Chapter 113: Night with The Girls
Fairy Tail Guild Hall
Things were as wild as ever at the fairy tail guild hall. Natsu and his friends were assigned for new jobs and adventures almost every day, but today was a little different.
The Fairy Tail guild was under attack. And not just by a rival guild either, who they were fighting was a familiar foe.
Natsu, Gray, Erza, and Juvia were the last ones standing against this enemy, and they weren't in good shape.
Lucy was passed out like her fellow guild members around her, and the others were well on their way. Juvia wasn't able to stand, leaving a wounded Natsu, an exhausted Gray, and a Broken Erza to fight this entity alone.
Natsu: *Pant*...*Pant*...*Pant*...So...any ideas...?
Gray: I hate to admit it...but we can't beat this thing...
Erza: Keep your heads above the ground! We can't give up!
Natsu: Sure but this thing is too strong, and to make it weirder, it looks a lot like Y/N...
Gray: Wait a second! Y/N! He's our only hope of beating this thing! Natsu, you have a way to call him, right?
Natsu: I can call his teacher, but not him directly.
Gray: Well it's still our best shot—
All of a sudden Gray was punted into the nearest wall by who they were facing. It was none other than the anomaly with it's physical form. It had changed it's form back to your state in order to gain your world leaping capabilities.
And there was another thing about it. Whenever the Anomaly fights against an adversary, regardless of wether it wins or loses, absorbs a fraction of their power.
Whoever's power has been absorbed will eventually restore to the original specimen, but The Anomaly gains a permanent boost in power.
That was what it was doing. The Anomaly had already leaped to various worlds, apprehending the most powerful warriors inhabiting those worlds and gaining power.
At this point the Anomaly had grown thousands of times stronger than your last encounter with it.
During it's world leaping, it has developed immunities to countless techniques that have attempted to apprehend it. Such as Hypnosis, Sealing, manipulation of space and time, and much more.
Therefore anything Natsu and the others threw at it had no effect in the slightest. Needless to say that they definitely needed the help of a high Guardian Class student.
Natsu: Alright...let's do this!
Natsu suddenly waved his arm in the air as a small rift was created at Kalasha's location. A little trick that he had taught Natsu, Luffy, Naruto, Steven, and the others just in case they might need the help of HOH.
Natsu: Hello?! Kalasha?! Are you there?!?
Surely enough, Kalasha could be seen on the other side of the rift, but he didn't notice until Natsu had called out to him.
Kalasha: Natsu?
Natsu: We need your help! There's this thing attacking our guild and it's too strong for us to handle!!
Kalasha then watched as Erza was launched through the wall behind the pink haired boy as the anomaly then zoomed past him.
Despite how fast it was, one glance was all it took for Kalasha to know that it was the Anomaly. And he sensed that it had grown stronger.
Natsu: Can you do something?!
Kalasha: Of course. Help is on the way!
It had been about an hour since you had made an appearance at your new house. Meeting with your girlfriends again for the first time in forever.
It took awhile but you had managed to get them off of you. Now sitting in the middle of the couch in the living room as your girlfriends surrounded you.
Yang, Blake, Asia, and Velvet sat on the couch with you. Koneko, Sucy, Lotte, Tsuyu, Kendo, Weiss and Jiro all sat on an air mattress set up in front of the couch as you all enjoyed a movie together.
Weiss: I'm still digesting the fact that Y/N's actually home...
Tsuyu: Me too. He kinda came out of nowhere.
Koneko: Yeah but that's the most Y/N thing Y/N would do.
Y/N: This is true.
Sucy: Well what are you waiting for? Get down here so we can snuggle you~
A few of the girls on the air mattress nodded in agreement as you had mixed feelings. You had just managed to get them off of you and now they want more.
Lotte: We promise there won't be any kissing this time. Just wholesome cuddles!
Yang: I can't guarantee that...
Koneko: We'll hold her back if she tries.
Y/N: Well...if it's just cuddles then I guess so.
With that you hopped onto the air mattress. As soon as you did you were being snuggled by everybody. They had pushed the air mattress against the couch so that it could act as one big bed for everybody.
You didn't even know what was going on at this point. Koneko and Lotte being the smallest of the batch, were both laying on your chest, Velvet had latched onto your left arm, and Sucy was latched to your right arm.
Your head was also laying on Blake's stomach. She would've let you lay your head on her chest, but she was currently reading. And as happy as she was that you were back, she'd much rather read a book than watch a movie. But you didn't mind. Her stomach was a good substitute.
Yang: We're finally back together...
Blake: I missed you so much, Y/N. Even if I don't show it.
Koneko: I'm so glad you're back.
Tsuyu: I love you, Y/N.
Asia: My precious Y/N...the holy light in my world...
Weiss: I can't wait to spend time with you again...
Velvet: You're so warm...I love you...
Jiro: Maybe I could sing to you again, Y/N...?
Kendo: I wonder how much stronger you've gotten...oh well...all that matters is that you're here now.
Sucy: I love you more than the poison in my mushrooms, Y/N. That's saying a lot coming from me.
Lotte: I can't wait to see where this relationship takes us, Y/N!
As the girls kept snuggling you like a 3 year old and their first teddy bear, you were left to enjoy the warmth of your girlfriends. But at the same time, you were wondering what the bois were currently doing.
Y/N: Hm...I'm usually not a big fan of mushy stuff like this. But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying it. It's been forever since I just...took a second to relax and breathe...I spent so much time training and working on my skills that I forgot why I started in the first place. To protect each and every one of you. And I will do that. Even if it one day costs me my life, or possibly something even greater...
A small smile slowly spread onto your face as all of your girlfriends at this point had gone to sleep. You turned off the T.V without waking anybody up somehow as you started dozing off as well.
???: O-Oh. Is this a bad time...?
You then looked over by the door to see Kirishima standing there. You were wondering what he was doing, but it didn't really matter at this point.
Y/N: I don't know. You tell me.
Kirishima: I can't tell if that's sarcasm or not and that's mildly concerning.
Y/N: You need something?
Kirishima: I was gonna ask if you wanted to hang out with the squad, but it looks like you're already occupied.
Y/N: Yeah, sorry, man. Maybe tomorrow.
Kirishima: Alright, man.
With that Kirishima was about to walk off, but you noticed that he looked a little upset. You thought it was the fact that you couldn't hang out for a moment, but your gut told you otherwise.
Y/N: What's the matter? You look bummed out.
Kirishima: O-Oh it's house is on the smaller side...all I have is a bedroom and a bathroom. I go to the neighbours' house whenever I want a home cooked meal.
Y/N: Seriosuly...?! Dude that sucks...!
Kirishima: Yeah. Anyway, I should be heading out, now.
Y/N: Wait, Kirishima!
Kirishima: Hm...?
Y/N: Why don't you move in?
Kirishima was surprised by your offer. His eyes widening as he could barely keep himself from gasping. For the past year or so Kirishima has been living in the smallest house like he had stated.
He used to have a decently large home, but it was one day destroyed during a battle against a villain along with all of his belongings.
He was offered for his house to be rebuilt, but he declined since he didn't want to go through that again.
Kirishima: I-I can't. This is your house!
Y/N: So? There's already twelve of us and I know for a fact that there's extra rooms here. Make yourself comfortable. Apparently each room comes with a bed.
Kirishima: Are you sure...?
Y/N: Of course I'm sure! I was secretly hoping for a male roommate since I am the only guy in a house full of women.
Kirishima: Well...I guess I'm not in a position to decline...sure! I'll stay!
Y/N: Awesome! Make yourself comfortable in one of the spare bedrooms. We can go and get your stuff first thing tomorrow.
Kirishima: Alright! Thanks, Y/N. Seriously.
Y/N: I should be the one thanking you. You've been by my side since the very beginning.
The two of you shared a silent laugh. You had almost forgotten that your girlfriends were fast asleep. Kirishima giving you a wave as you waved back.
As Kirishima walked off, you took a sigh of satisfaction and started drifting to sleep.
Y/N: I wonder what the others are up to...
Meanwhile: Kasai's House
Kasai was currently hanging out with Lotus and Maquist as they watched Baby Nate wrestle with the family dog. Who was none other than the fan favourite, Zwei.
Ever since Baby Nate started walking, he was awfully competitive. Always challenging random people to his own version of wrestling since he was far too young to start actually fighting.
Zwei was not amused.
Kasai: C'mon, Nate. Nate you got this! Left Hook, O-Oh! Get off the ropes, Nate! C'mon Nate, get off the ropes! C-C'mon he's just a dog! C'mon, Nate left hook—OH MY GAWD my boy got knocked down—
Lotus: Tell me again why we're watching Kasai's baby son wrestle with the dog...
Maquist: Because that's just Baby Nate's thing.
Lotus: Oh...
Kasai: Ayo you guys ready for the upcoming G.W.E 2 coming later this week?
Lotus: ...Wait there's gonna be another one?!
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