Special Chapter: Crossover M.E.G.A Finale
Everyone in the stadium was observing the event as they began to cheer louder than usual, there was a reason for this as everyone could be seen going down the large mountain, with the finish line in sight
Intercom: What's this?! The 13 contestants that headed up the mountain are on their way down and approaching the finish line! This has turned to be quite the finale!!
You began to slide on your feet down the mountain as Goku appeared by your side with a competitive grin on his face
Everyone else eventually caught up as Saitama suddenly bolted past the two of you once again, making you go wide eyed
Y/N: Eh?! He's in the lead again!!
You and Goku bolted right after him, getting even closer to the finish line leaving everyone else in the dust
Y/N: That one who's gonna win this competition is me!!
Goku: I'm the one who's gonna be on top!!
Saitama: Ok.
The three of you approached the finish line in hot pursuit as the three of you reached out to better your chances of passing first
However, in that very moment, a blue bolt of energy suddenly hit the ground, destroying the finish line and blowing everyone away
The crowd watching the event began to panic as they began to run for their lives, everyone who was blown away began to pick themselves up as you looked to see a figure in a cloak
Y/N: What the...?! Who are you?!
???: That doesn't matter, I'm here to kill you all and take your powers.
Y/N: What?!
Goku suddenly got up and charged at the being as a Super Saiyan Blue, he was then interrupted by a purple beam of energy that hit him, sending him back to the crowd
You looked over just to see who it was in the first place that shot that blast and went wide eyed
Y/N: No Way...!!
Goku: Vegeta!!
Natsu: That's one of the guys who's competing right?!
Tohru: What happened to him...? He's changed!
Y/N: What have you done to Vegeta?! Tell
???: If you must know, I took his power, and replaced it with my own, he's completely under my control, and he's not the only one.
Suddenly Zoro, Percedal, Tatsumaki, Ban, Sasuke, and Zebra appeared by Vegeta's side with the same purple aura and red eyes
Y/N: Dammit!!
Luffy: HE GOT ZORO!!!!
Naruto: Sasuke!!
Yugo: Dally too?!
Meliodas: Ban no!
Toriko: Zebra...!!
None of them said a word as Vegeta charged towards Goku who charged back, still at his Super Saiyan Blue level
The two clashed as Zoro slashed at Luffy's head, he dodged and threw Zoro away before running after him
Naruto and Sasuke began to go at it with a clash of their Rasengan and Chidori, creating a gust of wind
Yugo dodged Percedal's punches by using his portals, soon afterwards, Ban crashed into Percedal as the two of them skidded across the ground
Yugo looked to see Meliodas wiping his hands together
Yugo: Thanks!
Meliodas smiled as Zebra appeared behind him as Toriko suddenly appeared and punched him away
???: Hm, you're efforts are meaningless, you have no chance against me...
Y/N: Oh Yeah?!
You suddenly appeared in front of the mysterious being with your fist reeled back, throwing a punch at the being who summoned a force field around himself, suddenly releasing a powerful shockwave the moment you punched it
You went flying back and crashed into the ground, eventually picking yourself up and facing him once again
Y/N: I need to find a way to break through that barrier, if I have enough force, then just maybe...
You suddenly turned into a Super Saiyan 2 and leaped into the air, bolting towards the being and clashing with his barrier once again
Y/N: Tell me...what's your name...?!
???: I don't have one...but all things considered...I'll go with Mist...
Suddenly the being who had just named himself Mist, blew you away once again with his barrier, you managed to recover as Natsu and Issei rushed towards him, Midoriya and Ruby were doing their best to assist everyone who was fighting the ones under Mist's control
You suddenly went Super Saiyan 3 as Issei and Natsu began to go at it against Mist
Issei suddenly fired a large beam of red energy towards Mist who activated another Barrier
Natsu did the same thing, launching a full force attack as he unleashed a large blaze of scorching flames form his mouth
Both attacks clashed eventually Combined somehow, clashing into Mist's barrier as they both screamed
The two were struggling as You and Saitama suddenly appeared behind Mist with you fists reeled back
The two of you caught Mist off guard and threw a combined punch that clashed into the barrier as well, all of that force was enough to crack and eventually shatter the barrier, you and Saitama leaped away as Mist was engulfed in Issei and Natsu's attack
Y/N: Nice Shot!!
Saitama was suddenly thrown away by Tatsumaki as she began to attack him, you turned to see Mist, covered in burns and other wounds
Y/N: I see, you may use powerful abilities, but when it comes to physical close combat, you're nothing!
Mist: Tch!
Suddenly Mist's eyes began to shine, reaching an insane level of brightness, everyone was blinded for a short while as the light eventually faded, revealing Mist in a much larger form
Everyone on the battlefield went wide eyed as you began to power up out of pure instinct, the orbs of light around Mist's head began to suddenly spin, and eventually they all bolted towards the fighters in the battlefield
Explosions could be seen everywhere as everyone was sent flying into the air
Mist: You shall all Perish by my hand!
Y/N: Dammit...!!
You suddenly turned Super Saiyan Blue and rushed towards Mist at full speed as Mist didn't even move or speak
You shot your fist forward and clashed with yet another barrier, this one was much more powerful by all means
You struggled to break through but you were getting close, you began to internally scream as you were suddenly blown away
You crashed into a boulder as Mist readied another explosive assault
Midoriya ran to your aid and helped you up as you reverted back to base form
Midoriya: L/N! Are you okay?!
Y/N: Ugh...He...got me good with that one...!!
Midoriya: C'mon Y/N, there has to be something you can do! If you die here, everything we've strived for will be for nothing! Even if we manage to somehow defeat mist without you, we'd still have ARK to deal with!
Y/N: *Pant*...I think I have it...*Pant*...The answer...
You stood up straight as you began to slowly hover up into the air, staring down mist
Mist: Whatever Pathetic plan you may have up your sleeve, you'll fail and die in the end
You suddenly raised your hands in the air, gathering the energy from the plants, animals, and even the air, preparing to use a Spirit Bomb
Y/N: I can't defend myself in this state, Midoriya, I'll need you to do your best to protect me while I'm charging up the Spirit Bomb.
Midoriya didn't fully understand, but still complied, he began to power up to maximum power
Midoriya: I'll do what I can!! ONE FOR ALL: FULL COWLING 100%: KAIOKEN x20!!
Midoriya began to emit a powerful red aura, as well as a lot of blue and green lightning from his body, his hair slightly spiked up as he screamed and charged forth
Y/N: Midoriya...!!
He began to fight Mist and dodge his Ki blast attacks as you continued to charge the Spirit Bomb
Y/N: Hopefully he'll last long enough...!
Goku was still fighting Vegeta when he noticed that you were using the Spirit Bomb, he suddenly sledgehammered Vegeta to the ground and raised his arms, giving his energy to the Bomb
Goku: Go Y/N!!
Ruby saw what was going on as she raised her hands as well, Issei suddenly leaped up towards you and patted your back
Issei: Here! Use this!
Everyone began to raise their hands as Mist suddenly sent an Ki wave attack towards you, unable to defend yourself, you shut your eyes and braced for impact
A large explosion occurred as everyone went wide eyed, you opened your eyes to see none other than Lotus and Kasai to the rescue
Y/N: Lotus! Kasai! You have no Idea how happy I am to see you guys!!
Lotus: We saw the large explosions and rushed to help, sorry for the wait!
Lotus and Kasai suddenly turned Super Saiyan Blue and rushed Mist, being able to defend themselves and last long enough
At the same time, all of the other contestants began to arrive as well, increasing the chances of victory once more
Yang: Help has arrived!
King: Sorry for the delay!
Mist: Tch! DISAPPEAR!!
Mist began to fire more Ki blasts at every direction, each individual blast resulting in a massive explosion
Goku: Everyone! Raise your hands! Lend your Y/N your energy!!
Caulifla and Kale raised their arms and gave their energy to the spirit Bomb, Yang, Blake, amd Weiss soon joined in, Rias, Koneko, Kiba, and the rest of her peerage, Todoroki, Uraraka, Kirishima, and Surprisingly Bakugo
A lot more energy began to pour into the spirit Bomb as it began to grow in size
Y/N: It's working! Keep it coming! Please!
A small explosion occurred as Lotus and Kasai went bolting to the ground, covered in ash and in their base forms
All of class 1-a followed, giving their energy to the spirit Bomb as well, all 7 sins raised their hands as Natsu and Gray began to give their energy to spirit Bomb as well
Tohru and her friends followed as the spirit Bomb began to grow even more, the Strawhats and 4 heavenly kings gave their energy to the bomb as well as it began to grow to a massive size
Y/N: C'mom C'mon C'mon C'mon C'mon C'mon C'mon C'mon C'mon C'MON!! THIS IS IT! GOOO!!!!
You suddenly threw the spirit Bomb as it clashed with Mist's barrier, causing the entire area to shake
Y/N: What?!
Suddenly Luffy and Toriko rushed into action, leaping towards Mist as well, no longer messing around
Luffy; GUM GUM...
Suddenly Natsu and Meliodas appeared behind Mist with their attacks ready as well
Saitama and Midoriya appeared above Mist as you turned into your Omni God form and rushed towards Mist
Saitama: Serious Series...
Midoriya: ONE FOR ALL: 100% DETROIT...
Naruto suddenly appeared below Mist as Naruto got turned into his nine tails chakra mode, soon turning into Kurama
Naruto: Let's Go Kurama!!
Y/N and Goku: KA...ME...HA...ME...
Everyone: GOOOOOO!!!!
With that, everyone began to launch their final attacks in one combined blow
Meliodas: TAKE THIS!!
Midoriya: SMAAAAAASH!!
Y/N and Goku: HAAAAAAA!!!!
All of the attacks together crashed into Mist's barrier at the same time, he tried to fight back with some Ki attacks but it proved too much for him
Mist's barrier began to crack, and ultimately shatter, leaving Mist wide open to take all of the attacks at the same time
Mist: I can't die here...NOT HERE!!!!!!!
All of the attacks were able to create a loud explosion that could be seen from miles away, ultimately destroying Mist completely
Once the light of the explosion faded, everyone looked to the now absolute wasteland that used to be the stadium
Everyone infected by Mist's powers went back to normal, losing their purple aura's as their eyes went back to normal
Vegeta: What the...?!
Percedal: Uhhh...can someone tell me what just happened...?
Yang: They did it!
Kiba: That was incredible!!
Kirishima: I've never seen such a fight!!
You and everyone else calmed down as most fell to the ground in a crater with everyone else, however, once you reverted back to base form and fell to the ground, you opened your eyes to see Goku smiling and looking up at you
Goku began to laugh out of joy, you gave him a smile and began to laugh with him, eventually everyone in the crater joined in
(Hey everyone! It's lavender! This concludes the special series! I've also planned the rest of the story, this point to the very end is all planned out, some changes may be made in the future, but I have a good idea on it, anyway, I hope you enjoyed the special series, until next time!)
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