Chapter 106: Kasai: Time Away
It's almost been a full year since you left with Talion to do some special Celestial Training. Nobody, not even Kalasha had even heard from you since then.
Over the course of the past year, everyone had decided to stay and make the academy into a better place. A lot of construction was required, but with the help of Kalasha and other gods, it was a piece of cake.
Shortly after you left, around a month or so, Lotus had also left with Kalasha in an attempt to master his Gatekeeper mode. Leaving only Kasai who wasn't around much anymore either, as the main protector of HOH.
Speaking of HOH, it was no longer simply an academy. Like previously mentioned, a lot of construction had been done. "But for what?" you're probably asking. Well, take a look for yourself.
H.O.H (City)
Eventually it was made so that random civilians could also live in the city. People could feel safe and protected with all of the powerful students that lived here.
Also it was a nice chance from attending an Academy that was simply in the middle of nowhere.
Every now and then, Kasai would stop by to check up on the city. He may live in the city, but he barely spends time in it. For he is normally out training with Rocc. The Namekian from the other academy that you competed against almost a year ago. With the same goal as Lotus, he aimed to get a better grasp on his Shin Dragon mode.
Currently, Kasai was flying to his house. That was another change. Students over the age of 18 were allowed to purchase or even build their own homes wherever they wanted. And Kasai, now with several Wives and a Child, decided it would be best to get a house of their own.
Kasai: Man. I wonder how Y/N and Lotus are doing? It's been forever.
Kasai was now arriving at his house. He was quite hungry and over the past year, Ruby had learned how to cook. His house was decently large, as expected for a family of multiple wives.
It was large, but not mansion level large. Just right for his kind of family. Especially since 3 out of his 5 wives were combat crazy.
As you all know, he was dating Ruby and Ashido. But now he was married to both of them plus Nora, Finnley, and most surprising, Ryuko.
However his child situation is similar to yours. Lots of girls, one child.
Kasai was just opening the door when he heard Ashido running and screaming with excitement towards the door like the hyperactive go-getter she is.
Ashido: Hi, Baby! You're home!
Ashido had decided to let her hair grow out. Why? Why not. Of course she had also gotten a little taller. The basic stuff.
Mina Ashido: 17 Years Old
Kasai: Hey, Honey. First to greet as always.
Ashido: You know it, Sugarplum! You're just in time for dinner! Ruby's making Chicken Alfredo, your favourite!
Kasai: Great! I'm starving!
Kasai was currently getting himself ready to call it a night. Rocking a more casual outfit consisting of a large shirt with lots of room and a pair of shorts.
Before heading down to the table he decided to check in on his Son. Heading to his room and walking in quietly to see Finnley holding him in her arms.
To be clear, this was Ruby's child. With of course Kasai being the father.
Baby Nate
Kasai: How's my little champion doing?
Nate was nearly 2 months old. Yet he was growing faster than expected. Similar to S/N's case, but not by as much of an extreme level. S/N was able to walk without help, and could even form a few words properly, but not full sentences. He could also remember names if he loves somebody enough.
It was revealed that S/N's Celestial Ki is what boosts his growth. Which is why he was able to learn how to form words and be able to crawl upon birth. The same went for Nate and his Dragon Ki.
Finnley: Hi, Love. Just feeding Baby Nate. He's got your appetite.
Kasai: As expected. Only a Saiyan can have an appetite like that.
Luffy: *Sneezes*
Kasai: You gonna come downstairs and eat dinner?
Finnley: No thanks. I've already eaten. I'll just stay up here and watch the baby. You go on and eat.
Kasai: If you're sure. Thanks, Love. And I'll see you in a little bit, my little champion!
Baby Nate let out a little giggle of joy as Kasai proceeded to walk out of the room and head downstairs.
Kasai was just entering the dining room as he picked up the scent of his favourite food of all time. Chicken Alfredo. He didn't know why he loved it so much, but he did.
Kasai (Playfully beating on the table): I want food! I want food! I want food!
Ruby who was still cooking, called out to her husband as she let out a little laugh.
Ruby Rose: 17 Years Old
Ruby: It's coming, dear. I promise! Y'Know, you're a lot like Y/N when he's hungry.
Kasai: I know. I know. But you know I go crazy for the Alfredo!! Also, what's with the huntsman outfit?
Ruby: I was assigned to go out on patrol for the night so I gotta head out as soon as I'm done here. I'm sorry I won't be able to eat with you tonight.
Kasai: Ah, no worries. I can't promise that there will be anything left for you when you get back though!
Ruby: It's fine. I've got cookies!
Nora: AND I'VE GOT PANCAKES! And my Kasai-cakes! Hiii Sweetie~
Seemingly out of nowhere, Nora had appeared and was sitting next to Kasai while nuzzling against his shoulder.
Nora Valkyrie: 19 Years Old
Nora: How was training?
Kasai: It's going good! I'm getting the hang of things with my Shin Dragon state!
Nora: That's good to hear! Are they treating you okay over at that other academy...? If somebody's giving you trouble I'll break their legs!!
Kasai: I know you will, honey.
Nora: Also, Ruby! Mah Girl! You got the stuff, right...?
Ruby: Yes, Nora. I have your Pancakes ready. But wait until Kasai's food is done so you can eat with him!
Nora: No Problem! Can't leave my poor lonely little Saiyan all by himself can I?
Ruby: Also, one more thing! I invited Yang over for dinner! I hope that's okay!
Kasai: Of course! She's my sister in law after all!
And with the impeccable timing, the doorbell then rang as Ashido ran to the door like Dyspo and greeted their guests just like she had done with Kasai.
Ashido: Hiii Yang! how are you?
Yang: I'm good! It's been a little rough without Y/N around but I have S/N to keep my company!
(She still has both of her arms, don't worry.)
Yang: And speaking of...
S/N: Auntie Mina!
Ashido: *Gasp*...S/N! You're getting bigger every time I see you!
Ashido suddenly pulled S/N into a strong bear hug. Yang giggling at the sight. She then peeked in to see Kasai patiently waiting...well...can't really say Patiently...but was waiting for his food nonetheless at the table.
Kasai: Hey, Yang! It's good to see you outside of classes and stuff!
Yang: Likewise! I'm glad to see that you're keeping my sister happy. wouldn't happen to have heard of Y/N at all, have you...?
Kasai: Nah, sorry. I......WAIT!!!
Everybody went wide eyed upon Kasai shouting as he pulled an envelope out of his pocket and showed it to everybody which made them all gasp. That is for the exception of S/N who was simply confused.
Kasai: I completely forgot that he sent me this letter earlier today!
Yang: Well, let's see what it says!!
Kasai nodded as he instantly opened up the envelope. Ripping it open without care as he pulled out a folded sheet of paper with some pen writing on it. He then started reading it out loud as everybody listened.
Hey, Kasai! It's Y/N! Sorry that I haven't been able to write to you sooner. I've been Super busy! The Celestials over here are even stronger than I could've imagined! How are all of you doing? Are Yang and the other girls okay? What about S/N? Is he doing well? I've still got a long way to go until I can come home. But you can expect to see me in this upcoming year! Tell Ruby and Ashido I said hi!
- Y/N L/N
Yang: I'm glad that he's doing okay!
Kasai: Me too! I thought something happened, but what can I say, it's Y/N we're talking about here...
Yang: Oh yeah, before I forget, Maquist said that your Jetpack is almost finished with it's upgrades. You can pick it up tomorrow.
Ruby: I still can't believe you actually got Constanze to make you one of those can literally fly.
Kasai: Hey, like I always say, Jetpacc is Jetpacc.
Ruby: Alright! Dinner's ready! Now I gotta go! I'm running late! Kasai, gimme a kiss!
Ruby then pecked Kasai on the lips before she stormed out of the house in a rush to get to work. Nora placing Kasai's 30 dishes of Chicken Alfredo and other foods on the table as Kasai could hold himself back no longer.
The Saiyan quickly started digging into his food as Yang and S/N took a seat at the table as well. Not even knowing what to do.
Nora: Help yourselves, guys! Just don't touch Kasai's chicken!
S/N: Uncle Kasai! Auntie Nora!
With that Yang started eating as well. She had to eat fast so she could actually get a fair share. If not then there would be no food left by the time she's finished her first plate.
S/N, despite his size, actually had a bigger appetite than you. However not knowing how to properly use silverware yet, Yang had to feed him.
And that pretty much sums it up for the most part. Kasai for the time being remains as the main protector of HOH City.
Training aside, Kasai's current life was pretty casual. There haven't been any reports of god level threats in a good while. So he's just been going in and out of training.
However...could the same be said for Lotus?
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