Chapter 24: Y/N The Master

It was now the next day. After bringing Skylar home and reuniting her with Jaime and her other friends, you agreed that you would introduce Skylar to some of the newer faces around.

This counted the Witches, Mori, Maquist, and anybody else who you met in the Second Reality. However, some changes had obviously been made during your time in The Hydra Chambers.

You were currently walking to the Main Training Grounds of the University with Skylar and Lotus who was filling you in on what's changed.

Lotus: While you were gone, we had some complaints about the Dorm Rooms, so Kasai, Maquist, and I all decided to give them a bit of an upgrade. It wasn't as difficult as I expected.

Y/N: So what's our Status at School...? Has that changed at all?

Lotus: Nope. In fact, we actually have the Training Groups prepared for each Trainer. Like you stated, you will still be training those who want to simply hone their skills and get Stronger overall.

Y/N: I see...

Skylar: So you really went and became a Master...Honestly, you've come so far! Both of you!

Y/N: Heh, It's nothing, really.

Skylar: What are you talking about?! Everyone that has trained under you has become Legendary! Midoriya, Issei, Ruby, they're all so much stronger than the last time I met them!

Y/N: Well...I guess they have come a long way...Ruby who's considered the weakest of the four of us could clear several Solar Systems' worth of Grimm. Issei started off Stronger than Midoriya, but eventually thanks to me, Midoriya went LEAPS beyond Issei's league. Nowadays though, Issei's been training pretty hard, if the two of them fought now, I would be hard to say who would come out on top...

(Feel Free to Skip this next bit if you have a low attention span. It doesn't really tie to the storyline, it's just for those who are curious.)

(Quick Powerscale Guide)
(Akko: Solar System Level)
(Ruby: High Solar System Level)
(Issei: Universal - High Universal)
(Midoriya: Multi-Universal)
(Y/N [With Cosmology Scaling] Hyperversal)

(This Photo represents the Cosmology of "The Next Generation's Continuity".)

(The First Reality is an infinitely expanding space containing any official verse you could think of. Anime, Games, Comics, etc. Whereas The Second Reality Consists of one space of an already Infinite Scale.)

(Your Battle with Ark was disrupting countless worlds and their respective Cosmologies, practically a High Multiversal Feat at the very LEAST.)

(Your Battle with GateKeeper Lotus and Korizen are A LOT crazier than this feat.)

(Omni Y/N and KateKeeper Lotus shook The Outerverse which despite being two technically Infinite Spaces, is larger than both Realities Combined, considered that it consists of literally EVERYTHING ELSE outside of the realities.)

(Meanwhile, Your Battle with Korizen was causing the Entire Cosmology with the exception of the Celestial Realm to fall apart. In simpler terms, Omni Y/N and Korizen were disputing Infinity on separate planes of existence 20 times over)

(Long story Short, OP as Shit. I didn't know that these feats were this insane until I bothered to start learning how to PowerScale higher levels.)

Lotus: Yeah. We've come a long way...

Y/N: So when does this Training Class start, anyway?

Lotus: Funny you should say that...5 minutes from now! Our students are currently on Break!

Y/N: Oh shoot! I've gotta get there fast!

Lotus: No worries. Your Section of the Training Grounds are over here.

With that Lotus pointed towards a large and empty field. Not much else to say about it. However it was fairly massive.

Lotus: We decided not to make any changes to it. Midoriya said that it should be you who makes any potential alterations to your part of the Training Grounds.

Y/N: Nice! That's actually really thoughtful!

Lotus: Anyway, I have to go and teach Celestial Biology to my own group of students!

Y/N: ...We have a Celestial Biology class...?

Lotus: Yes! I came up with it! People in the Celestial Realm should know about the things that reside here!


Lotus: Y/N, I'm literally Nigh-Omniscient with my GateKeeper abilities. I took one look at this Realm and was able to tell that there are wild creatures mightier than all of us here.

Y/N: ...Touché...

Lotus: Welp, I'm off. Make sure Y/N doesn't kill anybody, Skylar!

Skylar: I'll try!

With that Lotus flew off to attend to his own business. Meanwhile, you noticed that a group of around 20 students was now approaching. None of which were faces you had seen before.

You could've sworn that some of them were even older than you. Keep in mind that this isn't High School anymore, but University for all ages.

Student 1: Oh my god...!! Is that actually him! He's actually here!!

Student 2: Y/N The Legendary Celestial...!! I never thought I'd be able to meet him in person...!!

Student 3: It'll be a nice change of pace from having to learn the wrong stuff from the other teachers...

Skylar: Seems that you're really popular across the entire Cosmos!

Y/N: Yeah, The Battle with Ark helped me make a title for myself.



You then cleared your throat and prepared yourself to train as a certified Teacher for the very first time as you easily grabbed everyone's attention.

Y/N: Hello and Welcome, Students! If your standing on my turf then it's safe to assume that you know who I am. I am Y/N L/N, and I'll be your Trainer and Teacher! Before we start on anything, I just wanted to say thank you for choosing to participate in my program! You're here to hone your skills! You're here to get stronger! You're here so that you could bring out things that you never knew you had in you!

Skylar: Wow...Seems like he's grown in Maturity too...

Y/N: Now, if you wanna get Stronger, you need to push yourself, test your limits, and eventually Surpass them. That is how we roll here at HOH. If you can't climb the mountain, BREAK IT! Do I make myself clear?

Everyone: Yes, Sir!!

Y/N: Good! Now since it is your first day training with me, today's session will be a Basic one. Simply find a partner, and fight then until you can't stand on your feet!

Students: That's what he calls Basic...?!

Y/N: I'm not going to repeat myself! Hop to it, Warriors!!

Students: SIR, YES, SIR!!!

Time Skip: 30 Minutes Later

You were training your class the same way you trained your past pupils. By simply pushing them to the limit. You had then saw opponents every 5 Minutes in order to boost an overall bond within the class.

Some of them were just starting to get a good work out in now. Others were bleeding from every wound on their body.

Skylar: I don't think everyone seems to be getting the Memo, Y/N...

Y/N: It's all about the Pace, Skylar. Everyone trains at a different Pace. Some more extreme than others. That's why I simply had then fight, today. If I want to teach these students, I need to know what they are and what they can do. I need to know their strengths and weaknesses, so that I can find ways to push them to Break Their Limits!

???: What's with all the screaming...? I can hear that from my Dorm Room...

You and Skylar looked over to see Sucy and Lotte walking closer towards you in the distance. Sucy seemed to have been messing around with her poisons as she had several weird scents on her.

Lotte: Well, it is Y/N after all...

Sucy then looked at Skylar with her usual casual glare. However Skylar didn't know that this upset looking facial expression was just her normal resting face.

Sucy: You have a new friend with you...?

Skylar: O-Oh! M-My name is Skylar! It's nice to meet you!

Skylar reached out for a handshake, but Sucy didn't accept. She just stood there, looking her in the eyes.

Skylar: Uhhh......

Y/N: Don't mind that, that's just how she is. Skylar, meet Sucy and Lotte. Two of my Wives! Lotte, Sucy, this is Skylar! She's an old friend of mine.

Skylar: "Wives"...?!

Y/N: Well yeah. I got Married about 4 years ago, and we've been happy together since.

Skylar: I-I see...

Lotte: Well any friend of Y/N's is a friend of mine! It's nice to meet you Skylar! Asia and Yang told us about you!

Skylar: Likewise! I think we'll be good friends!

Meanwhile while the girls were having their own Introductions, you were watching your Class train from the corner of your eye. Some of them had fallen down from exhaustion. Some were bruised up and bleeding. Some were both.

Y/N: Seems like they've done fairly well for they're first day. I guess I should wrap things up...alright, Warriors! That's enough for today! Head to the infirmary and get yourselves patched up and ready for tomorrow!

Students: Yes, Sir...

With that your class started to head back to their dorms, but not before heading to the Infirmary. Asia was running her own little recovery station for those either in Bad Shape, Finished from training, or both.

Seeing as her Magic has evolved to where she can heal all of one's wounds in an Instant, she has grown to be quite popular around Campus among the students.

Lotte: Oh! Right! I almost forgot! The Gang has a vacation trip planned to Celebrate Skylar's Return! We thought that you should probably know since it is You that we're celebrating, Skylar!

Sucy: Also Y/N.

Y/N: A Vacation Trip...?! Already?! It's only been about a week!

Sucy: They said that the Overall trip won't be until another Month or so.

Y/N: Ah...still kinda early, enit?

Lotte: I mean, when was the last time we went on a trip like this?

Y/N: Oh...Oh Man...A Preeeety long time ago...

Skylar: Then it's settled! I'm excited to see what they have in store!


While it was happy times at HOH, The Mokushi based off of Kasai was levitating close to the HOH Planet.

Mokushi: Most Impressive, Y/N L/N...Even the most capable of Celestials cannot find a way out of The Hydra Chambers, yet you did. However...don't get too comfortable...we're only just getting started.

Yo, Readers! It's Issei Hyoudou, The Red Dragon Himself! Man, HOH University is Insane! But here's to a fun Vacation trip in a month's time!

Wait a second...who's that? I haven't seen them before. He must be new around here! Next time on "The Next Generation: Final Road!" The Xoya The Celestial Saga Begins! Don't miss it!

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