, Mario. I was watching some spicy memes.
Y/N: ...What? Why are there two Marios?! AND WHY'S THIS ONE BLUE?!
SMG4: What?! I'm NOT Mario! I'm SMG4! Who are you?
Y/N: I uhh...I'm Y/N...?
SMG4: Y/N...? What kind of name is that? You look like you came straight out of the T.V...
Y/N: And you look like an Alt skin for Mario.
Luigi: L-Let's not fight! What brings you here, Y/N?
Y/N: All I can say is that I'm looking for somebody.
Luigi: W-Why don't we just go inside and maybe we can help you with whatever you're doing...?
Y/N: doesn't look like I'm gonna find him anytime soon...sure why not.
SMG4: You sure about this? We don't even know this guy...
Luigi: We let Mario in the castle and he's got a shotgun.
Y/N: Trust me pal, I'm packing MUCH more than just a shotgun.
SMG4: Good point. Well sorry if we got off the wrong foot, pal. C'mon inside and we can get you some food.
With that the 3 plumbers all walked off expecting you to follow to which you did. At this point you were used to this kind of thing.
Y/N: Man I haven't been this confused since I hung out with Peter Griffin...
Time Skip
Once Mario and the others let you into the Castle, you were introduced to all of their friends. There were quite a few of them. A Weeb fish named Boopkins, a talking Trash thing named Bob, a teenage athlete named Meggy, a punk girl named Saiko, a Gamer girl named Tari, an innocent bean named Melony, and a Mushroom boy named Shroomy.
Toad was in the back but he looked as if he wanted his life to end.
Y/N: So can someone tell me why Mario's over there in the corner doing...not eating...with his spaghetti...?
Luigi: You get used to it.
Y/N: I doubt that...
SMG4: So who is it exactly you're looking for...?
Y/N: I can't give you the details but the last time they were seen was here. Hopefully they're still here.
Bob: I still don't understand why we're talking to this total stranger like we've known him all our lives-
Meggy: Anyway, do you think you'll find them?
Y/N: If anything they'll probably find me first.
With that you simply chilled with them for awhile. They were actually pretty cool people, and they reminded you of when you hung out with your friends back home.
You were currently just laying on the couch watching Tari destroy Bob in and I quote "Super Smash Each Other In The Ass Brothers".
Bob: Bullshit! I'm just getting warmed up!
Y/N: That's what you said 5 games ago-
Bob: Shut up, you spiky haired bitch-
???: Hey, Y/N...?
Y/N: Hm?
You looked over to see Melony and Boopkins standing there, looking at you as you tilted your head in confusion.
Y/N: Hey, you guys need something?
Melony: Can we talk to you about something...?
Y/N: Sure.
With that you got up from the couch and followed Boopkins and Melony to the next room. On the way there you saw Mario throw Luigi across the room for whatever reason.
Once you were all in the next room they started to ask questions.
Boopkins: So Uh...we wanted to ask a few questions...
Y/N: Sure thing.
Melony: Are you familiar with someone named "Axol"...?
Y/N: "Axol"...? Doesn't ring a bell. Why do you ask?
Both Melony and Boopkins look at each other with an unsure look on their face. Hesitating, but nonetheless responding.
Boopkins: Axol was a very good friend of ours...about a month ago we fought this really strong guy called "SMG0". He ended up possessing Axol and used him to fight...
Melony: By the time zero was weakened it was too late to safe him...and he...*Sniff*...he—
Y/N: I understand. You don't need to talk about it...but...what does this have to do with me...?
Boopkins: Axol had a Magic pen that could create characters from different shows. And sorry for making assumptions but you look like something that he could've created...that's really why we let you in...
Melony: We thought that you had some kind of connection with him...
Y/N: Ah man...I'm really sorry but I don't know this "Axol" guy...but that sounds tough. Nobody deserves to be taken away like that.
You felt bad for the two. Boopkins looked sad and Melony looked to be on the verge of tears. You wanted to think of a way to help bud you really didn't. You didn't even know these people yet they still felt the need to tell you this stuff.
Y/N: They look so sad...I know how I'd feel if Kirishima died like that...wait!
Upon realizing something, strange sounds could be heard coming from outside of the castle. Everybody beginning to panic as you rushed outside, knowing damn well what the was due to it's energy.
Slamming the doors wide open you ran outside as everybody else followed. What you saw, despite what you were expecting, surprised you.
It was a rift. One close to if not identical to the ones that Black used to make. But the energy it was giving off felt totally different.
Tari: What is that thing?!
Y/N: The Anomaly...
Slowly but surely a figure emerged from the rift. Slowly levitating down to the ground. Landing on it's feet it powered up with a grand violet aura.
The Anomaly was back to taking your shape, and had been jumping worlds and even timelines to gain power. You noticed a few changes in it's physical form. Two spikes on it's back, and it's body structure seemed to have altered a tiny bit.
However the most noticeable change was the bright red symbol on it's chest.
Boopkins: Is this the person you said you needed to find...?!
Y/N: Yeah. And I was hoping that it wouldn't find us while I was with you guys...but it looks like I'm gonna have to fight it here and now...
Mario: Mario's gonna do something very Illegal.
In an instant Mario's head was blown right off by a Ki blast from the Anomaly. Whoever he still proceeded to let out a painful scream despite his head being completely gone.
Y/N: My god this world is weird...
You then looked at the Anomaly who had clearly gotten stronger since your last encounter with it.
Y/N: This thing is getting stronger each time I fight it...30% Genkai Deity Mode should be enough.
With that you suddenly flashed with a miraculous aura as your eye started to glow. Everybody going wide eyed as you and the Anomaly suddenly rushed at each other and clashed at speeds that none of the others could see.
Shockwaves bursted all over the sky as you and the Anomaly were fighting all over the landscape, but it simply looked like random explosions were going off in the sky.
However the fast paced action vanished as quickly as it came as The Anomaly suddenly smashed it's fist into your stomach. Creating a reality shaking shockwave that even the students in the second reality could feel.
The pressure and impact was like nothing you've ever felt before. One good hit was all it took and you were already in critical condition. Even coughing up blood as the iris' in your eyes completely vanished.
Y/N: GAH...!!!!
Not even having time to think, the Anomaly unleashed a flurry of equally powerful punches upon you as you felt your entire body breaking and shutting down with each blow.
Y/N: W-What?! H-How is it this strong?!? It's even Stronger than Ark...!!!
Fading out of Genkai Deity mode, you slowly began to fall as everybody watching gasped in shock. The Anomaly instantly ending the fight with a quick elbow to your torso which was enough to puncture both of your lungs.
You zoomed back towards the ground and crashed in a massive crater in front of the castle. At this point all that could escape your mouth were bloody gags as the crimson fluid gushed out of your mouth and wounds on your body.
Tari: Oh No! Y/N!!
SMG4: Crap Crap Crap Crap!!!
The Anomaly then took it's leave as it slowly backed into the rift. Leaving it to close as SMG4 and the others ran over to you in an instant.
Luigi: Y/N!! Are you okay?!
Bob: He's pretty damn far from okay, dumbass!
Tari: We've gotta get him up, he's drowning in his own blood!!
At this point you were beyond blacked out. You couldn't even process the brutal yet quick beating you just ate.
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