Chapter 2: A Decision
It was now the next day. Saturday. Thankfully on weekends you didn't have work. However, there were still important things that needed to be discussed.
You were currently outside, training S/N and teaching him the basics of martial arts. For a child he was a quick learner.
Y/N: Alright. You know the drill, S/N. Come at me with everything you've got! Don't hold anything back!
S/N: Okay!
Chloe watched from inside as S/N dashed towards you at high speeds. Now he was even faster than the last time you sparred with him. S/N's speed and power have been growing every single day, and you know for a fact that he was stronger that you were at his age.
Currently, S/N's raw power can match that of Perfect Cell. Which for his age was insane. When you were his age you couldn't even hold a candle to Frieza. (Namek Saga Frieza that is.)
However, even with S/N's incredible power, he was unable to land a clean hit due to his lack of skills and experience. Which to be fair, he was only 6 years old.
S/N: HA!
No matter how hard he tried, S/N's attacks couldn't hit you. The movement and execution of his attacks were too predictable, and could be dodged 100 times over by even Issei.
Y/N: Remember, S/N. Always think before rushing into a fight. If you think with your fists you won't be able to get very far. I know you're above that.
S/N was starting to grow a little frustrated. Ever since he was a baby he always had quite a temper. Usually he was able to stay calm, but at times he can go completely out of control.
Thankfully this was not one of those days. S/N suddenly charged you again, but this time he had a plan.
S/N reeled his fist back and prepared himself to punch you. You readied your arms to block his attack when he then disappeared.
This caught you by surprise as you quickly turned around on instinct and prepared to defend yourself. You saw him about to hit you.
S/N: Gotcha!!
Your body then seemingly moved on it's own under the influence of a glimpse of Ultra Instinct as you ducked and avoided a kick from S/N, but he was behind you again, meaning he never moved behind you in the first place.
S/N: Huh?!
You then did a backflip and kicked S/N in the process which in turn sent him rolling across the yard. Purposely holding back to make sure you didn't hurt him too bad.
Y/N; Impressive! You made me think that you got behind me, but it was only an afterimage to distract me! I knew you could do it!
S/N: Yeah but I still didn't hit you...
From what it looked like, S/N was rather down. He tried so hard everyday, but he's never managed to hit you yet.
Walking over to comfort him, you crouched down and placed a hand on his shoulder as he was on the verge of tears.
Y/N: Hey, Hey. There's no need to be upset! We train so that you can make progress and you did! You shouldn't be down over what you couldn't do. Be proud of what you can do! You really impressed me today, S/N!
S/N: Do you really mean it, Dad...?
Y/N; Of course I do! You're MUCH stronger than I was when I was your age! You just need some proper training, and we'll get there! I know that you can be a great warrior some days!
The moment was then interrupted by the noises of both of your stomachs growling. The both of you went wide eyed before S/N bursted into a fit of laughter.
Y/N: But...even the strongest Warriors get hungry...let's go grab lunch! I'm sure your mother's cooked us something good!
S/N: Okay!
With that you picked him up and let him sit on your shoulder as you brought him inside. And like you said, Yang, with the help of almost all of your other wives had cooked up a massive feast for all of you.
Each of your wives enjoyed cooking different kinds of foods. So every day when it was time to eat, you were greeted by foods of all kinds of variety.
Y/N: Oh man!! All of this looks great!! Thanks so much, ladies!!
Yang: It's our pleasure, Y/N!
Y/N: Sorry if it's a lot of work, I know it can be annoying at times. I just love to eat!
Asia: N-No, Y/N! We'd never be annoyed by cooking for you! You always support and protect us when in need, after everything you've done for us this is the least we can do for you!
Tsuyu: She's right! We're always here for you! And you don't have to be so concerned, we'd much rather do this than whatever they have planned at school.
Sucy: I agree. You worry too much for us.
Yang: I personally think Cooking is fun! Now eat up! Your food's going to get cold!
Y/N: You did I get with such nice women...?
You, S/N, and Chloe all sat down at the table together. You and S/N put your hands together as Chloe, not really understanding why, did the same about 3 seconds after.
Y/N: Thank you for the meal!
With that being said, you started to chow down on the wonderful feast that your wives had cooked up. At the same time, several knocks could be heard at the door as Kirishima came running down the hall.
Kirishima: I got it!
Kirishima then opened the door, revealing Kalasha accompanied by Midoriya, Issei, Ruby, and Akko all with him.
Kirishima; Hey guys! What's up?
Kalasha: Hello, Kirishima. Is Y/N home?
Kirishima: Yup, he's at the table eating lunch.
Kalasha: There's something I need to discuss with not only him, but with all of you.
Kirishima: Sure thing. Come right in, guys!
The red headed hero then lead Kalasha and the others inside as they came around the corner to see you and your kids gorging on a massive feasts fit for a king.
Midoriya: Wow!
Ruby: It still blows me away how much Saiyans can eat!
Y/N: Hm? *Gulp*...Hey guys! We just started lunch! Want some? There's plenty to go around!
Midoriya: I could actually go for a bite right now...
Issei: Me too...
Akko: Me three...
Ruby: Glynda made us skip lunch so we're all kinda hungry...
Y/N: Well then grab a seat and dig in!
The four of them gladly accepted as they all pulled a chair and sat down. All of them picking their favourites out of what was still on the table.
Kalasha: Now that you're all gathered here, we can finally get down to business.
Y/N: So what was it you needed to talk about?
Kalasha: Hm? How did you know?
Y/N: I overheard you talking with Kirishima. What seems to be the problem?
Kalasha: It's not necessarily a problem. At least not now. But I have a question to ask you.
Y/N: *Chomp*...Ask away.
Kalasha: You've met your fellow Celestials during the battle against Ark, yes?
Y/N: Mhm...
Kalasha: And you know that they've settled on a small planet outside of your multiverse.
Y/N: Yup.
Kalasha: Well your assistant payed me a visit yesterday, and he told me to inform you about The Celestial realm.
Y/N: *Gulp*...What...? A Celestial Realm...? I've never heard of it...
Kalasha: Well it's usually where the Celestial King would reside when they became of age. Assuming they weren't killed by Korizen or The Anomaly.
Y/N: Okay, so is this Celestial Realm in the first or second reality?
Kalasha: That's the thing. The Celestial Realm is in neither reality. It's a world of it's own, outside of even the outerverse. Your Fellow Celestials would like to gain access to their home world once again, but in order to do that, The Celestial King must re-open it.
Y/N: And you need me to open it up.
Kalasha: That fairly sums it up, but I must warn you. When you first open it, only you will be able to access this realm. Once you're in, you will have to prove that you're the King by defeating The Celestial Guardian.
Y/N: Okay then. This Celestial Guardian, where exactly can I find them?
Kalasha: That Part you won't need to worry about. The Celestial Guardian will likely find you before you can find it. If you defeat it, it shall become your ally and continue guarding The Realm from any unwanted individuals. Should you fail against the Guardian, it will deem you as "Unworthy" and will proceed to kill you.
S/N: It's gonna kill Dad?!
Midoriya: And Y/N has to do this alone?!
Y/N: Kalasha, I understand you're trying to help, but let's keep the major details away from my children.
S/N: Dad don't go! I don't wanna see you die!!
Y/N: I'm not gonna die, S/N. If anything, This whole thing makes me feel excited...We haven't seen anything interesting in years!
Kalasha: Before you traverse into this realm, I must warn you, The Celestial Realm isn't like the first reality. It isn't even like the second reality. What you'll find in that realm...will change everything.
Y/N: My view of it hasn't changed. I'm still up to face the challenge!
Kalasha: Good. Then we shall perform the ritual once you are finished with your lunch.
Y/N: Alright!
Time Skip
A few hours went by after talking things out with both your kids and your wives. All of them were worried, but your Wives were confident that you could do it.
You, along with Kalasha, Kirishima, Son, Axol, Midoriya, Issei, Ruby, Akko, Yang, and all of your other wives and children all gathered up in the backyard.
Kalasha: Are you ready, Y/N?
Y/N: I'm about as ready as I'll ever be...
Kalasha had already transferred the instructions into your mind beforehand, now all that was left was to actually pull it off.
The first thing you did was activate Genkai Deity mode at 50%. You could go higher, but too much power could disrupt the ritual.
Kalasha then started to create a rip in space and time with his abilities as a Grand Priest. Now it was your turn to play the part.
Getting into a stance, you started to power up as your energy started to shake the entire city with ease.
Everybody had to hold each other in order to keep themselves from being blown away. Slowly but surely the rip that Kalasha had created had turned into a Rift as a reaction to your immense power.
You then carefully put your arms together for a short moment before forcefully spreading them out as The Rift forcefully opened up in response.
Now, a large portal had been created. Everybody looking in awe as Kalasha stared you dead in the eyes and spoke.
Kalasha: I can only keep it open for another minute! Are you ready, Y/N?!
Y/N: About as ready as I'll ever be...
Kalasha: Then go and reclaim your territory...
Those words provided with all of the motivation you needed your lips curled into an excited smile. With one squat you jumped head first into the portal just as it closed.
Yang: Please be careful, Y/N...
Kirishima: Show em' who's boss!
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