Chapter 9: A Flash of Darkness
Second Reality: HOH City
Midoriya, Kalasha, and the others were all just returning after a long day of working on the college. They were all pretty tuckered out, and yearned for some rest.
Ruby: Fiiinally...that took forever...
Issei: I still can't believe Y/N was so quick to let himself be left alone in that place.
Kalasha: Y/N has his reasons and we have ours. You all played your part. You should all feel proud.
Midoriya: You're right. Y/N's always been like that for as long as I can remember. No matter how much he matures, Y/N will always be Y/N.
Akko: Anyway, should we be getting home now? We've got families waiting for us.
Ruby: Good point. We kinda left without telling Kasai or the others anything...
Kalasha: All of you should get a good night's rest. We can inform the others of the current situation first thing tomorrow.
Everyone: Alright, Kalasha.
Kalasha: I know you're not one to be messed with, but please be careful out there, Y/N. The Celestial Realm is even more vast than The Second Reality. Anything could happen while you're there...
The Celestial Realm: The Next Day
Just like where we last left off, you were still meditating. Your energy still securing the entire campus within a protective aura.
Celestial Meditation was one of the most efficient ways of training. While you don't gain any physical benefit, it was a good method of training both your mind and skills. Essentially killing two birds with one stone.
While you trained mentally, your body was still getting the proper rest it needed. Almost as if your mind leaves the body behind and enters a completely different plane of existence.
???: Y/N? Are you there?
Y/N: Yes. I hear you loud and clear. Who is contacting me?
As you had now acknowledged, somebody was trying to speak with you telepathically. They managed to speak with you perfectly.
???: This is Talion. I bring you another report of an Anomaly in time and space. Several in fact.
Y/N: Hello, Talion. Are we speaking about regular anomalies, or THE Anomaly?
Talion: Fortunately, they are simply regular Anomalies. But don't take this lightly. More of them are spreading from the same two individuals. One I recon you'll be familiar with.
Y/N: I see. I'll be right there, just leave it to me.
Talion: Good luck, Y/N.
With that Talion went silent, indicating that he wasn't speaking in your mind anymore. Your eyes slowly opened to reveal that you had levelled up to Genkai Deity Mode at some point during your medication.
With a small sigh, you simply vanished in a quick flash of light, jumping timelines in an instant.
Y/N: I love my job but I wish I got some sort of pay...
Time Skip: Unknown Timeline
Two entities were currently playing on the field of battle in a city that was in absolute ruin. Explosions and flashes of lightning could be seen all around as gusts of wind kept blowing from different directions.
You suddenly appeared high in the sky to observe and feel out the situation. At first you didn't see anything, but suddenly you saw a being carrying a familiar pink aura get launched through several destroyed buildings.
Y/N: I should've known...
In the midst of the rubble emerged Goku Black. Rocking his usual Super Saiyan Rose form. One way or another, this imposter of a god would always find ways to cause trouble.
While you knew Goku Black very well, you weren't familiar with the opponent that stood in his path. A man wearing a skin tight suit with the colour pallet of red and yellow.
The two zoomed around the battlefield and wreaked havoc upon everything around them. Among the chaos, a few blasts came flying your direction to which you simply smacked them away with ease.
Goku Black (Zamasu) VS Reverse Flash (Eobard Thawne)
Y/N: Huh...I've never seen that guy before, but if he's able to go toe-to-toe with Black, he's no pushover.
Goku Black: You foolish mortal! All of that speed means nothing before my divinity!!
Reverse Flash: Please! You're simply throwing empty threats at a Living Paradox!!
They were about to clash again when Goku Black then spotted you up in the distance with your arms causally crossed.
Goku Black: Is that...?!
Y/N: Damn. My Cover's blown. Their fight was actually somewhat entertaining.
Reverse Flash: Who the hell is that?
Y/N: Always sticking your nose where it doesn't belong, huh, Black? I don't know why you two are fighting, but you interrupted my training.
All of a sudden you closed the distance between you and Black as you were now right in front of him. He didn't even know what hit him as you smashed your Celestial Powered fist directly into his chest.
Y/N: For a God with so much potential, you really don't know how to use it. I've been waiting for a chance to test out this technique!
All of a sudden you impaled Goku Black's chest with the plan of your hand. Blood splattering everywhere as an intense energy started to sap out of your arm.
You then lifted the God into the air with your hand still in his chest as your technique started to charge up.
Goku Black: What is this technique...?! I can't move!!
Y/N: Let this be our final encounter, Black. RUPTURE.
In a sudden burst of energy, Goku Black was quickly overwhelmed as his body slowly began to deteriorate. All he could do was scream as he was erased from the very meaning of time.
The Process takes a bit more time than most other techniques, but it pays off. With this technique you had succeeded in wiping all versions of Goku Black and Zamasu through on infinite amount of timelines in one go. Even with the time ring, not a single alternate version of him escaped.
There was now nothing left of Black. You had erased him without a trace. His blood still coating your hand as Reverse Flash looked at you with widened eyes.
Reverse Flash: Shit...this could be a problem...
Y/N: Now you're getting it. You should know that escape is next to impossible.
Reverse Flash: Don't be so sure. You don't know what you're dealing with!
Y/N: Oh I have a bit of an idea. If you were struggling against Goku Black, you have no hope against me. If you swear not to cause anymore problems like this, I'll let you go. My job's already been done anyway.
Reverse Flash: ......Fine. I'll stop, just leave me alone.
Y/N: Hm...Nice try.
Reverse Flash: Huh?!
You then fired a large beam of Ki towards the man in yellow without warning as he simply zoomed away in a flash. Avoiding your attack as your eyes slightly widened at the sight of this.
You then felt his presence behind you as you didn't even notice he was there until he spoke.
Reverse Flash: Looking for someone?
Y/N: He's Fast. Faster than I gave him credit for...
You then went to punch him when he ran and avoided your attack once again. He then appeared right behind you again and grabbed you by the back.
Reverse Flash: Let's see just how much time you have left...
You suddenly started to vibrate violently along with his hand as you started to emit little red flashes of electricity.
Reverse Flash could only laugh as you grunted and growled with discomfort, but nothing was truly happening to you.
Grunting and growling slowly turned into laughter as you looked back at him with a smile on your face.
Y/N: Heh, I see what you're doing won't work.
Reverse Flash: W...Why aren't you dying?!
Y/N: You're trying to speed up my body's growing process to make me die of old age, or at least something like that...let me tell you a secret. I can't die from age.
Reverse Flash: This guy is different...Maybe I should retreat for now and gain as much information as I can from him...
Y/N: Bold of you to assume you'll be getting out of here alive...
Reverse Flash: He can read minds too...?! Just what is he...?! Now I have to retreat!
With that Reverse Flash ran away at full speed as you gritted your teeth in a grin and chased after him. However his speed was no joke. You were struggling to keep up with him even with Genkai Deity.
You suddenly transformed into Super Saiyan God on top of Genkai Deity in hopes of gaining an upper hand in speed. And while it definitely closed the speed gap by a lot, Reverse Flash was still faster.
You were about to force it into Omni God but you suddenly felt someone over in The Celestial Realm. Dangerously close to the College Campus.
With all of your hard work, you didn't want to risk it going to waste. You had no choice but to let him go.
Y/N: You lucked out this time. But the next time we meet, you won't be so lucky...
With that you disappeared in a flash of light as Reverse Flash also disappeared. Both of you running into separate timelines.
Reverse Flash: I may have to run this time, but I'll be back...just you wait.
Celestial Realm
You were just getting back after stopping the fight between Goku Black and Reverse Flash. Everything looked to be in tact.
Thankfully nothing was destroyed, but that same energy you felt earlier was back. And obviously closer than before.
Y/N: I had an idea of who it was, but I wasn't sure wether to believe it or not...
???: Hm...You sensed me from an alternate timeline? You truly have improved. But I recently heard you were able to survive against even Korizen.
Y/N: It's been over six years, Zalion. You chose a pretty bad time to show your face...also you look...different since the last time I saw you. But again it has been over half a decade.
???: Hm. I know...
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