Chapter 12: Lots of Introductions
With the return of Cecilia and a handful of other students if I.S Academy, you thought that things couldn't get stranger, but oh how wrong you were.
Where we last left off, you were about to head back when a...Giant Robot...? Ship...? Robot-Ship suddenly came crashing down right in front of the campus.
You didn't spare anytime before immediately bursting into a fit. Asking Lotus, Kasai, The Universe, and yourself about just what the hell was going on.
Y/N: What the hell is that thing?!
Lotus: Looks like a robot.
Kasai: Looks more like a ship to me.
Y/N: How are you guys so nonchalant about this thing?!
Lotus: Why wouldn't we be? You shouldn't be so surprised either. Haven't you fought beings that are bigger than this?
Y/N: W-Well...
Kasai: You've literally faced FATE and INFINITY, and this is what shocks you...?
Y/N: Okay that was kinda uncalled for...
While you were passively arguing with Lotus and Kasai, you heard the sounds of voices from above. Most likely on top of the robot-ship thing.
???: You guys are just gonna make me go down there by myself?!
???: Well Duh! This kind of thing could be a trap, and it was you who wanted to come here in the first place!
???: Just go down there with Lagann. If something does end up happening you can always just come back up, or even fight.
At this point, the three of you had stopped talking and tuned into whatever the people on the ship were saying. With what they had spoke about, they were obviously here for the HOH invitation, and if that was true then they weren't a threat.
Y/N: There's several people up there, but just how many...?
Lotus: Obviously. You think someone would just wander around in a ship that massive all alone?
Y/N: Okay, I'm ready for this joke to stop...
Lotus: Hehe...Okay...
You then noticed a weirdly shaped figure standing over the edge of the ship. It stood still for a moment before leaping off and landing in front of you.
It was a small Mecha. One of the strangest looking ones you had ever seen. It was just a face with limbs. However you didn't really care about how it looked. You were only curious about how much of a punch it was packing.
Outside of the cockpit, a boy jumped out of the top and landed in front of the Mecha. He looked to be quite young. Probably around Son's age if not younger.
Simon The Digger
Simon: Hey, you're the guy from the screen in the sky!
Y/N: Hm. Hey, Kid. That's me! Y/N L/N at your service!
Simon: My name's Simon! I'm just thankful you guys aren't bad guys...
Y/N: Nope, but we beat up bad guys. Anyway, what brings you here, Simon?
Simon: Well, we heard what you said, and I wanted to come check it out. My team was a little worried at first, but now I can tell them that it's safe to come down!
Y/N: Whatever you say!
With that, Simon hopped back into his Mecha and flew back up to his ship. With how it looked, you were surprised that it could fly.
Y/N: Huh. Cool.
Lotus: So are you sure that bringing people from entirely different worlds is a good idea...?
Y/N: Like I told you guys, my new technique can see people's true hearts. According to my technique, this kid is perfectly safe to trust. Besides did you not see his face...? The look in his eyes...? It's clear that he doesn't have any tricks up his sleeve.
Lotus: I guess I'll just have to take your word for it. Also I have a few questions about that Thawne guy that you fought a few days ago.
Y/N: Oh him? He was—WAIT. How do you know about that...?
Lotus: I sense traces of his presence on your clothes. His energy I mean. Kinetic energy.
Y/N: Huh...That's The Gatekeeper for you, I guess.
Kasai: Uh, You guys might wanna watch out...
Y/N: Huh...?
You then looked up to see at least 20 people all falling right above you. Some in Mechs, the ones who weren't were riding on said Mechs.
Lotus had already warped out of the way as you leaped back and landed next to the other two Saiyans.
You, Lotus, and Kasai were all now face to face with a whole team that Simon had brought along. 23 of them in counting.
Y/N: Sheesh, Kid, that's one hell of a team you got there!
Lotus: Even I wasn't expecting this many of them.
Y/N: This is a lot of people for one world...shit...I may have bitten off a little more than I could chew...which is saying a lot...
Lotus: Y/N looks a little I do what I do best and help him out.
Lotus then started to talk amongst all of them which caught you by surprise. But you were thankful regardless.
Lotus: Hello, Everyone. Thank you for coming to our campus! My name is Lotus and I'll be your guide today!
You then looked at Lotus as the two of you started to speak with each other telepathically. Kasai was quick to catch onto this.
Y/N: What are you doing?! This is my job! You shouldn't trouble yourself with this!
Lotus: It's obvious that you can't do this alone. I'll get these guys to their assigned rooms. You just go and do what you have to do!
Y/N: ...Alright...good luck. Thanks, Lotus.
Lotus: Don't mention it.
With that Lotus then drew his attention back to the massive group of people in front of him. You scratched the back of your head on slight embarrassment as he did so.
Lotus: Alright, everyone. If you would follow me, I'll take you to your rooms where you can unpack and settle in.
That being said, Lotus then began to walk towards the dorm rooms. You and Kasai watched as the whole group looked at Lotus who was walking away.
Y/N: Like he said, he'll get all of you settled in! I look forward to the next time we meet, which won't be long, trust me!
The entire group then started to follow Lotus. You could hear a few murmurs in the midst of the crowd. You then spotted Simon who was about to go with them too.
Y/N: Except for you, Simon.
Simon: Huh...?
Y/N: You can come with us. I have some people I'd like you to meet.
Simon: O-Okay!
With that Simon split from the crowd and walked over to you and Kasai. The rest of his team looking in confusion, but they decided not to question your decision.
Simon: I'll see you later, guys.
???: Just be careful. Don't get lost. This place is massive.
Simon: I'll be fine! I have Y/N to show me around!
???: Whatever you say.
With that the group walked away with Lotus as You, Kasai, and Simon all walked the opposite direction.
Simon was a bit curious as to who you wanted him to meet, but he decided not to ask. Kasai then placed an arm on your shoulder and spoke with you.
Kasai: So you're bringing the kid along? Can I ask why?
Y/N: I'm not sure, Kasai. There's something that I like about him. In a way, he kinda reminds me of Midoriya when we first met. Accept from what I've seen, Simon doesn't cry as much as Deku did around that age.
You then looked at Simon who looked like he was afraid to open his mouth.
Y/N: I'm sure you're wondering where I'm taking you. I'm bringing you so you can meet some of my closest allies and friends. I'm sure you'll get along with them. Most of them anyway.
Simon: Okay, That doesn't sound too bad!
You then sensed something nearby. An energy that you had never sensed before. You placed your arm in front of Simon to keep him from advancing any further.
Simon: Huh...?
Y/N: Whoever's out there, show yourself. Now.
???: So you really can sense my energy. Guess the rumours were true after all.
All of a sudden a man warped right in front of the three of you, making his presence known and startling Simon.
The man looked to be on the older side of the age stick. However, despite his age he didn't look like one to be messed with. A good chunk of his hair was gone. He was wearing what seemed to be a business suit, or maybe even a tuxedo.
Cecil Stedman
Y/N: Are you on the list? What's your name...?
Cecil: Cecil Stedman. And you're Y/N L/N. The Universe's greatest hero from what they say.
Y/N: "Hero" is a strong word, but continue.
Cecil: I know that your whole shtick is world leaping. You make it look like a walk in the park. One of your "Battle-Rifts" eventually got to mine. That's how I know who you are.
Y/N: You still haven't answered my question. If you're not on the submission list, then I'm going to have to ask you to leave. It may not look like it, but you're on sacred ground.
Cecil: I'm not on the list particularly, but I've submitted a handful of people from my world. I just need to know one thing.
Y/N: What would that be?
Cecil: Are you truly capable of making a few heroes in my world stronger? Much stronger than they are now? I need an answer.
Y/N: Probably. That's why we're here. To help people improve.
Cecil: Good. They'll be on their way here in a few hours. I'm leaving them in your trust. Just...don't mess this up. For their sake.
Y/N: With all that talk from earlier, I assumed you knew who and what I am.
Cecil: Hm...That's all I had to say. Good luck. If they give you trouble, don't be afraid to knock some sense into them.
Y/N: Whatever you say, Pal. As much as I'd like to stay and keep chatting, I have places to be, and you've overstayed your welcome.
Cecil: I know.
With that he disappeared in a flash, and there wasn't any trace of his energy. Once you were certain that he was gone, you took a deep sigh.
Simon: Who was that...?
Y/N: I don't know. But I have a gut feeling we'll be running into him again in the future.
You were about to start walking again when you all then heard a voice yelling out in the distance.
Simon: Huh?!
You all looked back to see one of Simon's teammates. It was a young woman with long crimson hair. Her outfit was...very revealing to say the least. It didn't seem to stick out when she was standing in the crowd.
Yoko Littner
Simon: Yoko! What are you doing all the way out here...?!
Yoko: You forgot your drill, Dummy!
Y/N: Drill?
In Yoko's hand was a small little necklace, and on that necklace was an even smaller drill. A few questions clouded your mind, but you decided to ask later.
Simon: Ah! I didn't even realize that I dropped it! Thanks, Yoko! You're a life saver!
Yoko: Don't mention it. Uh...I kinda got lost trying to catch up to you it okay if I tag along...?
Y/N: Sure. I'd just like to get to our destination sometime today...
And with that, the four of you all headed to the trainer dorms so that you could introduce everyone to Simon. Yoko too I suppose.
A lot has happened today so far. A massive Mecha, some strange old man, Simon and Yoko, and who knows what else.
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