Chapter 22: The Grand Escape
Everyone was in complete shock at your sudden transformation. Skylar wasn't around to witness Ultra Ego nor Genkai Deity, let alone both of them stacked onto each other.
Y/N: Now do you realize the difference between you and I...?
Ghol: You must be as stupid as you look if you think that I'm afraid of you!!
Y/N: Why don't you come and prove that statement...?
Ghol: With Pleasure...
With that Ghol wasted no time in rushing towards you with his arm reeled back. You simply grinned and blocked his punch with your forearm as he was actually still doing some damage despite the massive leap in power.
Y/N: Hm...interesting...I've seen Vegeta use this form a few times, but I don't really know how it works yet...I'll have to do some experimenting first...
Ghol then balled his other hand into a fist and threw his arm up as he smashed the bottom of your chin with a fierce uppercut that connected perfectly.
While you felt it and it did hurt a bit, taking the blow only made you want to fight him even more, and this made you even stronger as you absorbed the damage as a result.
Y/N: Hehe...Hahaha!! I see how it works now! I guess it isn't that complicated!
Ghol: What are you on about?!
You responded to Ghol's question by giving him a good ol' punch to the gut, free of charge. The sheer impact of your punch was enough to move around his insides as a little bit of blood spewed from his mouth.
He was then sent crashing to the wall as you cracked your neck and got into a battle stance. Skylar couldn't believe what she was seeing.
Skylar: This is crazy! I figured that Y/N would've gotten stronger after all this time, but by THIS MUCH?!
Y/N: This feels's similar to the combination of Devil form and Akuryo Power...Genkai Deity constantly improves and adapts to the opponent as the fight goes on whereas Ultra Ego gets stronger as my burning lust for battle only scorches hotter...with this combination...THERE'S NO TELLING HOW HIGH I CAN GO!!
A massive aura then started to suddenly burst out of your body like a massive hurricane. The look in your eyes wasn't that of a God trying to beat his opponent, it was that of a Blood thirsty Saiyan who only wanted to battle, no matter the adversary.
Y/N: HAHAHA!! This Power Truly is something else! I can get even Stronger!!
Ghol: You've rambled on long enough! I'm ending this now!!
Ghol suddenly powered up to max and charged directly towards you, ramming you with his body into the wall you felt some intense pain as a result.
However this pain only made you stronger, and because of that, the gap between You and Ghol only grew larger the more he hit you.
Ghol tried to punch you again but you suddenly stopped it, not with your hand, not even your arm, but with your damn forehead.
Y/N: My Turn...!!
You then punted Ghol with a fierce punch of your own which sent him flying, splatting onto the ceiling. As soon as he started falling you appeared beside him and spin kicked him in the face, sending him flying once again. This time he zoomed into the distance as you followed.
Shoza: Y/N's out of control!
Mala: No! If they go too far they'll break the barrier and we'll have to start all over!!
Like Mala had stated, a fight of this magnitude was threatening to destroy that barrier that kept the strange particles from entering the area and into your lungs.
However they had another problem on their hands. One much more dangerous.
Meanwhile down the halls of the other direction, the big, slimy abomination that was only dubbed as "Project Z" was lurking around the corner, and eventually set it's dark eyes upon the barrier.
Over the course of the last week it has encountered dozens of Lurkers, and every single one of them were viciously consumed by the entity.
It started banging upon the barrier with the tentacle like appendages all over it's body. Bit by bit, cracks were starting to form on said barrier but it was going to take a little while.
Back to You
Y/N: C'mon! This seriously can't be the extent of your power! The others hyped you up so much!
You were currently punting the absolute hell out of Ghol by unleashing a swift barrage of punches upon his face and upper torso.
Ghol had somehow managed to slip past your ferocious combo get a good punch in, his fist smashing into your face. However you weren't even budging from his attacks anymore.
Y/N: Are you only capable of punching my face?
The sheer amount of shock on Ghol's face was priceless. Barely even able to stand as he slowly backed away from you.
Y/N: You have legs for a reason! Let me show you how to use them!
You then lunged in at mind boggling speeds and planted both of your feet straight into Ghol's face with even more force than before.
This sent Ghol flying at speeds he had never travelled at before. You then warped behind him and caught him by the back of his neck.
You then slammed his face into the floor and started flying forward while pushing his head into the metal floors, dragging his face as you only got faster.
Eventually you let go and threw him forward as he skidded across the floor. Eventually the both of you reached Skylar and the others again.
Ghol didn't even have the energy to stand up anymore as he could only grunt and growl on the floor. You slowly started walking towards him. Your face and body having a few cuts and bruises here and there, but you didn't have it nearly as bad as Ghol.
Ranna: He...He completely embarrassed him...!!
Y/N: *Sigh*...Okay...I've had my fun, and I feel much it's time to end this...
With that you were about to drive your fist into Ghol's heart, however before you could, Ghol surprisingly got back up and punched you in the stomach with a surprise attack.
Y/N: Tch!! That's low, even for a piece of trash like you!!
You then suddenly fired several shockwaves of energy onto Ghol and trapped him in a God Bind to keep him in place.
You then moved him towards the wall as you started to charge up a massive Ki attack in the palm of your hand.
The entire floor was shaking from your power as you only smiled at Ghol one last time as everybody else went and got cover.
You then fired a colossally powerful one-handed beam of Ki at Ghol who was still stuck in place, he could only struggle as he was instantly swallowed by the giant laser of oblivion.
Ghol: GAAAAAAH!!!!
The blast itself collided with the wall and eventually blasted right through it as the blast only grew larger and expanded more as it blasted straight out of the entire Hydra Chamber.
Meanwhile: HOH
Midoriya and Uraraka were currently sitting outside. They were currently on break from their jobs of behind trainers and were spending their time hanging out and walking throughout campus.
Uraraka: Man...Today's been so rough so far...nobody in my group understands that they don't have to be just like us! They can be themselves!!
Midoriya: Trust me, once they start coming around, it'll be much easier!
However their conversation was put to a halt when they suddenly spotted a massive beam of energy shoot across space in the sky.
Seeing as they could see your beam from Millions, Possibly even billions of light years away, you could probably get a rough estimate as to how large the actual blast was.
Uraraka: Oh My God...!! You don't think that's...
Midoriya: Who else would it be...?
Back to You
You were now huffing and puffing after firing such a massive blast. In the midst of it, Ghol was completely obliterated. Not a single cell of him was left behind.
Everyone else was in complete shock, and for good reason. However they were also taken aback by something else.
Mala: He...He did it!!
Shoza: I didn't think it was possible...!!
Ranna: After all this time...we're SAVED!!
In front of you, was a massive hole in the wall that led to the outside world. Your blast had in fact destroyed a good chunk of the Hydra Chamber that you currently stood in.
However, everybody started to notice that their powers were once again fading away from them. Everyone besides you that is.
Mala: What?! My Ki!!
Skylar: What's happening?!
Android 16: Something must have destroyed my barrier...
Just as 16 had stated that, Project Z was back on the move, and in sight as it could be seen lurking in the distance, getting closer and closer as each moment passed by.
Ranna: What the hell is that?!
Y/N: I don't know...!!
You then noticed that the rubble and walls of the Hydra Chamber were slowly but surely fixing themselves and going back together, meaning you had to act now.
Mala: The Walls are fixing themselves?!
Ranna: Hurry, Y/N! Take Skylar and get out of here!
Skylar: What?!
Shoza: We can't use our Ki, but 16 will do his best to fend off that thing over there...Y/N came for you, we can't let this pass!!
Skylar: But I can't just abandon you all! Not after everything you've done for me!!
16: Skylar...we don't have time for this. You always think of others before yourself...if you truly want to make us happy, go out there, and live your life to the fullest. You may never get this chance again. Please, it for us...
Skylar: ...O-Okay...Y/N...
Y/N: I know...You're all doing a good thing...
You then swept Skylar off of her feet and carried her in your arms as you flew off in a rush. Android 16 turning around as he rushed towards Project Z.
Skylar: Just wait!! I'll come back and free all of you someday!! I PROMISE!
Mala: We know, Skylar! We Know!
Waving her friends goodbye, Skylar couldn't help but shed a few tears as her friends waved her back, all of them with smiles on their faces.
However 16 was suddenly blasted off as well as he was sent flying out of the Hydra Chamber along with you. Everybody going wide eyed as Project Z followed you.
Skylar: That thing is coming! Hurry!
Y/N: Hold on tight!!
You then went full speed as you rocketed out of the rubble and into space. You noticed that 16 had been thrown out by the creature, he too was now free.
And before you knew it, the walls had completely closed up again. Skylar crying into your chest as you flew off into the distance and headed straight for HOH.
Y/N: I'm sorry, Skylar...I know that they meant a lot to you...but we can figure out a way to free them when we get back home! Jaime has been worried sick about you!
Skylar: Jaime's There...?
Y/N: Of course she is! Her and all of our friends! They'll all be so thrilled to see you again!
Skylar: That sounds nice...
Y/N: ...Hey, Look!
Skylar then looked out in front of her and went wide eyed, for the first time in 7 years, Skylar was seeing the outside world.
It was bright and colourful, and she thought that it all looked pretty.
Skylar: Are those...Stars...?
Y/N: Not quite...those are all galaxies...
Skylar: Huh...It's been so long since I've seen anything outside of the Chambers...I almost forgot...what it's like...
Y/N:'s pretty cool, huh?
Skylar: Mhm...
Y/N: Alright, hold on tight, next stop, Home!!
With that you zoomed off into the distance as Skylar slowly dozed off in your arms. You were also eager to get home and sleep in a normal bed again.
Y/N: Mala, Ranna, Shoza, 16, everyone...I'm not sure how, but we'll be coming back for you real soon...I don't know how, but I'll make sure that you'll be able to one day look up and see the countless stars in the sky...just wait for me...
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