Chapter 92: The Final Match
You were now stretching after your little...deadly beating from Ark, his beating along with the toll of Omni God 3 Kaioken 20x you had to eat 2 Senzu beans
Y/N: Phew! Now can we please get back to this tournament...?
Intercom: Wait what? Oh yeah! Let's get on to the final match!
The crowd began to cheer as everyone raise a brow on confusion
Yang: Final Match?
Momo: But there's still 4 contestants left.
Intercom: Well, that's the thing, after all of these interruptions, we're all wanting to go home and get some rest, so for the final match, we're gonna make it super action packed and make it a 4 man free for all!!
Suddenly You, Glint, Scrawl, and Wolf appeared on the small planet that was now prepared, the four of you were confused for a short moment before realizing that the match was going on right now
Everyone got into their fighting stances as Scrawl grabbed the large cloak that he was wearing and threw it off of him, revealing his true looks
Scrawl: Let's get this over with...
Glint: Look who decided to show himself for the first time this week!
Wolf: About time...
You got even more confused by their comments, it was as if they knew each other
Y/N: They know each other don't they...
With that the buzzer went off as everyone on the small planet stood completely still? Waiting for someone to make a move
Full of excitement, Glint went ahead and made the first move as he rushed towards Wolf who got ready to attack, Wolf rammed Glint as the two of them began to trade blows at a quick pace
Meanwhile you faced Scrawl who gave you a rather intimidating glare before getting into a fighting stance
Y/N: A namekian Huh? Hopefully you're stronger than piccolo...
Suddenly Scrawl charged towards you and reeled his fist back as you leaped back, avoiding a heavy elbow that hit the ground making a large crater
You slid back a little before charging towards scrawl and head butting him on the forehead, dazing him, you were about to go in for another attack as scrawl suddenly opened his eyes and grabbed your arm, swinging you around before throwing you away
Everyone in the spectator balcony watched in awe as you flipped yourself over in midair and charged towards Scrawl once again, putting a little bit more speed into your attacks
You reeled your fist back and shot it forward as Scrawl got ready to grab you again, but this time you disappeared and reappeared above him before sledgehammering him on the back of the head, he didn't fall but a massive crater formed as Wolf suddenly appeared and kicked you away
You skidded across the ground before leaping towards Wolf as an orb of Ki formed in his hand
Y/N: Take this!!!
Wolf: HA!!!
The two of you fired large Ki blasts at each other as they exploded on contact, emitting a bright light that made everyone cover their eyes
Kirishima: Those guys are on par with Y/N...?
Aoyama: Almost as sparkly as me!
Professor: Those Students went through the same kind of training Y/N did, a year's worth of training
As the light of the explosion faded everyone looked to see the four of you facing each other in a circle like formation
Y/N: Wow, you guys are strong! I say we take things to the next level!
Glint: Yeah! Count on it!
Wolf: Let's do it!
Scrawl: Witness the Power of the namekian race!
Suddenly a web of cracks began to form around the four of you as small pieces of debris began to slowly rise, eventually the staduim began to shake as you all began to scream, powering up
The entire planet began to crack as everyone's aura's got large and began to produce more wind pressure that blew everything away
Midoriya: Just how far are they gonna go?!?!
Ruby: GET COVER!!!
Ruby's advice was soon taken as everyone ran inside the building, a barrier soon formed around the audience as the four of you began to charge your attacks
Y/N and Wolf: KA...ME...HA...ME...
Y/N and Wolf: HAAAAA!!!!
You and wolf fired different coloured Kamehameha waves as Scrawl fired a large beam of green light from one hand, Glint fired a large blue beam of energy from his head tentacle as the four attacks got closer to each other
Eventually they collided, causing a massive explosion to occur, the explosion could be seen from the moon as a tiny little flash of light
Eventually the light of the massive explosion faded as Everyone looked to see a massive cloud of black smoke in the fighting space
Everyone went wide eyed and waited to see the conclusion of the tournament as the smoke cleared, revealing the victor
Intercom: W-Wolf is out of bounds! As is Glint! And so is Scrawl! Y/N is out of bounds as well! Everyone is out! Which means the final match of the tournament IS A DRAW!!!
The crowd, now surprised began to cheer in excitement as everyone began to talk amongst themselves
Xenovia: I wasn't expecting a tie...
Iida: It's probably the best solution...
Wolf: That's winner...?
Glint: Aww! Over already?!
Scrawl: How humiliating...
Y/N and Yang: THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!!!!
Time Skip
Every single contestant that took place in the tournament was now standing in front of a set of dragon balls as the professor stood in front of them and summoned the eternal dragon
Professor: Rise Shenron! By name I summon you forth!!
Suddenly the dragon balls began to glow as a large entity soon shot up from the Dragon Balls, eventually revealing the eternal dragon, Shenron
Shenron: I am the eternal Dragon Shenron, State your wish.
Professor: Shenron, I wish for all contestants for the tournament who were killed to be brought back to life!
Shenron: I cannot grant that wish as it is FAR beyond my power—
Take 2
Shenron: It shall be done...
With that Shenron's eyes began to glow bright red, a flash of yellow light appeared in front of Everyone, once the light faded everyone looked to see Rias, Issei, Vali, and anyone else who died during the tournament standing there
Rias: I-I'm here!
Issei: We're alive!
Vali: ...
As everyone began to talk to them, mostly Rias and Vali, asking what being dead was like, they stayed silent as the professor cleared his throat, gaining everyone's attention
Professor: Alright everyone! That's a wrap! Now let's head back!
Everyone began to grab their stuff before headed back to the bus, eventually everyone got on the bus and headed home, satisfied with the tournament
Meanwhile two entities watched the bus drive away in the sky
Val: I see, so he's much stronger than anticipated!
???: I can't wait to have a rematch with him!
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