Chapter 114: The G.W.E 2
A few days have passed by and Kirishima has made himself at home at your place. As his house was very small, he didn't have much. But what he did keep was placed in his room as decorations.
And the craziest part was there was still extra room in your house.
At the moment you were sitting at the table with Kirishima and Tsuyu. Enjoying a nice cup of F/D as you were still kicking it back like there was no tomorrow.
Kirishima: Y/N, you haven't even tried to train since you came home. Is something wrong...?
Y/N: No. Everything is absolutely perfect. I got my friends, my F/D, my own home, I no longer have a Celestial assistant at my side 24/7, I'm great.
Tsuyu: Were there any break days during your time over there?
Y/N: Just on holidays. And even then, we still trained. All they did was give us a card or something and then it's right back to work. Maybe some food if we were lucky.
Kirishima: Man that sounds so lame!
Y/N: Lame? Yes. Absolute hell? Yes. Do I regret it? Not a single bit. A guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do.
You then took a sip out of your cup as a series of knocks could be heard at the door. You were about to get up and go get it when Tsuyu stopped you.
Tsuyu: It's okay, Y/N. I'll get it. You just enjoy your drink.
Y/N: Kay.
With that Tsuyu walked away to get the door, leaving you and Kirishima alone to chat, man to man. Judging by the look on your face he suspected that something had to be wrong.
Kirishima: You don't look so good, Y/N. Is there something you wanna get off of your chest...?
Y/N: What has me worried I'll only be able to speak about it when all of the guardian class students are here. But I guess I can share a little bit of it with you.
Kirishima: Okay, lay it on me.
Y/N: During my 2 and a half years at the Celestial Temple, I had another encounter with Korizen. We fought and while I lasted longer than I expected, I learned something that makes it a lot more difficult on our behalf.
Kirishima: And that is...?
Y/N: Korizen's body can't take any form of damage from a normal individual. Someone with God Ki can be effective, but to him, God Ki attacks are more itch.
Kirishima: You're kidding...
Y/N: I wish I was. I really do. But there is still hope. Turns out one with Celestial energy can actually hurt him. Wether he can be defeated by a Celestial or not is still unknown. I was able to avoid his attacks for awhile, but one clean hit was all it took to knock me out of Omni God 3...even Ark had to strike me several times to bring me down...
Kirishima: So that confirms that he's stronger than Ark...
Y/N: Yeah. By a long shot. And that's not even the worst encounter with Korizen happened just a few days before I granted permission to come home. But during our battle, The Anomaly made an appearance. We're not talking about the violet clones it's been making, we're talking about the real thing.
Y/N: According to what the other Celestials told me, The Anomaly has never been this active in such a short amount of time. Apparently it sees something in me that it didn't in any of my past incarnations. And that only motivates it to erase me even more.
Kirishima: You fought the Anomaly...?!
Y/N: I would've fought it if I could've. But there's no fighting Fate itself. I only got a glimpse of it, it's just a pair of eyes in the sky, but it can manipulate anything, anytime, anywhere, whenever it wants. The only reason we're even talking to each other right now is because the Anomaly is ALLOWING it.
Kirishima didn't even know what to say at this point. Knowing that such an entity existed sent a chill down his spine.
Y/N: You can't see it, nor can you hear or sense it. But it's watching and listening to our every move, every sound, every tiny little thing that we do, the Anomaly knows almost before we know ourselves.
Kirishima: Is there anyway we can stop it?!
Y/N: Even if we found a way to destroy it, it wouldn't do us any good. The Anomaly it Fate itself, if it is somehow apprehended in any way shape or form, existence itself will collapse and cease to exist. That includes both realities and anything that could exist beyond that.
You took a deep breath and then took a sip out of your drink before placing the now empty cup on the table and looking at Kirishima dead in the eyes.
Y/N: One day I'll have to face it. But fortunately that day isn't today. Let's just appreciate the fact that we can do...this...while we still can.
It was a lot for Kirishima to take in, but he asked for it. He did his best to be understanding to the situation but what was currently going down was simply beyond his comprehension.
However your serious conversation was brought to an end when Tsuyu came back with several people accompanying her.
Tsuyu: Hey, Y/N. Your friends are here.
Behind Tsuyu were Lotus, Kasai, and Maquist. They had decided to pay you a visit just for the sake of hanging out. And they had some news for you. Good News thankfully.
Maquist: You say "Your Friends" as if we aren't your friends, Tsuyu.
Tsuyu: It's not like that. I consider you all as my friends, but you're all closer with Y/N than you are with me.
Kasai: Yo, Y/N! Guess what's coming back?
Y/N: Let me guess, Jetpack?
Kasai: First of all, it's J E T P A C C . Not just "Jetpack"...second, I wish.
Lotus: They decided to hold another G.W.E!!
Maquist: You guys still haven't told me what that is.
Kasai: It's awesome! Before we met you there was this event where they chose 7 video games for us to play together!
Maquist: But can't any of us do that at home?
Lotus: There's a catch. You see we don't play on a game console, we do the games in REAL LIFE. If they do Rainbow Six Siege again, then we'll be armed with guns and we'll have to protect or secure the objective in an actual building!
Maquist: I would say that sounds dangerous but anybody in this room is well immune to bullets at this point. Yes even you, Tsuyu.
Everyone: You're just realizing now?!?
Kasai: And I decided not to tell you guys until we got here, I actually got the list of games they'll be using! I myself haven't even checked yet!
Y/N: Oh boy! Hold on let's go to the living room and take a look!!
With that everybody rushed to the living room. None of you cared if anybody was doing anything in there or not.
Meanwhile: The Living Room
Blake and Lotte were currently both reading each other's books. Lotte reading "Ninjas of Love" and Blake reading "Nightfall" both of them seemed intrigued with each other's books.
Lotte: This book is really good! Why are you only showing me this now?
Blake: I was about to say the same thing.
All of a sudden they were both interrupted when You, Lotus, Kasai, Maquist, and Kirishima all barged your way into the living room and almost scared them to death.
Blake and Lotte: Y/N!!!!
Y/N: What...?
After some yelling and scolding, an irritated Blake and a slightly annoyed Lotte decided to take their reading elsewhere as the five of you sat on the couch.
Kirishima: Sheesh, Y/N's mood really took a 180 in a matter of 2 seconds...
All of you crowded around Kasai as he pulled a little picture frame from his pocket. In the frame were the 7 titles that would be featured at the G.W.E.
Y/N: Yooo they're bringing Siege back!!
Lotus: Called it!
Kasai: We got Dokkan!! Hell yeah!! What exactly is Dokkan...?
Y/N: I was about to ask the same thing. Also Fighterz? Is that a game based on my world? It has a Dragon Ball on the logo. Not to mention two of the games have the words "Dragon Ball" on the title...
Maquist: I'm wondering why they're on a picture frame and how Kasai managed to fit this in his pocket.
Y/N: We don't ask those kinds of questions anymore.
Lotus: GTA's bound to be fun!
Y/N: Minecraft? Asia loves that game!
Kasai: They also got Subnautica again. This time it's the sequel.
Maquist: Gmod has several ways to be fun. I'm looking forward to this!
Y/N: Which are you most excited about, Kirishima?
Kirishima: I had lots of fun playing Siege last time!
Y/N: Wait...when does this start...?
Kasai: Tonight.
Y/N: Oh really?! That soon?! Alright, is it at the same spot?
Kasai: Yeah! The G.W.E is a yearly tradition! We just didn't get invited these past two years.
Lotus: I don't even know how to feel about that.
Kirishima: Who cares?! Let's get suited up and get ready for tonight's game! I'm getting pumped up just thinking about it!!
Time Skip
A few hours had passed by and all of the students were now headed to the G.W.E. It was at the same place like Kasai had stated.
Most students took the busses, but the higher guardian class students went their own ways. You, Lotus, Kasai, and Maquist all flew there together, and you were blown away by how it didn't change a single bit.
Maquist: So you're sure this is the right spot...?
Y/N: Yup, I'd never forget a place as sketchy as this. But all gamers are used to a dark atmosphere.
Kasai: For some reason I can't explain, why we live in a society where Gamers don't rule the world...
???: Hey, Y/N!!
The four of you all looked up to see the Protagonist squad. Midoriya, Issei, Ruby, and Akko. All of them had decided to take the faster way as well.
Y/N: Oh hey, guys! What's going on?
Midoriya: We left early so that we could get some good seats but you guys beat us to it!
Y/N: We left like 10 minutes ago though.
Issei: I'm eager to play everybody again! I heard their bringing Siege back! If we get paired on different teams then don't expect me to go easy!
Y/N: Heh, I wouldn't have it any other way!
Akko: I'm more excited for Gmod! My favourite Youtubers play that game a lot!
Y/N: I'm getting excited just talking about it!
All of a sudden the intercoms from the stadium could be heard. The voice behind it was a different person.
Intercom: Hello everybody! Welcome to the G.W.E 2!! At least it's the second for this year's competitors! Let's hear it for HOH!!
The crowd could be heard cheering and yelling as you and the others decided to enter the stadium before you could miss out on anything.
Intercom: We thank you for coming! Competitors and spectators alike! You all know how this goes! We shall run a single game every night of the week! Tonight's game shall be...MINECRAFT!!
Ruby: *Squeals in excitement*
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