Chapter 101: Adapting To a Bigger Community

Ashido and the others had started planning the parade whereas you were outside. Minding your own business as you took a quick sigh and walked around campus.

Y/N: So many people lost for such a little's just not fair...

Super Shenron: That's just how it is, Y/N. You need to remember that not everyone is created equal. That includes Status. Not everybody is as special as you are.

Y/N: How can you say that...? Sure almost nobody here is as strong as I am, but everybody's special in their own way!

Super Shenron: I don't believe I follow.

Y/N: Y'Know for an All-knowing Divine Dragon you sure know little about Mortals. Just look at the people passing by...

You then looked over and watched as Momo, Diana, Rias, and Weiss were all walking together. Simply discussing things about school and what not.

Y/N: You see those girls over there? All of them are probably ten times starter than I am. They probably have an A+ in math. I couldn't even get a B in English.

Super Shenron: Hm...?

Y/N: While I'm monstrously powerful, decked out with a large arsenal of abilities and techniques, and have plenty of fighting experience to top it all off, I actually suck at most things that somebody would do in their everyday lives.

Super Shenron: Things like what...?

Y/N: I tried cooking, nearly blew the house up. Tried to get a job. Got fired the first day. Bulma got me into the police department, I'm no longer allowed in a certain city...there's a looooong list.

Super Shenron: But I fail to see how those prove to be useful.

Y/N: You still don't understand? We're free. I can go and grab a bite right now if I wanted to. What does The Grand Priest do? Sit around all day at the Omni King's Palace. Despite the fact that Gods and Dragons can roam the universe with ease, Mortals still have more freedom. We get to grow and experience the little things in life. Not everybody can say that.

Super Shenron went completely silent. Usually that meant that he was defeated in an argument. This happens a lot more often than one would think.

Y/N: Well I guess that's that.

Momo: Hey, is that Y/N over there?

Weiss: What's he doing out here by himself...? Usually he's with the other Saiyans or with Kirishima.

Rias: Why don't we go over and greet him?

Diana: I guess that would be best.

Y/N: Wait a second why was the one Zeno there during the fight against Ark when TWO of them exist in the same timeline?!

You looked like you were about to have an existential crisis when you then headed several voices call out to you.

Weiss: Hi, Y/N!

Y/N: Huh? Weiss?

Weiss: Mhm, We saw you standing by yourself and wanted to see if you were okay.

Y/N: Oh Yeah I'm fine. Just dealing with some...Dragon issues.

Weiss: But I don't see a Dragon—

Y/N: Anyway. What are you guys up to? Need help with anything?

Momo: Hmm...As a matter of fact, we could use your help with something!

Y/N: Aight, Lay it on me.

Momo: Today we were assigned to teach some of the students the basics of the different forms of energy. Quirks, Magic, Aura, and Ki. But none of us really know how to use Ki. Can you lend us a hand?

Weiss: It would really help. After all, you do technically classify as a Teacher now!

Y/N: Well that only applies for training classes, but sure! We'll have this done before you can say snakeway!

Time Skip

You now found yourself teaching a class of over 50 students. All of which were from a different academy. You had your Heroes, your Huntsman, your Devils, and your Witches all gathered into one place for this lesson.

Momo: Hello, everyone! Thank you for joining us. Today we will be going through the different forms of energy used by all of you! And a with a very special guest, Y/N!

Y/N: Hiya!

Momo: So the first energy we will be going through is the kind that is emitted by Quirks. A Quirk can be pretty much anything of that matter. Lasers, Electricity, Electronics, it all comes down to what your quirk is and how you wish to use it.

Weiss: Thank you, Yaomomo. Next is Aura. Aura is the energy in your body that makes up a Semblance. When you use your Semblance, you're using your Aura in your own way. Somebody could restore another person's aura while another can absorb and siphon attacks to gain strength! Aura can also be used on it's own without a semblance to act as a protective shield against attacks and can heal wounds. Similar to Quirks, every Semblance is unique to it's wielder.

Rias: Thank you, Weiss. Next up is Magic. Now there are two variations that we will be going through today, the Magic from my world is primarily used to create offensive attacks. However it can also be used to defend, heal, and travel. And who knows what else? Some people are born with Magic whereas others are given Magic by another.

Diana: Thank you, Rias. Next is our variation of Magic. Magic in our world can be used for nearly anything. Creating objects, forming energy based attacks, making breakfast, to more advanced things such as Manipulating an object's molecular structure to even things such as Stopping time or resurrecting the fallen. However, to do all of this we need the power of an artifact that is call "Sorcerer's Stone" to draw Magic energy from.

Student 1: Wow...all of this is really confusing...

Student 2: C-Can you repeat all of that...?

Student 3: How are you so sure that we can all use these things...?

Y/N: Because we've seen it.



At that moment all eyes were then focused on you as you stood up and faced the whole class with a calm expression on your face.

Y/N: The last one we'll be going through is Ki. Ki is the life force of all living things. It exists in Plants, Animals, even in the air. And I know that it exists in each and every one of you!

Student 4: So what exactly can we use it for?

Y/N: I'm glad you asked! You can use it for a lot of things! You can use it to attack by forming Ki blasts or Ki waves, you can power up and raise your energy signature, you manipulate it in a way that'll allow you to fly, you can enhance your physical capabilities such as Strength, Speed and Durability, you can even sense other entities if you work hard enough!

Student 5: You really think we can do all of this...?

Y/N: I know so! I've seen Normal Humans be trained to use Ki now some of them can even destroy planets!

Student 6: Can you destroy a planet...?

Y/N: Oh man...I can destroy a LOT more than just a planet. Think the Universe, or even the Multiverse at that. I'm still yet to reach major reality level feats though.

While it looked like you knew what you were doing, on the inside you were basically screaming. You had trained people before, but not THIS many. It was hard enough to train 4 people with 5 months worth of time.

Time Skip

After some more talking from the girls and such, you were finally able to go back to doing a whole load of nothing.

Y/N: Man...being a teacher SUCKS...I gotta cut Glynda some slack after that shit...

It was just around 1:30 PM. Half an hour after lunchtime. You were mainly grumpy because while you taught the other normal students, your fellow Guardian Class students got to eat lunch.

Weiss: Hey, Y/N! Slow down!

Upon hearing Weiss call out to you again, you turned around and stopped as she caught up to you soon after.

Weiss: I was thinking since we both missed out on lunch that we could eat together...?

Y/N: Sure, no problem!

Weiss: Good! I'm gonna go and get into something more comfortable, this uniform is killing me...

Y/N: Alright. I'll be here.

Weiss: Okay, see you soon!

With that Weiss walked off to go change as you rushed to grab some food considering how hungry you were.

Meanwhile you were looking at the construction that was happening in the distance. The dorms for the second academy students was finished and most of them were inside. But a lot of students nearby were backing away as if it was gonna be something big.

Y/N: Pshh. I don't know what they're so concerned about. I mean it's not like there's gonna be a massive 3000 room mansion built right there—MY GOD!!

As you cried out those words, a massive mansion was built before your very eyes. This had Grabbed Lotus and Kasai's attention too as you saw them gawking at it in the distance while floating in the air.

Y/N: Wha?! How?! When?! WHY?! WHO?!?

Kasai: Ayo, Y/N! You seeing this shit?!

Y/N: I have no idea!!

Lotus: Maquist said that he was gonna build a little structure for himself until they can go back to their academy!

Kasai: He calls THAT little?!?

Y/N: God this reality is a weird one.

Weiss: I'm back, what did I miss—OH MY GOD!!

As you had heard, Weiss has returned and had fitted herself into something more casual since classes were over for her.

She wore a blue jacket and a white shirt along with Jean shorts. That's something you never imagined Weiss wearing.

Y/N: Are you really Weiss...?!

Weiss: W-What...? Does it look bad...?

Y/N: N-No! You look great! It's just...I'm so used to your little princess dress!

Weiss: Y-Yeah...Sucy said that you were into more casual outfits...

Y/N: Well what you wear doesn't really matter to me. But you look cute!

Weiss: I am not Cute!

Y/N: Yes, you are! You're like a little snowball!

Weiss: First Ice Queen now Snowball...?!

Y/N: "Little" Snowball. That's a good nickname.

Lotus and Kasai watched as you kept teasing your girlfriend. Meanwhile, Maquist whistled up to them as both Saiyans looked down at him.

Maquist: You guys wanna come in and chill? I've got snacks.

The Saiyan Trio: HELL YE.

With that the three of you followed the boy into his massive mansion as Weiss was under the impression that you left her to hang out with them.

Weiss: O-Oh...I guess I'll eat by myself then...

Y/N: Hey!

Weiss: H-Huh...?

Weiss then looked to see you with your arm stretched out towards her, your hand opened up as you offered to take her hand.

Y/N: You waiting for a smash bros invitation? C'mon!

Weiss: You want me to come with you...?

Y/N: Duh! You said you wanted to eat lunch with me, and that's what we're gonna do! Maquist said he's got snacks!

Weiss: You count snacks as lunch...?

Y/N; Hey, Food's food.

Weiss: Hehe...I guess you're right~

With that Weiss took your hand with a gentle smile. With the two of you walking into the newly built mansion.

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