Chapter 118: Act 4: Dokkan Battle

After a rather explosive game of Rainbow Six Siege with the squad and nearly getting a permanent Ban yesterday, you were now back in the stadium ready to play the next game.

This game like stated yesterday was Dokkan Battle. Or better get a modified version of the game.

Intercom: You all know how this part goes! Tonight's game is Dokkan Battle! Here's how things will go down! Two students will be selected as "Players". These two Players will be given 10,000 Dragon Stones to summon on 6 Banners!

Warriors Banner: This banner contains units from the Dragon Ball World. You, Lotus, Kasai, Goku, Vegeta, etc.
Featured Unit: Y/N can be Dokkan awakened into an LR!

Heroes Banner: This Banner contains units from the MHA World. Midoriya, Bakugo, Todoroki, Kirishima, etc.
Featured Unit: Midoriya and Bakugo can be Dokkan awakened into an LR!

Huntsmen Banner: This banner contains units from the RWBY World. Ruby, Yang, Weiss, Blake, etc.
Featured Unit: Team RWBY can be Dokkan awakened into an LR!

Devils Banner: This Banner contains units from the DxD World. Issei, Rias, Kiba, Koneko, etc.
Featured Unit: Issei (Full Potential) can be Dokkan awakened into an LR!

Witches Banner: This Banner contains units from the LWA world. Akko, Diana, Lotte, Sucy, etc.
Featured Unit: Akko and Diana can be Dokkan awakened into an LR!

Crossover Banner: This banner contains Units from outside worlds that weren't apart of the ones above. Mori, Maquist, Kara, Ryuko, etc.
Featured Unit: Mori can be Dokkan awakened into an LR!

Intercom: Summon on each one and create your Ultimate Team!! The first players will be...Kaminari and Koneko!!

Kaminari: Alright!! Let's see who I get!!

Koneko: Ok.

20 Minutes of Painful Summons Later

Kaminari and Koneko had just formed their teams and awakened their units. In terms of units that go well together, Kaminari held a slight advantage.

Kaminari's Team:
- Leader: LR Super INT Y/N
- LR Super AGL Lotus
- UR Super STR Kirishima
- UR Extreme PHY Yang
- LR Super AGL Mori
- LR Super AGL Goku (UI)
- Friend Unit: LR Super INT Y/N

Koneko's Team:
- Leader: LR Super INT Kasai
- UR Super AGL Ruby
- UR Extreme STR Ryuko
- UR Extreme TEQ Kara
- LR INT Midoriya and Bakugo
- LR Super INT Vegeta (SSBE)
- Friend Unit: LR Super AGL Maquist

Intercom: Now that you've both gathered your teams, it's time for the both of you to compete with a race! Both of you will challenge the "Fighting Legend: Goku!" Event, to see who can beat it first!

Kaminari: Alright! Let's do this!!

Koneko: I have no idea what I'm doing but okay.

With that You and everybody else who was on Kaminari's team was warped to participate in this event as you were the ones who they pulled.

Y/N: Wait a second, we're actually fighting?!

Intercom: Of course! As the player, Kaminari must provide each one of you with Ki. Depending on which color spheres you're given, the amount of Ki you've be provided will vary.

Y/N: Let's do it!

With that it began. Of course your opponent was Goku which was strange since the real Goku was on your team.

Y/N: Here we go. Get to it, Kaminari!

Yang, Goku, and Lotus were in the first rotation. Kaminari still getting the hang of things as he was mostly giving units the proper coloured spheres.

Yang and Goku clashed a few times before Yang unleashed her Super Attack on him, which was the same Dragon fist she used during the event against the other academy.

Her attack did neutral damage since she was also a PHY unit. Taking about half of a health bar.

Next was the actual Goku. He clashed with himself once before he unleashed his 12 Ki super attack on himself. Along with an additional super attack which was a guaranteed critical hit. This was enough to take out the first phase.

Meanwhile Koneko's team was also onto the next phase. Her first rotation which consisted of Maquist, Kara, and Kasai, easily made short work of the first phase.

By the time the spectators looked back to Kaminari's team you were already onto the Super Saiyan 2 phase as You practically one shot Super Saiyan Goku

The next rotation was Yang, Lotus, and Kirishima this time. Super Saiyan 2 Goku was a TEQ element so you were the only one who could do great damage. But you weren't in the current rotation.

Lotus was placed in the third slot since Goku wouldn't be attacking that one. Kirishima being places in the first spot since he was the most defensive on your whole team.

Goku used all of his attacks on Kirishima and even his Super attack. All but the Super Attack did Double digit damage, but the Super Attack did about 30,000 damage.

The thing about Kirishima's unit however was, the more you hit him, the stronger he becomes. He was that kind of unit. And that many attacks from Goku was just what he needed.

His Super Attack, Red Gun Turret, literally one shot the Super Saiyan 2 Goku as even you were surprised by this.

Y/N: Holy Shit! Kirishima's packing one hell of a punch!!

Goku: Don't get too excited yet. We've still got plenty of phases to go.

Y/N: Yeah...

Koneko was now on the fifth phase. Super Saiyan God. But now she was actually struggling and taking lots of damage.



Meanwhile you were just starting the Super Saiyan 3 phase. You all started to battle in a hurry to catch up to Koneko.

Yang: C'mon time's wasting!!

With that Goku, Mori, and the second you were in the next rotation. Mori was placed first, then you, and then Goku.

Mori's Super Attack took over half of his health, and you were able to finish it off.

And with that you had caught up to Koneko who was just about to finish off Super Saiyan God Goku.

However you were in the next rotation since there was two of you. And since you were INT, and God Goku was TEQ, it was an easy one shot.

Kaminari: Here you go, Y/N!

With that Kaminari fed you a total of 7 purple Ki spheres which was more than enough to activate your 18 Ki Super Attack.

Y/N: Here we go!! STARLIGHT CRASHER!!!

With that you filled the battlefield with a massive explosion which did over 10,000,000 critical damage. Needless to say you indeed one shot God Goku.

As time went on both teams kept advancing through the event. Blue was easy, UI Omen provided somewhat of a challenge but both teams managed to beat it. Koneko managed to reach the final phase first. INT UI.

You were just finishing off UI Omen Goku when the intercom suddenly spoke.

Intercom: Oh!! And Koneko's team has been eliminated! And by normal attacks nonetheless!!

Koneko: I knew I shouldn't have put Deku and Bakugo on this team...

Y/N: This is it, Kaminari! All that's left is to beat this Goku and we win!!

Kaminari: Bet!!

With that the battle began against UI Goku. It felt strange since you had AGL Ui Goku on your squad. But he was rendered helpless against INT Ui Goku's evasion nullification.

Y/N: Damn!!

The first rotation of the phase was placed with You being first, Lotus being second, and the second you being third.

You were able to deal about one health bar's worth of damage with an 18 Ki attack. But he dodged your additional attack. Lotus did a little more damage thanks to more Ki. UI Goku then dodged the second you's attacks.

Kirishima was placed in the next rotation first, along with Goku and Mori being placed second and third. Kirishima did his best to tank most of the attacks, but they barely got out of that rotation alive.

The team's overall health was now less than 10% as your active skill could now be activated. Kaminari did this to which you started talking.

Y/N: I'm not finished yet...*Clenches Fists*...I can get even Stronger!!

With that you activated Genkai Deity mode at 30% as you prepared for battle. Your transformation healing the team to where the team's health was now over 60%.

A good amount of the spheres were turned into purple spheres along with your transformation so Kaminari had plenty of power to fuel your Super Attack.

You started tanking normal attacks which merely did double digit to triple digit damage to you. You also managed to take the Super Attack on as it did about 120,000 damage.

Y/N: Here we go!! Time to finish you off!!!

You suddenly leaped into the air and raised your arms as you formed thousands of Ki orbs all around you. Launching them towards Goku as you used your new 18 Ki Super attack against him.


All of your blasts all smashed into Goku all at once and started a chain reaction explosion to which a critical amount of damage was done. Everybody wa blown away by how much damage you managed to dish out with a single super attack.

K O!!!

Intercom: And with that Team Kaminari wins the race!! Congratulations!!!

Kaminari: BOOYAH!!

Y/N: Holy shit that was intense...

Lotus: Oh c'mon! You had fun!

Intercom: Now for the next match! Tomorrow's game shall be Subnautica below zero! Don't miss it!

???: Y/N...

Y/N: Huh?

You then looked up to see Kalasha slowly hovering down towards your group as you gave him a friendly wave. You've only seen him once before this since you got back.

Y/N: Oh, Hey Kalasha!

Kalasha: As much as I'd like to catch up some more, I need you to do a task for me.

Y/N: What?! Right now?!

Kalasha: Yes. The Anomaly was sighted in a world far from this one. I'm assuming that it is in the first reality. I trust you know how to get there?

Y/N: Oh yeah! I can get there in a snap!

Kalasha: Good. For now you must neutralize the anomaly and make sure that it doesn't wreak havoc upon your own reality.

Yang: You've gotta go again?!

Y/N: Yeah but I won't be gone for 2 years this time! I'll be back before you know it!

Yang: I certainly hope so...but nevertheless, good luck!

Y/N: Thanks, I'm probably gonna need it...

With that you began to glow white for a short time before you disappeared in an instant. During your time at the Celestial Temple you learned how to warp from one reality to the other with ease.

Y/N: Let's just hope that The Anomaly hasn't caused too much damage yet...

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