Chapter 98: Evil Doubles

Uraraka was walking around the outside of the academy in hopes of getting some fresh air as she looked at the night sky

She then looked back down and saw someone heading her way, eventually they got close enough for her to recognize them

Uraraka: Deku...? What are you doing out here so late...?

Midoriya smiled innocently which soon became an evil smile as he lunged towards Uraraka while preparing a Detroit smash

Uraraka: Wha?!

???: Uraraka!!

Suddenly Midoriya, the TRUE Midoriya, rushed to her aid and kicked the villain away using his shoot style

Uraraka: D-Deku...?!

Midoriya: I know it may seem like a confusing, but that's NOT me!

Villain Deku: Well, technically speaking, yes, I AM you, I'm not the only one either...

Ruby suddenly appeared on the scene with Issei as their friends followed them out of the building

Ruby: Guys!

Issei: We heard a loud bang! What's going on—

Suddenly Issei was hit by a red beam of energy that send him flying back as he screamed a loud one

Issei: GAH!!

Rias: Issei!!

The others looked over to see another Issei, this one was in a suit with his boosted gear activated, he also had fallen wings instead of devil wings

Fallen Issei: Well Well Well, looks like I have a pest to stomp...

Blake: Another Issei?!

Vali: That's even worse...

Ruby's cheek was Suddenly grazed by an unknown entity as she stumbled over and saw another Ruby, her skin was very pale as her hair was fully black

Grimm Ruby: It's about time we've been given a place in the spotlight, wouldn't you all agree?

Ruby: That's me!!

Uraraka: Ruby too?!

Suddenly Villain Deku got up and faced Midoriya as his smile disappeared

Midoriya: I won't lose to myself! ONE FOR ALL: KAIOKEN!

Villain Deku then got up as he activated his full cowling as well and faced Midoriya with an angry expression on his face

Villain Deku: So you'd like to be it, I'll teach you not to get in our way!

Issei got up and faced Fallen Issei as Ruby speed back to Grimm Ruby and readied crescent rose for another battle

With that, Midoriya, Issei, and Ruby dashed towards their evil counterparts and began to clash, there was a lot of negative emotions in the area at the time, and where there's negative emotions, Grimm are bound to appear

Meanwhile in the woods, The Saiyans, Lotus, Kasai, Caulifla, and Kale, were elsewhere, flying around while looking for you

Lotus: Where could he have gone?!

Caulifla: You didn't have to hit him! He's our key to survival!!

Kasai: Quiet down! We can't be arguing at a time like this!!

Kale: K-Kasai's right! We need to find Y/N!

Lotus: Hm...I sense 2 large energies near the academy, Kale, Kasai, you two go investigate, Caulifla and I will stay out here and find him!

With that they agreed with the plan as they split up and flew their separate ways, as they all flew away, you were right below them sitting against a tree with a face full of guilt

Y/N: He was trying to teach me a lesson, and I almost killed him...!!

???: Y/N...

You suddenly went wide eyed and bolted away from the tree with your guard sharpened, you saw a shadow sitting on a stump

???: Calm down, boy, I'm not gonna hurt you...

You then walked closer just to see who it was, it was a man, but not a human, but a Saiyan, with white hair and grey eyes, wearing a tank top and a black scarf over his neck

Y/N: W-Who are you...?!

???: You need to get your shit together, Y/N, I haven't seen you in years and your a complete mess...

Y/N: How do you know my name?!

The man sighed and got comfortable as he spoke up with a slightly annoyed tone of voice

???: Just shut up and listen, I'll explain a few things to you, but if you want to hear the whole story afterwards, you'll have to make a decision...

Meanwhile, Midoriya and Co. were still facing off against their evil counterparts as Issei crashed into a wall, Ruby suddenly cut Grimm Ruby's face as Midoriya has Villain Deku pinned to the ground

Midoriya: It's over! You can't win!

Villain Deku: Heh, WE'RE the ones in control here...!!

Villain Deku suddenly gained a red aura and kicked Midoriya away as he got up and faced him, now using Kaioken

Midoriya: No way...!!

Kale and Kasai were about to approach the scene when suddenly 2 entities warped in front of them

Val: Uh Oh, we can't exactly let you interfere...

???: Yeah! Let's fight!!

Kasai: What do you guys want with us?!

Val: We're here for a good show! It's that simple!

Kasai: You think putting the lives of others at risk is a GAME?!


You were sitting with the man as he began to speak to you

???: You see, eons before these worlds existed, lived the three types of Saiyans, your basic Saiyans, being quite weak, your God Saiyans, packing a little more of a punch than the normal Saiyans, and lastly, your Celestial Saiyans, YOU and I, are two of the Celestial Saiyans

Y/N: How are you so sure that I'm one of these Celestials you speak of...?

???: You'll find out in time, now, I leave you with a decision to make, you can come home with me, and train for this event of yours, possibly be a little late, or you can stay here and's really your choice...

You sat there and thought about it for a moment, eventually coming up with a decision as you took his hand

???: The wise decision, once we arrive I will tell you everything...

With that the two of you began to glow and eventually disappearing into thin air, in the distance was Piccolo watching the whole thing

Piccolo: Be careful, Y/N...

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