Chapter 104: Obtaining Groceries

You along along with the others had been gone for several hours now. Kalasha currently standing on the roof of the academy and watching as Ashido prepared her squad for what they would be doing at the parade.

As he watched, he felt a sense of uneasiness flow through his bones. Whis appearing next to him and asking him a question.

Whis: So are you certain you want to send them off at this time...?

Kalasha: I've made my decision. We'll go deeper into the details after this whole parade thing has been done.

Whis: I see. Do you want me to contact the man you told me about?

Kalasha: I suppose so.

With that Whis walked off. Taking his staff as it glowed it's usual green shade as Kalasha looked up at the sky. Still not quite sure if this was the right thing or not.

Kalasha: It's time for you to start taking the paths you were forged for.


You were still driving the R.V with S/N still laying on top of your head. He was a deep sleeper just like his father.

However while you were doing something as simple as driving the vehicle, the others were dealing with something more strange.

Maquist's seat wouldn't stop shaking violently. It got to the point where it looked as if the seat was about to break entirely.

However, something caught your eye. As you kept driving, you noticed a Something zoom right past the R.V. Most people wouldn't be able to see it with how fast it was going, but you certainly saw it.

You didn't think much of it. The Second Reality was a vast world, who knows what kind of entities lurk beyond the academy.

Maquist: Wait, did you guys see that?

Y/N: You mean whatever zoomed past our window? Yes I did.

Maquist: ...I think it was my girlfriend...

Kasai: Wait you have a girlfriend that I could've potentially killed this whole time?!

Maquist: Don't even try it.

Lotus: Can we focus on MAQUIST'S HAUNTED SEAT!!

Y/N: I will turn this thing right around if ya'll don't shut up!! You're gonna wake up S/N...

Bakugo: Will you all just shut the hell up?! I'm trying to sleep!!



There was a long silence after Kirishima shouted. In that silence, Issei sneezed and Frank cleared his throat.

Y/N: Where the hell did Maquist go...?

Lotus: He's right here—oh what the hell...

As Lotus looked to his left, Maquist was long gone. The doors were wide open as this time somebody actually had to close them.

Y/N: So Maquist just dipped after his seat started he scared or something?!

Lotus: No I think he said something about his girlfriend...

You let out an annoyed sigh as you simply stepped harder on the gas as the R.V started going faster.

Y/N: He'll just to catch up...

Time Skip

After getting fed up with driving, you decided to let Issei take the wheel. After the battle with Ark he managed to obtain his beginners, but not his full license just yet.

However since there was somebody with a full license in the vehicle, that person being you, he'd be just fine.

You decided to kick Bakugo off of the bed for the time being as you let S/N finally lay down on something a bit more safe.

Finnley had been completely silent. Especially after that big argument that everybody bursted into a little
While ago. However she was finally starting to talk again.

Finnley: S-So where are we going anyway...?

Kasai: We've gotta get some groceries to make food for this parade we're planning out.

Finnley: S-Sounds like fun!

Y/N: And hopefully it will be...traveling at a sloth's pace for this crap...

The bed that you and S/N were laying on then started shaking just like Maquist's seat. You weren't exactly in the mood for that though so a good punch to the bed was enough to make it stop. At least for now.

???: Ow!! What the hell is your problem!!

Y/N: I know damn well that this bed isn't talking...

???: I'm just trying to get comfortable somewhere, you hit me!!

Y/N: *Sigh*...we're really doing this...who are you...?

???: I'll get into that later. I'm taking a nap!!

You then heard the strange sound of metal hitting something as Issei then called to everybody shortly after.

Issei: Guys! Something's slowing us down!!

Y/N: God Dammit...what now?!

Midoriya: We've got company...!!

You then took a peek out of the back window to see several smaller vehicles attached to the back of the R.V from grappling hooks.

Y/N: Bandits or something...?

Frank: That's what it looks like!

Y/N: I'll handle it. Nobody move.



With that you got up from the bed. Even more annoyed than before as you exited the R.V via the emergency exit on top. Landing on the roof you walked to the edge and faced all of these vehicles.

Bandit 1: Yeehaw!! This Vehicle's ours, boys!!

Bandit 2: Sweet! We've been needing one of these bad boys!

Y/N: Hey!

All of them then noticed you standing on the roof of the R.V. Your arms crossed as a dirty glare was exchanged to all of them.

Y/N: I don't know what your deal is, but I was about to go to bed! I'm in no mood for this! Leave now or die!

Bandits: .........HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Y/N: Don't say I didn't warn you...

You then leaped off of the R.V and appeared directly in front of the largest of the vehicles. Knocking it over with gritted teeth as the truck rolled into the distance.

The bandits then went from laughing to gasping with their eyes widened and their jaws dropped. It was here when all of these remaining bandits pulled out their guns on you.

Bandit 1: Kill this Cocksucker!!!

All of the remaining bandits then all went rapid fire on you. However you weren't phased in the slightest as you caught each and every bullet as if you had several pairs of arms.

Cutting the ropes attaching their vehicles to yours, the R.V started moving at normal speed again as you blew all of the remaining vehicles away with a powerful Ki blast cannon attack.


Forcing your palm out, you let out a mighty chant, forming a large sphere of blue energy that raced towards the vehicles with the bandits still inside.

A large explosion followed as you landed back on the R.V and made your way back in from the top.

Y/N: Weak...who uses guns anymore...?

Finnley: That was amazing!

Y/N: Eh. It was nothing. Any of us could've pulled that off no problem...except maybe Frank, he doesn't fight.

Issei: Got some good news, boys! The city is dead ahead!

Y/N: Fiiiiinally...!!

Time Skip

Maquist: I missed all of that?!

Lotus: Yeah...where did you go anyway...?

Maquist: My girlfriend for whatever reason was flying at light speed...

Y/N: She's another Kryptonian or whatever it's called...isn't it...?

Maquist: No she's a Kryptonian— did you know...?

Y/N: I got a good look at her when she passed us. She wears an outfit similar to Cameron, and her energy feels somewhat similar. I dare say that she na related to him in some way, shape or form.

Maquist: That's...actually's a little complicated, but she said she'll meet us there.

Y/N: Greaaat...

After that you had decided to take the wheel considering that Issei didn't have much experience with driving in traffic. Granted, neither did you, but it would be easier to get away with it if you got pulled over instead of Issei.

After lots of turns, traffic, and a side of road rage, you had finally managed to return to the place where you took Sucy out for a date.

Lotus: So this is the place, huh?

Y/N: Yup. I made somebody piss their pants here.

Lotus: I don't even wanna ask...

Y/N: Good, because you're not getting an answer.

???: It's about time you've shown up, Maquist...

At that moment Maquist looked up with a smile as all of you looked as well. All of you watched as a woman with short black hair, and a suit similar to what Cameron wore.

Y/N: Is that her?

Maquist: Yup.

Y/N: Niiice...welp I'm off to grab the stuff...

Maquist: Wait don't you wanna meet her...?

Y/N: Not really if I'm honest. I just wanna get this over with so we can go home and get back to planning this parade, it took us long enough to get here...

???: Talk about a warm welcome...

Midoriya: D-Don't mind him, he's just grumpy today...nothing lunch can't fix!

Maquist: Guys, this is Kara. Kara, these are my new friends.

Kara: Nice to meet you all. Also, before you head in...

Kara then started walking towards you just as you turned to head into the store. But that's when she placed her hand on your shoulder and punched you with in the gut.

Y/N: Ow! What the hell is your problem?!

Kara: Maquist said that you guys have him some trouble a while ago. Consider that payback.


Kara: Don't care.


Lotus and Kasai were doing their best to hold you back as Maquist started to sweat nervously.

Lotus: H-Hey, Y/N! We've gotta go and get groceries, remember?!

Y/N; *Sigh*...Fine. Let's get these ingredients and get out of here already...

About Half an Hour Later

You and the others were just walking out of the store as you were in even more of a crappy mood than before.

However at least you managed to get everything that you needed to get. Even if it took longer than it should've.

Y/N: Kasai did you really have to knock over an entire Aisle...?

Kasai: I told you to let me go!

Y/N: And I told you to put the cookie down!!

Kasai: Gotta please ruby, Bro...

Y/N: ...Okay...I'm ready for this chapter to end...

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