Chapter 2: Faces From New Worlds

Where we last left off, you had finished a climactic showdown with your mentors. That last thing you remembered was holding back their full force blasts when everything went blank.

Now you found yourself in front of what appeared to be a school of some sort which was odd because you didn't fight anywhere near civilization.

The place was completely empty. Not a single person in sight. The entire area was devoid of any people.

Y/N: Just what is this place...?

Looking around and examining your surroundings, you suddenly heard the sounds of footsteps coming from behind you. Turning back around towards the building again, you met face to face with a mysterious man.

???: Hello, young man. It's a pleasure to meet you.

Y/N: Uhhh...Hi...? Who are you...?

???: I will explain that in a moment. For now, observe.

You were confused. This mysterious man seemingly came out of nowhere and won't specify who he is. You deemed this as a red flag, but he hasn't tried to attack you or anything of the sort.

Therefore you left him be. Attacking without reason simply wasn't your style. However, what happened next only confused you even more.

A spot next to you began to glow brightly. It didn't take long before that glowing spot turned into a glowing pillar of blue light.

One pillar of light turned into a few, and soon, there were dozens of them all around you. Seeing this made you grow nervous.

However it was quickly revealed that these were other people being transported here. Eventually you found yourself surrounded by people who were just as confused as you were.

???: What...?! Where are we...?! Did someone's Quirk transport us...?

???: H-Hey! This isn't Beacon!!

???: Maybe some higher Devil brought us here...? Is this like a Rating Game...?

Y/N: What in the...?! Just what the heck is going on?!

With everybody seemingly gathered, the mysterious man in the white trench coat spoke up. Everybody paying attention to what he had to say.

Mysterious Man: I assure you, there is no need to be alarmed. You can call me Professor Nikadai. You have all been gathered here today for an experiment.

Green Haired Boy: ...How can we know for sure that we can trust you...?

Brown Haired Boy: Yeah! When you just pull us into the middle of nowhere, you don't seem to be the most trust worthy guy...

Red Haired Girl: Please...we want no trouble. Just take us home...

Professor Nikadai: Impossible, I'm afraid. A lot of effort has gone into gathering all of you here, and we cannot allow it to go to waste. Now, please follow me.

With that being said, Professor Nikadai turned around and started walking towards the building with his arms behind his back.

Everyone around you began to look at each other with concern. Everyone was sceptical about following this strange man into a building that they had never seen before.

You listened as the people around you began to discuss what to do.

???: What do we do...?! I don't wanna go in there with some strange man!

???: There's no reason to go in there. Let's just get out of here.

Y/N: I don't think that will end very well...there's nothing but Forest for miles.

???: So you think we should just go along with this weirdo?! How do you know that this isn't some kind of trap...?!

You remained silent and began walking away, making a lot of people go wide eyed. They all looked at each other again as you spoke.

Y/N: I don't.

With that you headed inside. Everybody thinking about it one last time before they began to follow you into the building.

15 Minutes Later

You now all found yourselves sitting in an auditorium like room. It wasn't that big compared to your average auditorium, but there were still plenty of seats.

The room was very dark with the only source of light being from the large window at the front of the room. Everybody was seated in certain areas, whereas you merely hovered above a chair with your legs crossed in a sitting fashion.

Professor Nikadai: Now...I'm sure you are all wondering...just why would I bring so many students here in this mysterious place? My answer is that you have all been brought here for the sake of improving yourselves. Students of U.A Academy, Beacon Academy, and Kuoh Academy, I have seen all of you in battle, and I know for a fact that you will achieve great things one day.

Y/N: I'm getting the feeling that I'm not supposed to be here.

All of a sudden a spotlight began to shine right on you, making you the center of attention almost instantly. Shocked, you looked around in a panic as The Professor spoke.

Professor Nikadai: However, you definitely interest me. Unlike the others who were gathered here by yours truly, you appeared here entirely on your own. Do you mind telling me your name?

Y/N: I uh...I'm Y/N.

Professor Nikadai: Well I certainly hope we can get along, Y/N. Finding and entering this place all on your own means you show great potential.

Y/N: Thanks...I guess...

Professor Nikadai: Now, all of you will attend this school, Rift Academy. If you truly wish to stay, your time here will be spent improving your skills, growing stronger, and overall becoming better Warriors to make your worlds a better place.

Everybody began to ponder amongst themselves once again. It was clear that they were still sceptical. How could they not be?

Professor Nikadai: Your first classes and training lessons will begin tomorrow. However, I must inform you that your living quarters are still under construction to cater to each of your needs. For now, you will all rest in the Ballroom. It is located further down the hallway. On the way there, you will find the Cafeteria. Anyone who is hungry may help themselves to as much food as they like. That is all, please make yourselves comfortable, and I will see all of you tomorrow.

With that, Professor Nikadai vanished in a quick flash of light. Everybody began to leave the room, still pondering.

You were still processing all of this. Not even an hour ago you were in your own world, training with your mentors like usual. Now you found yourself here in a situation most unusual.

However your deep thoughts were interrupted when your stomach growled loudly. Most people had already left the room, and you remembered The Professor mentioning something about food. If they were offering, you weren't going to deny.

Time Skip: Cafeteria

Like The Professor had said, there was a good amount of cooked food already waiting in the Cafeteria. Who cooked it? You may never know.

Turns out a lot of the others were pretty hungry as well. But nothing could prepare them for what they witnessed at the 6th table.

You had gathered numerous bowls and plates of just about everything on the menu. Practically half the table was taken up by how much food you had gotten.

Taking a seat, you licked your lips and dug in. Everyone in the cafeteria watched as you gobbled up servings of Rice, Meat, Vegetables, Noodles, and more.

Dozens of dishes began to stack up as some of the other students struggled to finish their own meals because they were too busy watching you eat your own food.

Y/N: Mmm!! Maybe this place won't be so bad! This is delicious!! There's so much of it, and it's all free!!

???: Wow...I've heard of "Big Eaters"...but this guy takes it to a whole new level...

???: least we know that the food is good, right...?


After dinner, everybody gathered in the Ballroom to rest. Sleeping bags were placed all around the room. Most people weren't too excited about sleeping on the floor.

What was probably the biggest surprise yet, every student's belongings had been brought to them beside a sleeping bag. Everybody quickly scattered across the room began to pick up their things.

Green Haired Boy: My Notebooks! And my Hero Outfit!

Red Haired Girl: Crescent Rose!

Brown Haired Boy: My Magazines!!

There was a short but awkward silence after that. Meanwhile, you didn't have the kind of belongings that you would keep on you at all times, therefore nothing was at your sleeping bag.

Y/N: I don't...I don't have anything.

It didn't bother you too much though. After that good meal, you were still in a relatively decent mood. In the meantime, the groups of students finally began to interact with each other.

However two girls were speaking amongst themselves as they watched you get as cozy as you could in your sleeping bag. After all, you were quite tired after that big fight from earlier.

Blonde Haired Girl: Do you think we should go talk to him...? He looks like he has a better idea of what's going on than most of us.

Red Haired Girl: I dunno, Sis. He looked pretty surprised when we all appeared around him.

Blonde Haired Girl: I know, but you can never be sure until you ask, right...?

Red Haired Girl: looks like you're gonna have to wait anyway...

Blonde Haired Girl: Huh?

The Red Haired Girl then pointed towards you, causing the Blonde Haired Girl to look and see that you were already fast asleep in your sleeping bag.

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