Epilogue: Part 2 (Farewell, Y/N)
1000 Years after the Events of The Next Generation
Entire centuries have passed by, and so much has changed. Every one of the HOH students who helped save the world so many times have all long passed on to the Afterlife.
All except 4 students. Lotus, Kasai, Mina, and You. You might be wondering how Mina is still around after all this time, but that will be answered due time.
You were currently sitting on a rock on a large asteroid that was soaring through space. No sound, no company, just the empty void that was outer space.
Y/N: How long has it been...? Surely it couldn't have been that long...
???: It's been 1026 years to be exact.
Your eyes widened at the sudden sound of another voice. It had been a few weeks since the last time you had heard one.
You looked to your right to be greeted by your life long friend, Lotus, and he wasn't alone. Next to him was Kasai. It had been nearly a decade since the last time you saw them together.
Y/N: Lotus...Kasai...it's good to see you both again.
Lotus: It's good to see you too, Y/N. I've sensed your suppressed emotions for weeks now, but today, it spiked. I had to check on you, and Kasai insisted that he came along.
Y/N: Hm...I appreciate it...in fact, your timing couldn't be better.
Kasai: What do you mean...?
Lotus: Y/N, I've sensed your emotions and desires for years, are you really sure you want to do this...?
Y/N: Positive. There's nothing left for me here. There hasn't been a single distortion in reality for nearly 20 years...I think we really did it, guys...planets and civilizations may have conflicts between themselves...but never again shall we see a threat so big to where they could end all of creation...my job here is done.
Kasai: Y/N...
Y/N: Don't try to change my mind, that's not what I need right now—
Kasai: We'll miss you...
Your facial expression went from serious to surprised in an instant. Looking at your two Saiyan friends, you could see the sad expressions on their faces, but you couldn't help but feel as if they were happy for you.
Lotus: We get it...with me being the GateKeeper, I have access to ALL realms. That includes the Afterlife. Whereas Kasai is connected to The Dragons. He also has permission to enter the Afterlife...but since they permanently closed off the softer boundaries of Heaven and Hell, you haven't been able to visit our friends in Otherworld...
Kasai: If you really wish to be with them again, we can promise you that we'll keep every reality safe.
Y/N: Hehe...I know...but even if you two were to leave...this Reality and all others would still be in good hands. Between all of our families, I don't think there's any threat of this era that could stop them. I remember the many adventures we used to have as kids...I'm gonna miss you guys too...but who knows. You guys might join us someday.
Lotus: So I take it you're gonna head out?
Y/N: Of course...but first, there's something I need to do...Lotus...Kasai...farewell. May you both live happily, and Thank You. The memories we've made together will always stick with me for all of eternity! You'll always be two of my greatest friends!
With that you got up from your rock and blasted off into the distance. Lotus and Kasai felt sad, but were proud of their friend finally going for the Peace that he has yearned for for so many years.
Kasai: There he goes...The Strongest Warrior to ever live...and one of the greatest guys one could ever hope to meet...
Lotus: Indeed...we love you, Y/N. Thank you for being our friend.
Both: Farewell, Old Friend...
Universe 7: Earth
The air was fresher than ever, Earth had finally entered an era of complete Peace. At least Peace amongst themselves.
In the outskirts near Mt. Pouzu, trouble was brewing among the residents of a small village. An ancient Demon from millions of years ago had just awoken, and was enslaving all who lived in this village.
Demon: That's right. Bow before me. You're looking at the new ruler of this pathetic Planet...I shall turn this world into a utopia for all Demons, and I'm starting with you.
Villager 1: P-Please...I can't walk another step...i-it hurts...!!
Demon: Your well being does not matter to me, filthy Human...if you will not comply with your orders, I shall simply dispose of you myself...
Villager 2: Stop!! Don't hurt my son!! Please!!
A spear made purely out of malicious energy formed in the palm of this Demon's hand as he prepared to drive it into the heart of a 16 year old boy.
However, before he could do so, a splash of acid fell from the sky, causing the Demon to leap out of harms away, as well as saving the Boy's life.
Demon: Who did that?!
???: That would be me!
Everybody watched in awe as some sort of Super Hero dropped from the roof of a nearby house. Landing on her feet and facing this demon with a confident look on her face. Incase you haven't figured it out yet, it was none other than Mina Ashido, aka the Acidic Hero: Pinky
Mina: Pinky is on the scene! So long as I'm here, you have nothing to fear, lovelies!
Villager 1: A lady...?
Villager 2: A Hero!! We're saved!!
Demon: It doesn't matter what you throw at me...anyone who stands in my way shall pay in BLOOD!
The enemy scowled and swore to spill Mina's blood on the walls of the houses that surrounded them, however Mina's expression only became more smug.
Mina: FuFuFu~ I wouldn't be focusing on me if I were you...
Demon: What...?!
Suddenly out of nowhere, someone's foot was indented into the Demon's face, catching everybody off guard. Nobody saw where this warrior came from, but all that mattered was that he was here now.
In the blink of an eye, the Demon was plunged into Orbit and out of the Solar System by the time this warrior landed on his feet. All from a single kick.
All of the citizens looked in complete awe as Mina once again laughed with a look ever so smug.
???: Y'Know, Ms. Ashido, you shouldn't provoke ancient demons like that. His power level was considerably higher than yours. If I hadn't stopped by, he probably would have killed you.
Mina: But he didn't, and that's all that matters!
???: *Sigh*...sometimes I wonder how Kasai puts up with you...but that's what I like about you.
Mina: Oh hush! The day is saved and that's that! If you're gonna keep insulting me then you can go back to meditating on your rock, S/N!!
As Mina had stated, it was indeed S/N. Son of the Great King of the Celestials. Fully grown up. Just by looking at him, Mina could always see the resemblance to you.
S/N: I guess you're right. I'll be taking my leave now if that's okay.
???: Leaving so soon?
Everybody's eyes went wide as S/N and Mina looked up to see you. Hovering above them with your arms crossed and a smile on your face.
S/N: D-Dad?!
Y/N: Hello, S/N...
S/N: Dad! What are you doing here?! I haven't seen you in years!
Y/N: What? Can I not see how my Son's doing every now and then?
S/N: Dad, I know you, and the only times you stop by are when the Multiverse is in danger.
Letting out a sigh, you gave up with the small talk and gave him a sad smile. Touching down and walking towards him as you spoke.
Y/N: *Sigh*...you always see right through me...
Stopping right in front of your son, you raised up your hand in hopes of shaking his, leaving him confused as he raised a brow.
Y/N: While there is no threat or anything...there is a reason I stopped by today...I came to bid you farewell...
S/N: What...?!
Y/N: There hasn't been any distortions in years, and from the looks of it, you've got a good thing going here.
You then looked over his shoulder to see the many cheering villagers as the sound of clapping echoed through the beautiful blue sky.
Villager 1: You saved us! We are forever grateful!
Villager 2: Please, tell us your name!
S/N: U-Uh...I'm S/N! S/N L/N!
Villager 1: That's a name I'm gonna remember!!
Villager 3: Here's to S/N the Hero!!
Y/N: I'm proud of you, my Son.
Mina: Wow! How polite of you, Y/N! Stop by after nearly a decade and you don't even say hi to me!!
Y/N: It's good to see you, Ashido. Has Kasai been treating you well?
Mina: Of course! We've been doing our own thing since...Y'Know. Everybody else passed...
Y/N: Yeah. Has S/N been behaving?
Mina: Well...besides that attitude of his, he's been doing great!
Mina then leaned closer to you and whispered in your ear in a way that looked sneaky but grabbed everyone's attention.
Mina: I think he might even be stronger than you...!
Y/N: Heh...Maybe. I saw what he did just now.
Mina: You said that you're leaving, right...? Like...ascending like everybody else...?
Y/N: ...Yeah...it's been a pleasure, Mina Ashido. You'll always be one of the coolest and wackiest gals I know.
Mina: Oh! Stop it you! Give me a hug!!
Without even letting you respond, Mina forcefully pulled you into a hug. You stood stiff at first, but slowly hugged her back. She was one of the first friends you made when this whole journey began after all.
Mina: I'm gonna miss you, Y/N...
Y/N: I'll miss you too, Ashido...say...while we're on the topic of hugs...
S/N: ...No...
Y/N: C'mon, S/N! Bring it in!!
You let yourself go from Mina's embrace and approached S/N with open arms. He slowly backed away as you slowly walked towards him, keeping the gap between the two of you even.
Y/N: C'mere! C'mere, S/N! Give your old man a hug!
Eventually giving up, S/N gave up with a small smile and practically jumped into your arms. It caught you off guard, but you embraced him shortly after. Everybody looking with smiles on their faces.
S/N: I love you, Dad...
Y/N: I love you too, S/N...Take Care, My Son.
S/N's eyes shot wide open as he looked to see that you had turned into a collection of shiny sparkles. Tears running down his face as Mina's eyes watered up a bit too.
S/N and Mina looked towards the sky as a beam of golden light shone down upon the two of them.
Mina: See ya later, Y/N L/N...
Time Skip
There was currently a big event happening at King Kai's Planet. People from Universe 7, U.A, Beacon, Kuoh, and Luna Nova were all gathered by King Kai himself as a little reunion party. They do it every year.
Kirishima: You guys see the Otherworld tournament last week?! It was bonkers!!
Bakugo: Yeah, I had fun fighting in it.
Koneko: Yeah, even though you got wrecked by Pikkon. Just like last year.
Bakugo: Hey! I didn't see you beat him either!
Sucy: It was pretty funny to watch.
Weiss: Yes, there were quite a lot of interesting battles this year.
Bulma: Yoohoo! Food is ready, everybody! Eat up before it gets cold!
Goku: Oh Boy! Lunch time!!
Midoriya: It blows me away how much you love to eat, even when we don't actually need the nutrients anymore.
Ruby: Yeah, you sure do eat a lot for a Dead Guy, Goku!
Goku: Why does everyone keep saying that...?
Akko: I'm with you on this one!! Food still tastes good, and I can eat as much as I want without getting fat!!
Issei: Jeez, way to put it bluntly...
As everybody began to chow down, Yang could be seen sitting by herself. She was obviously missing you. She does this every time there's some sort of get-together.
Looking off into the distance, she let out a sad sigh. Taking a bite out of her food as she thought to herself.
Yang: The Afterlife has been nothing but welcoming...but I truly wish that you were here with us, Y/N...we all really miss you...
She then felt a hand on her shoulder. Placing a hand on it as she spoke once more, Yang's frown turned into a fake smile.
Yang: I know, Blake...he wouldn't want us weeping over him...
Y/N: You weeped over me?
Letting out a gasp, Yang turned around after than any speedster with wide eyes and looked to lay eyes upon you, a smile on your face, and tears running down your cheeks.
Yang: Y-Y/N...? Am I dreaming?!
Y/N: Nope. It's real, Yang. I'm here, and I'm here to stay!
Ruby: Hey, Yang! Everybody's looking for you-*Gasp*...!
Ruby walked over to see Yang hugging you tighter than she ever had before. Tears running down Yang's face as she cried into your chest. Your eyes also getting watery once more as she spoke.
Yang: I've waited a thousand years to feel your embrace again...it was worth the wait...!!
Y/N: I know, Yang...I know...
Ruby: Y/N...!! Y/N'S HERE!!!
With those words being shouted, literally everybody stopped what they were doing and looked over. The exact same surprised expression appeared on everybody's faces as you looked to them all and gave them a happy wave.
Y/N: Hi, everybody...! I-I...I MISSED YOU ALL SO MUCH!!
Everybody: Y/N!!!
You were then showered with hugs from your friends, kisses from your wives, and everything in between. After a thousand years, you were finally reunited with your family. Your REAL family.
Midoriya: I can't believe you're here...!!
Issei: None of us can, dude...
You watched as at least six people were pushed out of the way as Kirishima broke through and latched onto you with a hug.
Kirishima: BROOO!!!
Nora: SHEESH! A warning next time would be nice!
King Kai: I knew you'd be coming today, Y/N. That's why I held this family reunion for you.
Y/N: Thank You, King Kai...you're the best!!
As you stood with your friends and family once again, you began to think back to when you first met everybody. That fateful day when The Grand Priest warped you all to that Academy and started it all.
Midoriya: What happened?!
Issei: This is weird!
Ruby: This isn't Remnant!!
Y/N: What the heck is going on?!
Flashback End
Y/N: I'm so happy to be with all of you once again!!
Vegeta: You did good, Y/N.
Y/N: Vegeta?! What are you doing here?!
Vegeta: I'm a God of Destruction. I can enter whatever realm I wish. I wouldn't miss your ascension for anything.
Goku: You really did good, though, Y/N. We're proud of you!
Y/N: I'm so glad...!!
Akko: So...what now...?
Everybody looked at each other in silence for a moment until you finally spoke up and answered Akko's question.
Y/N: Whatever we want! We have all of Eternity to spend with each other now! Our Era of being protectors is over!
Midoriya: I like the sound of that!
Issei: Double that!
Ruby: Spending as much time as we want with each other? Of course!! It's all I ever wanted!!
Akko: Yup! Sounds good to me!!
Kirishima: Together, as a Family!
Yang: Forever and Always!
Goku: Hehehe! Alright!!
Y/N: That settles it! Eternal Peace, here we come!! Hehehe!!
And now we End the Story of the Powerful Teens that grew into The Next Generation of protectors. It's been a long journey, but when you're feeling down, you can always count on Y/N and his Friends to bring you back up! So one final time, we bid you, Farewell!
Y/N: I Love You All!!
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