Chapter 5: Training Exercise (Part 2)

Where we last left off, You had begun a new Training Session with your classmates, and managed to make 2 teammates for this exercise. Tokoyami of U.A, and Akeno of Kuoh.

The two of them were very formidable in their own right. The three of you all stood together against a large horde of Black and White monsters as a large white aura coated your entire body.

Your comrades looked at you in surprise. They had saw that you were strong and a skilled marital artist, however they hadn't seen you show off any of your Ki abilities.

Tokoyami: ...What kind...

Akeno: ...of power is that...?!

Without saying a word, you then proceeded to dash forward at speeds beyond what the naked eye could see.

One of the monsters then received a swift yet heavy punch to its stomach. One hit was all it took to kill it as it quickly evaporated into black smoke just like the others.

Following this attack, you let out a loud scream and began to raise your power level. This resulted in your aura getting even bigger and blowing away everything around you.

Every monster surrounding you had been sent flying in numerous directions, but most of them weren't dead yet.

This is where Tokoyami and Akeno joined in on the action. Using their own powers to subdue some of the monsters themselves.

You were suddenly approached by another bear like Monster, this one was a little smaller than the one from before.

It charged at you with killing intent, and like the rest, quickly died when you jumped above it and caved its head into the ground with another punch.

As you looked around, you realized that Tokoyami and Akeno had actually taken care of the rest themselves. Seems like these creatures were a lot weaker than they looked.

Y/N: I think that's the last of them for now. We should find a place to—


You were quickly interrupted when the unholy sound of something screeching echoed through the sky. You along with your teammates looked up to see a large bird like creature flying in circles around you. It was the biggest of these monsters you had seen yet.

Giving it a hard glare from below, the Giant Bird suddenly unleashed a massive barrage of large feathers that were bigger than your entire body.

You leaped into the air and got to the same height as it as Tokoyami and Akeno prepared for a battle as well.

However they would not get their turn as you charged up an orb of energy in the palms of your hands, almost acting as a beacon or a light signal that could be seen in the sky from almost everywhere.


Unleashing a massive amount of energy through your hands, you fired off a large stream of energy that zoomed towards the monster at high speeds.

Tokoyami and Akeno's eyes once again widened as they watched you do this. With the immense size of the creature, it was far too slow to avoid the attack.

Contact, Impact, and Obliteration followed. A direct hit. Upon getting caught in the beam, a large explosion went off, finalizing the kill. You had completely annihilated this giant monster in a matter of seconds.

While Tokoyami was at a loss for words, Akeno had seen attacks like these before, but was impressed regardless.

You slowly descended from the sky and landed on your feet, meeting up with your teammates again. Wiping your hands together, you then looked at them with a confused look as Tokoyami was left dumbfounded.

Y/N: ...What?

Tokoyami: What...was that...?!

Y/N: What was what?

Tokoyami: That blue stuff that you shot from your hands!

Y/N: Oh! That's my Ki! You actually saw me use it earlier when I powered up. In my dimension, Ki is basically our life source that we can convert into power. It's simple, but really versatile. I can use it for a lot of things.

Akeno: Very Impressive~ Tell me, is this power of yours special where you come from?

Y/N: Not really. In my dimension, everybody has Ki, but it's a matter of training and honing it so that you can actually use it properly. Heck, I sense some of it in both of you. It's different from what I'm used to, but it's there.

Tokoyami: As intriguing as this is, we should probably find a place to hide out for the night.

Y/N: I was going to say that before that Big Bird showed up.

Time Skip: Nighttime

After a little bit of exploring, you and your teammates had managed to find an open space in the woods to set up camp.

With your strength, getting firewood was no problem, and Akeno was able to light it with her lightning. With a few logs set around the fire, you had a place to settle in.

As the three of you sat around the fire, you all chatted about what life was like in your respective dimensions.

Tokoyami: In my world, roughly 80% of the human population has some sort of ability. Some use them for heroic acts, others use them for evil. My Power is called Dark Shadow. I can summon my shadow to assist me in battle. He's very helpful, and a good friend. However he's a little difficult to control in darker climates.

Akeno: Fascinating! With my Power, I can manipulate elements and unleash them in combat. As you've probably noticed, Lightning is usually my go-to element.

Y/N: Cool! You've both seen most of what I can do already. I'm a warrior who pushes himself to get stronger! I love fighting so long as it's not with malicious intent. I can manipulate my Ki and convert them into special attacks! I can also use it to fly and sense others.

As the night went on, none of you had actually thought of how you would sleep. No sleeping bags were provided this time around, and Akeno wasn't willing to sleep on the ground.

Tokoyami, while skeptical, was willing to do such a thing. He figured that Heroes must be prepared for all kinds of sleeping conditions.

However, You had no problem with sleeping on the ground. Sparring with Goku and Vegeta on a daily basis helped you grow used to lying on the ground. Especially craters.

Thus, the grass felt soft. It was more comfortable than the hard surfaces of craters, that's for sure.

Tokoyami did his best to get some sleep, you were already out like a light, and Akeno simply stayed awake for most of the night, keeping watch for any monsters, or potentially even opposing teams.

Later that Night

Off in the distance, a group of four people watched the light that your campfire was giving off.

They said nothing, but one specific person was ready for a fight. The sounds of sparks and pops could be heard as they began to approach.

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